MANAGEMENT SERVICES - U.S. Department of the Treasury

CHAPTER 600 – MISSION SUPPORTTABLE OF CONTENTS (600)-40MISSION SUPPORT ACTIVITIES 40.1 HYPERLINK "\\600-40\\chapter600-40-1.docx" \l "MissionSupportAct600_40_1" TELECOMMUNICATIONSHYPERLINK "\\\\svm403.\\imds-temp\\chapter600-ms\\600-40\\chapter600-40-1.docx" \l "MissionSupportAct600_40_1_1"Telephone Credit CardsHYPERLINK "\\\\svm403.\\imds-temp\\chapter600-ms\\600-40\\chapter600-40-1.docx" \l "MissionSupportAct600_40_1_2"Voice Messaging SystemMAIL AND SPECIAL DELIVERYIntroductionMail DeliveryIncome Mail DeliveryOutgoing Mail DeliveryEnvelope ProgramSpecial and Express DeliveryUnited Parcel ServiceGuidance for Reducing Mail CostPackaging and Transmittal of Evidence and Sensitive ItemsAnthrax and Other Biological Agent ThreatsHow to Handle Anthrax and Other Biological Agent ThreatsIdentifying Suspicious Packages and LettersAdditional Recommended PrecautionsLogging System for UPS, FedEx, and Certified Mail 40.3 ACQUISITIONS40.3.1 Introduction40.3.2 References40.3.3Definitions40.3. Purchase Approval Request Process40.3.4.1 Contract Modification40.3.4.2Examples of Modifications40.3.4.3Acquisition Request Cut-Off Dates40.3.4.4Emergency Purchases40.3.5Types of Acquisitions40.3.5.1 Centralized Purchases40.3.5.2 High Risk Contracting Acquisitions40.3.5.3Simplified Acquisitions Purchases40.3.5.4 Contracting Officers Representative (COR) and Invoice Approver40.3.5.5 Mandatory Sources40.3.6 Section 50840.3.7 Other Responsibilities40.3.7.1Accountable Property40.3.7.2 Records Management40.3.8 Purchase and Use of Promotional Items40.3.8.1Procurement Process for Recruitment, Trade Show, Retirement, and Recognition Items40.3.9 Purchase of Shredders40.3.10 Assignment of Wireless Communication Devices40.3.11 Processing External Training Requests40.3.12 Counsel Review of Contracts40.3.13 Interagency Agreements (IAs) Approving Payment for Services Received by TIGTA Under an IA40.3.14 Accounting Codes for Requisitions Involving the Acquisition of Capitalized Assets40.3.14.1Leases40.3.15 Contractor Clearances and Personal Identity Verification40.3.15.1 Contractor Clearance and Background Investigation Requirements40.3.15.Personal Identity Verification (PIV) for Contractor Personnel40.3.16 Payment Procedures40.3.17 Government Purchase Card Program Guidance and Procedures40.3.17.1 Delegation of Procurement Authority40.3.17.2 Limits40. Antideficiency Act Limits40.3.17.3 Positions Authorized to Receive Government Purchase Cards40.3.17.4 Opening a Government Purchase Card Account40.3.17.5 Issuance of Purchase Card40.3.17.6 Convenience Checks40.3.17.7 Security of Purchase Cards and Convenience Checks40.3.17.8 Lost or Stolen Cards40.3.17.9 Purchasing and Ordering Information and Procedures40. Mandatory Sources for Government Purchase Cards Purchases40. Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative for Office Supplies Third Generation (FSSI OS3) GSA Advantage FSSI OS3 Office Supplies40. to Resolve Order Problems40. Purchases40. Prohibited Purchases40. Tax Exemption40. Manufacturer/Retailer Rebates40. Telephone or Internet Orders40.3.17.10 Responsibilities40.3.17.11 Account Updates and Maintenance40. Credits40. Dispute Process40.3.17.12 Cardholder Ethics40.3.17.13 Ratio of Cardholders to Approving Officials40.3.17.14 Program Review40.4RELOCATION Definitions and AcronymsIntroductionPurposeBackgroundScopeAuthoritiesApplicabilityInvoluntary TransfersManagement-Directed Reassignment40.4.7.2Voluntary Transfer40. Reassignment40.4.8 Notification of Reassignment and Initiation of a Relocation Request 40.4.9 Service Agreement40.4.10Relocation Allowances40.4.10.1Mandatory and Discretionary Relocation Allowances40.4.11Discretionary Allowances Authorized by TIGTA40.4.11.1House Hunting Trip40.4.11.2Temporary Quarters Subsistence Expense (TQSE) of Privately Owned Vehicle (POV)40.5OFFICIAL TRAVEL40.5.1Introduction40.5.2Authorities40.5.3Definition