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Biology2012 Practice TestA biology student wears protective gloves as he studies a bacterium cell under a microscope. Using the microscope, what observation does the student make that allows him to correctly classify the bacterium cell?A The student observes that the bacterium cell is a single-celled organism, and therefore, the bacterium is a eukaryote.B The student observes that the bacterium cell does not have a cell membrane, and therefore, the bacterium is a prokaryote.C The student observes that the bacterium cell cannot reproduce, and therefore, the bacterium is a eukaryote.D The student observes that the bacterium cell does not contain a nucleus, and therefore, the bacterium is a prokaryote.Felicity draws and labels a model of a mitochondrion organelle in an animal cell seen under the microscope.Which of the following is a function of mitochondria?A Mitochondria convert fats to carbohydrates.B Mitochondria process and package proteins.C Mitochondria convert the energy of food into ATP.D Mitochondria make their own food.Amoebas are single-celled organisms that acquire food by surrounding food particles with their cytoplasm. This process is called – A phagocytosisB diffusionC metabolismD respirationWendell Stanley was an American biochemist who studied crystals of the tobacco mosaic virus. By studying the crystals, he inferred that viruses are not living organisms. More recently, some scientists have questioned whether viruses act as living organisms because they can manage to form replicates of themselves. By which process does a virus reproduce?A A virus reproduces by producing four genetically unique haploid cells through meiosis.B A virus reproduces by producing two genetically identical diploid cells through mitosis.C A virus reproduces by incorporating its DNA or RNA into a host cell and using the host cell to make copies of the virus.D A virus reproduces by forming spores that disperse when the virus explodes.People with HIV have an increased risk of dying from secondary infections. Which of these best explains how HIV increases the danger of secondary infections?A HIV produces antigens that damage red blood cells.B HIV adds genetic material from harmful microbes.C HIV destroys Helper T cells.D HIV consumes beneficial microbes in the body.Cell growth and the rate of cell division in multicellular organisms vary between different types of cells. Organism growth and repair occur as cells progress through the different phases of the cell cycle. Why is the cell cycle important to the growth of organisms?A The cell cycle allows for all genetic information to be copied before cell division occurs so that each daughter cell has everything it needs to survive.B The cell cycle allows for new genetic information to be processed so that the daughter cells can be altered to meet new needs of the organism.C The cell cycle allows cells to grow to larger sizes to accommodate the increase in size of the organism as the organism grows.D The cell cycle allows for the organism to make its own food when food sources are scarce.Heather reads an article that describes how frogs within a specific species can change their gender. She reads that when the population of female frogs is high, some of the female frogs change their gender to become male frogs to maximize breeding opportunities. What should Heather conclude as the most likely mechanism through which the gender change occurs?A cell differentiation as a result of an environmental factorB cell differentiation as a result of a viral infectionC natural selection as a result of an environmental factorD natural selection as a result of a viral infectionScientists have discovered that certain cells with a defect in a gene called p53 can cause a serious disease. Gene p53 normally prevents the cell cycle from continuing until proper chromosome replication has occurred. Defective p53 genes can cause cells to undergo uncontrolled growth. Which type of disease is most likely to be caused by a defect in p53?A cancerB chicken poxC strep throatD pneumoniaOrganic compounds found in living organisms are called biomolecules. Study the incomplete table comparing the structures of the four groups of biomolecules found in living organisms.BiomoleculeSubunit in Biomoleculecarbohydrateslipidsproteinsnucleic acids Which table correctly matches the biomolecules with their subunits?BiomoleculeSubunit in Biomoleculecarbohydratesamino acidslipidsglucoseproteinsglycerol and fatty acidsnucleic acidsnucleotidesBiomoleculeSubunit in Biomoleculecarbohydratesglucoselipidsamino acidsproteinsglycerol and fatty acidsnucleic acidsnucleotidesA CBiomoleculeSubunit in Biomoleculecarbohydratesglucose lipidsglycerol and fatty acidsproteinsamino acids nucleic acidsnucleotidesB DBiomoleculeSubunit in Biomoleculecarbohydratesglycerol and fatty acidslipidsglucoseproteinsamino acidsnucleic acidsnucleotides All organic molecules found in living organisms contain carbon. In addition to carbon, biomolecules contain atoms of other elements. Which element is found in nucleic acids that is not found in amino acids?A oxygenB nitrogenC phosphorusD hydrogenThe study of DNA began long before Francis Crick and James Watson developed the double-helix model of the DNA structure. The basic structure of the nucleotides, which make up a DNA molecule, was discovered in 1919 by Phoebus Levene. Levene discovered that nucleotides consisted of three parts. What are the three parts