7th Grade Personal Narratives should include

|Evaluation Questions |Peer Editor |Next Steps Recommendations |

|Is the memory about ONE focused memory? | |Refer to your notes on watermelon vs. seed ideas and |

| | |rework your story. |

| | | |

|Does the beginning grab the audience’s attention and | |If needed, add a quotation, surprising detail, or |

|set the scene in the 1st paragraph? | |interesting statement. Add details about when and |

| | |where the event happened in the 1st paragraph. |

|Does the narrative have a reflective conclusion that | | |

|conveys an important lesson or explain the significance| |Add a statement that explains the lesson learned at the|

|of the memory at the end? | |end of the narrative, if necessary. |

| Are the events in chronological order? | |Rearrange the order of events, if necessary. |

| | | |

|Are there chronological order transition words (first, | |Add words like First, Next, Finally |

|next, finally)? | | |

|Is there descriptive imagery using sensory details? | |If needed, add a “slow down” and figurative language |

| | |some place logical in the narrative. |

| | |Consult the thesaurus to find synonyms that have more |

| | |flavor. |

| Is there direct dialogue that moves the plot along? | |Consult your peer editor as to where another quote |

| | |might work best. |

|Is the dialogue formatted correctly? | | |

| | |Consult the group folders for the rules of formatting |

| | |dialogue sheet. |

| Are there any grammar, usage, mechanics, or | |Consult the dictionary book or online as needed. Add |

|punctuation errors? | |the correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation |

| | |as needed. Type on a computer to use spell and grammar|

|Are all paragraphs indented? | |check. |

Comments by the Peer Editor:

What score would you give according to the rubric and why?


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