Webquest on Eating Disorders


Dying to be Thin


Eating disorders are threatening the lives of millions of young male and female adolescents each year. Media advertising portrays young people with waif-like figures as having the “ideal” figure”. Often adolescents will go to great lengths to achieve these figures, literally starving themselves to death. Perhaps there is pressure from coaches or dance instructors to maintain an ideal weight to achieve success. Or do peers, family members and friends inadvertently make us feel that we fall short of acceptability due to our lack of the popular conception of the ideal figure?


After completing this webquest, you should have a very clear understanding of the devastation brought on by eating disorders. By looking at anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa and examining healthy eating regimes, you will be better able to apply healthy living skills to your daily eating and exercise routines. These living skills will allow you to adopt personal eating habits that will increase your self-esteem while maintaining a healthy body image.


You will use the internet to gather research and answer questions on anorexia and bulimia. You will apply your research to complete the activities. When you have completed the webquest you will have:

1) Research notes on Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa

2) A display board that will inform the class about eating disorders.

3) A Biography Booklet of an individual who is suffering from an eating disorder.

4) You will present your display board and booklet to the class.


Use the indicated websites to answer the following questions:

Defining Eating Disorders and Warning Signs:

Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders, Inc.

1. What is an eating disorder?

2. What are the 3 most common eating disorders and what are the characteristics of each?

3. The warning signs for these eating disorders fall under several categories: food behaviors, appearance and body image behaviors, exercise behaviors, thoughts and beliefs, feelings and social behaviors. Identify 3 warning signs in each category.

Warning Signs

food behaviors:

appearance and body image behaviors:

exercise behaviors:

thoughts and beliefs:

feelings and social behaviors:

Health Risks Related to Eating Disorders

National Eating Disorders Organization

4. What are the health risks associated with anorexia?

5. What are the health risks associated with bulimia?

6. What are the health risks associated with binge eating disorder?

Treatment of Eating Disorders

something- Something Fishy Website on Eating Disorders

7. Identify 5 health professionals who might be involved in the treatment of an eating disorder and list what areas they are trained in.

8. When is hospital-based care necessary?

Information Display

You are to create a Bristol Board Display, Power Point, Prezi, or any other form of displaying information that clearly depicts the issues surrounding eating disorders. Your display should include:

o a chart or diagram that organizes your information on signs, symptoms and causes of death with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa (you must make this chart yourself)

o pictures, maps, graphs or any other visuals that may be useful in presenting your information.

o You may also want to gather print media (i.e. magazines, newspapers, pamphlets etc.).

o Make sure you cite EVERY website you used on each section of information.


o Many websites have personal stories, poems and dedications in memoriam of people who have suffered from an eating disorder. Choose one personal story and prepare, in booklet form, a brief biography of the individual's life.

o This can be about a person who is currently suffering from an eating disorder, a person who has recovered from it, or a person who has passed away as a result their eating disorder.

o Be sure to include the pressure(s) that may have impacted the desire to be thin.

o Your booklet must have a cover with a title and the author's name.


o Hand this package in with all the questions answered on these sheets.

o You will present your Bristol board display and your booklet to the class.

o Due: 10/17/2016

Internet Resources

- film footage of PBS movie on anorexia

- examines athletes and eating disorders

-facts about eating disorders

"The Slow Killer" A Dancer's Report on Anorexia

-personal accounts of young girls with an eating disorder

- ten steps to a positive body image

- general information on eating disorders

- Canada's Food Guide

- an interactive site on nutrition and your knowledge

- suggestions on how to avoid the trap of a negative body image

- in memoriam page for Debbie Fradin

- explores possibility of athletes and dancers being at a higher risk for an eating disorder

- extensive site on eating disorders, includes a large in-memoriam site

- a Canadian site with many links to information

- an in-memoriam site

- an in-memoriam site and more

- an extensive reference site on anorexia nervosa and related eating disorders

- talks about the first victim (1347-1380) to present day

- offers a number of links to a variety of sites on eating disorders

- another Canadian site, offers information on treatment available in Ontario as well as personal stories

- celeb. stories of various eating disorders

- has information on the media influence, men and eating disorders and statistics

- local support and also a source of media and print materials on eating disorders



Overall Expectations

• apply living skills (e.g., decision-making, problem-solving, and refusal skills) to respond to matters related healthy eating habits

• relate healthy eating practices and active living to body image and self-esteem;

• adopt personal goals that reflect healthy eating practices;

• identify local support groups and community organizations (e.g., public health offices) that provide information or services related to health and well-being;

• adopt personal food plans, based on nutritional needs and personal goals, to improve or maintain their eating practices;

Specific Expectations

• analyze the effects of under-eating (e.g., as a result of bulimia or sports dieting) on health and well-being;

 Language - Writing

Overall Expectations

• communicate ideas and information for a variety of purposes (to outline an argument, to report on observations) and to specific audiences, using forms appropriate for their purpose and topic

• produce media texts using writing and materials from other media

• revise and edit their work, in collaboration with others;

Language - Oral/Visual Communication

Overall Expectations

• listen to and communicate related ideas, and narrate real events in a sequence;

• express and respond to a range of ideas and opinions concisely, clearly, and appropriately;

• contribute and work constructively in groups;

Dying to be Thin - Evaluation Rubrics

Research Rubric

|Research Rubric |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Information obtained from |Inadequate use of variety of |Satisfactory use of variety of |Good use of variety of |Excellent use of variety of |

|various sources. (e.g. |sources. |sources. |sources. |sources. |

|Internet, texts, interviews | | | | |

|etc.) | | | | |

|Presentation skills (fluency,|Student's voice is not |Student's voice is somewhat |Student's voice is audible |Student's voice is audible |

|eye contact, clarity of |audible and clear. |audible and clear. |and clear. |and clear. |

|voice) |Eye contact is not |Eye contact is made some of the|Eye contact is made most of|Words are clearly enunciated.|

| |maintained. |time. |the time. |Eye contact is made. |

|Organizational skills |Little organization is |Some evidence of organizational|Good organizational skills,|Topic is clearly organized, |

|(neatness, content, charts, |evident. |skills, satisfactory use of |good use of charts, graphs |excellent use of charts, |

|graphs, props) | |charts, graphics and props. |and props. |graphs and props. |

|Use of visual media |Few visual components. |Satisfactory use of visual |Good use of visual |Excellent use of visual |

|(pictures, diagrams, working |Visuals give little clarity |components. Visuals give some |components. |components, working models. |

|models) |to issues surrounding eating |clarity to issues surrounding |Visuals give a good |Visuals give a clear and |

| |disorders |eating disorders |representation of issues |accurate representation of |

| | | |surrounding eating |issues surrounding eating |

| | | |disorders |disorders |

|Knowledge base of topic |Minimal understanding of |Satisfactory understanding of |Very good understanding of |Excellent understanding of |

|(depth of topic) |topic. |topic. |topic. |topic. |


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