Summary of Strengths and Needs Assessment



Strengths: Strengths are a child/family’s available past and present experiences, assets, ability, skills, interests, resources and preferences to meet needs.

Needs: A need is a description of the underlying conditions that may be the source of the symptoms or problems that a child/family may be encountering. (Needs are not services or interventions)

|Domain Area: | |

|Crisis Prevention/Mgmt. |Summarize past crisis situations/dates/intervention |

| |Describe need for home, school or community crisis plan |

| |Describe any involvement in any formal crisis systems (mobile crisis, formal crisis plan, etc.) |

|Legal |Describe child/parent current involvement with the legal system (commitment status, probation, juvenile |

| |status, etc.) |

| |Describe law enforcement involvement (frequency of, why are they involved, etc.) |

| |Describe past history of involvement with the legal system |

|Housing/Living Situation |Describe the family’s current living situation/environment (Who lives in the home? Do all family |

| |members live at home?) |

| |Describe the safety and/or stability of the current living situation (Are there safety concerns?, |

| |Barriers to living in the current home long-term?, Does home provide enough space, privacy, moved a lot,|

| |etc.) |

| |Describe previous living situations (placed in a group home, foster home, transitional housing, shelter,|

| |etc) When? Where? |

| |Describe any needed home modifications |

|Education/Vocational |Describe current educational setting (Grade level, name of school, receiving Special Education |

| |services?, etc.) |

| |Describe any behaviors that are present in the school environment |

| |Describe the employment history and/or work experience |

| |Identify any current or future needs/accommodations around training/employment (job seeking skills, job |

| |retention, career exploration, job coaching, sheltered workshop, etc.) |

| |What are the goals around education/ employment? |

|Family /Support Network |Describe relationships within the immediate family (is it supportive of a productive lifestyle) |

| |Describe relationships within the extended family – are they a resource to the family? |

| |Describe other natural supports to the family. Describe those relationships |

| |Describe the peer network/relationships |

| |Are there other areas in which the family is involved in that are supportive to the family? (ie: support|

| |groups, community activities, etc.) |

|Basic Needs/Financial |Are the family’s housing, food, and clothing needs met? |

| |List income sources/benefits |

| |Describe the family’s money management skills. Any assistance needed? |

| |Do family members have access to child care when needed – while adults are at work and when family |

| |members “just need a break”? |

| |Are the family’s transportation needs met? |

|Medical/Physical/ | |

|Medications |Describe current medical/physical diagnosis and/or current medical conditions |

| |List current medications and what they are prescribed for |

| |Describe the ability to manage medications. Who is managing the medications and is additional |

| |assistance needed? |

| |Is there an understanding of the medications family members take regularly and /or any side effects of |

| |those medications |

| |Identify the primary doctors that family members see regularly or for any medical conditions identified|

| |Does the family have access to the medical care that they need? (including dental care and eye care) |

| |Do family members have access to needed health equipment or supplies? |

| |Describe any concerns or barriers to getting regular sleep or adequate amounts of sleep |

| | |

|Mental Health/Cognitive |Describe significant psychological/psychiatric history both individual and family history ( date of |

| |onset, psychiatric hospitalizations, psychiatric placement, mental health therapy, use of medical |

| |facilities for mental health needs, etc) |

| |Describe current or recurring symptoms related to the mental health diagnosis and ability to manage |

| |symptoms: (frequency of, intensity of, affects symptoms have on performing daily activities such as |

| |school, work, ability to manage symptoms, etc.) |

| |List current mental health treatment providers |

| |Does the family have access to needed/wanted mental health services? |

| |Describe parent’s emotional/developmental status and how it impacts the family system |

| |Describe current cognitive diagnosis or condition (include IQ if known) |

| |How does the child best learn? (by doing, reading, watching, verbal instruction, etc.) |

| |Describe the child’s problem solving abilities |

| |Describe the child’s thinking skills or thought processes (i.e. understand right from wrong (moral |

| |reasoning)? Good judgement? Understand cause and effect, etc.) |

|Substance Use |Describe any current/past substance abuse or addiction concerns, level of use, frequency, etc. |

| |Describe current and/or past treatment history |

| |Describe behavioral problems exhibited when using |

| |Describe the impact substance use issues have had on family members, both currently and in the past |

| |(include impact on social/community and family relationships, as well as on financial, legal, and |

| |employment situations) |

| |Do family members have access to needed substance use treatment and support? |

|Social/Recreational |Describe activities/hobbies that the child and family members currently do together or would like to do |

| |together? |

| |Social interactive skills: Does the child/other family members have significant peer relationships – |

| |why or why not? Do they get along well with others? Do they spend time with people outside of the |

| |immediate family? |

| |How would others describe the child’s friends? |

| |Does the child participate in prosocial activities or are they lacking positive outlets? |

|Cultural/Spiritual |Describe involvement with any religious community? Does your household share spiritual/religious |

| |activities/beliefs? |

| |Describe any ethnic or national holidays/traditions that the family observes? |

| |Does the family have access to desired spiritual practices and support? |

| |Are there any barriers to participating or practicing the family’s faith? |

|Independent Living/Community Skills|Describe the family’s skill with general household maintenance/housekeeping tasks (ie: cleaning, |

| |organization, laundry, appt. scheduling, time management etc.) |

| |Describe the family’s skill related to meal preparation. (ie: do you feel knowledgeable about nutrition |

| |needs, grocery shopping, meal planning, etc?) |

| |Describe any skill related to hygiene (ie: bathing regularly, any assistance needed with bathing, |

| |dressing, dental care, etc.) |

|Life Stressors/Trauma |Are there any events that have happened in child/family’s life that have caused trauma? (past or |

| |present) |

| |Describe any present or past history of abuse |

| |Is there anything specific that has caused or causes stress or contributes to stress in the family? |

| |Describe how family members handle stress |

| |How do emotional situations get resolved? |

|Life Satisfaction |What brings you joy/happiness currently? |

| |If you had a chance to change anything about your current situation, what that be? and What areas do you|

| |feel you would be the most successful at changing? |

| |What is most helpful to you in overcoming obstacles/challenges? |


Information in the Comprehensive Assessment should tie the identified needs to the services/plan that is developed for the child. This section must also include a statement as to the participant’s capability of understanding and exercising their rights and responsibilities and directing their own support needs.

In addition for CCS: Include information on which outcomes and service recommendations are based.


Needs Rating Scale

0= No Evidence of Problem: No Action Needed

1= Mild Problem: Watch/Try to prevent

2= Moderate Problem: Action Needed

3= Severe Problem: Immediate/Intensive Action Needed


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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