of Terms40.5.4Agency Responsibilities40.5.4.1Official Travel Records40.5.5Limited Open Travel Authorizations and Individual Travel Authorizations40.5.5.1Additional Requirements for First Time Travel40.5.5.2Travel Situations Not Covered by the Limited Open Travel Authorization40. Situations Requiring Additional Written Approval40. Situations Requiring TIGTA Form 1321 "Authorization for Official Travel” Travel40. Travel40. Daily Subsistence Expenses40. Travel40. Travel40. Representation at Funerals40. Aircraft40. to Law Enforcement and Investigative Employees40.5.6Premium-Class Travel40.5.6.1First-Class Travel40.5.6.2Business-Class Travel40.5.7Travel Not at Government Expense (Non-Federal Sources) "\\\\svm403.\\imds-temp\\chapter600-ms\\600-40\\chapter600-40-5.docx" \l "ot40_5_7_1"Acceptance of Payment Not on Behalf of TIGTA for Travel From a Non-Federal Source40.5.8Travel Advances40.5.8.1Allowable Expenses40.5.8.2Calculating and Requesting an Advance40.5.8.3Liquidation of Advance40.5.9Government Contractor-Issued Travel Charge Cards40.5.9.1 Management of the Government Travel Charge Card Program40.5.9.2Eligibility for the Travel Charge Card Program40.5.9.3Mandatory Use of the Travel Charge Card for Official Travel and Passenger Transportation Services40.5.9.4Employees Without Charge Cards40. of TIGTA’s Centrally Billed/Corporate Account (CBA) for a Government Individually-Billed Travel Charge Card (IBT) Credit Worthiness Assessment40. of Credit Worthiness for Restricted Cardholders40.5.9.6Mandatory Travel Charge Card Training40. Travel Charge Card Refresher Training40.5.9.7Individual Responsibility With the Travel Charge Card40.5.9.8Monthly Contractor Billings and Payment40. Split Disbursement40. Imposed on the Government Travel Charge Card40. the Government Individually-Billed Travel Charge Card40. or Stolen Travel Cards40.5.9.9Financial Obligations and Liability for the Charge Card40. Offset for Collecting Travel Card Debt40.5.9.10Charge Card Delinquency Disciplinary Actions40. Closure of the Travel Card for Detailed Employees40.5.9.11Cancellation and Information Changes40.5.9.12Destruction of Cancelled Government Travel Charge Card40.5.10Obtaining Transportation and Other Travel Services40.5.10.1Mandatory Use of the E-Gov Travel Service (eTS) Travel40.5.10.2Air Travel Accommodations40. of Non-Contract or Cost Saving Airfares40. Non-Contract Fares40. Documentation40.5.10.3Denied Boarding Compensation40.5.10.4Voluntarily Vacating Reserved Airline Seats40.5.10.5Rail Travel40. Procedures40.5.10.6Canceling Reservations40.5.10.7Unused Tickets40.5.10.8Lost or Stolen Tickets40.5.10.9Combining Personal and Official Travel40. for Using the Same Mode of Transportation40. for Cost Comparison When Using Different Transportation Modes40. and Official Travel Combined With Difference Modes of Transportation40.5.10.10Travel of an Employee With Disabilities or Special Needs40.5.11Privately-Owned Vehicle (POV) Travel40.5.11.1Benefit to the Government for POV Travel40.5.11.2Two or More Employees Traveling Together in One POV40.5.11.3Reimbursable Mileage of a POV Near an Employee’s Home or Official Duty Station40.5.12Rental Vehicles40.5.12.1Gasoline Expenses for Rental Cars40.5.12.2Personal Use of a Rental Vehicle40. Rates40.5.12.3Rental Car Liability40.5.13Parking Fees40.5.14Taxicabs, Ridesharing Services and Transportation Network Companies40.5.15Use of Courtesy Car Service and Shuttles40.5.16Mandatory Use of Seat Belts40.5.17Promotional Material40.5.17.1Frequent Traveler Benefits40.5.18Reimbursement for Subsistence Expenses40.5.18.1Required Commute for Per Diem40.5.18.2Trainees at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC)40.5.19Long-Term Lodging Cost40.5.19.1Allowable Charges40.5.19.2Exemption From Hotel/Motel Occupancy Taxes40.5.20Non-Conventional Lodging Costs40.5.20.1Homes of Friends or Relatives40.5.20.2Campers or Recreational