I. POSITION: Family Nurse Practitioner: A non-exempt position serving Indian and non-Indian patients/clientele.

II. QUALIFICATIONS: Completion of an approved Nurse Practitioner program of instruction is required. Ability to work successfully with other health care professionals, patients and members of the community. Ability to provide comprehensive care in a culturally sensitive manner in a teamwork environment. Experience in an ambulatory care setting preferred. Able to practice without an on-site physician. ACLS certification is required, with knowledge of acute trauma management. Solid oral and written skills. Maintain at all times a current and active certification by the Board of Nursing as an NP. Maintain a current and active license to practice as a Nurse Practitioner in the state of Idaho or eligible to obtain Idaho State licensure.


a. Possesses demonstrated ability to perform as a team player.

b. Maintains positive peer relationships and provides assistance in a friendly, helpful manner to all patients, visitors and staff.

c. Possesses the ability to work independently, is detail oriented, organized, and works under pressure. Meets deadlines.

d. Must have consistent work attendance record.

e. Demonstrates cultural sensitivity.

f. Understands and practices confidentiality.

IV. SUPERVISION: The Medical Director will provide Administrative Supervision. Medical Supervision will be under a staff physician as designated by the Medical Director.


A. Hearing: within normal limits with or without use of corrective hearing devices;

B. Vision: adequate to read 12-point type with or without use of corrective lenses

C. Must be able to verbally interact with staff, clients and public

D. Manual dexterity of hands/fingers for writing, computer input

E. Able to lift up to _25__ lbs.,

F. Standing _50__% of the day

G. Walking _25__% of the day

H. Pushing, up to _30____lbs.

I. Pulling, up to _20___lbs.

CEO Approval: Date:

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|ESSENTIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsibilities outlined below are to be rated on a “Yes/No” scale; indicating meets/does not meet the |YES/NO |

|outlined responsibility. Essential responsibilities are evaluated at end of Introduction Period (initial 90 days) and annually on | |

|employee’s anniversary date | |

|Customer Service |Maintains a positive peer relationship and performs as a team player. | |

| |Plans and prioritizes to maintain a time and attendance record which complies | |

| |with BMC policy. | |

| |Provides excellent internal and external customer service assistance, providing | |

| |knowledgeable and appropriate information to customers. | |

| |Works independently in a very detail oriented manner, and meet deadlines. | |

|Comments: |

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|Organizational Values: Employee Demonstrates the |Care and Compassion | |

|values of Benewah Medical Center and Wellness |Respect | |

|Center |Sharing | |

| |Professionalism | |

| |Confidentiality | |

| |Collaboration and Teamwork | |

| |Progressiveness | |

|Comments: |

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|Licensure and Certification | | |

|Comments: |

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|Employee Health and Immunization |Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) | |

| |Hepatitis B | |

| |TB Skin Test | |

| |Influenza (optional) | |

| |Tetanus (optional) | |

|Comments: |

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|General Comments Regarding Performance of Essential Responsibilities: |

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|Major Duties and Responsibilities outlined below will be rated annually on the employee’s anniversary date. Ratings will be completed on a 1-5 scale, |

|with the scale outlined below. Performance may be evaluated at the discretion of the supervisor of the position if necessary and/or appropriate. |

|Rating Scale: |Rating: |

|5 = Superior Performance – Performance consistently far exceeds expectations of the position. Almost all job related activities| |

|were done in an outstanding manner. (There should be very few individuals qualified for this rating.) | |

| | |

|4 = Very Good Performance – Performance consistently meets and may exceed expectations. Consistently contributes more than | |

|his/her share. | |

| | |

|3 = Satisfactory Performance – Satisfactory performance on all assigned responsibilities. | |

| | |

|2 = Marginal Performance – Performance satisfactory, but not in all areas of major responsibilities. Needs further development | |

|and improvement to perform at satisfactory level. | |

| | |

|1 = Poor Performance – Performance does not meet the requirements of the position. If performance does not improve after a | |

|reasonable period of time, the employee should be reassigned or terminated. | |

|Patient Care |Provides comprehensive health care to Indian and non-Indian patients served | |

| |by the Benewah Medical Center. | |

| |Provides after hours telephone coverage as scheduled. | |

| |Evaluate situations, which call for emergency medical procedures or require | |

| |physician intervention. | |

| |Evaluation and treatment of acute injuries, including injections, | |

| |subcutaneous local anesthesia, apply and remove casts for severe sprains and| |

