Secretary/Treasurer’s Responsibilities

Secretary/Treasurer’s Responsibilities

When the Leadership Team fulfils all responsibilities throughout their term, they will receive compensation for their fees. In addition, the compensation fees are to cover minor out-of-pocket expenses such as postage and phone calls. Service on the Leadership Team is a minimum of a six month commitment beginning on April 1st or October 1st of each year. The term is renewable once in succession for this position, only if approved by the BNI Director. All team leaders must have at least one or more months in remaining dues in order to accept the position.

In order to be on the Leadership Team, the Secretary/Treasurer must read and sign the Leadership Team Agreement BEFORE taking over the position and having fees compensated Each member of the Leadership Team must attend Leadership Team Training held in March and September of each year. Leadership Team training is REQUIRED. LT members MUST also return all materials at the end of their term to BNI. The Leadership Team must also meet together every month to evaluate the chapter.

The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for a number of activities, including the following:

1. In the absence of the Chapter Director and Membership Co-ordinator, running each meeting of that chapter according to the BNI Agenda and Policies.

2. Maintaining records and reporting to the chapter EACH WEEK regarding speakers at least six weeks ahead of their presenting dates. Reminding speakers that they are to bring a door prize on the day they are to speak (members that bring a visitor or a referral are eligible for the door prize) and to submit an up-to-date biography sheet

3. Tracking the speaker table schedule.

4. Introducing the speaker(s) each week. This includes brief information about each speaker’s background and area of expertise (use the Biography Sheet).

5. Give a BRIEF report (no more than 2 minutes) each week with information taken from BNINet. The report should include:

(a) Members whose fees will have expired on the 1st day of the following month

(b) Members who still owe their renewal subscription

(c) Members whose memberships have lapsed or been dropped (so members can remove them from their card file),

(d) The visitor statement about the investment to join BNI (see page 48 for the verbatim statement to be used).

6. IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS during the report, regarding the amount or use of the dues, ask the visitor to see you after the meeting. If you or the Chapter Director cannot answer their questions, refer them to your BNI Director.

7. At the first meeting of the month announce all members whose dues will expire by the 1st day of the following month and begin collecting fees during the current month, for those members. Have all dues COLLECTED by the last meeting of the current month from all members whose dues expire by the 1st day of the following month. Membership Committees must approve renewal applications within 5 days of receipt. Renewal forms and payments should be sent to your BNI Director as soon as the Membership Committee have approved the renewal.

8. Send in renewal or new member payments received at any meeting during the month, with the top portion of applications and the applicant’s business card, to your BNI Director no later than 24 hours after the meeting. Membership Committees should be processing the application at the same time as the BNI Director processes the payments.

9. With all new member applications, before mailing, please ensure the following is completed:

a. The chapter name is shown

b. The application form is dated, and signed on the reverse side

c. The sponsor is shown

d. The method of payment is marked in the appropriate column

e. Verify the amount is the same on the application and cheque

10. Collect a mandatory £20 late charge plus membership fees for ANY MEMBER NOT PAYING BY THE FIRST MEETING OF THE MONTH. Send their payments to the BNI Director in order to reinstate the individual as a member. If after 15 days (i.e. by the 15th of the month) you have not yet received payment, the individual's membership may be terminated.

11. If you will not be at a meeting, and any member’s dues need to be collected, or members need to be advised that dues are coming up for renewal, arrange with the Chapter Director to collect the dues, or advise whose dues are coming up. If a member is late paying their dues because you forgot to advise them, or were not there and didn't arrange for another officer to collect the dues, then you will be responsible for paying their £20 late fee.

12. Keeps accurate records for the chapter’s own funds, including breakfast money


13. The Secretary/Treasurer will also assist the Chapter Director on any special projects that the Chapter Director requires.

14. Ensuring that all member contact details are kept up to date on BNINet and making changes when necessary.

15. Printing out copies of the chapter roster sheet once a month from BNINet to put on the sign in table.

16. Taking away from each meeting the business cards of all visitors and adding all visitor contact details to BNINet within a day of them attending their first meeting.

17. Once entered, post the Business Cards to your BNI Executive Director for follow up.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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