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Administrative Jonathan Lewis Opens the Meeting with call to order and comments on his year as President before introduction of 2020 President Craig Greathouse & Secretary/Treasurer Brad Jones Immediate Past President Jonathan Lewis is presented Presidents plaque and thanked for his leadership. 2020 President Craig Greathouse takes over the meeting and conducts introduction of attendees September meeting minutes approved Nomination of 2021 Eastern Chapter Officers President-Ryan Fancher - Central Washington Hospital / Confluence Secretary – Eric Rodgers – Providence Stevens County Education Chair – Jon Ashworth – Jimmy’s Roofing Business Partner –Tami Wais –JCI Treasurer’s ReportEastern Chapter Account balance as of - $55,551.55Membership Info –Eastern Puget Sound Southwest 2020 Meeting Dates and Locations-The first Friday in the quarterly month and each host is also responsible for the Educational Subject. Suggested first Friday dates are:March 6th - Wenatchee- Central Valley Hospital, Host- Ryan Fancher June 5th –Goldendale - Klickitat Valley Health, Host -Jonathan Lewis September-This meeting will be held at Annual Conference place and time TBD December 4th – Tri-Cities-Lourdes Newsline Articles Submissions –Please keep in mind all members can submit news articles and they only need to be a couple of paragraphs. These articles can be related to anything to do with Health Care Facilities Management that you feel our members may find valuable. March- Brad Jones June-Ryan Fancher September-Craig Greathouse December-Ed Luebben Newsline articles Due from 2019 September-Ben MyersDecember-Jonathan Lewis June Training Possible Educational Topics;It was discussed by members that we would like to hold two trainings this year.June 19th -60/40 Awareness Training –Neil Simons, Beacon Medaes and Ben Myers to coordinate presentersSeptember 18th Arc Flash NFPA 70E –Ben Myers and Jonathan Lewis coordinate presenters Sec/Treasurer will book rooms at Best Western in Moses Lake Other possible future training topics discussed;Firestop Training –Cheryl Harper, Whitman Hospital Cheryl will inform us at next meeting of how well the firestop training went at her facility we will then determine if this is something we would like to offer our members Asbestos/Lead Identification –Travis Trent-Fulcrum Advocacy and Networking State Board Updates State President for 2020 is Clay CiolekState President Elect for 2021 is our own Jonathan Lewis ASHE Advocacy/ Liaison update – Nothing to report at this time Brad will follow up with Keith Deline our ASHE Laision Growth and Communication WSSHE –2020 Conference DatesSemi-Annual-Chelan April 15th - 17th Fall Conference-Spokane October 20th – 23rdDiscussion with cost presentation by Jonathan Lewis about audio visual equipment for continued online meeting capability. This will be discussed at the State Board meeting and Jonathan will report back to Eastern Chapter. Discussion regarding reaching out to other Hospitals that are not currently involved with WSSHE-Carry over from Chapter break-out at Annual Conference Discussion about Eastern Chapter Hockey games or possibly Spokane Shock Indoor Football. Jon Ashworth will look into pricing/ticket availability for Spokane Shock and Brad Jones will look into Hockey and report back to Jonathan Lewis and Craig Greathouse. WSSHE Scholarships;Mac McKenzie Scholarship Fund The scholarship is open to members wishing to further their education. There are six (6) $750 education scholarships available each academic year, running from September through August. No due date for scholarship applications, open until the awarded amounts are reached.Pete Peterson Scholarship FundThe purpose of the Scholarship Fund will be to assist WSSHE Full Members to be able to attend conferences and educational meetings that they might not be able to due to financial restrictions.At the beginning of the year the Chapter Board shall meet and decide the amount of the funds, the number of awards to be given, and the individual amount of each award. The Board will then make the announcement of the chapter membership of the funding that will be available and the procedures for applying.Priority of Awarding the Scholarship:1. Awards shall be given on a first come first served basis2. The PPSF Board will set the guidelines for the due dates of applications and the awarding criteria. Full members can use the enclosed application form to submit their requests.3. The PPSF Board will approve/disapprove all requests at the regular PPSF Board meeting following the receipt of the requests.Questions from Chuck? What’s on your mind and how can we help each other?Discussed Children’s Hospital and the Aspergillus concerns;Moisture in ductwork Check HumidifiersFilters and anything that can trap and hold moistureSwab Ductwork and be prepared if test comes back positive.May be addendum from ASHRAE to conduct Risk Analysis on systems that may not necessarily be manufacturer recommendations. Discussed Clean RoomsDiscussed Consulting Service offered by DOH-CRS for new construction/renovations or new programs. Gaps around escutcheons,Utility failure reports-if failure affects patient care must be reported to DOH Customer Complaint Department.Age of Sprinklers- conducting annual pm’s to checkHeli Pad exhaust concerns and possible solutions Possible absorbents at intakesInversions are when this is most challenging Reduce engine run times on pads Orientation of Heli when landing Use of carbon filters**Education Session –Dave Rodgers, State Fire Marshal Dave shared his top ten findings with the group that included;Extension Cords use Sprinkler System Maintenance/Inspection Quarterly –Keep schedule current 5 Yr Internal Pipe Test Out of date sprinklers Fire DoorsNot LatchingDelamination Annual Inspections-Required Fire Doors OnlyHazardous storage areas labeled Emergency LightingNot completing required 30, 90 minute testing Smoke detector Sensitivity If self-testing you still need printout showing values Generator TestingWeekly, monthly, load bank and triannual Electrical System Maintenance/Testing Outlet testing-Ground, Polarity, tensionMust be documented showing Room number and number of outlets, W/O showing corrections. Gas/Electrical Open J-Boxes no coversElectrical panels being blocked Gas Cylinder StorageNot securedNot identified Empty /FullMeans of Egress-Clear Corridors –Snow / Ice blocking doorsDave also discussed corrective action timelines, generator fuel levels requirements including knowing rate of burn and that your plan must reflect this rate. He discussed a 3 hour Life Safety Code class that is offered thru the State Fire Marshal office and said to contact local Deputy if interested. He also discussed if utility failure is more than 4 hours in 24 hour period must initiate Fire Watch. Dave also provided a Q/A session at the end of his presentation for our members. Next meeting: March 6th 2020, Wenatchee-Central Valley Hospital, Host-Ryan Fancher Building Tour- Ben Myers provided a tour of his new power plant to several members and answered lots of questions regarding the construction process and selection of equipment. Adjournment 2pm ................

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