Assignment - Linguistics at UP



1.0 Isthmus Zapotec

Examine the following data from Isthmus Zapotec, a language spoken in Mexico. Answer the questions which follow.

1. [παλυ] ‘stick’ 7. [σπαλυβε] ‘his stick’ 13. [σπαλυλυ] ‘your stick’

2. [κυ(βα] ‘dough’ 8. [σκυ(βαβε] ‘his dough’ 14. [σκυ(βαλυ] ‘your dough’

3. [ταπα] ‘four’ 9. [σταπαβε] ‘his four’ 15. [σταπαλυ] ‘your four’

4. [γετα] ‘tortilla’ 10. [σκεταβε] ‘his tortilla’ 16. [σκεταλυ] ‘your tortilla’

5. [βερε] ‘chicken’ 11. [σπερεβε] ‘his chicken’ 17. [σπερελυ] ‘your chicken’

6. [δο/ο] ‘rope’ 12. [στο/οβε] ‘his rope’ 18. [στο/ολυ] ‘your rope’

a. Isolate the morphemes that correspond to the following English translations:

_____ possessive (genitive)

_____ 3rd person singular

_____ 2nd person plural

b. List the allomorphs for the following translations:

_____ _____ ‘tortilla’ _____ _____ ‘rope’

_____ _____ ‘chicken’

c. What phonological process conditions for these allomorphs?

2.0 Luiseño

Examine the following data from Luiseño, a Uto-Aztecan language of Southern California, and answer the questions that follow.

1. [nokaamay] ‘my son’ 13. [pokaamay] ‘his son’

2. [(oki] ‘your house’ 14. [poki] ‘his house’

3. [potaana] ‘his blanket’ 15. [notaana] ‘my blanket’

4. [(ohuukapi] ‘your pipe’ 16. [pohuukapi] ‘his pipe’

5. [(otaana] ‘your blanket’ 17. [nohuukapi] ‘my pipe’

6. [noki] ‘my house’ 18. [(okaamay] ‘your son’

7. [(omkim] ‘your (pl.) houses’ 19. [pompeewum] ‘their wives’

8. [nokaamayum] ‘my sons’ 20. [pomki] ‘their house’

9. [popeew] ‘his wife’ 21. [c(ampeewum] ‘our wives’

10. [(opeew] ‘your wife’ 22. [c(amhuukapim] ‘our pipes’

11. [(omtaana] ‘your (pl.) blanket’ 23. [(omtaanam] ‘your (pl.) blankets’

12. [c(amhuukapi] ‘our pipe’ 24. [pomkaamay] ‘their son’

a. Give the Luiseño morpheme that corresponds to each English translation. Note that the plural marker has two allomorphs; list them both.

_____ ‘son’ _____ ‘my’ _____ ‘their’

_____ ‘house’ _____ ‘his’ _____ (plural marker)

_____ ‘blanket’ _____ ‘your (sg.)’ _____ ‘pipe’

_____ ‘wife’ _____ ‘your (pl.)’ _____ ‘our’

b. Are the allomorphs of the plural marker phonologically conditioned?

c. If so, what are the conditioning environments?

3.0 Quiche(

Some sentences from Quiche(, a Native American language spoken in Guatemala, Central America, are given with their English translation. Analyze the morphemes in these sentences and then fill in the exercises that follow the language data. Note that [x] is a voiceless velar fricative.

Quiche( English

1. [ki(siki(x e li(br] ‘I read (present tense) the book.’

2. [kusiki(x e li(br] ‘He reads the book’

3. [ki(wetama(x le ke(m] ‘I learn the (art of) weaving’

4. [kataxi(n ki(wetama(x le ke(m] ‘I continually learn the (art of) weaving’

5. [kataxi(n kawetama(x le ke(m] ‘You continually learn the (art of) weaving’

6. [s(i(wetama(x] ‘I learned (it)’

7. [s(uwetama(x le ke(m] ‘He learned the (art of) weaving’

8. [s(asiki(x le li(br iwi(r] ‘You read the book yesterday’

a. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding Quiche( morphemes:

_____ ‘I’ _____ ‘learn’ _____ (present tense)

_____ ‘he’ _____ ‘read’ _____ (past tense)

_____ ‘you’ _____ ‘the’ _____ ‘continually’

_____ ‘book’ _____ ‘weaving’ _____ ‘yesterday’

b. What is the order of Quiche( morphemes (in terms of subject, verb, object, and tense marker)?

