Name/Period: _______________________________________


| CATEGORY |Exceeds the Standard (A) |Meets the Standard (B-C) |Does Not Meet the Standard (D-F) |

|Purpose, Thesis & |The paper clearly compares and contrasts |The paper compares and contrasts points |The paper mostly compares and contrasts points |

|Supporting Details |points that are sophisticated, offers |clearly, but the supporting information is |clearly, but the supporting information is |

| |specific examples to illustrate the |general, and/or the points are basic. The |incomplete or missing, and/or may include |

|_____/40 points |comparison, and includes only the |paper includes only the information relevant|information that is not relevant to the |

| |information relevant to the comparison. |to the comparison. |comparison. |

|Organization, Focus & |The paper breaks the information into |The paper breaks the information into |Organizational pattern not identifiable. Some |

|Structure |point-by-point or block-by-block structure. |point-by-point structure or block-by-block, |details are not in a logical or expected order,|

| |It follows a consistent order when |but may not follow a consistent order when |and this distracts the reader. |

|_____/30 points |discussing the comparison. |discussing the comparison. | |

|Topic Sentences |The paper moves smoothly from one idea to |The paper moves from one idea to the next, |Transitions may be missing; connections between|

|&Transitions |the next and uses transition words and |but may lack or misuse transition words to |ideas are fuzzy or illogical. |

| |subtle transitions to show relationships |show relationships between ideas. | |

| |between ideas. | | |

|_____/10 points | | | |

|Grammar & Spelling, |Writer makes no errors in grammar or |Writer makes 1-2 errors in grammar or |Writer makes several errors in grammar or |

|Conventions |spelling that distracts the reader from the |spelling that distract the reader from the |spelling that distract the reader from the |

| |content. |content. |content. |

|_____/20 points | | | |

Overall score: _____/100


Write an essay that compares and contrasts “The Outsiders” to three additional texts (provided). Concentrate on key aspects such as theme, character analysis/voice, main idea, author’s purpose, and expression/explication of figurative language. Your essay should give your reader a new understanding and a deeper analytical view of the selected texts.

Selections to Compare to “The Outsiders”

• Poem, Outsiders by James Grengs

• “Help” by the Beatles

• 50 Years of West Side Story: the real Gangs of New York by Paul Kendall

1. The essay must be clearly organized.

2. Include a minimum of three points of compare/contrast (using each additional text) with paraphrasing, explanations and direct quotes.

3. Focus on smooth transitional words and sentences that help illuminate and connect the relationships between ideas.

4. At this point in the year, the expectation is an error-free essay.

5. Type your paper in Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced, with 1” margins. Minimum two pages in length.

6. Turn in only your final copy and graphic organizer.

VALUE: 100 POINTS ASSIGNED: 4/20/15 DUE: 4/28/15

Late papers are reduced by one letter grade per day.

|Point-by-Point (five paragraph format) |

|I. |Introduction and background information on The Outsiders and three additional texts. Thesis statement should be the last sentence |

| |of introductory paragraph and should include the names of the texts and the three points to be compared and contrasted. |

|II. |Topic Sentence 1: First similarity and difference |

| |A.  Reading Selection Outsiders + TDA support |

| |B.  Reading Selection #1 + TDA support |

| |C. Connect the two selections and transition to the next topic sentence |

|III. |Topic Sentence 2: Second similarity and difference |

| |A.  Reading Selection Outsiders + TDA support |

| |B.  Reading Selection #2 + TDA support |

| |C. Connect the two selections and transition to the next topic sentence |

|IV. |Topic Sentence 3: Third similarity and difference |

| |A.  Reading Selection Outsiders + TDA support |

| |B.  Reading Selection #3 + TDA support |

| |C. Connect the two selections and transition to the conclusion |

|V. |Conclusion – restate three key points and thesis while providing closure for the reader and final thoughts |

Be creative with your outline. The graphic organizer above is one suggestion to help you get started; feel free to diagram as needed.

***Please Turn in your Graphic Organizer for a total of 10 points.


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