of every nucleotide?A a nitrogenous base, a 5-carbon sugar, and a phosphate groupB a glycerol molecule and one to three fatty acidsC an amino group, a carboxyl group, and a side chain called an R-groupD carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atomsThere are four types of nitrogenous bases found in DNA. Which of the following is not a nitrogenous base.A GuanineB CytosineC LeucineD Adenine13. Some organisms, such as a chimpanzee and a human, have many similarities.? Others, such as a zebra and a worm, have fewer similarities.? What do scientists think is TRUE about the ancestors of these organisms?Chimpanzees and humans share a common ancestor with each other, but zebras and worms do not share a common ancestor with each other.Chimpanzees and humans share a common ancestor with each other, and zebras and worms share a common ancestor with each other, but chimpanzees and humans do not share a common ancestor with zebras and worms.Because chimpanzees, humans, zebras, and worms are separate species, none of them shares a common ancestor with any other.Chimpanzees, humans, zebras, and worms all share an ancient common ancestor.RNA translation is represented in the diagram.What is the purpose of translation? A Each strand of DNA is paired with a complimentary strand to create a new DNA molecule.B Hydrogen bonds between complementary strands of DNA are broken, creating two separate molecules.C Part of a DNA sequence is copied into a complimentary RNA sequence.D An mRNA message is decoded into a polypeptide.Groups of genes that work together in prokaryotes are called operons. What role does an operon have in a prokaryotic cell?A An operon halts DNA replication.B An operon regulates gene expression.C An operon destroys foreign DNA.D AN operon creates new DNA.Look at the drawing of a normal strand of mRNA and a mutation that takes place in the strand of mRNA.What type of mutation has occurred?A A substitution of the cysteine polypeptide with the stop polypeptide has caused the mRNA strand to delete the code for alanine.B An insertion of an adenine base has caused changes in every amino acid on the mRNA strand following the point of insertion.C An insertion of an adenine base has caused the mRNA strand to code for a stop codon.D A substitution of the uracil base with an adenine base has caused the codon for cysteine to be changed to a stop codon. 17. According to the theory of evolution by natural selection, which of the following is true?A.genetic traits that aid evolution are not passed on to offspringB.variation does not exist between members of the same speciesC.populations will change over time to better fit their environmentD.no more offspring are born into a population than can surviveThe Punnett square shows a cross between a homozygous red flowering plant and a homozygous white flowering plant.Because neither the allele for the color red nor the allele for the color white is dominant, the flower color of the F1 generation produced by this cross is predicted to be –A red.B white.C pink.D red and white striped.A Punnett square shows the predicted outcome of a dihybrid cross. In what ratio do the different traits in the dihybrid offspring almost always appear?A 1:3:6:9B 9:6:6:1C 9:6:3:1D 9:3:3:1Diploid human cells have 46 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are in each human daughter cell produced by Meiosis 1? A 13B 23C 46D 47Advances in DNA technologies have allowed scientists to sequence small genomes such as that of viruses and bacteria. In 1990, scientists from the United States and from other countries began the Human Genome Project. The goal of the Human Genome Project is to – A create a new organism using human genetic material.B find cures for the most common genetic illnesses in humans.C develop a world-wide fund to pay for genetic research in humans.D analyze the human DNA sequence. 22 A man treated his home with a pesticide that kills roaches. The first application of the pesticide killed 92% of the roaches. Two months later, he applied the pesticide to his home again, but the application killed only 65% of the roaches. What would best explain the decrease in the effectiveness of the pesticide?The pesticide is only effective against mature roaches.Once roaches learned how to fight the pesticide, they taught others.The surviving roaches were naturally resistant to the pesticide, and that resistance was inherited by their offspring.The pesticide caused some of the roach’s digestive systems to mutate and metabolize the pesticide.23. Which process results in greater genetic diversity in offspring?Agenetic linkage Brecombination of DNA during meiosis Ccrossing-over during mitosis Drearrangement of chromosomes in germ cells 24. The diagram above shows a model of species divergence among some primates. If this model is correct, the greatest genetic differences would be found in the DNA sequences of which two species?A. Tarsius bancanus and Cebus albifronsB. Macaca sylvanus and Macaca mulattaC. Hylobates lar and Pongo pygmaeusD. Pan troglodytes and Lemur catta25.Which sequence of organization is the same as that of carbon dioxide, the blood and the heart?A. eggs, sperm, zygoteB. proteins, esophagus, stomachC. oxygen, stomata, plantD. water, phloem, leaf26. A student was using a dichotomous key to classify the?organisms above.??The first set of characteristics is:?I. vertebrateII. invertebrate?According to the first set of characteristics, which of these would be classified as a