Heart of Texas Region MHMR - Baylor University

Heart of Texas Region MHMR

110 S. 12th Street, Waco, TX 76701

(254) 752-3451

(254) 714-0420 (fax)

Jobline (254) 297-7167


An Equal Opportunity Employer


August 17, 2007

Anyone wishing to be considered for vacancies must complete a Heart of Texas Region application. Resumes are not accepted in lieu of a completed application form. Resumes and letters of reference may be attached to the application to supply further information. The Heart of Texas MHMR requires pre-employment drug testing, criminal history backgrounds on all conditional offers of employment and driving record checks. Convictions related to any sexual offenses, drug related offenses; murder, theft, assault, battery or any crime involving personal injury or threat to another person may make you ineligible for employment. All applicants meeting minimum requirements will receive consideration; however, not all applicants may receive interviews. Positions are open until filled. For further details on any position, please contact Human Resources at (254) 297-7134. Fax to (254) 714-0420.

|Position |Dept. |Qualifications | |

|& Monthly |Location, |(Required Education & Experience) |General Description |

|Salary |& Shift | | |

|********* |******** |MASTERS/LICENSED |******************* |

|PRN/Registered Therapist |Klaras Children |Bachelor’s degree eligible for licensing as an Occupational or |Ability to work with families of children birth|

|#1542 |Center |Physical Therapist. Licensed to practice in Texas as an |to three years old with developmental delays. |

| | |Occupational or Physical Therapist. |Ability to create and carry our IFSP strategies|

|40/Hourly | | |that help families in their daily routines and |

| |Waco |Must have current valid drivers license and current and continued |in their natural environments. Ability to work|

| | |proof of auto and professional liability insurance. Must be able |as a member of an interdisciplinary team. |

|Date Posted 8/16/07 | |to drive a two-hour period. Able to perform skills necessary for | |

| |PRN Position |CPR and PMAB certification. | |

|Associate Psychologist |Center for |Master’s degree in social work, psychology, counseling or related |Behavior Support resource for individuals with |

|#1541 |Developmental |behavioral intervention. Licensure as a Psychological Associate |Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, |

| |Services |by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists. |Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, and |

| | | |other related conditions in the General |

| | |This position is primarily located in Waco, but will require work |Revenue, Home and Community Based Services, |

|20,905/Annually | |in six-county area served by Heart of Texas. Experience in |Texas Home Living and ICF-MR programs. |

|804.05 Bi-Weekly | |performing functional analysis of challenging behaviors and |Knowledge of the principles of behavior |

| |Waco |developing effective behavior intervention programs is desired. |analysis, individual and group counseling |

| | |Must be able to successfully participate, perform, and complete |techniques, and psychological tests and |

| | |the skills necessary for CPR, First Aid and PMAB certification. |measurements. |

| | |Must be able to stoop, bend and lift up to 50 lbs. Valid Texas | |

|Date Posted 7/6/07 |Tue, Wed & Thurs |drivers license and current and continued proof of auto liability | |

| |8am to 5pm |insurance. | |

|Position |Dept. |Qualifications | |

|& Monthly |Location, |(Required Education & Experience) |General Description |

|Salary |& Shift | | |

|Registered Therapist |Klaras Children |Bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy or Master’s degree in |Work with families and other caregivers of |

|#964 |Center |Physical Therapy. Licensed by the Texas Board of Occupational |children with developmental delay between birth|

| | |Therapy Examiners or Licensed by the Texas Board of Physical |and three years old. Conduct home and |

| | |Therapy Examiners. |community visits for the purpose of developing |

|47,500/Annually | | |Individualized Family Service Plans, providing |

|1,826.92/Bi-Weekly |Waco |Some travel to the Heart of Texas Region MHMR counties. Must be |motor therapy and/or consultation, and teaching|

| | |able to bend, sit, stoop, and lift up to 10 pounds. Able to |developmental activities to families and staff.|

