AS Statistics Scheme 07-08

DOUBLES NEW A LEVEL PLANNER – YEAR 1Certificate A Level at end of 1st year 2nd year -> Core Maths and FP3, then choose from Mechanics, Stats or FP4 WDateASSIGNMENT SET – IN FIRST LESSON BACKTopics By LessonLESSON 1LESSON 2LESSON 3: StatsLESSON 4LESSON 5LESSON 6: Mech011/9SWCInductionSWCSimultaneous equationsAlpha setStats SamplingCoordinate geometry - straight lines.Discriminant problemsCompleting the squareKinematics: VT graphs. Straight line – constant acceleration 118/9Ass 1 setRadians: Arc length, sector area, Triangles –sine/cosine ruleRadians: Arc length, sector area, Triangles- sine/cosine ruleDATA 1 Mean & S.D with grouped data (inc using calculator), coding, combining data sets, median, percentiles, interpolationGraph sketching , transformation and cubics.Intro to complex no. Solving polynomial equations with real coefficientsQuadratic inequalitiesKinematics: Straight line constant acceleration225/9Trig - basicsTrig – quadraticsReciprocal trig & Pythag identitiesDATA 1 Mean & S.D with grouped data (inc using calculator), coding, combining data sets, median, percentiles, interpolationDifferentiation – basics and first principlesDifferentiation – tangents and normsProjectilesconstant acceleration2018-19 – do statics here instead32/10TT1ArithmeticGeometric Series DATA 2 Histograms inc dimension problems, Frequency polygonsDifferentiation – stationary pointsAnd sketching gradient curvesTT1Projectilesconstant acceleration2018-19 – do statics here instead49/10Numerical Methods: Change of sign to find root (in Ass. 4)Binomial (Finite)Numerical Methods: Change of sign to find rootRecurrenceSigma notation (including periodic behaviour) Probability: Addition rule, multiplication rule, Venn diagramsCircles – coord geometryConsolidationStatics – no frictionNewtons laws2018-19 – do projectiles here instead516/10Factor theoremAlgebraic divisionProbabilty: Tree diagrams, Two way tables, conditional probabilityDifferentiation - optimisationStatics –no frictionNewtons laws2018-19 – do projectiles here instead23/10 HALF TERM630/10TT2Algebraic fractionsPartial fractions – inc. quadratic factorTT2Integration – Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Limit of a sum.Integration - AreasDynamics – no friction76/11 Proof by exhaustion, counter example, deductionsProof by exhaustion, counter example, deductionsDRVs Inc Discrete UniformCritique probability modelsVectors 2D/3D.ModulusDistance between pointUnit vectorsVectors 2D/3DDynamics – no frictionConnected particles813/11READING WEEK – Monday lesson only. Open Evenings & Subject Reviews.920/11 Compound trigDouble angleBinomial distribution.Mod graphs and equations Vectors 2D/3D – vector triangles 1027/11Small angle approximationsTrig Proof ConsolidationHypothesis testing - binomialInverse functionsComposite functionsFriction114/12TT3LogsLogsHypothesis testing - binomialChain rule, sine cosine from first principlesProduct and trigTT31211/12Trig/logs consolidation Correlation and regressionQuotient and trigFrictionChristmas131/1Pythagorean identitiesInverse Trig inc. graphsCorrelation and regression: Hypothesis testing for zero correlationDifferentiate e, a^x, logsConsolidate differentiationVariable acceleration – including sine/cos148/1Graphical InequalitiesLogs & geometric (convergence, and divergence): NormalParametric equationsParametric differentiation Variable acceleration – including sine/cos1515/1TT4R methodTT4NormalImplicitConnected rates of changeVectors involving acceleration1622/1Trapezium rule Numerical Methods: IterationApproximation from binomial to normalIntegration Reverse chain ruleIntegration Reverse chain