Mr. Thomas 9/3 - Great Expectations

[Pages:1]____________M_s_. _Tu_c_k_er_____'s Goal Progress Analysis

My Goal:_T_o_d_a_ily__in_c_re_a_s_e _p_os_it_iv_e_p_e_rs_o_n_a_l i_nt_e_ra_c_ti_on__w_it_h_m_y_s_t_ud_e_n_ts__th_ro_u_g_h_t_he_u_s_e_o_f_e_n_c_ou_r_ag_e_m_e_nt, _p_ro_x_im__ity_,_a_n_d_p_ro_m_p_t_f_e_ed_b_a_ck_.__________________________________________________

Write specifically what is happening now towards achieving your goal under Opportunity and the Benefits and Obstacles for each where appropriate.



Right away I started greeting my students at the door every day. I've also been working at changing my language to encouragement instead of praise. I hadn't realized how much `praise' I'd been using. The "Good Job!" is fast disappearing. I've begun to redirect with quotes rather than my standard "Come on, you need to get back to work." They've even begun to finish the quote, "The right angle to approach a difficult problem is the TRY-angle." when I start to say it. I'm also using a triangle hand sign to nonverbally convey the encouragement. The strategies from the hand and verbal skills sheet are helping to create new positive procedures and responses. Next come working on feedback.

This required making sure I had everything ready ahead of time and so there was extra effort before or after school. What I'm finding is that I'm able to `read' them as they come in and am discovering that just the few words shared is building a different relationship. That along with walking around the room during class has been huge already. Those students that I know often have trouble, I'm able to give encouragement and the rephrasing is changing the students' responses. - Amazing really and I'm having fun seeing it happen. These are such simple changes in themselves, however, I'm slowly seeing significant results in my attitude as well as my students. I find I have to be very intentional in what I say trying to change old habits.

Has the goal been accomplished Yes No In Progress Explain why or why not? __T_hi_s _w_ill_b_e_a_n_o_ng_o_in_g_g_o_al_t_hr_o_ug_h_ou_t_t_he_y_e_a_r _an_d_o_n_e_o_n_w_h_ic_h_I'_ll c_o_n_ti_nu_a_lly_b_e_w_o_r_ki_ng_.____________ ______________________________________________________________________

Does the goal need to be revised? Yes No If yes, revise with Goal Planning


If a new goal is needed, begin the process with the C.R.O.S.S.ROADS Goal Setting


Mr. Thomas 9/3 ___________________________________________ _________________

Accountability Partner Signature


? 2018 Great Expectations?


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