| | |perform skills necessary for certification in CPR and First Aid |Work as a member of an interdisciplinary team. |

| | |and PMAB. | |

|Date Posted 3/30/07 |M-F 8-5 | | |

|************ |******** |BACHELORS/NONLICENSED |***************** |

|Supervisor I or II (L), |Main Center |Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in |Position requires ability to hire, train and |

|Supervisor I or II, based on | |social work, psychology or related field, plus two years of work |supervise staff in a team setting, manage daily|

|experience and applicable | |experience is required. Additional experience or licensure is |operations of the unit, assist Division |

|licensure. | |required to be hired in at above the Supervisor I level. |Director in management of unit budget, and |

|#1543 | |Preference given for individuals with supervisory experience. |other administrative tasks as assigned. |

| |Waco | |Requires ability to develop and ensure ongoing |

|32,000/40,000 | | |progress of the unit, and articulate |

|Annually | | |communication, both verbally and in writing. |

|DOE and Licensure | | |Ability to provide direct service to consumers.|

| | | |Must also possess skills to perform complex |

| |8 – 5 M – F |Some travel is required. Must be able to perform skills necessary|clerical and clinical support work related to |

|Date Posted 8/16/07 | |for CPR and PMAB certification. Must be able to stoop, bend, and |the documentation of clinical services |

| | |lift up to 30 pounds. |provided. |

|Senior Financial Analyst |Main Center |Bachelors degree in Accounting/Business |Prepare payroll reports and assist in payroll |

|# 1536 | | |processing. Balance and maintain Cash Receipt |

| | |Three (3) years experience in related activities or CPA candidate.|Log and post it to GL. Prepare quarterly cost |

| |Waco |Performs advanced and/or managerial (senior-level) accounting |reports. Researches reconciliation |

|42,800/Annual | |work. Reliable transportation and travel as needed. Physical |discrepancies and reports findings to the |

|DOE | |ability to sit for extended periods; working at a computer; |appropriate manager. Work with A/P, A/R to |

| | |lifting up to 50 pounds; some stooping; bending and kneeling and |ensure proper accounting processes. Prepare, |

| |M – F 8 - 5 |drive a vehicle for travel to and from meetings. Must |monitor and reconcile bank accounts. May |

|Date Posted 8/1/07 | |successfully participate, perform, and complete the skills |supervise technical and/or clerical staff |

| | |necessary for CPR, First Aid, PMAB and AED certification. |performing accounting and budget activities. |

|Case Manager I |Main Center |Bachelor’s degree social work, psychology, or related field |Individual must possess skills to implement |

|#1091 | |required. |rehabilitation tratment plans for consumers and|

| | | |provide psychosocial rehabilitative skills |

| | | |training. Must possess the ability to provide |

|27,000/Annually |Waco |Some travel included. Must be able to successfully participate, |direct service to consumers in an effort to |

|12.98/Hourly | |perform, and complete the skills necessary for CPR, First Aid and |achieve and maintain stability of functioning |

| | |PMAB certification. Must be able to stoop, bend, push, pull, and |and to facilitate the successful completion of |

| | |lift up to 30 pounds. Individual to work for a progressive mental|consumer goals. |

| |M – F 8 - 5 |health agency and to utilize a diversity of skills and experience | |

| | |in the provision of case management services to mental health | |

|Date Posted 8/15/07 | |consumers. | |

|Position |Dept. |Qualifications | |

|& Monthly |Location, |(Required Education & Experience) |General Description |

|Salary |& Shift | | |

|Case Manager I |Center for |Bachelor’s degree social work, psychology, or related field |Position requires interviewing and interacting |

|#0994 |Developmental |required. |with consumers, and if appropriate their |

| |Services | |families, friends and other community |

| | | |connections to develop a plan that focuses on |

|27,000/Annually | |Experience in a social service setting is preferred. Some travel |individually desired outcomes. Assist |

