Ohio Department of Transportation

Ohio Department of Transportation

Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Operating Assistance Grant

Outcome Measures

| |Enter all information in this area. The table will expand if you need more space. |

|Grantee |Darke County Commissioners |

|Contract # |JARC-4019-071-101 |

|Time Period for this Report |From 2/1/2011 |To 2/28/2011 |

|Required Program Outcomes |Include JARC project data only |

|Required Operating Data |Current Month |Contract To Date |

|Total one-way passenger trips |630 |1740 |

|Number of one-way trips for target population |630 |1740 |

|Number of revenue hours |360 |720 |

|Route length (one way in miles) (if applicable) | | |

|Number of vehicles in service |21 | |

|Average seats per vehicle |6 | |

|Methodology used to collect trip data |Total one-way trips are collected from day to day transportation logs updated on a daily basis. |

| |Only income eligible clients are approved through an application process and coded for eligibility. |

| |Hours are based on demand request for transportation (available 24-7), data colleted from transportation logs. |

| |Number of vehicles in service and available seating: Reported by vendors |

| | |

|Jobs Accessed | |

|Estimated number of jobs targeted |32 |

|Methodology used to estimate number of jobs targeted |Destination request as reported on transportation logs. |

|Other Outcome Measures | |

|Outcome |Deliverable |Progress |

|Marketing |55 BROCHURES |Brochures printed and made available to potential riders at Job & family|

| | |Services |

|# of duplicated vehicle trips eliminated |80 |Increase number of multiple employee job sites |

|Increases in services offered |Reduced fare rate |50-75% reduction in fare cost |

| |Increased hours of operation |Available week-end hours and after hours allows for shift differences |

| |Increase client accessibility to additional job sites |and extended work hours |

|# of Limited English trip requests received |0 |No requests received |

|# of trip referrals to Greenville Transit |39 |Reflects decrease in post-holiday employment |

| | | |

|Have there been any service changes during this reporting period? If |No |

|so, please describe. Remember that services not covered in the | |

|originally-approved scope require ODOT approval prior to implementation.| |

Questions about this form? Contact David Walker at (614) 644-0301 or david.walker@dot.state.oh.us.


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