What to expect on the midterm exam…………………

You will be given two hours to answer 105 multiple choice questions. 70 of these pertain

to vocabulary. Be sure to study the vocabulary checklists at the end of STAGES 21-26.

You will also read a text in Latin and answer questions about it. And there will be a passage for

you to translate from Latin to English.

Best way to prepare for the reading passages is to read and REREAD stories in your text, especially STAGEs 24-26.

REVIEW all VOCABULARY, stages 21 - 26

be prepared to handle questions on derivatives.


If you complete your exam with time to spare, it is expected that you will work quietly on your own

and use your time productively to prepare for another exam without distracting any classmate who may require more time for the exam.

The test includes a scantron sheet –

you must have pencils. Bring at least two number 2 pencils (with erasers).

Latin III exam on:

Tuesday, Jan. 17 (period 5)

Friday, Jan. 20 (period 4)

LATIN III Mid-Term Study Guide Review Suggestions

1) case endings in all 5 declensions

~ use the glossary as we do in class to check your memory of the declension endings

2) personal pronouns (and their possessive adjectives)

3) reflexive pronoun ~ ******-suī, sibi, sē, sē

3) demonstrative pronouns (hic, ille, iste) ….is,ea,id can also be used as a demonstrative……..

4) intensive pronoun (ipse,ipsa,ipsum)

5) adjectives: positive/comparative/superlative

remember that most 3rd declension adjectives are i-stem

……but the ablative singular of comparatives IS NOT i-stem…………..

participles (verbal adjectives)



perfect passive (remember that deponents have a PERFECT ACTIVE participle)

6) comparison of adverbs

p. 51 - 52 (remember that the comparative adverb = the NEUTER form of comparative adjective)

7) verbs: active & passive INDICATIVE / SUBJUNCTIVE (for the time being we have learned ONLY active subjunctive

…..imperfect & pluperfect tenses…………)

MAKE CERTAIN that you can form the verb in all 4 conjugations in every tense in the

indicative, and for imperfect and pluperfect subjunctive (USE your charts in back of book!!!!)

present imperative singular and plural ACTIVE (we haven’t learned the PASSIVE yet)


sum / possum / volō, nōlō / eō / ferō

8) study ALL grammar explanations presented in Stages 21 - 26

pay especial attention to the four uses of the subjunctive

cum clauses

indirect questions

purpose clauses

result clauses

indirect commands

note special verbs that govern the dative case where these arise


exemplī grātiā: amāre → amandus, -a, -um

gerundives + a form of “sum” express necessity (used with the “dative of agent”)

I must study. = Mihi studendum est.


study ALL vocabulary highlighted at the end of each stage 21 - 26. (important part of your test)


you must learn principal parts.......ALWAYS make sure that you can identify the conjugation to which the verb belongs (unless irregular)

for the purpose of this MID-YEAR exam, you MUST know the principal parts for ALL irregular verbs we have studied

“ferō” / “eō” / their compounds / “tollō” are quite important

tollō merits particular study for the irregularity of the 3rd and 4th principal parts..... sustulī, sublātus


Review and study your knowledge of this material as you prepared for the stage tests so far this year.

Among other things, you should be familiar with

• Maps

• Celtic tribes in Britannia

• Aquae Sulis (=Bath, England)

• the make-up of Roman baths

• Roman divination + curses (defixiones)

• Travel and communication and the make-up of a Roman road (77 ff.)

• The Peutinger Table: you should know what this is, where it is today, and its significance, p. 67

• make up of a Roman Legion + design of a camp + about soldiers and chain of command

(do yourself a favor and study the camp as presented p. 135).

Count on at least one, maybe more, stories we have gone over this year in

your text Stages 21 – 26. You will not be tested on your capacity to remember who did what BUT familiarity will simply help you to handle the stories more easily.

…….use the back of the book to brush up on your grammar! (keep in mind that page references herein are examples…..many things I did not specifically reference. This is your job.

THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR HARD WORK! Make your review count!!!!


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