Be able to label on a map where the following tribes were ...

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Native American Review Sheet

Be able to label on a map where the following tribes were located:

Makah, Sioux, Tlingit, Navajo, Anasazi, Iroquois and Semimole

Be able to locate the four regions on a map:

Pacific Northwest, Desert Southwest, Great Plains and Eastern Woodlands

Why did the Anasazi dig ditches?

What were potlatch ceremonies?

Which tribe formed a confederacy of 5 nations?

Why did this tribe form a confederacy?

Which tribe lived near the ocean in the summer and inland during the winter?

Which tribe lived in cliff dwellings?

Which tribe built longhouses?

Which tribe lived in tepees?

What were the “Three Sisters”?

What was the main food for the Southwest Native Americans? Northwest?

Which tribe is known for their totem poles?

Which tribe is known for their pottery and weaving?

Which tribe hunted buffalo as their main source of food?

In what tribe did the men have mohawks?

Describe the government of the Iroquois.

Give an example of what the Eastern Woodland Native Americans traded.

How did the Eastern Woodland Native Americans feel about owning property?

Describe the family structure of the Eastern Woodland Native Americans.

Who was Hiawatha?

What is a nomad?

Which tribe was nomadic?

Compare and Contrast the Northeast Woodland Native Americans and the Southeast Native Americans.

What is the difference between adapting to an environment and changing an environment?

Tell whether the following statements reflect adapting to an environment or changing an environment:

• Building homes using clay and stones since there were few trees

• Digging ditches to irrigate crops

• Used wood from forests to build homes, canoes, totem poles, etc.

• Fished and hunted

• Cut down trees to build homes and canoes

• Land was used for farming

Essay Question: Choose two different tribes that we studied and tell how they each adapted to or changed their environment.


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