Take the Virtual Plant Transpiration Lab at http://www

Virtual Transpiration Lab Name:

Directions: Save this Word document with your name after the Title. Make sure you put your data/answers to the questions in a different color so that I can see them easily. When you have completed all of your responses save this document as a PDF file and then send it to me.

Take the Virtual Plant Transpiration Lab at

Follow the procedure in the Virtual Lab.

Record your observations in the table and the answers to the 7 questions in the journal, or copy and paste them to this word document.

1. Describe the process of transpiration in vascular plants.

2. Describe any experimental controls used in the Investigation.

3. What environmental factors that you tested increased the rate of transpiration? Was the rate of transpiration increased for all plants tested?

4. Did any of the environmental factors (heat, light, or wind) increase the transpiration rate more than the others? Why?

5. Which species of plants that you tested had the highest transpiration rates? Why do you think different species of plants transpire at different rates?

6. Suppose you coated the leaves of a plant with petroleum jelly. How would the plant's rate of transpiration be affected?

7. Of what value to a plant is the ability to lose water through transpiration?

|Amount of Water Transpired in 1 Hour(mL) |

| |Normal |With Fan |With heater |With Lamp |

|Arrowhead | | | | |

|Coleus | | | | |

|Devil’s Ivy | | | | |

|Dieffenbachia | | | | |

|English Ivy | | | | |

|Geranium | | | | |

|Rubber Plant | | | | |

|Weeping Fig | | | | |

|Zebra Plant | | | | |

Draw a detailed sketch of one of the above plants. In your sketch, label the flow of water in your plant (including, root hairs, epidermis, mesophyll, stomata, guard cells, cohesion, adhesion, xylem).

If completing electronically, you can use the print screen function to copy and paste a picture from the Internet and then use the insert text box to label the parts of the picture.

Define and explain transpiration:

Test Yourself

1. What property of water accounts for the fact that molecules of water "grab" the walls of the thin xylem vessels?

2. Water molecules pull each other like beads on a string; as one molecule is evaporated through a stoma, another is pulled up. What property of water is demonstrated here?

3. Place the following in order (list the letters), from highest water potential to lowest water potential, under normal conditions. _______________________________

a. Mesophyll of leaves

b. Outside air around leaf

c. Spaces around roots

d. Inside the xylem vessels

Concept 5: write the equation for photosynthesis:

Concept 6: Factors That Affect the Rate of Transpiration

Highlight which of the 2 conditions would result in the higher rate of transpiration: Explain why that is the case.

1. light or dark?

2. Humid or dry environment?

3. Breezy or still air?

4. Hot or warm environment?

Design of the Experiment:

Draw and label a (small) diagram of a potometer:

What is a potometer use for?

Before taking the lab Quiz!

Go to

Read the procedures and use the simulation to fill out the table for any 3 plants (this may involve a little trial and error!)

Amount of Water Transpired in 1 Hour(mL)

Plant Normal With Fan With Heater With lamp

Lab Quiz I: Go Back to the LabBech Tutorial:

Take Quiz 1 and record correct answers.

1. ____

2. ____

3. ____

4. ____

5. ____

6. ____

7. ____

8. ____

Analysis of Results II

Name tissue type A and describe its function.

Name tissue type B and describe its function.

Name tissue type C and describe its function.

Name tissue type D and describe its function.

Analysis Questions:

1. What environmental factors that you tested increased the rate of transpiration?

2. Did any of the environmental factors (heat, light, or wind) increase the transpiration rate more than the others? Why?

3. Why do you think different species of plants transpire at different rates?

4. Of what value to a plant is the ability to lose water through transpiration?

The rate of transpiration is measured as the amount of water lost/ square meter/ minute. Because water evaporates through the many stomata on the leaf surface, the rate of transpiration is directly related to the surface area. To arrive at the rate of transpiration, therefore, you must calculate the leaf surface area of each plant: Because most stomata are found in the lower epidermis, you will determine that surface area.

• Count the number of square centimeters in the leaf below. Estimate the area of the partial squares. (Here's a simple method for this estimate: Count a partial square if it is at least half covered by the leaf; do not count partial squares that are less than half covered.)

• Do not include the area of the stem (petiole) in your calculations.

What is the surface area of this leaf in cm2?

Calculating Water Loss: Practice calculating water loss in the following exercise.

The chart below provides some sample data. Use this data to calculate the water loss in ml/m2 over the 30-minute interval and complete the chart.

|Condition |Total Water loss after 30 |Leaf Surface Area in |Leaf Surface area in m2 (divide cm2 by |Water Loss in ml/cm2/30 min |

| |minutes |cm2 |10,000 or 104) | |

|Room (control) |0.004ml |10 | | |

|Lamp |0.006ml |12 | | |

|Fan (wind) |0.008ml |10 | | |

|Mist |0.002ml |12 | | |

Review life cycles: go to

From the information in the tutorial, what organisms use each life cycle?

Gametic: _______________________

Zygotic: ________________________

Sporic: _________________________

Take the quiz, write down your answers to the following questions.

1. A diploid cell contains ____ set(s) of chromosomes.

2. The fusion of two cells is called ___________.

3. Which life cycle is common to fungi and protists? __________________

4. Which life cycle is characterized by an alternation between a haploid and a diploid organism? __________________

5. Organisms characterized by this life cycle are haploid for the majority of their life cycle. _______________

6. Humans and other reproductive animal species are best characterized by the gametic life cycle. (true or false?)

7. In the sporic life cycle, which of the following stages is diploid? _________________

8. Diploid cells are more vulnerable to genetic damage because they do not contain a "back up" copy of DNA. (true or false?)

9. In the sporic life cycles there are both multicellular haploid (gametophyte) and multicellular diploid (sporophyte) stages. Which stage generates eggs and sperm by mitosis? __________________

10. Which of the following is NOT one of the three major eukaryotic life cycles? ___________


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