Unit 1: Collection 2

Unit 1: Collection 2

Selection Test Reading and Literature

Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy? Tim O’Brien

Comprehension Circle the letter of the best answer to each of the following items.

1. What was one trick Paul used to keep himself from thinking?

A) He talked to Buffalo and Billy Boy Watkins.

B) He named the stars in the sky.

C) He remembered conversations with his father.

D) He counted his steps and pretended each step was a dollar bill.

2. How was Billy Boy Watkins wounded?

A) He was shot by the enemy.

B) He stepped on a land mine.

C) He fell out of the medevac helicopter.

D) He stumbled into a rice paddy.

3. What does the soldier keep accusing Paul of doing?

A) Sleeping

B) Chewing his gum loudly

C) Making too much noise

D) Daydreaming

4. Buffalo gets angry at Paul because—

A) Paul is a new recruit

B) Paul keeps falling asleep

C) Paul isn’t paying attention to him

D) Paul’s giggling might draw attention

5. Why didn’t Paul want to tell his father that he was scared?

A) He didn’t want his father to be worried.

B) He was so afraid he was going to die.

C) He didn’t want him telling Paul’s mother how he felt.

D) He wanted his father to be proud of him.

6. According to Doc Peret, what caused Billy Boy Watkins to die of a heart attack?

A) A bad heart to begin with

B) The fear of dying

C) Shrapnel in his heart

D) Bad news from back home

Unit 1: Collection 2 Selection Test continued

7. Why can’t Paul stop giggling at Billy Boy Watkins’s death?

A) Paul is scared, and the laughter becomes an emotional release.

B) Paul did not like Bill Boy Watkins.

C) Buffalo made a funny joke about the helicopter ride.

D) Laughter reminded him of Billy Boy Watkins.

8. Paul pretended he was somewhere else because—

A) he was afraid

B) he was bored

C) he knew there were booby traps on the path

D) then the other soldiers would think he was sleeping

9. What does the sea represent in the story?

A) A new life

B) Death and danger

C) Safety and security

D) An end to the war

10. What is the significance of the song lyric “Where have you gone, Billy Boy, Billy Boy, oh, where have you gone, charming Billy?”

A) It was a popular song on the base.

B) It was a song Paul sang with his father while camping.

C) It was sung by some of the soldiers searching for Billy Boy’s body.

D) The other soldiers taught Paul the song on his first day in the war.

Vocabulary Development Match the definition on the left with the vocabulary word on the right. On the line provided, write the letter of the correct vocabulary word.

11. motionless; dead

12. bravely

13. secretiveness; sly behavior

14. passed along the border or side of something

15. spread out; unfocused

A) stealth

B) diffuse

C) skirted

D) inert

E) valiantly

Literary Focus Circle the letter of the best answer to each of the following items. (15 points; 5 points each)

16. What do Paul’s thoughts at the beginning of the story reveal about his emotions?

A) Quiet and confident

B) Scared and homesick

C) Cocky and arrogant

D) Talkative and happy

Unit 1: Collection 2 Selection Test continued

17. Buffalo’s actions and dialogue reveal him to be—

A) unfriendly and standoffish

B) temperamental and mean

C) a seasoned veteran of the war

D) a foolhardy new recruit

18. What technique of characterization does the author use to show that Paul Berlin almost loses control of his fear?

A) A direct statement about the fear

B) Dialogue with Buffalo about death

C) The action of being unable to stop giggling

D) Thoughts about how his fear is swallowing him

Reading Focus Circle the letter of the best answer to each of the following items.

19. Based on the reading, what word best describes the environment where the Vietnam War was fought?

A) Urban

B) Arid

C) Tropical

D) Cold

20. How did Tim O’Brien learn about the historical context of the Vietnam War before writing this story?

A) He talked to veterans.

B) He watched war movies.

C) He read books and newspapers.

D) He fought there himself.

21. What can you tell about the type of warfare fought in Vietnam?

A) It was fought in the open with well-established front lines.

B) Danger often came in the form of land mines and booby traps.

C) Most of the fighting took place in large cities.

D) It was fought mostly by tanks.


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