Cobb County Second Grade: Student-Teacher Friendly ...

Cobb County Second Grade: Informational Student-Teacher Friendly Rubric

|Domain |Component |Does Not Meet |Meets Expectations |Exceeds Expectations |

|Ideas |Focus |My main idea or purpose is not clear to my |My main idea and purpose are clear to my reader in parts of my |My main idea and purpose are clear to my reader throughout |

| | |reader. |piece. |my piece. |

| |Supporting Details |I do not include many details. Some of the |I include some facts, details, and examples about my topic. I |I include interesting facts, details, and examples about my |

| | |details may not go with my topic. |may include charts, tables, or graphs to help my reader |topic throughout my paper. I include charts, tables, or |

| | | |understand my writing. |graphs to help my reader understand my writing. |

| |Use of Resources |I do not use outside resources to get |I use a few outside resources to get and share information |I use various resources to get and share information about |

| |(encyclopedia, |information about my topic. |about my topic. (encyclopedia, Internet, books) |my topic (encyclopedia, Internet, books). I include the |

| |Internet, books) | | |information written in my own words. |

| |Development/ |I do not include enough information to |I include some information to tell my reader about my topic. |I include enough information to inform my reader about my |

| |Completeness |explain my topic. I leave out important |My reader may have questions about my topic. |topic. |

| | |details. | | |

|Organization |Organizational Pattern |I do not have an introduction, body, and/or |My piece has an introduction, a body, and conclusion, but I |My piece has a strong introduction, body, and conclusion. |

| | |conclusion. |need to add more details to at least one part. | |

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| |Grouping of Ideas |I did not group my ideas together in a way |I group my ideas together in a way that makes sense to my |I group my ideas together in a way that makes sense to my |

| | |that makes sense. |reader most of the time (chronological order, similarity and |reader throughout my piece (chronological order, similarity |

| | | |difference, question and answer). |and difference, question and answer). |

| |Transitions |I did not use transition words and phrases. |I use some transition words and phrases. |I use many different transition words and phrases. |

|Style |Word Choice |I repeated many of the same words. I did not|My writing includes some interesting words to help my reader |My writing includes many interesting words to help my reader|

| | |include interesting words to help my reader |get a picture in his/her head (strong verbs, adjectives, words |get a picture in his/her head (strong verbs, adjectives, |

| | |get a picture in his/her head. |relating to my topic). |words relating to my topic). |

| |Audience Awareness |It doesn’t sound like I’m interested in this |In parts of my paper, readers can tell I’m talking right to |Readers can tell I’m talking right to them and that I care |

| | |topic. It doesn’t sound like me. |them and that I care about this topic. My writing is beginning |about this topic throughout my piece. |

| | | |to sound like me! |My writing sounds like me! |

Cobb County Second Grade: Student-Teacher Friendly Response to Literature Rubric

|Domain |Component |Does Not Meet |Meets Expectations |Exceeds Expectations |

|Ideas |Focus |My main idea, purpose, and opinion are not |My main idea, purpose, and opinion are clear to my reader in |My main idea, purpose, and opinion are clear to my reader |

| | |clear to my reader. |parts of my piece. |throughout my piece. |

| |Supporting Details |I do not include many details. Some of the |I include some examples, facts, and/or details to support my |I include many interesting facts, details, and examples to |

| | |details may not support my opinion. |opinion about what I read. |support my opinion about what I read. |

| |Connecting to Text |I do not express and support my opinion or |I express and support my opinion, and make connections |I clearly express and support my opinion with many details, |

| | |make connections. |(text-to-text, text-to-self, text-to-world). |and make connections (text-to-text, text-to-self, |

| | | | |text-to-world). |

| |Development/ |I have included little or no information to |I have included some information to show that I understand what|I have included information (several examples, facts, and/or)|

| |Completeness |show that I understand what I read. |I read. |to show that I understand what I read. |

| | | | | |

|Organization |Organizational Pattern|I do not have a clear introduction, body, and|My piece has an introduction, body, and conclusion, but I need |My piece has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. My |

| | |conclusion. |to add more details to at least one part. |opening hooks my reader, and the ending wraps things up. |

