KACo Main Site - The Kentucky Association of Counties


Kentucky Jails

Model Policies and Procedures

|Policy # | |

| | |

|Diabetic Inmate | |

|This policy is for internal use only. |

|Applicable Kentucky Regulation: 501 KAR 3:090. Medical services. |

|National Commission on Correctional Health Care: J-F-01 Special Needs and Services |

|ACA Standard: |

|Date available online: Jan. 18, 2021 | |

I. Policy: It shall be the policy of the Jail to provide consistent care for diabetic inmates as per physician orders to maintain good healthcare.

II. Procedure: Diabetic Inmates

A. When an officer identifies a diabetic inmate during the intake screening, the following procedure will be implemented.

a. The common signals of a diabetic emergency include:

i. Feeling extremely tired or weak

ii. Being Confrontational

iii. Displaying odd or bizarre behavior

iv. Sweating, pale or clammy skin

v. Trouble walking or losing balance

vi. Confusion, disorientation

vii. Changing levels of consciousness

viii. Shakiness,

ix. Excessive sweating,

x. Dizziness,

xi. Nausea and

xii. Sleepiness,

b. Treatment: the officer may:

i. Help the person sit.

ii. If you suspect the person is having a diabetic emergency is conscious, is able to swallow, and advises you that he or she needs sugar; you may, if they have their own glucose gel, help them to take it. Follow the instruction on the package.

iii. Give sugar in the form of a sugary drink or food. Sugar dissolved in a glass of water is acceptable.

iv. If they respond quickly, give them more food or drink and let them rest until they feel better.

c. Make notification to the jail medical staff. In the event medial staff in unavailable the local EMT will be requested to respond and examine the arrestee.

d. Following the blood sugar test, if the medical staff is not available, officers, will contact the physician on call to determine what, if any, treatment may be needed.

e. The medical staff will ensure that information is forwarded to the kitchen to ensure the inmate is provided with a diabetic snack.

f. Diabetic inmates in housing units will have blood sugar tests conducted as scheduled by jail medical staff.

g. The blood sugar test kit, med log and sharps container will be kept in the exam room. Officers will take inmates to the medical area exam room so the medical staff, when available, can conduct the test. Test results must be recorded in the medical logbook.

B. The kitchen staff will prepare the snack for all the insulin dependent diabetic inmates to be issued at lockdown. Officers will need to obtain the snacks from the kitchen.

C. All diabetic inmates must be closely monitored for symptoms that include shakiness, excessive sweating, dizziness, nausea and sleepiness. Any officer encountering a diabetic inmate with any of these symptoms will immediately contact a medically staff member or EMT.

D. Diabetic inmates that request a blood sugar test even if visible symptoms are not present will be given a blood sugar test.

This policy will be reviewed annually and revised as needed.


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