Submitting your Voucher using DTS - TRICARE

Creating a Funded Authorization

Before creating your travel authorization please verify that your DTS profile is under the correct Directorate. To verify this, log into DTS, and under the “Welcome” where your name is verify that the Organization shows your correct Directorate. If the correct Directorate is not shown, contact the Travel Directorate (e.g. DN1800183DSS) before you create the authorization. Failure to do so can result in delays in processing since it will not route to the correct chain of command for approval. It is the traveler’s responsibility to ensure the authorization is approved PRIOR to departure. Failure to ensure orders are approved prior to departure can result in denial of all reimbursement and the member being charged leave or considered UA.

Click on Authorization/Orders.

Click on the Create New Authorization/Order link.

Block A:

Select the Starting Point. It is important to specify residence or duty station because of the associated expenses for POV or taxi to the air terminal and/or the TAD site itself.

Departing on: You must select the actual departure date as this will directly affect the flight selection and per diem entitlements.

Trip Type: Funded is AA-Routine for funded travel (please do not select any other trip type regardless of purpose for funded TAD without contact the NMCP Travel Department for guidance).

Trip Purpose: Select the appropriate choice from the drop-down menu

Trip Description: Type the name of the conference (please spell out all acronyms as many are similar), meeting, etc., as appropriate.

Block B:

Select the appropriate mode of travel. If going POV, select “other”. Then you must select a time. This time simply narrows the search for commercial transportation and does not indicate the time you plan to depart. The time select will not have any impact on your entitlements.

Block C:

Enter the date of arrival. Then click on the “LOCATION” radio button.

In the box under “Search Term”, type the city and state to which you are traveling then click “Search Location”. DO NOT enter the airport location if it is different than the TAD site. If there are multiple selections for your TAD site, please ensure you are selecting the appropriate one by county if necessary. After selecting the appropriate site, scroll down and click on the radio button “select and close”. This will return you to the previous screen. Then enter the departure date. *PLEASE READ THE DTMO NOTICE BELOW*

Block D:

Select rental car and/or lodging* if needed. If neither one is required, skip to “Block E”. Select those that apply and follow the steps for “E”.

Block E:

If you will not be traveling to an additional site, select “NO”. If “YES” follow the steps above once again entering the additional TAD site.

Block F: Travelers MUST select the appropriate conference/ symposium/meeting (henceforth in this document known simply as “conference”) for all bona-fide events that fall under this category. If not listed, please select “OTHER”. All attendees to any conference must have the BUMED approval and all supporting documents must be uploaded in DTS via the substantiating records process. This includes the DoN/AA letter, attendance roster, and the Navy Medicine Travel Attestation (signed by the XO or CO). Travelers MUST adhere to the travel dates listed on the DoN/AA letter. Any dates outside the authorized dates of travel will not be reimbursed and the traveler will be required to take leave. A copy of the approved leave must be provided in the substantiating records section of the authorization. Use of government lodging is mandatory where available. Rental cars will not be authorized for conference travel per the DoN/AA letters.

Once the screen refreshes, ensure that you click the “SAVE AND PROCEED” radio button.

You will then be prompted to select your commercial airline reservations. Travelers are required to use the GSA Contract Fair where available and you must fly in/out of Norfolk or Newport News/Williamsburg (whichever is least costly.

Once you find the preferred flight, click “SELECT FLIGHT” and you will be transferred to the seating chart. If one is not available this may indicate that the flight is already sold out, or that the airline will not allow pre-selection. Once seats have been selected for each flight segment click on “SAVE AND CONTINUE”. This is extremely critical because if you do not click “SAVE AND CONTINUE” your flight selection will be lost. Once the flight refreshes, you may then select from any of the available tabs at the top of the screen to move to the next reservation segment (rental car or lodging). Travelers are PROHIBITED by regulation to book flights to/from a leave sites if the leave site is different than the TAD location. Travel authorization received with flights booked in/out of the authorized airports will not be approved. The document will be returned to the traveler to book the flights as required by law.

Rental car: If a rental car is required, and authorized, at the TAD site, you may select from the available vendors shown or you may request CTO assistance in booking. Travelers are reminded that the least costly option must be used. If other than least costly is selected an explanation is required. Once the rental car vendor is selected the complete reservation screen will refresh. Click on “SAVE AND CONTINUE”. If you need to pick the car up locally at a location other than the Norfolk airport, automatically request CTO assistance and type a note to CTO specifying the location (e.g., Enterprise at Greenbrier Parkway) so that the CTO agent can book the car appropriately.

