
Nonfiction Study

|Grade 1 |Grade 2 |Grade 3 |Grade 4 |Grade 5 |

|Reading Nonfiction (Nonfiction Readers Learn |Reading Nonfiction |Nonfiction Reading: Expository Texts |Nonfiction Reading: Using Text |Nonfiction Reading: Using Text |

|about the World) |Previewing nonfiction books by |Using expository text structure to |Structures to Comprehend Expository, |Structures to Comprehend Expository, |

|Getting ready to read nonfiction books by |looking at text features |understand and retain information |Narrative, and Hybrid Nonfiction |Narrative and Hybrid Nonfiction |

|previewing the parts of the book (cover, |Pausing to take in information as |Summarizing at the end of a chunk of |Using expository text structure to |Using expository text structure to |

|illustrations) |we read nonfiction |text to remember information |understand and retain the information |understand and retain the information|

|Previewing nonfiction books by looking at text |Looking for topic sentences as we |Connecting new information to known |in a text |in a text |

|features |read |information as we read |Identifying the main ideas and the |Identifying the main ideas and the |

|Thinking about what the book is mostly about |Retelling with partners; teaching |Organizing and categorizing new |supporting details in a text |supporting details in a text |

|Learning from each text feature to understand the|partners what we’ve learned |information using boxes and bullets |Teaching a partner about our new |Teaching a partner about our new |

|topic |Gaining information from |Finding the main ideas in a |learning |learning |

|Working with partners to understand information |nonfiction text features |nonfiction text |Organizing and categorizing new |Organizing and categorizing new |

|Using post-its to track thinking across a text; |Responding to nonfiction as we |Teaching partners about our topics; |information in order to remember it |information in order to remember it |

|jotting questions and answers, jotting new ideas,|read: jotting down questions and |growing ideas by sharing |Growing ideas by talking about the |Growing ideas by talking about the |

|jotting what this information reminds us of |ideas |Using text features to figure out |information with a partner |information with a partner |

|Reacting to information in books |Finding the answers to our |tricky words |Using text structure to understand |Using text structure to understand |

|Visualizing, sketching, acting out parts of |questions |Reading a collection of books on a |narrative nonfiction |narrative nonfiction |

|informational books to understand the information|Applying many strategies for |topic of choice; comparing and |Identifying the unifying idea that |Identifying the unifying idea that |

|Using all of our tricky word strategies while |tackling tricky words in |contrasting information across these |connects details |connects details |

|reading nonfiction just like with fiction |nonfiction texts |texts |Using the big ideas of narrative |Using the big ideas of narrative |

|Learning strategies to figure out meanings of |Comparing and contrasting books on|Using an organizational system to |nonfiction to identify important |nonfiction to identify important |

|tricky words |a similar topic with partners |keep track of learning |details |details |

|Using photographs and labels to figure out |Making quick notes about a topic |Sharing our learning with other |Using the meaning of the text to figure|Using the meaning of the text to |

|meanings of words |across different sources |readers |out tricky words |figure out tricky words |

|Working with partners to figure out meanings of |Sharing our new learning | |Nonfiction Research Projects |Nonfiction Research Projects |

|words | | |Synthesizing complex information across|Synthesizing complex information |

|Comparing and contrasting information on a topic | | |diverse texts |across diverse texts |

|using more than one book | | |Learning alongside “fellow researchers”|Learning alongside “fellow |

|Asking the kinds of questions that help us think | | |with common interests |researchers” with common interests |

|more about our topic | | |Using technical vocabulary connected |Using technical vocabulary connected |

|Sharing, listening and teaching during nonfiction| | |with the researched topic to develop |with the researched topic to develop |

|reading clubs | | |expertise |expertise |

| | | |Collecting facts to develop bigger |Collecting facts to develop bigger |

| | | |ideas about the topic |ideas about the topic |

| | | |Critiquing texts with analytical lenses|Using writing to think more deeply |

| | | |and noticing what an author makes us |about the topic |

| | | |feel about a subject |Critiquing texts with analytical |

| | | |Paying close attention to how an author|lenses and noticing what an author |

| | | |caused us to feel |makes us feel about a subject |

| | | |Reading with a burning question or |Paying close attention to how an |

| | | |hunch in mind |author caused us to feel |

| | | |Deciding what and how we want to share |Analyzing how the author conveys a |

| | | |about our topic with others |particular point of view |

| | | |Deciding how to carry new knowledge |Reading with a burning question or |

| | | |into our everyday lives |hunch in mind |

| | | | |Deciding what and how we want to |

| | | | |share about our topic with others |

| | | | |Deciding how to carry new knowledge |

| | | | |into our everyday lives |


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