| |fractures, suture superficial wounds, remove sutures and treat/dress wounds.| |

| |Responsible for diagnosis and treatment of conditions within the scope of | |

| |practice.. | |

| |Evaluates patients including obtaining medical history and physical exam. | |

| |Orders and interprets appropriate lab and x-ray data. Under the supervision | |

| |of a physician (either direct or indirect) and within guidelines established| |

| |by protocols and standing orders, diagnose patient conditions, prescribe | |

| |medications, order tests, discriminate between normal and abnormal finding | |

| |and provide treatment and therapy. This includes initiating appropriate | |

| |referrals to other health care providers. | |

| |Obtains appropriate consults from specialists when needed. | |

| |Legibly document all patient visits as soon as possible or within 24 hours | |

| |following that encounter. Medical records are not to be taken off the | |

| |premises. | |

| |Responsible for attending medical staff meetings, in addition to general | |

| |staff, provider/nurse and other meetings as assigned. Assists in functions | |

| |associated with Quality Assurance. | |

| |Other duties as assigned and mutually agreed upon. | |

|Comments: |

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|Productive use of down time |Direct patient care issues always take priority. Medical literature or journals | |

| |read only when all direct patient care issues and BMC administrative | |

| |duties/projects are addressed and completed. | |

|Comments: |

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|Computer Privileges |Uses e-mail services/internet appropriately. Checks e-mail a minimum of twice | |

| |weekly from Medical Director, Patient Care Services Director, and Clinical | |

| |Director. | |

|Comments: |

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|Pharmacy |Attempts to use agreed upon formulary and works closely with pharmacy to prevent | |

| |medication errors. | |

|Comments: |

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|Consistent recordings of audit information |Along with assigned nurse assure that ongoing clinic audit information is | |

| |recorded during patient appointment. (Providers are responsible for checking that| |

| |nursing complete documentation and flow sheets.) | |

|Comments: |

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|Productivity |Schedule has 20 slots for patients in 9-hour work day or as agreed in | |

| |Compensation package or equivalent if 8-hour days. | |

|Comments: |

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|Team work and helping others when finished with |Willing to serve on committees requiring a provider at Medical Directors’ | |

|own tasks |instruction. | |

| |Checks with other teams at end of day to get all patients seen. | |

|Comments: |

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|Assigned tasks (including tasks done above and |QI activities as assigned by the Medical Director. | |

|beyond what is required) | | |

|Comments: |

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|Attendance and tardiness |Should arrive on time or no later than 10 minutes after the clinic opens for | |

| |patient care and stay until 6:00 PM unless other arrangements have been made with| |

| |Director or Acting Director. | |

|Comments: |

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|Personal phone calls |Uses phone for Patient Services. Limits personal phone calls. | |

|Comments: |

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|Correct and Complete documentation |Uses EMR to accurately document each patient encounter. Documentation must be | |

| |completed by the end of the next business day. | |

|Comments: |

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|Peer Review |Will participate in periodic peer review of randomly selected charts from each | |

| |provider. | |

| |Provider will conduct ad hoc peer reviews of events involving physicians or | |

| |midlevel providers involving patient care or inter-staff events such as incident | |

| |reports involving physicians or midlevels. | |

|Comments: |

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|Interpersonal Skills |Ability to effectively interact with supervisor. | |

| |Verbal, non-verbal and written communication is professional and appropriate. | |

| |Good public relations. | |

| |Strives to be a team player. | |

| |Takes concern, grievances through proper channels. | |

| |Does not undermine team cohesiveness. | |

| |Does not undermine the Administration or Health Board goals and objectives. | |

|Comments: |

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|Meetings/Committees |Attends meetings/committees as assigned. | |

|Comments: |

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|Routine Duties |Routine duties shall include providing medical care and public health services to| |

| |individuals eligible for services provided by the IHS in homes, schools, clinics,| |

| |job sites, and other community locations within Benewah Medical Center and | |

| |Wellness Center. | |

|Comments: | | |

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|Other |Performs other duties that may be necessary in the best interest of the | |

| |organization. | |


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I understand that by signing this review, I am not indicating agreement with the rating, but I am acknowledging that my supervisor has reviewed and discussed this performance evaluation with me.

|Employee’s Signature: |Date: |

|Evaluator’s Signature: |Date: |

|Evaluator’s Supervisor: |Date: |


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