Kos S., Hess M., Hess S.,

University of Rijeka

Faculty of Maritime Studies

Studentska 2, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia,,




Because of ever expanding complexity of ship structure and machinery, also new safety regulations and class requirements, onboard decision making process becomes more delicate and complex. Consequently, ship management system should become more extensive and flexible. On the other side there is a significant demand for reduction in existing number of crew members. Modern marine technologies and improved ship management systems should solve these problems yet not compromising safety of the ship. In this paper trends in ship management system developments are presented.

Digital Bridge System, the next step in Integrated Bridge Systems integrates a number of navigation as well as ship monitoring and control functions such as Conning Station, Auto Pilot, Mooring Control and Monitoring System and Automated Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA). Integration of navigation sensors information in the conning display results in minimizing the number of individual sensor indicators. Cargo and Ballast Operation System comprising of cargo and ballast control and monitoring support integrated through Integrated Ship Management System (ISMS) will result in operation improvements of ballasting, cargo loading and discharging, ventilation as well as in simpler yet more sophisticated cargo stowage planning and monitoring. The control and monitoring facilities that are available in the Machinery Control Room will be integrated by ISMS through information routing and accessible on the navigation bridge. Ship and machinery maintenance and onboard training that is company required and also enforced by international and classification regulations, through integration in the ISMS will provide operator with tools for better planning of maintenance tasks, control and monitoring spare parts and better use of human resources.

Integrated Ship Management System

Today’s ships have comprehensive task automation capabilities that allow them to achieve considerable levels of ship safety and operational effectiveness. Integrating these capabilities can optimize operational effectiveness and contribute to overall safety. The ISMS provides integrated monitoring and control of navigational functions, ship propulsion, electrical functions and auxiliaries.

The ISMS is a distributed architecture real-time digital control system. This open architecture system comprises Multi Function Workstations (MFW) and Remote Terminal Units (RTU). RTUs are used for process level data acquisition and control. The consoles provide the Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) for the operators at various shipboard locations. System-wide connectivity is provided by a redundant databus. The reliable multicast approach ensures integrity of data communication on the bus, while minimizing the bus traffic and providing very low data latency. Databus cables are routed through the ship with adequate geographic locations. Open system architecture allows for the use of a variety of data networks in accordance with ship requirements. It also permits the interface of the ISMS to other systems through fieldbus, serial links, and other interfaces. Figure 1 shows typical consoles of Integrated Ship Management System.

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Figure 1: Typical consoles of Integrated Ship Management System

In addition to providing advanced monitoring and control capability for the ship's machinery, ISMS comprise the following functionalities:

• Digital Bridge System (DBS)

• Cargo and Ballast Operation System,

• Integrated Onboard Maintenance System,

• Integrated Closed Circuit TeleVision (CCTV),

• Ship Automation System

The ISMS includes advanced HMI design that is consistent with its application in a sophisticated ship. The primary HMI is in the form of Multi Function Workstations, typically located on the bridge and in the engine control room. Wall-mountable consoles can typically be provided in control section locations and for local control in the engine room and other machinery spaces. Portable operating units support emergency control operations and troubleshooting using built-in test equipment and software

Digital Bridge System

The Digital Bridge System is the next step in Integrated Bridge Systems. Where the common Integrated Bridge Systems only physically integrated a number of Navigation equipment in a console, the Digital Bridge System integrates a number of navigation and ship management functions. These navigation functions are:

• Conning Station,

• Auto Pilot,

• Mooring Control and Monitoring System,

• Automated Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA),

• Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS),

• On-bridge Machinery Control and Monitoring,

• Communication System,

• Voyage Data Recorder,

• Decision Support System.

On a modern ship the operational activities are more and more concentrated in the wheelhouse. At the same time, traffic is increasing and safety requirements are enhanced every year. The DBS main system design objective is increased safety. At the same time, optimum use can be made of sensor information, during normal operation and in case of incident investigation. Simulation capabilities offer efficient route planning and on-board training. Reduction of crew requirements and the use of Commercial-Of-The-Shelf equipment lead to lower operating cost and easy maintenance. Figure 2 shows typical bridge console of a Digital Bridge System.