Vehicles40.5.21Claiming Unused, Prepaid, and Non-Refundable Lodging Expense40.5.22Reducing Per Diem for Government-Furnished Lodging and Meals40.5.23Extended Travel Assignments40.5.24Weekend Travel40.5.25Leave of Absence40.5.25.1Leave for Whole Days40.5.25.2Part-Day Leave Wholly Within a Day40.5.25.3Incapacitating Illness or Injury of Employee40.5.25.4Personal Emergency Travel40.5.25.5Death of Employee While in Travel Status40.5.26Subsistence and Transportation for Threatened Law Enforcement and Investigative Employees40.5.27Other Taxable Items40.5.28Personal Telephone Calls40.5.28.1Airborne40.5.29Internet/High Speed Connection40.5.30Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Fees40.5.31Laundry40.5.32Excess Baggage40.5.33Travel to Get Meals40.5.34Claims for Items Previously Omitted or Suspended (Supplemental Voucher)40.5.35Local Travel40.5.35.1Local Travel Voucher for Miscellaneous Expenses40.5.35.2POV Mileage during Local Travel40.5.35.3Use of the Government Travel Card for Local Expenses40.5.36Identifying Non-Travel Costs on Travel Vouchers40.5.36.1Expenses for Securing Evidence40.5.36.2Other Non-Travel Expenses40.5.37Travel Voucher Audits40.5.38Disputed Charges on Travel Card Accounts40.5.38.1Procedures for Disputed Travel Card Charges40.5.38.2Final Decision40.5.39Review and Approval of Travel Voucher by Approving Official40.5.40Guidelines for Review of Travel Vouchers40.5.41Procedures for Travelers to Dispute Disallowed Claims40.5.41.1Approving Official (AO) Responsibilities40.5.41.2Traveler (Claimant) Responsibilities40.5.41.3TIGTA Facilities Management and Support Services40.5.41.4Conclusion40.5.42Foreign Travel40.5.42.1Transportation40.5.42.2Trip Insurance40.5.42.3Foreign Currency Expenses40.6METRO SMART TRIP CARD PROGRAM40.6.1Purpose40.6.2Overview40.6.3Responsibilities40.6.4Procedures40.7PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SUBSIDY PROGRAM40.7.1Overview 40.7.2Authorities40.7.3Definitions40.7.4Responsibilities40.7.4.1Office of Mission Support, Facilities Management and Support Services (OMS/FMSS) Department of Transportation (DOT) Participating Employees' Responsibilities Managers40.7.5 Eligibility Employees Covered Employees Not Covered Transportation Authorized Parking Permits 40.7.6 Subsidy Payment Type Transit Pass/Voucher40. Inside the National Capitol Region (NCR) Outside of the NCR Uses of the Transit Passes40.7.6.2 Electronic Funds Transfer Reimbursement40.7.7 Benefit Calculation40.7.8Application Process Users of Public Transportation Users of Private Vanpools 40.7.9 Subsidy Distribution Process SmartBenefits? Distribution EFT Reimbursement Distribution 40.7.10 Separating Employees TRANServe Benefit Program Cardholders40.8CREDENTIAL POLICY40.8.1 Abbreviations and Acronyms40.8.2 Introduction40.8.3 Authorities40.8.4 Definitions40.8.5 Temporary ID Card & HSPD PIV Card40.8.5.1 New Hires40.8.5.2Contractors40.8.5.3 Employees40.8.5.4 TIGTA Property40.8.5.5 Lost ID Card40.8.5.6 Visitor Badge40.8.5.7 HSPD-12 PIV Card Issuance40.8.5.8 HSPD-12 PIV Card Destruction40.8.6 Credentials and Badges/Shields40.8.6.1 Purpose40.8.6.2 Policy40.8.6.3 Requirements40. Contents40. Case or Folder40. National Security Clearance40. Requirements for Issuing Credentials and Badges/Shields40. Controls40. Transmittal40. Serial and Control Numbers40.8.7 Safeguarding40.8.7.1 Reporting Loss or Theft40.8.8 Updating Credentials40.8.8.1 Disposition40.8.8.2 Credential Cancellations40.8.9 Special Agent/Investigative Specialist40.8.9.1 Recognition40.8.10 Authentication40.8.10.1 Penalties40.8.11 Requirements of the Inspector General and TIGTA FMSS Credentialing Office40.8.12 Issuance of Retired Law Enforcement Photographic Identification40.8.12.1 Criteria for Issuing Photographic Identification to Retired Special Agents40.8.12.2 Procedures for Issuing Photographic Identification to Separated Special Agents40.8.12.3 Procedures for Issuing Photographic