4.0 Turkish

Following is a list of words from Turkish. In Turkish, articles and morphemes indicating location are affixed to the noun.

deniz ‘an ocean’ evden ‘from a house’

denize ‘to an ocean’ evimden ‘from my house’

denizin ‘of an ocean’ denizimde ‘in my ocean’

eve ‘to a house’ elde ‘in a hand’

a. What is the Turkish morpheme meaning ‘to’?

b. What kind of affixes in Turkish correspond to English prepositions (e.g., prefixes, suffixes, infixes, free morphemes)?

c. What would the Turkish word for ‘from an ocean’ be?

d. How many morphemes are there in the Turkish word denizimde?


Provide a solution for the morphophonemic changes observed in the following data.

Problem 1: Maya, the language of Yucatan

1. χ/ον gun 1a. /ινχ/ον my gun

2. σι/ wood 2a. /ινσι/ my wood

3. κ/αβ hand 3a. /ιΝκ/αβ my hand

4. καβ juice 4a. /ιΝκαβ my juice

5. βατ ax 5a. /ιμβατ my ax

6. παλ son 6a. /ιμπαλ my son

Problem 2: Modern Greek

1. pandofla slipper 1a. tin pandofla/ bandofla the slipper

2. porta door 2a. tin porta/ borta the door

3. tanalja pliers 3a. tin tanalja/ danalja the pliers

4. taverna tavern 4a. tin taverna/ daverna the tavern

5. kiria lady 5a. tin kiria/ giria the lady

6. kori daughter 6a. tin kori/ gori the daughter

Note: The slant line (/) indicates that the forms on either side of the line are equally acceptable and therefore are in free variation.

Problem 3: Indonesian, the official language of Indonesia

1. kursi chair 1a. kursikursi chairs

2. lalat fly 2a. lalatlalat flies

3. ibu mother 3a. ibuibu mothers

4. gadzah elephant 4a. gadzahgadzah elephants

5. rumah house 5a. rumahrumah houses

6. medzah table 6a. medzahmedzah tables

Problem 4: Turkish

1. dis( tooth 1a. dis(((( teeth

2. (ocuk child 2a. (ocuklar children

3. asker soldier 3a. askerler soldiers

4. kedi cat 4a. kediler cats

5. masa table 5a. masalar tables

6. gece night 6a. geceler nights

7. baba father 7a. babalar fathers

8. kus( bird 8a. kus(lar birds

Problem 5: Modern Greek

1. (a (rafo I will be writing 1a. (a (rapso I will write

2. (a ravo I will be sewing 2a. (a rapso I will sew

3. (a (javazo I will be reading 3a. (a (javaso I will read

4. (a kapnizo I will be smoking 4a. (a kapniso I will smoke

5. (a lino I will be solving 5a. (a liso I will solve

6. (a ani(o I will be opening 6a. (a anikso I will open

7. (a trexo I will be running 7a. (a trekso I will run

8. (a sfigo I will be squeezing 8a. (a sfikso I will squeeze

Problem 6: Amharic, a language of Ethiopia


Singular Plural

1. jig(widal he loves 1a. jig(widalu

2. jiw(sidal he takes 2a. jiw(sidalu

3. jim(gibal he feeds 3a. jim(gibalu

4. jik(filal he divides 4a. jik(filalu

5. jid(gimal he repeats 5a. jid(gimalu


1b. g(w(d( he loved 1c. g(w(du

2b. w(s(d( he took 2c. w(s(du

3b. m(g(b( he fed 3c. m(g(bu

4b. k(f(l( he divided 4c. k(f(lu

5b. d(g(m( he repeated 5c. d(g(mu


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