N a n c i l m Annual Government f i g e FMS m e Financial ...





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Annual Government Financial Management


Sample of Featured Sessions

August 20th-22nd

at the Ronald Reagan Building, Washington, DC

GWA: As The Curtain Falls On FACTS I, FACTS II & GTAS

- The Final Countdown, Intra-Governmental Policy Revisions: Resolving What Makes Us Different, 2012 Year-End Closing - Everything You Need To Know

Federal Finance: Collections & Cash Management

Modernization: Overview, Implications & Timeframes For Agencies, CASHLINK II: Countdown To Shutdown Transaction Reporting System: The Future Is Now

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Payment Management:

PM Panel: SPS, ASAP, ITS, PAM, IPP Automates the Intra-Governmental Buy/Sell Process, Payment Information Repository

Debt Managment: Centralized Receivables Service,

State of the Onion: The Many Layers of Debt Collection, Treasury Offset Program Next Generation (TOP NG) And The Use Of Cloud Technology


The Federal Budget Process: Cradle to Grave Budgetary Accounting Bootcamp, Obligations & Cobwebs

Registration: $300 21 Possible CPEs


Federal Investment Tools & Tips, Eliminate Your Federal Investment Reporting Differences, Treasury-Managed Trust Funds - GTAS Implications

Online Registration:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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