ruleMoments – see saw1729/1Binomial (infinite)Hypothesis testing for mean in normal distributionIntegrating Partial fractionsIntegration consolidationMoments – Ladders185/2TT5Binomial Partial fractionsConsolidationIntegration TrigTT5Consolidation12/2 HALF TERM 1919/2S&M mockMock weekLogsIntegration parts (and lnx)Integration substitution – not always given substitution2026/2Numerical Methods: Newton RaphsonContextual numerical method solvesSolving differential equationsSolving differential equations215/32212/3Mock12319/3ReviseMock22420/3252/42623/4Mini mock2730/4287/52914/5A1 PROGRESSION EXAMS/STUDY LEAVE3021/5A1 PROGRESSION EXAMS/STUDY LEAVE3128/5SUMMER HALF TERM324/6A1 PROGRESSION EXAMS/STUDY LEAVE111/6RevisionRevisionRevisionRevisionRevisionRevision218/6standard SeriesInduction, summation & Recurrence relationFP1:InductiondivisibilityParametric IntegrationVolume by rotationRevise Complex325/6Matrices: Adding mutliplyingMatrices Determinants and inversesComplex no.Mod arg arg rulesSimple lociComplex no.Dividing complex no.Argand diagrams42/7Matrices: Solving linear equations using inversesMatrices inductionDot productEquation of a straight line, vector and Cartesian59/7Matrices: Find invariant points and lineMatrices: Transformations 2x2 and 3x3Interpret geometrically the solution and failure of a solution of three linear equationsVector lines and plane problemsEquation of plane vector and Cartesian. Scalar formVector lines and plane problems616/7FP1: Sums and products of rootsFP1: Volume by rotationFP1:–NEW A LEVEL PLANNER – YEAR 2WDateNotes / TESTSTopics By LessonLESSON 1LESSON 2LESSON 3LESSON 4LESSON 5LESSON 6112/9CWCInduction onto the courseFP12: Complex. De moivre and eulers formulaTest219/9FP2: ComplexDe moivreFP2: ComplexNth roots and roots of unityFP2: ComplexNth roots and roots of unity326/09FP2:Hyperbolics – defn, graph, inverseFP2:Hyperbolics – solving problemsFP2:Hyperbolics and inverse trig– Differentiation, integration43/10FP2:Hyperbolics and inverse trig– Differentiation, integrationFP2: Method of differences – inc. partial fractionsFP2: Integrating partial fractions with quadratic factors510/10TTTTFP2: 1st order Differential equations – IF, sketching family of curvesFP2: 1st order Differential equations – IF, sketching family of curves617/10FP1:Understand and use relationship between roots and coefficientsFP1:Volume by rotation about x and yFP1: VectorsFP1:SeriesFP1:IndcutionFP1:Matrics24/10HALF TERM731/10TTFP2: Second order =0FP2: Second order =f(x)FP2: Harmonic motion and damped oscillationTT87/11FP2: Differential applied questions- kinematicsFP2: Differential applied questions- coupled first order simultaneous, ie predator,preyFP2:Maclurin inc validity914/11READING WEEK / OPEN EVENINGS / SUBJECT REVIEWS1021/11FP3: Taylor series and solving Differential equationsFP3: Taylor series and solving Differential equationsFP3: Numerical solutions of differential equations1128/11TTTTFP3: Liebnitz theoremFP3: Liebnitz theorem125/12FP3: Series expansion to find limitsFP2: Improper integrals range goes to infinity or function undefined.FP3: l’hospital’s rule1312/12FP1:Understand and use relationship between roots and coefficientsFP1:Volume by rotation about x and yFP1: VectorsFP1:SeriesFP1:IndcutionFP1:Matrics142/1FP3: 1st order Des with subFP3: 2nd order Des with sub159/1TTFP3: Weierstrass substitutionFP3: Simpsons ruleTT1616/1FP2: Mean value of functionsFP2: Polar Cartesian conversion and sketchFP2: Polar, Tangents and areas1723/11830/1TT196/22020/22127/2226/32313/3Mocks2420/32527/3263/42724/4281/5298/53015/53122/53229/5GAME OVER ................

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