|12.98/Hourly | |included. Must be able to successfully participate, perform, and |consumers in identifying needs and accessing |

| |Waco |complete the skills necessary for CPR, First Aid and PMAB |services and other supports to address those |

| | |certification. Must be able to stoop, bend, push, pull, and lift |needs. Evaluate the delivery of services on a |

| | |up to 30 pounds. |regular basis. Establish guidelines regarding |

| | | |requires documentation. Must have reliable |

|Date Posted 8/3/07 |M – F 8 - 5 | |transportation. |

| ************ |******** |ADMINISTRATIVE |***************** |

|********** |******** |CLERICAL |******************* |

|Support Staff |Main Center |High School diploma or equivalent. |Under supervision of Department Director for |

|# 1385 | | |facility and vehicle maintenance, answers phone|

| | | |inquiries, develops & maintains appropriate |

| | | |logs for vehicles and work orders. Maintains |

|17,510/Annually |Waco |One-year experience in related activities. Physical ability to |inventory supplies and ordering as needed. |

|8.42/Hourly | |set for extended periods; working at a computer; lifting up to |Prepares purchase orders and vouchers, |

| | |fifty pounds; some stooping, bending and kneeling required. Must |maintains project records, reports and |

| | |be able to perform skills necessary for PMAB and CPR/First Aid |contracts. Must have excellent computer skills|

| | |certification. Current drivers license with clear driving record |and knowledge use of programs including |

|Date Posted 8/7/07 |8 – 5 M – F |and proof of current and continued proof of auto liability |Microsoft office and Excel. |

| | |insurance. Must have reliable transportation and be able to | |

| | |travel as needed. | |

|********* |******** |DIRECT CARE/NON DEGREED |******************* |

|Therapist Tech |Parkside GH |High school diploma or equivalent. |Requires the individual have good oral and |

|#3079 | | |written skills. Provide training and |

| | |Six months previous full time employment experience. Valid |supervision to individuals in an ICF/MR |

| | |drivers license and current and continued proof of auto liability |residential facility. Documenting and carrying|

|16,733/Annually |Groesbeck |insurance. Must possess a good driving record responsible for |out training in daily living skills. Basic |

|8.04/Hourly | |transporting consumers to various appointments. Stooping, |reading and writing skills & knowledge of |

| | |bending, transferring, and lifting up to 100 lbs. Must be able to|therapeutic activities. Sound judgment and |

| | |perform skills necessary for CPR and PMAB certification. Good |strong decision making skills. Must be |

| | |daily attendance record is necessary. Must have ability to apply |dependable. May work other shifts. Some |

|Date Posted 8/7/07 |4 pm to 12 am |excellent verbal intervention as needed. |administrative duties with minimal supervision.|

| | | | |

| |M - F | | |

|Habilitation Specialist |Center for |High school diploma or equivalent. |Must have advanced computer skills, |

|#1531 |Developmental | |organizational skills and able to communicate |

| |Services |Two (2) year experience working with people with Developmental |both verbally and in writing. Manage provider |

| | |Disabilities. Valid drivers license and current and continued |services such as scheduling, documentation, |

|20,800/Annually | |proof of auto liability insurance. Occasional lifting (up to 50 |writing action plans, and monitoring training. |

|10.00/Hourly | |– 75 lbs.) Must be able to perform skills necessary for CPR and |Have and maintain a level of health that |

| |Waco |PMAB certification. Good daily attendance record is necessary. |permits job duties. |

| | |Must have ability to apply excellent verbal intervention as | |

| | |needed. | |

|Date Posted 8/3/07 |8 – 5 M - F | | |

|Position |Dept. |Qualifications | |

|& Monthly |Location, |(Required Education & Experience) |General Description |

|Salary |& Shift | | |

|Therapist Tech |West Ward |High school diploma or equivalent. |Requires the individual have good oral and |