Figure 2: Typical bridge console of a Digital Bridge System

The Digital Bridge System will be based on the principle of Multi Function Workstations (MFW). This means that each workstation can perform any of the navigation functions. There are no dedicated workstations anymore, which only perform one of the above mentioned navigation functions. Therefore the operator will not have to switch between different Workstations, but will just switch between functions on the same Workstation.

The Conning system will replace the wide variety of different navigation sensor indicators. Each navigation sensor will be connected to redundant navigation sensor servers. The navigation sensor servers are connected to the ISMS network and make the navigation sensor data available as "virtual navigation sensors" to each connected node in the network (ARPA server, ECDIS server, every Multi Function Workstation, etc). A typical Multi Function Workstations is shown on Figure 3.


Figure 3: Typical Multi Function Workstations

The conning screen will also be used as user interface for the autopilot. Therefore any operator behind an Operator Workstation can control the autopilot (so not only the bridge operator with the autopilot control panel in his reach). Also the autopilot alarms will be shown on the conning screen. The advantage of connecting Multi Function Displays to the conning system is that a dedicated network for these displays is not necessary any more.

The Autopilot is a more extended form of the traditional heading keeping autopilot from the past. The autopilot system will be an adaptive system that will adapt the parameters of its control algorithms to changing circumstances. The autopilot will not only control the heading of the ship, but also control the speed of the ship. The autopilot will interface with the ECDIS over the ISMS network. The route that the operator plans on the ECDIS will be executed by the autopilot. At each waypoint, the operator will be requested to accept the next track. The autopilot will be controlled by means of the conning display. For reasons of convenience, there will still be an autopilot control panel for the most frequently used controls. By means of a joystick, it is possible to dock the ship with one hand (controlling main engines, rudders, bow/stern thrusters at the same time). The operator can concentrate on the docking operation itself, instead of how to control and combine all the different actuators.

Mooring Control and Monitoring System will provide bridge team with information such as distances to the wharf, approach speed of ship bow and stern to the wharf, under keel distances at bow and stern position. Furthermore, information on tension of the mooring windlass will be displayed and manipulated through MFWs.

In the Digital Bridge System, the Multi Function Workstations will replace nowadays dedicated, stand-alone Automated Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) operator consoles. Radar images are not limited to a dedicated single radar visualization system but are available via a data network on any number of operator workstations. Radar data is distributed over the ships navigation network using dedicated Navigation Radar Servers (NRS). Apart from the radar video distribution the NRSs also provide complete ARPA functionality, with collision avoidance and related functions. An NRS comprises a computer system with radar scan-converter for digitization of Radar images and remote control of the Radar Transceiver (range, gain, etc.). Data from each radar antenna/transceiver combination is continuously transmitted over the network and available to all radar clients. The radar client takes care of the functions such as Radar HMI, visualization of network radar data (scan-conversion), selection of radar input source, display and control of the ARPA tracks. Any operation related to the visualization of the radar data like setting of the display range, history length, heading up, north up, etc. does not interfere with other NRS client applications. Each client may set for example a different display range. Additional information will be displayed in extra layers. The ARPA servers will send ARPA target data to the ECDIS, via the ISMS network.

With DBS concept the Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is available in a Client / Server configuration with one or two (redundant) ECDIS servers and a number of clients running on the multi function workstations for the control and monitoring of ECDIS functions. All relevant sensor information comes from the Navigation Network, connected via (Fast) Ethernet. The basic functions of the application software comprise the automation tasks such as automatic updated display of position and passed track, route monitoring, presentation of ARPA targets, presentation of cross-track and route-planning. Other ECDIS features will also be covered, such as user creation of symbols, text, lines and area's, guard zones, event recording, etc.

