[Pages:3]Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosure Statement

The words "you" and "your" mean the depositor and any co-depositor. The words "we," "our" and "us" refer to the Municipal Credit Union.

You may authorize the electronic transfer of funds to or from your account(s) with us. Examples of these types of electronic transfers are:

The periodic direct deposit of government, payroll or other third-party payments into your account(s); The one-time or periodic transfer of funds from your account(s) to pay your obligations to third parties; 7KHRQHWLPHRUSHULRGLFWUDQVIHURIIXQGV\RXKDYHDWDQRWKHU?QDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQWRSD\XVRUWRIXQGDQHZDFFRXQWZLWKXV The one-time transfer of funds from your checking account when you authorize a merchant or other payee to:

(a) use information from your share draft (check) to initiate an electronic payment to purchase goods or services or to pay bills; RUE HOHFWURQLFDOO\FROOHFWDFKDUJHLQWKHHYHQWRIDFKHFN\RXJDYHLVUHWXUQHGIRULQVXI?FLHQWIXQGV ................

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