vertebrate??A.spider B.fly C.frog D.crab 27. The diagram illustrates how some characteristics of the horse have changed over time. Along with differences in size, what is another anatomical difference between the modern horse and its ancestors?A. The structure of the tooth has been adapted for eating meat.B. The size of the molars has decreased.C. The length of the forefoot has decreased.D. The number of toes has decreased.28. Each region of this diagram represents a collection of organisms or members of a taxonomic level. Region D represents flying mammals. Region A represents birds. Which of the following is most likely the taxonomic level region C represents?A.Invertebrates B.Birds C.Mammals D.Vertebrates 29.Which molecules would be represented in the figure above by the number 2?A. H20 and O2B. H2O and CO2C. Sugars and O2D. Sugars and CO230. Which diagram represents a system of biological taxonomy showing evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms? A.?B.?C.? D.31. Students place a plant in a dark and windowless closet for two days. Which of the following will help the plant maintain homeostasis?A. growing deeper rootsB. using the stored sugarsC. decreasing the stem sizeD. losing all of its leaves32. The Kaibab squirrel lives on the Kaibab Plateau, north of the Grand Canyon.? Another very similar squirrel, the Abert squirrel, lives only south of the Colorado River, on the other side of the Grand Canyon.? These two species share a common ancestor that lived many years ago. In this case, speciation most likely occurred because the two species of squirrels -A.utilize different resources B.are geographically separated C.have different mating behaviors? D.have different-sized populations 33. Two lakes are close to one another and sometimes connect when floods occur. Each lake has two species of fish that are very similar. One species has brown scales and the other species has orange scales. Two hypotheses for the origins of the fish species with brown and orange scales are shown above.?The main difference between the two hypotheses isA. Speciation occurredB. Natural Selection occurredC. The populations were geographically isolatedD. The populations developed different adaptations34. The guppy is a species of small freshwater fish. Scientists observed that the average size of guppies in a pond decreased over a few years after a guppy predator was introduced into the pond. Which of the following best explains the change in guppy size?A. speciation C. inbreedingB. convergent evolution D. natural selection35. A student measured the time required for a protein sample to be completely digested in the presence of an enzyme under different pH levels. At which pH is the enzyme most active?A. 6.8B. 6.9C. 7.1D. 7.236. Feedback mechanisms that regulate the sugar levels in the blood belong to which system?A. nervous systemB. immune systemC. digestive systemD. endocrine system 2247900360680001333503606800037. 485775262255A. Two parents, Pollen with sperm and ovule with egg, fertilization00A. Two parents, Pollen with sperm and ovule with egg, fertilization3724275262255C. One parent, from plant parts like the leaf, stem, or root00C. One parent, from plant parts like the leaf, stem, or root2390775262255B. New individual organisms are created00B. New individual organisms are created D. Sexual AsexualPLANT REPRODUCTIONCompare the Venn diagram of sexual and asexual reproduction in plants. Where in the diagram would you add “offspring different from parents?”A. AB. BC. CD. D38. Some plants exhibit a behavior called thigmotropism that causes the plant to grow or move in response to a touch or contact. Climbing vines use this behavior to grow tendrils that curl around other plants for support. Climbing vines use this behavior to grow tendrils that curl around other plants for support. What is the most likely reason a climbing vine would evolve this ability?A. to help ensure that seeds are dispersedB. to absorb water and air from the host plantsC. to grow roots needed to absorb water and nutrientsD. to grow high off of the ground in order to maximize sunlight exposure39. It is estimated that about one half of all commercial fertilizers that have ever been produced have been applied to crops in the last 20 years. Of this fertilizer, only about half is incorporated into plant tissue and the remainder enters the environment. Which of the following is most likely the result of this nitrogen pollution?A. increase in the ozone in the atmosphereB. algal blooms in ponds, lakes, and streamsC. global warmingD. melting of the polar ice caps40. The plant structure that transports sugars down from the leaves is -Axylem Bphloem Cepidermis Dstomata41. Which of the following illustrates direct interaction of the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems?A. feeling tired after eating a big mealB. movement of a person’s armC. circulatory and digestive systemsD. muscular and skeletal systems42. 