Example TF-CBT Treatment Plan

[Pages:5] DOB:

2) will learn to utilize planned ignoring to manage undesired child behaviors that are not harmful to child or others.

3) will learn methods for providing developmentally appropriate parenting commands and consequences to shape child behavior.

Intervention: Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Method for Evaluating Progress: Caregiver report and demonstrated skill in session, 's demonstrated compliance in session, BASC-2, ECBI

3. Goal: and will develop skills to reduce levels of physiological arousal related to stressful experiences and trauma reminders. Objectives: 1) will learn controlled breathing. 2) will learn progressive muscle relaxation. 3) will learn thought stopping techniques. 4) will teach the above skills to and will practice them together outside of sessions. Intervention: Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Method for Evaluating Progress: Caregiver report, 's demonstrated skill in session, 's physiological arousal ratings, TSCC, TSCYC, UCLA PTSD Index

4. Goal: will be able to engage in healthy expression of emotions related to traumatic experiences and be able to regulate distressing emotions. Objective: 1) will learn to identify and rate feelings. 2) will learn skills for healthy expression of emotions. 3) 's caregiver will encourage and praise 's healthy expression of emotions. Intervention: Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Method for Evaluating Progress: Caregiver report, 's report and skill demonstration in session, TSCC, TSCYC, UCLA PTSD Index, BASC-2

? 2011 OUHSC ? CCAN Child Trauma Treatment Training Program

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? 2011 OUHSC ? CCAN Child Trauma Treatment Training Program

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