
August 2, 2018

I. Background

The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority ("CHFA" or "Authority"), a body politic and corporate constituting a public instrumentality and political subdivision of the State of Connecticut, was created in 1969 and operates pursuant to Chapter 134 of the Connecticut General Statutes, as amended. CHFA's purpose is to help alleviate the shortage of affordable housing for low- and moderate-income families and persons in Connecticut by providing both single family mortgages, financing for rental housing, and mortgages for the purchase, development and construction of housing.

CHFA will not reimburse for any expenses incurred in connection with this Request for Proposals ("RFP") including, but not limited to, the cost of preparing the initial response and any additional information requested or travel expenses relating to an oral presentation. Please be advised that responses will be considered property of CHFA, are matters of public record, and may be disclosed by CHFA after the awarding of the contract.

For additional information about CHFA, please reference CHFA's website at .

II. Proposed Scope of Services

The Authority is requesting proposals from qualified vendors or authorized agents, for a Treasury Management Software (the "Software") to allow the Authority to manage its cash and investment activities along with performing cash flow projections. The proposed contract will be for a three-year period.

Since its inception, the Authority has issued over $20 billion of tax exempt and taxable bonds of which proceeds from the bonds were used to purchase single-family loans and make multifamily loans. Currently, the Authority is relying on on-line banking information from its custodian (US Bank) and reconciling payments and inventory of securities using SS&C CAMRA? and spreadsheets. The Authority requires the Software to (i) monitor and control investments and risks, (ii) account for any accruals, deferrals, discounts, premiums, amortized and unamortized items along with any loans and


investments associated with each bond program, (iii) improve liquidity planning, and (iv) communicate and interface with the Authority's trustee and custodian. As of December 31, 2017, the Authority had an investment portfolio of approximately $2.3 billion. For more information, please visit to refer to the Authority's 2017 audited financial statements.

III. Requested Information

Each respondent to the RFP must provide the following information:

1. A brief description of your organization and previous experience in providing such software as described in this RFP. Indicate the total number of staff in your organization and the number of staff that you expect to assign to this project.

2. Vendor Contact information with the following information:

Vendor Name Contact Name Address Email Address Telephone Number Tax Identification Number (TIN)

3. Cost breakdown to procure the Software. Breakdown should include, but not be limited to, plan and specifications, servers (onsite or hosted), installation, training, conversion, and support. Please indicate any specific price reductions or discounts made available to government agencies.

4. The vendor should include with its proposal the service level agreement, which should contain parameters for the following measurements at a minimum:

Performance (response time to problem notification) Availability (Mean Time Between Failures, Mean Time To Repair) Configuration (add/remove/modify) Support (Help Desk) Availability/Location or locations Emergency Response Process Infrastructure Needs (Server, Memory, Storage, Database, Backup devices,

etc) Provide any brochures or other collateral information

5. The vendor shall provide details of its warranty period and ongoing (postwarranty) product maintenance/support costs, policies, procedures and other options. The description should include, but not be limited to, frequency of regularly scheduled upgrades and/or policies on implementation of routine or emergency fixes. Vendor responsibilities and CHFA's responsibilities must be clearly listed. If warranty period support provides different service levels or requires different procedures, then the services and procedures for both warranty support and ongoing maintenance/support must be separately listed and identified. 2

6. CHFA assumes that system maintenance/support terms and pricing only apply to maintenance/support services after expiration of the initial system warranty period. If warranty period support is not included in the initial purchase/implementation cost, it must be separately listed and identified. Annual support plan renewal must be offered and pricing metrics must be identified, including known or estimated annual increases.

7. The vendor shall provide as references a minimum of three (3) clients for whom your organization has performed similar services. For each reference, please provide a contact person and his or her telephone number and email address.

8. The vendor shall provide current documentation regarding liability insurance, in the amounts listed on Exhibit A attached hereto.

