First Aid Manual


First Aid Manual


[pic] [pic]

[pic] First Aid Manual

Table of Contents

Name: ______________________________________________

|Page # |Topic/Emergency Situation |Points Earned/Comments |

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Emergency Contact Information



Household/Family Members’ Names:




Home Address:



Household/Family Members’ Contact Information (work or cell phone #)






Neighbor or Family Friend’s Contact Information




|Emergency Phone Numbers: |

|Police: 9-1-1 or ___________________________ |

|Name of Closest Fire Dept:___________________ |

|Name of Preferred Hospital:__________________ |

|Family Doctor’s Name:_______________________ |

|Dr. Phone Number:____________________ |

|Family Dentist’s Name:______________________ |

|Dentist’s Phone Number:________________ |

|Poison Control Center: 1-800-222-1222 |


[pic] Good Samaritan Law

|Scenario #1: While you are outside your house getting the mail, a man you do not know collapses to the ground while|

|taking his dog for a walk. |

1. Concerns: Why do you think you or someone else might hesitate to help the victim?




2. Consequences: What are some consequences of helping the victim? (positive and negative)




What are some consequences of not helping the victim (positive and negative)




3. Good Samaritan Law: What is it?




Do you think the Good Samaritan Law is a good thing or not? Why?




What are some precautions you should take to protect yourself if you are helping a victim? List 3 of your own ideas and then 3 a partner has shared with you.

1._______________________ 1. _______________________

2._______________________ 2. _______________________

3._______________________ 3. _______________________


1. Check for______________________

2. Check for______________________

3. Call __________________________

4. _________________________ Care

*The 4 C’s are the first steps you should take every time you are in an emergency*

[pic] First Aid Kit

As we list the items used when responding to each emergency, add them to your first aid kit.

✓ ________________________

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✓ ________________________

✓ ________________________

✓ ________________________

✓ ________________________

✓ ________________________

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✓ ________________________

✓ ________________________

✓ ________________________


[pic] Wounds

| |Example |Treatment |

|Laceration | |Clean the wound with soap and water, or peroxide. |

| | |Use a clean cloth to apply pressure. |

| | |Use an antibiotic cream to prevent infection |

| | |Apply a sterile bandage _______________ |

|Abrasion | |Clean the wound with soap and water or____________ |

| | |Use a clean cloth to apply _____________________ |

| | |Use an ________________ cream to prevent infection |

| | |Apply a sterile bandage _______________ |

|Puncture | |**If the wound is _______ or in a critical area, leave the foreign object in! Call 911 and_____________ |

| | |the object.** |

| | |For minor punctures, completely remove foreign objects |

| | |Use a clean cloth to apply pressure |

| | |Use an antibiotic cream to prevent ________________ |

| | |Apply a sterile bandage |

What first Aid supplies might you need to treat these wounds? (Add them to the First Aid Kit!)


|Treatment |

|Sit down |

|Tilt your head slightly ______________. (Leaning ___________ may cause blood to flow down the back of the throat, which tastes bad |

|and may cause gagging, coughing or vomiting. |

|Gently _____________ your nose. Use your thumb and ___________ finger and breathe through your ________________. |

|Continue for about ______________ minutes. |

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|To Prevent Rebleeding: Do not_________________________ or_______________________ for several hours after bleeding stops. |

What first Aid supplies might you need to treat a nosebleed? (Add them to the First Aid Kit!)

[pic] Sprains, Strains and Breaks [pic]

Sprain: _________________________________________________________


Strain: _________________________________________________________


Simple Fracture: ________________________________________________


Compound Fracture: _____________________________________________



|Sprains and Strains | |Treatment for Fractures |

|Stop activity right away | |Call _____________ |

|Use the RICE method for the first 48 hours after the injury | |__________________ the victim until emergency care arrives |

|Use supportive devices when returning to activity such as: | |If you must move the victim because the situation _________________, |

|___________________ | |immobilize the injury. |

|___________________ | | |

|___________________ | |Fractures Require Immediate Care |

|Monitor the injury for problems in the future | | |

What if? If someone in our school broke their arm or leg, what are some things you could help them with?



1st Degree: Only the ______________, or outer layer of skin, is burned. The skin usually __________________ and swells with pain.

2nd Degree: The _______________ layer of skin is burned through and the ________________ layer (called the _______________) becomes red and blotchy. If the burn is less than 2-3 inches in diameter, treat it as a _________________ burn. If it is larger or on the hands, feet, face, groin or buttocks, treat as a _________________ burn.

3rd Degree: A major burn that involves all layers of the ______________, _____________, ________________ or even ______________. Areas may be charred black or appear dry and white.

What are some things in your house that could burn someone?