3381375527050004610100355600 organ00 organWhat plant organ performs the same function as the human organ shown in the diagram?A. leavesB. rootsC. stemsD. flowers43. The human immune system is responsible for finding and neutralizing foreign substances in the body. Which system is most responsible for ensuring that the immune system can swiftly reach any foreign substances in the body?A. circulatoryB. endocrineC. excretoryD. nervous44. You are suffering from renal failure due to a toxin-secreting bacterium, Escherichia coli, which you consumed in a cheeseburger containing contaminated and undercooked meat. You have to be hospitalized and undergo dialysis to remove urea and other wastes from your bloodstream. Further treatments allow your organs to heal and gradually resume their normal function. Which of the labeled structures was the main organ affected by the bacteria?A. Structure AB. Structure BC. Structure CD. Structure D45. The experiment shown above indicates that some plants flower in response to-A. long daysB. short daysC. long nightsD. short nights46. All of the organisms in a typical ecosystem are interdependent, helping to maintain the equilibrium of the ecosystem and sustaining each other. Which of the following processes can bacteria carry out that is not possible for the other members of a typical ecosystem?A. converting radiant energy into chemical energyB. conserving waterC. using nitrogen from the atmosphereD. decomposing the remains of dead organisms47. ?I ? ?Kudzu is a vine imported from Japan to the US in the 1800s. ?By the 1930s, farmers were encouraged by the government to plant kudzu for erosion control. ?Now common throughout the southeastern states, the vine grows at a staggering rate of 1 foot a day and kills native species by blanketing vegetation with leaves and choking trees and shrubs by encircling them with vines.II ? The brown marmorated stink bug is an agricultural pest, native of mainland China and first observed in Pennsylvania in 1998. ?It is thought to have entered the US by stowing away on packing crates of cargo ships. ?Piercing mouth parts cause serious damage to apples, persimmons, peaches, cucumbers, grapes, and other crops. ?The bugs leave the fruits with small, unsightly dark spots on their surfaces, resulting in unmarketable produce.III Around 1987, zebra mussels were discovered in the Great Lakes region where they became a serious nuisance. ?Native to the Black and Caspian Seas of Eurasia, these mollusks coat the undersides of docks and boats and clog pipes and plumbing. ?Because a female zebra mussel can produce from 20,000 to 1,000,000 eggs a year, this species is a serious threat to native species.What do kudzu, zebra mussels, and brown marmorated stink bugs have in common?ATheir presence results in increased biodiversity. BThey were all unintentionally introduced into the US. CThey are invasive species which have thrived in foreign ecosystems. DThey promote competition among native species, resulting in balanced ecosystems. 48. A chemical spill kills all of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in an ecosystem without directly harming any other organisms. As a result of the loss of these bacteria, which of the following processes in plants will be affected first? A. production of oxygenB. production of waterC. production of sugarD. production of amino acids49. A species of insect is newly introduced into the United States from the Phillipines. The insect becomes established, laying its eggs on the leaves of oak trees. How can biologists determine if the relationship between the insect and the oak tree is commensialism, mutualism, or parasitism?A. If the insect benefits, the relationship is parasitismB. If both the insect and the tree benefit, the relationship is commensialismC. If the insect benefits and the tree benefits nor is harmed, the relationship is mutualismD. If the insect benefits and the tree neither benefits nor is harmed, the relationship is commensialism50. Cattle egrets are birds that live near large grazing animals. They feed on insects that are exposed as the grazing animals walk through grass. A scientist theorizes that these species could eventually develop a mutualistic relationship. Which of the following situations, if observed, would support the scientist’s theory?A. Cattle are not affected by cattle egretsB. Cattle are seen feeding on cattle egretsC. Cattle egrets begin to eat ticks living on the cattleD. Cattle egrets begin to draw nutrients from the cattle51. Metabolism produces nitrogenous compounds that must be excreted from the body. These compounds can be excreted as different types of waste products. Some characteristics of each type of waste are shown in the tables below.-19050523875Molecules00Molecules47625590550lefttopWhich organisms are most likely to excrete their waste as uric acid?A. Saltwater fishB. Desert animalsC. Freshwater fishD. Tropical mammals52. What are the likely long-term effects on ecosystems if greenhouse gas emissions combined with human over-exploitation of land continue to increase? AAn increase in population numbers and species diversity. BA decrease in population numbers and species diversity. CNo long term effects on population numbers and species diversity. DTemporary effects on population numbers and species diversity 53. 261937528892502619375126047500261937576517514097001555750016668751050925019526255556252305050793750The diagram above is intended to show relationships in an ecosystem. What do the arrows represent?A. the direction of population migrationB. differences in dietary habitsC. progressively smaller organismsD. the direction of the flow of energy54. 1409700231775002619375231775 Sunlight42767252197103600450219710421957521970927432002197102886074114935140970021971012287242197101133475219710Grass Corn Caterpillar4419600243205Deer Bird Mouse Ant Fly LarvaAccording to this food web, which of the organisms is an omnivore?A. caterpillarB. mouseC. antD. fly larva ................

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