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| |Grouping of Ideas |I did not group my ideas together in a way |I group my ideas together in a way that makes sense to my |I group my ideas together in a way that makes sense to my |

| | |that makes sense. |reader most of the time (chronological order, similarity and |reader throughout my piece (chronological order, similarity |

| | | |difference, question and answer). |and difference, question and answer). |

| |Transitions |I use very few or no transition words and |I use some transition words and phrases. |I use many different transition words and phrases. |

| | |phrases. | | |

|Style |Word Choice |I repeat many of the same words. I did not |My writing includes some interesting words to help my reader |My writing includes many interesting words to help my reader |

| | |include interesting words to help my reader |get a picture in his/her head (strong verbs, adjectives, words |get a picture in his/her head (strong verbs, adjectives, |

| | |get a picture in his/her head (strong verbs, |relating to my topic). |words relating to my topic). |

| | |adjectives, words relating to my topic). | | |

| |Audience Awareness |It doesn’t sound like I’m interested in this |In parts of my paper, readers can tell I’m talking right to |Readers can tell I’m talking right to them and that I care |

| | |topic. It doesn’t sound like me. |them and that I care about this topic. My writing is beginning |about this topic throughout my piece. |

| | | |to sound like me! |My writing sounds like me! |

Cobb County Second Grade: Student-Teacher Friendly Narrative Writing

|Domain |Component |Does Not Meet Expectations |Meets Expectations |Exceeds Expectations |

|Ideas |Focus |My main idea or purpose is not clear to my reader. |My main idea and purpose are clear to my reader in parts |My main idea and purpose are clear to my reader |

| | | |of my story. |throughout my story. |

| |Supporting Details |I have a few details and some may not fit my story. |I include some details and descriptions (setting, |I include many interesting details and descriptions |

| | | |events). My reader may have questions about what I mean. |(setting, events) to create meaning for my reader. |

| |Character Development |I may name or list my characters. I do not describe |I am beginning to develop my characters by describing |I develop my characters by describing them, telling what|

| | |them or tell what they do. |them and telling what they do. |they do, and adding dialogue (with quotation marks). |

| |Development/ |I did not tell the whole story. I left out important |I include enough information to tell my story. |I use many details and examples to describe the events |

| |Completeness |events. | |in my story. |

|Organization |Organizational Pattern|I do not have a clear beginning, middle, or end. |My story has a beginning, middle, and end, but I need to |My story has a strong beginning, middle, and end. My |

| |(Beginning, Middle, | |add more details to at least one part. |opening hooks my reader, and the ending wraps things up.|

| |End) | | | |

|Style |Chronological Sequence|The order of the events in my story doesn’t make |Most of the events in my story happen in an order that |My story follows an order that makes sense to the |

| |of Ideas |sense. |makes sense. |reader. |

| |Transitions |I did not use transition words and phrases. |I use transition words and phrases. |I use varied transition words and phrases throughout my | |

| | | | |story. | |

| |Word Choice |I repeated many of the same words. I did not include |My writing includes some interesting words to help my |My writing includes some interesting words to help my |

| | |interesting words to help my reader get a picture in |reader get a picture in his/her head (strong verbs, |reader get a picture in his/her head (strong verbs, |

| | |his/her head (strong verbs, adjectives). |adjectives). |adjectives). The words I choose help me to show, not |

| | | | |just tell what happens in my story. |

| |Audience Awareness |It doesn’t sound like I care about this topic. It |Readers can tell I’m talking right to them and that I |Readers can tell I’m talking right to them and that I |

| | |doesn’t sound like me. |care about this topic in parts of my story. My writing is|care about this topic throughout my story. |

| | | |beginning to sound like me! |My writing sounds like me! |

Cobb County Second Grade: Student-Teacher Friendly Persuasive Writing

|Domain |Component |Does Not Meet Expectations |Meets Expectations |Exceeds Expectations |

|Ideas |Focus |My opinion is not clear to my reader. |My opinion is clear to my reader in parts of my paper. |My opinion is clear to my reader throughout my paper. |

| |Supporting Details |I have few details and some may not fit my piece. |I include some examples, facts, and/or details to support|I include many interesting examples, facts, and/or |

| | | |my opinion and persuade my reader. |details to support my opinion and persuade my reader. |

| |Position |I did not state or support my opinion. |I state and support my opinion in parts of my paper. |I clearly state and support my opinion throughout the |