Communication system consists of two parts, internal onboard communication and external part. Internal communication part can easily be integrated in the ISMS by addition of communication accessories such as wiring and phone handsets. However, external communication representing GMDSS station, because of specific functionality and console layout requirements, is still to go in integration with ISMS.

Voyage Data Recorder consists of a computer, one Hardened Voyage Recorder (HVR) storage medium and associated software. The HVR has an externally mounted under-water location beacon, which is shielded from inadvertent activation due to spray, rain and/or hosing off. All processing of data takes place in the computer. This includes voice communication processing. The computer and the HVR communicate via a dedicated VDR Local Area Network (LAN). Via a secondary LAN connection the user is allowed access to the recorded data for playback. Integration through ISMS allows playback on any connected Multi Function Workstations.

Decision Support System is an intelligent software application to process the flow of information onboard that takes the best decision regarding speed and course. The system enables weather routing, hull response monitoring, interactive planning and logging. The system offers the following functionality:

• Intelligent monitoring of the ship ’s performance in waves using actual wave data,

• Voyage and operation planning based on the predicted ship performance. This option includes an easy speed and heading effect analysis,

• Data logging with standard functions,

• Alarm functions to warn against exceed of allowable response levels .

The system uses a server and a redundant high-speed network supplying multiple client workstations, integrated in the DBS concept. Depending on the operational tasks of the ship, the Digital Bridge System will be extended with extra functionality like Dynamic Position & Tracking System, cargo/ballast operations, etc.

Cargo and Ballast Operation System

Cargo and Ballast Operation System comprising of cargo and ballast control and monitoring support will result in improvements of ballast and cargo operation, stowing, ventilation control as well as in simpler yet more sophisticated cargo stowage planning and information exchange. It incorporates a software package for Stability and Longitudinal Strength (Stress) calculations. This application is geared towards improving the safety, quality and more economical and efficient ship-board operation. It enables calculation of the stability and longitudinal strength after loading, discharging, bunkering or ballasting a vessel with a choice of cargoes like containers, liquids, grain and bulk. Figure 4 shows a Typical Cargo and Ballast Operation screen as displayed on a MFW.


Figure 4: Typical Cargo and Ballast Operation screen on MFW

The system will check the vessel’s condition with the ruling IMO resolutions and inform the operator whether stability and longitudinal strength comply with these requirements. Among functionalities, the Cargo and Ballast Operation System will incorporate Stability calculations, draft, trim and list calculations, draft monitoring, tanks' level indicators, remote monitoring and operation of cargo hatch covers, holds' ventilators, tank valves. Furthermore, it will provide monitoring of ship stress, trim and inclination through integration in ISMS.

Integrated Onboard Maintenance System

Ship and machinery maintenance is not only company required but also enforced through various national and international regulations, classification rules and various maritime societies' recommendations. Integrated Onboard Maintenance System will provide operator to plan the maintenance tasks, control and have better overview of spare parts and human resources.

Vibration monitoring systems and other specialised equipment and sensors can be integrated with the ISMS to provide periodic monitoring of equipment health. To facilitate the predictive monitoring of the navigation functions and machinery plant, expert system software can be provided to advise crew concerning the need for machine maintenance. Typical Integrated Onboard Maintenance System screen as displayed on a MFW is shown on Figure 5.


Figure 5: Typical Integrated Onboard Maintenance screen on MFW

The system automatically monitors online sensors for critical machinery such as propulsion engines, shaft bearings, and generators. For less critical machinery, an offline portable sensor recorder can be used to transfer data to the system.

Integrated Closed Circuit TeleVision system

To enhance the operability, safety and security of the ship the ISMS will integrate a digital closed-circuit television system to provide video monitoring of the ship’s machinery spaces and other locations. Colour CCD cameras can be connected to the ISMS consoles using the existing network to allow the console screens to display the video image in a screen window which can be maximized to use the full screen area. To provide the most flexibility, any camera can be selected for display on any console. However, fire alarms and engine alarms will trigger the automatic display of the relevant camera images at specific consoles.