Identification to Current Special Agents40.8.12.4 Procedures for Re-issuing Photographic Identification40.9Available for Use40.10INFORMATION SYSTEMS, PHYSICAL SECURITY, AND ENVRIONMENTAL PROTECTION40.10.1Overview40.10.2Purpose40.10.3Scope40.10.4General Roles and Responsibilities40.10.4.1Office of Mission Support Facilities Management Team40.10.4.2Office of Investigations40.10.4.3Authorizing Official (AO) Information Security Officer (CISO) System Security Officers (ISSO) Information Officer (CIO) Security of TIGTA Facilities40. Facilities40. Leased Buildings40. Buildings40. and Certifications40. Security Committees40. Plans and Operating Procedures40. and Access Media40. after Regular Business Hours40. Items40. Escort Requirements in TIGTA Offices40. Time Frame40. Screening40. Unusual Activities and/or Incidents40. Security Operational Duties40. of Mission Support Facilities Management Team Responsibilities40. of Information Technology Contractor Security Program Responsibilities40. Responsibilities by Role Responsibilities40. Responsibilities40. Responsibilities40.10.5.2Protection of Information Systems40. Computing Center (LCC) TIGTA Centers (STC) and Lite TIGTA Centers (LTC)40.10.6Cognizant Authority40.10.7Monitoring Physical Access40.10.7.1Key Control and Combination Lock Management40.11PERSONAL IDENTITY VERIFICATION (PIV) OF FEDERAL EMPLOYEES AND CONTRACTORS40.11.1Introduction40.11.1.1Purpose40.11.1.2Background40.11.1.3Scope40.11.1.4Applicability40.11.1.5General Services Administration (GSA) Managed Services Office (MSO)40.11.2Authorities40.11.3Common Identification, Security, and Privacy Requirements40.11.3.1Credentialing Requirements40.11.3.2Biometric Data Collection for Background Investigations40.11.3.3Biometric Data Collection for PIV Card40.11.3.4Biometric Data Use40.11.3.5Chain-of-Trust40.11.3.6PIV Roles and Responsibilities40.11.3.7PIV Identity Proofing and Registration Requirements40.11.3.8PIV Card Issuance Requirements40. Rule for Pseudonyms40. Period40. PIV Card Designations40.11.3.9PIV Card Expiration Timelines40.11.3.10PIV Card Maintenance Requirements40. Card Reissuance Requirements40. Rule for Name Change by Cardholder40. Card Post Issuance Update Requirements40. Card Verification Data Reset40. Card Termination Requirements40., Stolen, Compromised or Forgotten PIV Card40. Cardholder SuspensionExhibit (600)-40.1Organizational Symbols for MailExhibit (600)-40.2Suggested Items to Purchase for RecognitionExhibit (600)-40.3Limited Open Travel AuthorizationExhibit (600)-40.4List of Approved VendorsExhibit (600)-40.5Purchase Card LogExhibit (600)-40.6TIGTA Metro Smart trip Card Inventory Control LogExhibit (600)-40.7Travel Card Delinquency Notification and Management Actions Exhibit (600)-40.7.1Estimating Your Commuting CostExhibit (600)-40.8AT&T Phone Card Request FormExhibit (600)-40.8.1 Instruction Letter to RequesterExhibit (600)-40.8.2 Application for LEO IDExhibit (600)-40.8.3Retirement Evaluation (Application for Retired/Retiring LEO Photographic ID)Exhibit (600)-40.8.4 Approval Letter to RequesterExhibit (600)-40.8.5 Rejection Letter to RequesterExhibit (600)-40.8.6 Instructions for Obtaining Digital Photo Exhibit (600)-40.8.7 Photo ID Pickup NotificationExhibit (600)-40.8.8 Letter of RequestExhibit (600)-40.9Guidelines and Standards for Procuring Shredders Exhibit (600)-40.10Instructions for Preparing Interagency Agreement Packages Exhibit (600)-40.11Government Ethics Rules and Violations for Cardholders Exhibit (600)-40.12GPC, OPC, and AO Responsibilities Exhibit (600)-40.13TIGTA and BFS Procurement DeadlinesExhibit (600)-40.14Available for UseExhibit (600)-40.15Available for UseExhibit (600)-40.16Available for UseExhibit (600)-40.17Available for UseExhibit (600)-40.18Package and Mail Receipt LogExhibit (600)-40.19United Parcel Service Routing Form ................

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