Common Transitions

Common Transitions

In a paragraph, you will need a transition each time you introduce a new reason/fact/detail. You may also need them in your explanations or to start your concluding sentence. The sample transition sets below may help you when you write a paragraph. Words in these sets may be missed. Add other transitions to this list for even more variety.

When you are done, read your paragraph aloud. This way you will know if you have selected a transition that fits and makes sense.

One way α Another way

First α Another α Next

First α Second α Third

The first α The second

One α Then α Another

One α Also

One example α Another example

A good α A better α The best

One α Another α Finally

First of all α Second α Last

First of all α Next α The final

First of all α In addition α Finally

One α One other α Along with α Last

First α In addition α Equally important

First α Second α Third

One α Another α Next

First of all α Also

First α Then

At first α After

One α Equally important

The first α The second

One α Another a Last

To begin α Then α Consequently

It started when α As a result α Then α Therefore

At the beginning α Then α Following this α Finally

One way α Another way α A final method

In the first place α After that α Later on α At last

One important α Another important α The most important

Initially α Then α After that

A bad α A worse α The worst

As soon as α Next α Later α In the end

To begin α At the same time α Finally

First of all α Besides α In addition

To start α Furthermore α Additionally α Last

First α Along with α Likewise

Transitions and Transitional Expressions

Transitions and transitional expressions help the writer and the reader connect ideas. When writing a paragraph, select from the lists below.

To give instructions

first, second, third, to begin, next, also, in addition, after, last, finally

To make a point

for example, one example, another example, the most important, an example of, for instance, in other words, furthermore, as well as

To show how things are alike

a similar, another, also, besides, like, likewise, the same as, too, resembles, to compare, alike, comparable to, similar to, comparison, similarity, equal to, as well as

To show how things are different

differ, differences, unlike, on the other hand, on the contrary, but, yet, opposite from, not the same, to contrast, dissimilar, different from, by comparison

To add information

one other, another, also, in addition, equally important, just as important, next, along with, besides, plus, most of all, added to, furthermore

To indicate time

before, after, during, meanwhile, later, yesterday, as soon as, until, then, in the meantime, sometimes

To show place or location

near, outside, inside, beside, in, into, throughout, on top of, by, behind, between, to the right of, to the left, next to, across from

To explain a problem

a problem is, a solution is, a possibility is, a concern is, could be solved by, must be resolved, could be handled by, a serious issue, the question is, the answer is, a resolution, will be resolved when

To explain a process

first, second, third, to start, to begin, after that, the next step, this procedure, the way to, while, when, as, after, meanwhile, in the meantime, in this manner, a final step

To explain a cause or an effect

because of, as a result, since, the reason for, the motive for, ground for, the basis for, caused by, happened after, started when, resulted in, ended with, made, began, forced, consequently

To conclude

to sum up, to conclude, in summary, the last, a final, the final, finally, in brief, all in all

Other good transitions

accordingly, however, moreover, also, nevertheless, instead, indeed, still, otherwise, therefore, as a result, for example, in spite of, for instance, in other words, in fact, that is, at any rate, initially


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