[pic] [pic]

|Treatment for Minor Burns |

|Cool the burn. Immediately hold the burn under ___________________ until the pain subsides. Do not put ______________ directly on the |

|burn. |

|Cover the burn by wrapping it ________________ with __________________________. |

|Take OTC (______________________________) pain reliever. |

| |

|Treatment for Major Burns |

|Call 911 immediately! |

|Provide care by removing any smoldering or hot materials from the victim. |

|Do not immerse ______________ burns in ______________________. |

|Check for response and _____________________ if necessary. |

|________________ the burn with cool, moist, sterile bandages or moist towels. |

Remember: The sun causes burns to skin and eyes too. Wear sunglasses, protective clothing and sunscreen to help prevent burns. Use ___________ to calm skin if you are burned. Overexposure to the sun can also cause ________________ so protect yourself.

Heat Illness


|Dehydration |Heat Exhaustion |Heat Stroke |

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|Treatment for Heat Exhaustion |

|Call 911 if fainting, confusion, seizures, or a fever above 102˚F. |

|Move the victim out of the__________ and into ______________ or air conditioning. |

|Lay the victim down and ______________ legs and feet slightly after _________________ or removing their clothing if able. |

|Have the victim drink _______________________, not a sports drink. Never give food or water to an unconscious victim! |

|Monitor the person carefully. |

|Treatment for Heat Stroke |

|Call 911 immediately! |

|Move the victim out of the__________ and into ______________ or air conditioning. |

|Cool the person by covering them with damp ________________ or spraying them with __________________. Use a fan or newspaper to |

|_______________________________________. |

|[pic] | |

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| |Animals can suffer from heat illness too! Give them plenty of water, a shady area to lay in and never leave them in a parked car. |

[pic] Critical Care Emergencies [pic]

All emergencies require care in a timely manner, but when oxygen or blood flow has stopped it’s imperative that the victim receives immediate treatment to prevent brain damage or death. Remember the 4 C’s!


__________________: When a foreign object becomes lodged in the throat or windpipe, stopping the flow of air.

__________________: An emergency technique used to dislodge an object, such as food, from the trachea (windpipe) of a choking person.

__________________: When blood flow to the brain is interrupted because a blood vessel is blocked or breaks open.

|Treatment for Conscious Choking Victim | |

|Recognize the ________________________________ | |

|If the victim cannot _____________________, ____________________, or __________________, begin the Heimlich | |

|Maneuver. | |

|Stand behind the victim and wrap your arms around their waist | |

|Make a fist and place the thumb side of your fist against the abdomen, below the ribcage and above the bellybutton| |

|Grasp your fist with your other hand and press into their upper abdomen with a quick, upward thrust. | |

|Repeat this ____ times |[pic] |

|Use the heel of your hand to deliver ____ back blows | |

|Repeat this pattern until the object is expelled. | |

What are some foods that would be easy for a young child to choke on?

[pic] [pic]

Recognizing the Signs of Stroke

Strokes can cause irreversible damage if not treated right away. You cannot provide this treatment, so it is critical that you recognize the symptoms and call 911 immediately. Just remember __ __ __ __.


[pic] Trauma Day [pic]

Scenario #____

1. Check for Danger: Is the scene safe?


2. Check for Response: How can you tell if the victim is conscious?


3. Call 911: Who would you call for this emergency?


4. Provide Care: How you would treat a victim in this situation?




5. First Aid Kit: What would you need for this emergency?

Scenario #____

1. Check for Danger: Is the scene safe?


2. Check for Response: How can you tell if the victim is conscious?


3. Call 911: Who would you call for this emergency?


4. Provide Care: How you would treat a victim in this situation?




10. First Aid Kit: What would you need for this emergency?


…Trauma Day Continued…

Scenario #____

11. Check for Danger: Is the scene safe?


12. Check for Response: How can you tell if the victim is conscious?


13. Call 911: Who would you call for this emergency?


14. Provide Care: How you would treat a victim in this situation?




15. First Aid Kit: What would you need for this emergency?


Scenario #____

16. Check for Danger: Is the scene safe?


17. Check for Response: How can you tell if the victim is conscious?


18. Call 911: Who would you call for this emergency?


19. Provide Care: How you would treat a victim in this situation?




20. First Aid Kit: What would you need for this emergency?



Brain Storm

You Must Seek Medical Care if…

OJQJaJ$hbhp5?9?CJÒOJQJaJÒ%hÇŠhbhp5Bleeding lasts more than ___ minutes or the nosebleed follows a fall or head injury.





Remember the 4C’s

1. C__________ for danger

2. C__________ for response

3. C__________ 911 (if needed)

4. Provide ___________

I hope that you remember the 4 C’s…


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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