| | | | |paper. |

| |Development/ |I include very little or no information to support my |I include some information to support my opinion. |I use many examples, facts, and/or details to support my|

| |Completeness |opinion. | |opinion. |

|Organization |Organizational Pattern|I do not have an introduction, body, and/or |My piece has an introduction, body, and conclusion. One |My piece has a strong introduction, body, and |

| |(introduction, body, |conclusion. |part of the paper may not be as strong as the others. |conclusion. |

| |conclusion) | | | |

| |Grouping of Ideas |I did not group my ideas together in a way that makes |I group my ideas together in a way that makes sense to my|I group my ideas together in a way that makes sense to |

| | |sense. |reader most of the time (chronological order, similarity |my reader throughout my piece (chronological order, |

| | | |and difference, question and answer). |similarity and difference, question and answer). |

| |Transitions |I did use very few or no transition words and phrases.|I use some transition words and phrases. |I use varied transition words and phrases throughout my | |

| | | | |paper. | |

|Style |Word Choice |I repeated many of the same words. I did not include |My writing includes some interesting words to help my |My writing includes many interesting words to help my |

| | |interesting words to help my reader get a picture in |reader get a picture in his/her head (strong verbs, |reader get a picture in his/her head (strong verbs, |

| | |his/her head (strong verbs, adjectives). |adjectives). |adjectives). |

| |Audience Awareness |It doesn’t sound like I care about this topic. It |Readers can tell I’m talking right to them and that I |Readers can tell I’m talking right to them and that I |

| | |doesn’t sound like me. |care about this topic in parts of my paper. My writing is|care about this topic throughout my paper. |

| | | |beginning to sound like me! |My writing sounds like me! |

Cobb County Student-Teacher Friendly Conventions Rubric

|Component |Element |Does Not Meet |Meets Expectations |Exceeds Expectations |

|Sentence |Clarity and |My handwriting and spacing makes my paper difficult to |My handwriting is easy for others to read (most letters |My handwriting is easy for others to read (all letters |

|Formation |Correction |read. |are formed correctly, and I use correct spacing). |are formed correctly, and I use correct spacing). |

| | |My writing includes several incomplete sentences and/or|My writing includes complete sentences with correct |My writing includes complete sentences with correct |

| | |mistakes in subject/verb agreement. |subject/verb agreement most of the time. |subject/verb agreement all of the time. |

| |Complexity |My writing includes only simple sentences (sentences |My writing includes varied sentence structure some of the |My writing includes varied sentence structure most of |

| | |with only one subject and verb). |time (some sentences with more than one subject and/or |the time (some sentences with more than one subject and|

| | | |verb). |/or verb). |

|Usage |Noun Forms |My writing includes nouns that are often used |My writing includes nouns that are used correctly most of |My writing includes nouns that are used correctly all |

| |(singular, plural, |incorrectly. |the time. |of the time. |

| |possessive) | | | |

| |Personal and |I often use pronouns incorrectly (singular, plural, |I use pronouns correctly most of the time (singular, |I use pronouns correctly all of the time (singular, |

| |Possessive Pronouns |possessive). |plural, possessive). |plural, possessive). |

|Mechanics |Spelling |My writing shows that I do not use common rules of |My writing shows that I use the common rules of spelling, |My writing shows that I use common rules of spelling to|

| | |spelling, and many Sitton words are spelled |and most Sitton words are spelled correctly. |spell unfamiliar, complex words, and Sitton words are |

| | |incorrectly. | |spelled correctly. |

| |Ending |My writing shows many mistakes with ending punctuation.|My writing shows correct ending punctuation most of the |My writing shows correct ending punctuation all of the |

| |Punctuation | |time (periods, question marks, and exclamation marks). |time. |

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| |Commas |My writing shows many mistakes with commas. |My writing shows correct use of commas some of the time. |My writing shows correct use of commas most of the |

| | | |(commas in a series, in dates, after a friendly letter |time. (commas in a series, in dates, after a friendly |

| | | |greeting, in a friendly letter closure, and between cities|letter greeting, in a friendly letter closure, and |

| | | |and states). |between cities and states). |

| |Capitalization |Few of my sentences and proper nouns begin with capital|Most of my sentences and proper nouns begin with capital |All of my sentences and proper nouns begin with capital|

| | |letters. |letters. |letters. |


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