Mater Academy Charter School

Geometry Transformations ProjectThis is a Geometry/Art project designed to assess your knowledge of the transformations: reflection, rotation, and translation. You will be creating a piece of artwork that you will reflect, rotate, and translate to form three additional copies of the artwork in the three other quadrants of the x-and y-coordinate plane. Complete the project on the given graph paper. You must print out both pages to receive credit for this activity. Finally, this activity count as test grade. Step 1: Draw your original artwork in the 1 st quadrant. Label the image with letter notation. Be as neat as possible and be sure to make the drawing somewhat intricate and interesting for maximum credit. Step 2: Reflect this artwork exactly across either the x-axis or the y-axis. Label the image with prime notation. At the bottom of the page, indicate in which quadrant this image lies. Then, describe the reflection and write the rule for the reflection. Step 3: Rotate the original artwork either 90?, 180?, or 270? clockwise or counter-clockwise. Label the image with double prime notation. At the bottom of the page, indicate in which quadrant this image lies. Then, describe the rotation and write the rule for the rotation. Step 4: Translate the original artwork into the remaining quadrant. Label the image with triple prime notation. At the bottom of the page, indicate in which quadrant this image lies. Then, describe the translation and write the rule for the translation.IMPORTANT: LABEL ALL POINTS WITH CORRECT NOTATIONGRADING: Reflection (image/quadrant/description/rule): 10 8 6 4 2 0 Rotation (image/quadrant/description/rule): 10 8 6 4 2 0 Translation (image/quadrant/description/rule): 10 8 6 4 2 0 Creativity and Neatness: 10 8 6 4 2 0 GradesPoints“A”35-40“B”30-34“C”25-29“D”20-24“F”Less than 20Total Points: __________Pre Image Reflected Image Rotated Image Translated Image TransformationsQuadrantDescriptionRuleREFLECTED IMAGE ROTATED IMAGETRANSLATED IMAGE ................

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