Paragraph Writing - Summative Assessment Task

Paragraph Writing - Summative Assessment Task

Choose one of the topics below and write a paragraph expressing your opinion. Use the tools provided in your opinion writing package to complete this work. You must also follow ALL steps of the writing process.*

You are required to earn a level 3 on this task.

If you receive less than a level 3 on any criteria on the rubric, you must choose a second topic from the list below and complete a second paragraph. You must continue to write paragraphs until you receive a level 3 OR until you have written a paragraph on each of the topics below.

Good luck and do your very best! ( Paragraph Due:

1. Students should / should not have to take physical education (gym) every year of high school.

2. Students should wear a uniform to school.

3. Teachers should be allowed to hit students.

4. Girls should be allowed to play on the same teams as boys.


The Writing Process for a Summative Task

Step 1 – Brainstorm

Step 2 – Write your 1st draft (double space this work)

Step 3 – YOU read your 1st draft. YOU review your work.*

Step 4 – Rewrite a 2nd draft (double space this work)

Step 5 – YOU read your 2nd draft. YOU edit your work.*

Step 6 – Peer Edit – Get a classmate (or 2 or 3) to read and make suggestions about editing your work. Make changes if you think they are correct.

Step 7 – Hand in your work. This is where your teacher reads your work and makes suggestions (formative) or grades your work (summative)*.

* Note – In a formative task, you can confer with your teacher as you go.


1) Complete opinion paragraph outline sheet.

2) Self-Edit – check your copy against a class created exemplar.

3) Peer Edit – check your peer’s copy against a class created exemplar. Provide feedback to peer.

4) Teacher collects outline and provides written and/or verbal feedback.


1) Self-Edit – read aloud with finger tracking and use checklist.

2) Peer – read aloud with finger tracking and use checklist.

3) Teacher collects first draft and provides written and/or feedback.


1) Self-edit

2) Peer edit – peer reads good copy on the computer and highlights errors.

3) Teach collects good copy and assesses using rubric.

4) Students complete exit slip and/or video conference.

Opinion Paragraph - Outline

Topic Sentence_________________________________________________________________________________________________




Transition _______________________________________,

Point #1 _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Explanation #1_________________________________________________________________________________________________


Transition ________________________________________,

Point #2 _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explanation #2_________________________________________________________________________________________________


Transition ____________________________________________,

Point #3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Explanation #3_________________________________________________________________________________________________


Transition _____________________________________________,

Concluding Sentence_____________________________________________________________________________________________





NAME: ___________________


❖ Use this checklist after you have completed your first draft.

_____ First sentence is indented.

_____Paragraph has a title.

_____ Your name appears on the page.

_____The date appears on the page.

_____ Transition words are used correctly.

_____Each transition word is followed by a comma.

_____ Paragraph is double spaced.

_____ One sentence follows the other.

_____ There is punctuation at the end of each sentence.

_____ Capital letters are used when needed.

NAME OF PEER: ________________________


❖ Use this checklist after you have completed your first draft.

_____ First sentence is indented.

_____Paragraph has a title.

_____ Your name appears on the page.

_____The date appears on the page.

_____ Transition words are used correctly.

_____Each transition word is followed by a comma.

_____ Paragraph is double spaced.

_____ One sentence follows the other.

_____ There is punctuation at the end of each sentence.

_____ Capital letters are used when needed.

| | | |

|CRITERIA |LEVEL 3 (70-79%) |Comment |

|Application | | |

| | | |

|My work shows the reader that I can |My paragraph is properly structured,| |

|use elements of an opinion |has a topic sentence, three points, | |

|paragraph. |three explanations, and a concluding| |

| |sentence. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |My title informs the reader in an | |

| |original manner. | |

|Thinking | | |

| | | |

|My points are convincing. |My paragraph presents convincing | |

| |points. | |

| | | |

| | | |

|My explanations support my points. |My explanations clearly relate to my| |

| |points and to my position. | |

| | | |

| | | |

|I used the writing process |I used the writing process | |

|effectively to develop ideas: |effectively. | |

|brainstorm, drafts, editing, | | |

|checklist, final draft. | | |

|Communication | | |

| | | |

|My paragraph uses appropriate |My paragraph contains a few minor | |

|spelling, grammar, punctuation, and |errors, but people can understand my| |

|sentence structure and allows for |writing most of the time. | |

|the reader to understand what I am | | |

|trying to say. | | |

| | | |

|I use transition words effectively. |My paragraph makes use of various | |

| |transitions. | |

|Knowledge | | |

| | | |

|My paragraph demonstrates that I |My paragraph is detailed and | |

|know and understand the topic. |accurate as it relates to my topic. | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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