9. Submit specific information regarding your firm's commitment to Affirmative Action. Please include, at a minimum, formal internal hiring practices and discussion of working relationships with women and minority owned companies. Please include your firm's most recent Equal Employment Opportunity Commission report.

10. Have you or your company or a predecessor firm ever been removed from an account prior to the expiration of its contract? If so, please explain.

11. Describe any and all material lawsuits, legal or administrative proceedings or governmental investigations, criminal actions or law enforcement activities (including those by federal, state or local authorities, or self-regulatory organizations) or non-routine inquiries or investigations relating to you, your firm, or any of your affiliates, including any proceedings to which you, your firm, your affiliates or any of their respective officers, directors or employees are a named party or of which any of such has been the focus, that have occurred in the last three (3) years or that are currently threatened, including whether you, your firm, or any of your affiliates, or their respective officers, directors or employees have been censured by any regulatory body. Describe any such circumstances and advise whether these investigations or proceedings will affect you or your firm's ability to complete the proposed transaction and perform the services in this RFP.

12. Describe your presence in Connecticut, if any, including corporate existence in Connecticut, whether formed in Connecticut or authorized to do business in the state. If your company currently is not registered with the Connecticut Secretary of State, please indicate whether your company will so register if CHFA procures the Software from your company.

13. Describe any participation by your company in any civic or other non-profit activities, including any contributions that your firm made in Connecticut.


14. Selected vendors must comply with CHFA and State Ethics requirements, laws and regulations. Persons seeking to do business with CHFA are required to comply with the attached ethics statement and the applicable provisions of the Code of Ethics and Code of Ethics for Lobbyists incorporated therein by reference. An authorized signatory of the firm submitting proposals shall execute and submit with the proposal the attached certifications (attached as Exhibit B) regarding Connecticut General Statutes sections 4-250 and 4-252a. In addition, an authorized signatory of the firm awarded this contract shall execute the attached CHFA statutory provisions, affidavits and certifications, attached for informational purposes as Exhibit C.

IV. Submission Deadline

Responses to this RFP must be received by the Authority no later than 12:00 noon, August 31, 2018.

V. Evaluation Criteria

Vendors will be considered on the basis of their response to this RFP, additional written information as requested by CHFA, Software demonstrations and oral interviews, if any, including, but not limited to, the following criteria:

1. Reputation and experience of the vendor 2. Organization and approach of vendor to complete the project 3. Cost 4. Qualifications of personnel 5. Functionality 6. Support and Training 7. Data Conversion/Ease of Transition 8. Turnkey Operation

Taking all factors into account, CHFA reserves the right to select one or more vendors or none at all at this time.

VI. Submission Requirements

1. Two (3) originals along with a flash drive containing a copy of the proposal in PDF format should be delivered in a sealed envelope to:

Connecticut Housing Finance Authority Attn: Allison Murphy Director, Financial Reporting and Control 999 West Street Rocky Hill, CT 06067

2. Proposals received after the Submission Deadline date and time may result in CHFA's rejection of the proposal.


3. Proposals must include a cover letter signed by an individual authorized to enter into a contract with the CHFA on behalf of the organization, acknowledging that the company agrees to be bound by all terms and conditions of the RFP and affirming that all information contained in the proposal is true and accurately portrays all aspects of the services to be provided.

VII. General Instructions

1. Qualified vendors can submit questions to the Authority for clarification or for more information. Questions must be received by the Authority on or before August 15, 2018. The Authority reserves the right to answer or not to answer a question. If the Authority decides to answer a question, the answer will be posted on the Authority's website. All questions or requests for further information should be directed to Allison Murphy by emailing to allison.murphy@ and faxed to (860) 257-8375. Any other ex parte communication regarding this RFP is NOT permitted and may be grounds for elimination from further consideration.

2. Failure to comply with the requirements of this RFP may result in CHFA's rejection of a proposal.

3. CHFA is exempt from the payment of excise and sales taxes imposed by the federal government and the state. Proposers remain liable, however, for any other applicable taxes.