Because of increasing bandwidths of ISMS networks and improving compression techniques for streaming video, it is possible to send the CCTV images over the ISMS network to the Multi Function Workstations. In this way the CCTV video matrix switches and CCTV network will become obsolete. By connecting a Digital Recording System to the ISMS network, storage facilities for the CCTV images are provided. Replay of recorded CCTV images will be possible from any of the Multi Function Workstations.

Ship Automation System

Automation systems provide computer graphic based monitoring and control of technical systems on board ships. All essential information for propulsion systems, power management and distribution systems and auxiliary systems is available at the operator’s fingertips. The system is fully ISMS compliant functioning on multi functional workstations that delivers the optimal solution for one-man bridge and unmanned machinery space operation.

1 Machinery monitoring and control system

The power of ISMS concept is full integration of independent subsystems that are connected through a redundant computer network. The system is suited for applications such as propulsion control, power management, pump/valve automation, tank gauging and reefer container monitoring, fire-fighting control. The Tiled, Layered Graphics approach facilitates the automatic decluttering of information at the various levels of zoom, ensuring easily readable displays at all times. It also provides a form of navigation through the ability to pan and zoom in of the ship's functionalities.


Figure 6: Typical Machinery Monitoring and Control screen on MFW

The ISMS features elaborate alarm processing techniques that reduce operator loading by filtering out nuisance alarms and providing context-sensitive displays based on the nature and severity of the alarm.

Power Management System is a sophisticated system for full automation of generator sets, including power management and generator protection functions. It includes synchroniser, power transmitter, reverse power protection and short circuit protection circuits.

Propulsion Control System is a modular control system, dedicated for application with various types of propulsion. The system can be fully integrated into the ISMS. Watch Responsibility System allows unmanned machinery spaces operation, whereby safety is arranged by a reliable call-saving and automatic watch transfer system.

2 Integrated On Board Training System

On board of ships there is always a constant flow of new crewmembers that has to be trained to operate the Integrated Ship Management System. The efficiency of only theoretical training is questionable and requires a great imaginary ability of the trainees. The number of Multi Function Workstations of ISMS systems gives the possibility to use a part of the ISMS for training purposes. The remaining part of the ISMS system will be used for the control and monitoring of the actual ship.

Training sessions can be conducted without additional training components aboard the vessel. Personnel can train during non-operation periods and still maintain a state of readiness with respect to their primary duties. The concept is to train an individual or a team using a real-time simulated environment without affecting the simultaneous ISMS control and monitoring functions of the real plants. OBTS provides a realistic training environment.

3 Integrated Fire Fighting Control system

General Arrangement Plan like overviews of fire fighting equipment on Multi Function Workstations will simplify control and monitoring of the system. In order to avoid cluttering of information, the detail of information shown depends on the zoom scale of the overview. On high zoom levels there will be shown little details (only whether a room is on fire or not), on low zoom levels there will be shown additional details (sensor status and plotting symbols). The status of platform systems can be shown in additional layers. In this way also the status of platform components that is relevant for Fire Fighting are shown (like fire fighting pumps, sprinklers, fans, dampers, etc). The additional layers can be switched on or off by the operator.


Figure 6: Typical compartment overview for fire fighting control

To assist the operator in his decisions, decision support aids will be available. The decision support will be incorporated such as closing doors and hatches, electrical isolation of compartments, fire dumpers, escape routes, etc. Where in the past this information was only available from different (paper) sources, nowadays all this information is direct and always electronically available.


With introduction of new technologies and design of ships the complexity of handling and controlling various onboard systems and processes become a force which may seriously compromise safety and operability of the ship. The initiative of Integrated ship management systems with its increasing levels of automation and integration seems promising in solving the problem.

