New Providence School District / Overview

Name ___________________________ Date _________________

Chapter 2 & 3 Weekly Vocab boxes

Due: Monday, February 6 Quiz: Monday, February 6

p. 12 sly

p. 14 gnash

p. 14 snarling

p. 15 harness

p. 20 glaciers

p. 22 ancestors

p. 24 prowling

p. 24 intruders

Each week that you are assigned vocabulary words, you need to complete a total of four boxes for 10 points. You must write the definition of each word and use each word in a sentence, but the other boxes you can pick. This must be done in your English notebook or in Notability.

Bonus: I will give an additional 2 points if you do 5 boxes. I will give 5 points extra if you do all 6 boxes. If you struggle with vocabulary it will benefit your grade to do more!

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|Write the word in five |Draw a picture that represents|Make a crossword puzzle. |

|different colors. |each word. |  |

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|Write the definition of each | Use each word in a sentence. |Write a synonym and an antonym|

|word. | (*MUST DO*) |for each word |

|(*MUST DO*) | |  |

Name _______________________________ Date _________________

The Call of the Wild

Chapter 2: The Law of Club and Fang

In order to stay alive, Buck must learn how to survive in this new and strange place. As you read the chapter detail the lessons Buck learns; from whom he learns, and how he learns on the chart below:

|What he learns |From who he learns |How he learns |

|A man with a club is a master to be obeyed |The man in the red sweater |He watches other dogs get beat like he got |

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2. Who buys Buck? Why does he respect them even if he doesn’t like them?


3. Where does the ship take Buck and the other dogs?


4. Read paragraph 2 on p. 14. Contrast the difference between Dyea Beach and Buck’s former life by filling in the before and after chart below:

|Before at Judge Miller’s Estate |After at Dyea Beach |

|Care and respect | |

| |Life and limb were in danger |

|Town dogs and men | |

5. What must Buck do that he finds embarrassing?


Name _______________________________ Date _________________

The Call of the Wild

Chapter 3: On the Trail

1. Once the dogs are on the trail to Dawson,once again Buck learns many new things to survive. Identify what he learns on the chart below:

|What he learns |From who he learns |How he learns |

|Buck learns how to dig a hole in the snow in |The other dogs |The snow gives way under him and he steps on |

|which to sleep | |another dog. |

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2. On page 22, the narrator says Buck had to change. “If he had not been able to adapt to his new environment, he would have died. He put aside his moral nature” (London, 22). In the world of love and respect Buck was honest and followed the rules. How does he behave differently in the northland?


3. Add to the cluster web to describe how Buck changes.

4. What interrupts the fight between Buck and Spitz?


Name _______________________________ Date _________________

The Call of the Wild by Jack London

Chapter 4: A Fight to the Death

Opinion question: Do you think rules are always the same, or do you have to learn different rules for different places? What are some rules you follow at home that you don’t have at school? Why do you think the rules are different? (Answer in at least 3 complete sentences.)


1. What does Francois make for Buck to help his sore feet?


2. List the ways Buck challenges Spitz’s leadership. How does this affect the team?


3. Draw a series of pictures illustrating the fight between Buck and Spitz. Use a caption to explain each picture.

Name _______________________________ Date _________________

The Call of the Wild by Jack London

Chapter 5: Other Fires, Other Worlds

1. How does Buck react when Francois tries to put Sol-leks at the head of the team? Do you think Buck earned the right to lead the team?


2. When Francois picks up the club to force Buck to join the team, what does Buck do? How does Buck win against the club?


3. Who takes over the team when it reaches Skagway? What job do they do?


4. Draw the man Buck sees in his dreams. List the details describing this man. What is London trying to show with these dreams?

5. Describe what happens to Dave. Why does he keep trying to join the team?


Name _______________________________ Date _________________

The Call of the Wild by Jack London

Weekly Vocabulary: Chapters 4-6

p. 28 savagery

p. 29 dreary

p. 30 squabbled

p. 30 ferocious

p. 35 revolt

p. 40 mournful

p. 41 tottered

Each week that you are assigned vocabulary words, you need to complete a total of four boxes for 10 points. You must write the definition of each word and use each word in a sentence, but the other boxes you can pick. This must be done in your English notebook.


I will give an additional 2 points if you do 5 boxes. I will give 5 points extra if you do all 6 boxes. If you struggle with vocabulary it will benefit your grade to do more!


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|Write the word in five |Draw a picture that represents|Make a crossword puzzle. |

|different colors. |each word. |  |

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|Write the definition of each | Use each word in a sentence. |Write a synonym and an antonym|

|word. | (*MUST DO*) |for each word |

|(*MUST DO*) | |  |

Name _______________________________ Date _________________

The Call of the Wild by Jack London

Chapter 6: Sold for a Song

1. To whom is Buck and the rest of the team sold?


2. How are these people different from the other owners Buck has had?


3. How do they react to the friendly advice they receive from other s?


4. In what condition are the dogs by the time they get to White River?


5. What is John Thornton’s advice to the travelers?


6. Why does Buck refuse to get in the harness? What does he know that his owners do not?


7. Who comes to Buck’s rescue from the club?


8. What does it mean when the narrator says:

“Dog and man watched the sled crawl over the ice. Suddenly they saw its back end drop down. Mercede’s scream came to their ears. A large piece of ice gave way, then dogs and humans disappeared.” (49)



Name _______________________________ Date _________________

The Call of the Wild by Jack London

Chapter 7: A New Life



Muscles became hard as iron

The two dogs rolled over and over.

Man with shorter legs, longer arms and knotty muscles.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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