4. CHFA reserves the right to: reject any and all proposals received in response to this request; negotiate the fees and charges contained in any proposal, and is not obligated to accept a proposal based upon the lowest fee schedule; accept a proposal based on considerations other than costs; accept multiple proposals based on software functionality; waive or modify any irregularities or informalities in proposals received; award contracts in any manner necessary to serve the best interest of CHFA and request additional information as determined necessary.

5. Respondents should also be aware of the following:

a) The agreement between CHFA and the selected organization will be evidenced by a written contract (the "Contract"), which shall incorporate this RFP, the proposal and any related correspondence. In executing such Contract, the selected organization agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this RFP, and that all representations, warranties and commitments in the proposal and related correspondence are contractual obligations. In the event of any conflict in the terms and conditions between the RFP, Proposal and any related correspondence, the RFP shall control.


b) Any work product issued or produced for CHFA, belongs to CHFA. CHFA shall not be required to seek approval(s) from the company for the use of such work product (for the benefit of CHFA and its business activities).

c) CHFA reserves the right to issue additional, separate RFPs when it determines that CHFA's needs dictate that the procuring of additional software is in its best interest. The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer


Exhibit A

Connecticut Housing Finance Authority

Insurance Requirements for Contractors or Vendors

Instructions: CHFA Insurance Requirements

All contractors and vendors are required to provide proof of the required insurance coverage before entering the premises or commencing any work at any CHFA facility. Contractors and vendors must obtain, at their own expense, all the insurance required here, and acceptable evidence of such insurance must be properly furnished to, and approved by, CHFA.

All subcontractors are subject to the same requirements. It the responsibility of the primary contractor or vendor to obtain acceptable evidence of insurance from subcontractors.

CHFA also requires that they be named as an additional insured on your general liability policy(ies). Your general liability policy must be endorsed with ISO Endorsement CG 20 10 (or equivalent) or ISO Endorsement CG 20 26 (or equivalent), and ISO Endorsement CG 20 37 (or equivalent) if so required. These form numbers must be specifically referenced on the certificate of insurance. If your insurance company uses a different form to provide CHFA with additional insured status on your policies, copies of those forms must be provided in advance with the insurance certificate for review and approval by CHFA. All coverage must be primary as to CHFA.

The proper name for the entity to be named as additional insured is: "Connecticut Housing Finance Authority, and/or related or affiliated entities."

Evidence of compliance with these requirements is with the ACCORD form 25, "Certificate of Liability Insurance", with 30 day notice of cancellation, plus copies of any required additional insured endorsements. Certificates should be sent to: Connecticut Housing Finance Authority, Attention: Legal Dept., 999 West St., Rocky Hill, CT 06067. Tel.: (860) 721-9501, Fax: (860) 721-0527.

Current insurance certificates must be furnished to CHFA at all times. Replacement certificates must be furnished prior to the expiration or replacement of referenced policies.

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Connecticut Housing Finance Authority

Insurance Requirements for Contractors or Vendors

Required Type of (if checked) Insurance

Standard Requirement

Commercial General Liability

$1,000,000 per occurrence/ $2,000,000 aggregate bodily injury/property damage.

The CGL policy must include coverage for: liability from premises and operations. liability from products or completed operations. liability from actions of independent contractors. liability assumed by contract.

All coverage provided to CHFA under this section must be primary.

Contractors or service vendors:

CHFA must be named as "additional insured" on your CGL policy with ISO form CG 20 10 or CG 20 26 or equivalent

CHFA must also be named as "additional insured" on your CGL policy with form CG 20 37 or equivalent

The Aggregate limit must apply per job/project.

Products/completed operations must be carried for 2 years after completion of job/acceptance by owner.

Automobile Liability

$1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury/property damage, including hired & non-owned vehicles

Workers' Compensation Employers Liability

Statutory $1,000,000 each accident

Umbrella Liability



$1,000,000 Excess over underlying limits described above. $1,000,000 per occurrence/ $1,000,000 aggregate

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