The use of Multi Function Workstations connected to the ISMS network with all data available, gives the operator a great deal of flexibility and simplicity in handling and monitoring onboard systems and processes.

Digital Bridge System, will integrate navigation and ship monitoring and control functions thus minimizing the number of proprietary consoles and sensor indicators.

The task automation resulting from ISMS integration of Cargo and Ballast Operation System will lead to conservation of time and effort spent on planning cargo operations and controlling cargo and ballast handling equipment.

Machinery operation monitoring systems and other specialised equipment and sensors integrated with the ISMS will provide periodic monitoring of equipment health as well as advise and recording of maintenance tasks.

The use of Onboard Training Systems will assure extensive on-the-job training, resulting in a high level of operational readiness. The use of Automation Systems and Closed-circuit television system to provide video monitoring of the ship’s machinery spaces and other locations will improve crew response on adverse events that will together with the decision support aids lead to higher level of ship safety.



▪ IMO Resolution MSC.86(70), annex 3, Recommendation on performance standards for an integrated navigation system (INS).

▪ IMO MSC.Circ. 1061, Guidance for the operational use of integrated bridge systems (IBS),

▪ Operational Use of Integrated Bridge Systems Including Integrated Navigation Systems, IMO, 2005 Edition.

▪ H.G. Hegering, S. Abeck, B. Neumair, "Integrated Management of Networked Systems: Concepts, Architectures and Their Operational Application", Morgan Kaufmann, 2006.

▪ "Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems; Integrated bridge systems (IBS); Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results", British - Adopted European Standard, 15-Nov-1999.

▪ "Ships and marine technology - Ship's bridge layout and associated equipment - Additional requirements and guidelines for centralized and integrated bridge functions", International Organization for Standardization, 01-Feb-2004.


Prof. SERĐO KOS, Ph.D. born at Rijeka on 24th January 1957. Graduated in 1986 at Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies. Sailed for nine years on ships in capacity of deck officer. Obtained the Master of Science degree in 1992, and Ph.D. degree in 1994. Appointed as Full Professor in 2004, at the University of Rijeka - Faculty of Maritime Studies for the subjects Terrestrial Navigation I-II, Astronomical Navigation I-II and Multi-Modal Transportation. Gives lectures at the scientific postgraduate studies. Published few books on Navigation and more than 60 scientific and technical papers in the field of Navigation and Multi-modal transportation. Collaborating member of Croatian Academy of Engineering and Life Fellow in The International Biographical Association, Cambridge. Associate Fellow of "The Royal Institute of Navigation", London and holder of various national and international awards for scientific research contribution in Nautical science among which are "The Archimedes Award" and inclusion into "American Hall of Fame", by American Biographical Institute.

Msc. MIRANO HESS born at Rijeka on 18th November 1962. graduated in 1986 at Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies. Sailed for nine years on ships in capacity of deck officer after which was appointed to position of technical superintendent in the ship owner's head office. Obtained the Master of Science degree in 2005. Appointed as a research assistant in 2004, at the University of Rijeka - Faculty of Maritime Studies for the subjects Terrestrial Navigation II, Electronic Navigation II and Multi-Modal Transportation. Participated as a researcher in various scientific projects and professional studies as well as a collaborator in study program building at Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka.

Ass. Prof. SVJETLANA HESS, Ph.D. born at Banja Luka on 16th January 1975. Graduated in 1997 at Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies. Obtained the Master of Science degree in 2000, and Ph.D. degree in 2004. Appointed as Ass. Professor in 2005, at the University of Rijeka - Faculty of Maritime Studies for the subjects Internal Transportation and Warehousing, and Transportation Demand Planning, also collaborates in teaching Statistics and Operational Research. Published few books and more than 30 scientific and technical papers in the field of Transportation. Participated in various International conferences and transportation research projects. Member of Croatian Transportation Committee and Croatian Sea-ports Commission. Major field of interest application of quantitative methods in transportation processes.


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