|#3108 | | |written skills. Provide training and |

| |Waco |Six months previous full time employment experience. Valid |supervision to individuals in an ICF/MR |

| | |drivers license and current and continued proof of auto liability |residential facility. Documenting and carrying|

|12,550/Annually |30 Hours per |insurance. Good driving record and the ability to drive a 12 – 15|out training in daily living skills. Basic |

|8.04/Hourly |week/Hours may vary |passenger van. Occasional lifting (up to 50 – 75 lbs.) Must be |reading and writing skills & knowledge of |

| | |able to perform skills necessary for CPR and PMAB certification. |therapeutic activities. Sound judgment and |

| |3 pm to 9 pm |Good daily attendance record is necessary. Must have ability to |strong decision making skills. Must be |

| |Mon thru Fri |apply excellent verbal intervention as needed. |dependable. May work other shifts. Some |

|Date Posted 7/17/07 | | |administrative duties with minimal supervision.|

|Therapist Tech |Foster. Group Home |High School Diploma or Equivalent |One year experience providing intensive direct |

|#3127 | | |care/therapeutic services to people physical |

| | |One (1) year experience working with Developmental Disabilities |disabilities, to include training and assisting|

| |Marlin |and one (1) year experience providing direct care/therapeutic |in daily living skills, applying positioning |

|16,733/Annually | |services to people with disabilities. Occasional lifting (up to |techniques, preparing special diets, etc. |

|8.04/Hourly | |50 – 75 lbs.) Must be able to perform skills necessary for CPR |Experience in planning, organizing, |

| |11 PM to 11 AM Sat &|and PMAB certification. Good daily attendance record is |implementing social, recreational and leisure |

| |Sun |necessary. Valid drivers license, good driving record and current|activities. |

| |7 AM to 3 PM |and continued proof of auto liability insurance. | |

|Date Posted 7/6/07 |Wed & Thurs | | |

|Therapist Tech |HCS Group Homes |High school diploma or equivalent. |Person hired in this position will provide |

|#1097 | | |direct care to individuals in four-bed |

| |Waco/Marlin | |residential homes. Applicant hired must be |

| | |One (1) year experience working with Developmental Disabilities |flexible to work all shifts when needed. Work |

| |Schedule based on |and one (1) year experience providing direct care/therapeutic |a 40-hour work schedule weekly. Includes |

|16,733/Annually |needs of various |services to people with disabilities. Occasional lifting (up to |training and assisting in daily living skills, |

|8.04/Hourly |group homes. You |50 – 75 lbs.) Must be able to perform skills necessary for CPR |assisting in meal preparation and special |

| |must be able to work|and PMAB certification. Good daily attendance record is |diets, providing various levels of assistance |

| |all shifts. |necessary. Valid drivers license, good driving record and current|in completing basic personal hygiene tasks, and|

| | |and continued proof of auto liability insurance. |medication monitoring. |

|Date Posted 6/15/07 | | | |

|Therapist Tech |North 39th St. |High school diploma or equivalent. |Requires the individual have good oral and |

|#1141 | | |written skills. Provide training and |

| |Waco |Six months previous full time employment experience. Valid |supervision to individuals in an ICF/MR |

| | |drivers license and current and continued proof of auto liability |residential facility. Documenting and carrying|

|8,367/Annually |20 Hours per |insurance. Good driving record and the ability to drive a 12 – 15|out training in daily living skills. Basic |

|8.04/Hourly |week/Hours may vary |passenger van. Occasional lifting (up to 50 – 75 lbs.) Must be |reading and writing skills & knowledge of |

| | |able to perform skills necessary for CPR and PMAB certification. |therapeutic activities. Sound judgment and |

| |9 am to 7 pm |Good daily attendance record is necessary. Must have ability to |strong decision making skills. Must be |

| |Sat & Sun |apply excellent verbal intervention as needed. |dependable. May work other shifts. Some |