Lodging: Use of government lodging is directed where available. A certificate of non-availability must be provided if government lodging is not used when directed on the orders. Lodging sites may be selected by hotel name or location. Once the hotel search criteria is added, click on “SEARCH”. The screen will refresh to show the available hotels that match the search parameters you pre-selected. Once the hotel of choice is selected you will be prompted to select a room of choice. Please note that some facilities will require that you enter credit card information to reserve the room. Once selected ensure that at any time “SAVE AND CONTINUE” is indicated, you must do so to ensure the reservation is held.

*NOTE: We do not recommend booking lodging via DTS due to cancellation fees and known problems. We recommend you book lodging via , which guarantees the government rate, or directly with the hotel. Third-party booking (e.g., , etc.) is not authorized.

Once completed or if neither is required, click on the “Expenses” tab at the center, then select “non-mileage expenses”. Here you will add all estimated out of pocket expenses parking, taxis, hotel taxes, etc. Once expenses are added click “SAVE EXPENSES”. The screen will refresh to show the items you have entered.

Select “MILEAGE” if taking POV to/from the airport or TDY site. Here you will be prompted to select from the drop down menu the appropriate POV expense type. Then you must enter the number of miles. If unsure of the mileage, you must use the DoD Table of Distances. Mileage obtained from MAPQUEST is not authorized.

Under the “PER DIEM” tab you will enter the exact lodging cost (minus taxes INCONUS with taxes for OCONUS) and select any appropriate items.

Under the “EXPENSES” tab, select “SUBSTANTIATING RECORDS”. From this page you may either “browse” and add a pdf file or you may print and fax the cover sheet provided. This is used to provide any supporting documents such as a Direct Fund Cite (this includes e-mail authorization for another organizations funding, memorandum, or other written form of funding authorization).

ACCOUNTING: Please note in some cases if you apply another organization’s LOA per their directions in a memorandum such as BUPERS select boards, the document will be taken out of the NMCP Routing Chain. You will then need to ensure you call the NMCP Travel Department so that your government travel card is activated for your travel dates. If the funding is added by another command, we need to see their funding document or a note within the DTS travel authorization that they have added the LOA.

Once all expenses are added, click on “REVIEW/SIGN”. This will allow you to review all the data that you have entered. After reviewing all the information click on “PRE-AUDIT”. Any items that are flagged may require a written explanation. IF there is an empty box under the heading “Justification to Approving Official” you must type an explanation in this box. Some flagged items are defaults of DTS; however, you must still type a comment to the AO in this box. Then click on “DIGITAL SIGNATURE”.

If funding is provided by another organization you must include a copy of the funding document under the substantiating records. If NMCP is funding the travel, the Travel Department will add the LOA.

“ADDITIONAL OPTIONS” will allow you to view your personal information such as home address, phone numbers and bank information. Should any changes be needed, please contact the Travel Staff.

Your “DIGITAL SIGNATURE” is required to finalize this authorization. Your signature stamp must read “SIGNED” and you must click the “SUBMIT COMPLETED DOCUMENT” to electronically route your authorization. Failure to follow these steps will cause the traveler to loose all reservations. Please note if the default routing list associated with your profile is incorrect, you may change this by clicking on the drop-down arrow when you get ready to “SIGN” the document. This will allow you to select any of the routing lists available to you. If you are unsure of which routing list is appropriate or do not see the one you need, please contact your Travel Office representative for assistance immediately before signing the document.

Once you have followed the above directions, your document will automatically route to SATO if commercial transportation/lodging has been requested. SATO will automatically return the document upon finalization of all reservations to the next person in the review chain. Once SATO has finalized your reservations, you should receive an email providing you a link to the SATO website. Ensure you check your inbox as well as your “junk mail” folder as sometimes our command filters send this to the junk folder.

Once the electronic routing is complete and the authorization has been stamped “APPROVED” by the Command Approving Official, you will receive a DTS generated e-mail notifying you that your authorization has been approved. At this point you may log into DTS to print a copy of your orders. The travel authorization is not complete and valid until the document has been stamped approved by the required Approving Official

To print a copy, sign into DTS, click on “AUTHORIZATION/ORDERS” and select the “PRINT” link on the appropriate authorization. If the AUTH No. or TANUM section are blank – your authorization has not been APPROVED and is not valid for travel.


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