|Date Posted 6/8/07 | | |administrative duties with minimal supervision.|

|Position |Dept. |Qualifications | |

|& Monthly |Location, |(Required Education & Experience) |General Description |

|Salary |& Shift | | |

| Therapist Tech |Foster GH |High School Diploma or Equivalent |Experience includes training and assisting in |

|#3057 | | |daily livings skills, assisting in meal |

| |Marlin | |preparation and preparing special diets, |

| | |One (1) year experience working with Developmental Disabilities |providing various levels of assistance in |

|16,733/Annually | |and one (1) year experience providing direct care/therapeutic |completing basic personal hygiene tasks, and |

|8.04/Hourly |11 pm Fri thru |services to people with disabilities. Have and maintain a level of|medication monitoring. Experience planning, |

| |11 am Sat and |general health. Ability to perform skills for certification in |organizing and implementing social, |

| |11 pm Sat thru |CPR and PMAB. Have a valid drivers license and current and |recreational and leisure activities for |

|Date Posted 5/29/07 |11 am Sun |continued proof of auto liability insurance. Stooping, bending, |individuals or small groups. Good verbal |

| |7 am to 3 pm |transferring and lifting up to 50 - 75 lbs. |skills and basic reading and writing skills. |

| |Mon & Tues | | |

|Therapist Tech |HCS Alternate |High School Diploma or Equivalent |Opportunity works with individuals with |

|#0879 |Resident Residence | |developmental delays in all areas of daily |

| | |Have and maintain a level of general health. Ability to perform |living skills and community involvement. Good |

| |Waco |skills for certification in CPR and PMAB. Must be certified in |oral and written communication skills. Basic |

|16,733/Annually | |Defensive Driving or possess a current Defensive Driving |reading and writing skills. Work as a team |

|8.04/Hourly | |certificate. Stooping, bending, transferring and lifting up to |member in all areas of planning and assisting |

| |12 am to 8 am |100 lbs. |individuals in obtaining their individual |

| |Tues – Sat | |goals. |

|Date Posted 5/8/07 | | | |

|Therapist Tech |West Ward Group Home|High School Diploma or Equivalent |Requires the individual have good oral and |

|#1132 | | |written skills. Provide training and |

| | | |supervision to individuals in an ICF/MR |

| | |Six months previous full time employment experience. Valid |residential facility. Documenting and carrying|

|16,733/Annually |Waco |drivers license and current and continued proof of auto liability |out training in daily living skills. Basic |

|8.04/Hourly | |insurance. Good driving record and the ability to drive a 12 – 15|reading and writing skills & knowledge of |

| | |passenger van. Occasional lifting (up to 50 – 75 lbs.) Must be |therapeutic activities. Sound judgment and |

| | |able to perform skills necessary for CPR and PMAB certification. |strong decision making skills. Must be |

| | |Good daily attendance record is necessary. Must have ability to |dependable. May work other shifts. Some |

|Date Posted 5/8/07 |11 pm to 7 am |apply excellent |administrative duties with minimal supervision.|

| |Sun thru Fri | | |

|Therapist Tech PRN | Mexia, Teague |High School Diploma or Equivalent |Must have basic skills and knowledge of |

|#3107 |Groesbeck | |therapeutic activities. Communicate |

| | |Six months full time employment such as direct care in mental |effectively with consumers. Be dependable with|

| | |retardation, occupational therapist assistant, psychological |reliable transportation. Daily travel |

|$10/Hourly PRN |Varied |assistant, self-help trainer, re-vocational skills training, |required. Preference given to those who have |

| | |caseworker or homemaker. Preference to those who have experience|experience working within the field of mental |

| | |within the field of mental retardation. Must be able to bend, |retardation |

|Date Posted | |sit, stoop, and lift up to 50 – 75 pounds. Must be able to | |

|6/20/05 | |perform skills necessary for certification in CPR and First Aid | |

| | |and PMAB. | |


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