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Study Tool Environment - Geometric SolverAbstract— Past few decades the growth of Information Technology (IT) was changing very high and people used to apply IT-related applications and moved to use automated systems rather than doing things manually to easier their day to day life. Also, the traditional learning system was changed to the e-learning system and along with the growth of the IT. In ?India,?Cambridge International Examinations?(CIE) GCE Ordinary Level qualifications are offered at private as well as international and one of the most important examinations for students and mathematics is a compulsory subject in that exam. But unfortunately, the pass rate of the mathematics is less and one of the most difficult parts in the mathematics paper is geometric construction question. Considering and identifying these problems, the research team implemented an application using ontology and natural language processing to generate geometric constructions. “Geometric Solver” is a web application that is most suitable for beginners who are learning geometric and this real-time application which mainly focuses on the students who are doing the G.C.E Ordinary Level Examination. In this application, when the user input the geometric construction question in text format it will view step by step answer to the user. This application is based on Artificial Intelligence and using this web application students can view the answers attractively and it will increase the interest to the geometric construction question as well.Keywords – e-learning, calculator, artificial intelligence, ontology, interactive software, NLP, absolute positioning, web application.INTRODUCTIONOne of the most important exams in India is the G.C.E. O/L examination. Also, mathematics is compulsory and important subject to all students with questions from geometry, logarithms, sets, volume. There are different kinds of technologies, concepts, principles, and theories in the field of mathematics at an ordinary level. We did a survey to find the difficult areas. Through gathered information from this survey, 62.3% of the students have problems when solving geometry questions, 24.5% of the students have problems when drawing graphs and the other 13.2% have problems in other areas like volume, logarithms, sets, etc. Also, 85% of the students like to upload their questions and they like to view answers to the questions given by the system. The emerging problem with the current scenario is the student doesn’t have enough experience and understand of the geometric question given in ordinary level mathematics paper. Since factors related to the question such as construct a perpendicular, construct tangent, construct bisectors.After observing the results from the survey, we decided to create software to answers the geometry questions uploaded by the student. The problem, students who have less knowledge in geometry will be able to learn how to do questions step by step. Therefore, we propose “Geometric Solver”. Since geometry is one of the most interesting, popular and, it’s difficult for the students, many people started to create tools, software, and websites for geometry solver. In geometry construction, there were existing systems. But they didn’t give effective answers to the users and sometimes that software, websites might difficult to use. In the existing systems, the student must provide the coordinates of the linesor if students want to draw circles, they must give the radius and the coordinates of the center. As an example, the question states, draw a circle in which the radius is 7cm and the center of the circle is in (2,2). So, the student must point the (2,2) as the center of the circle and he/she must state the radius of the circle is 7cm. It is time-consuming and if the student is a beginner to the geometry area, he/she gets confused and it is uncomfortable to use. But in our proposed system student doesn’t want to give any coordinates or radius. He/she just must upload the question to the system in text form. It’s very easy, quick and it doesn’t depend on the student’s knowledge in geometry to operate this system. Also, in the existing systems, after students provide the information, they view the output directly. So due to that student will get confused and it is not very clear to them. But in our system, it will show the output to the student step by step. It is more convenient, and we hope that students also can enhance their knowledge of geometry using this system. To implement a system that could assist the student to learn how to solve the geometric question step by step through the graphical view. And, the student can upload their own question. Therefore, he can solve their own issues which are regarding geometry and it is a kind of motivation to self- study which occurs studying alone without depending on others.From our research, Students can upload their questions. Hence, they can solve their mathematical issues. And, they will try to think about more advanced questions and try to upload different questions which cannot solve them alone and try to find the different patterns of geometric questions. They think about how to score marks easily by referring to those kinds of systems. Some parents have no more knowledge, or some parents have no time to support their children. As students, they can study alone with this web application. Nowadays, there’s no issue with the internet. Everywhere the internet is used. The world is prosperous technologically. As we think, our proposed system is very useful for students, especiallyG.C.E. Ordinary Level students. Because it provides answers step by step. It will decrease the dependency of traditional teaching methods and students try to go forward with strength. Furthermore, traditional methods like writing notes do not absorb by some of the students. We provide all answers step by step in the graphical view. So, it can increase their memory level. The research team has used an open-source tool understudy- for creating a model for identifying the way to construct geometric shapes and used machine learning algorithms like supervised Learning[2] and reinforcement learning[3] and NLP[4] for detecting the shape which given in the question.The geometric Solver is a web-based application build using python, java, JavaScript, and PHP languages. To get accurate results from the Geometric Solver application, the registered users must need to submit the questions.The Geometric Solver application has achieved the following objectives.To develop a web-based application to construct geometric shapes.To implement a method to identify the answer to a given question step by step.There are four main functions. After going through these functions, we can achieve the goal of our project.Figure 1. Examples of questions (left column) and interpretations (right column) LITERATURE REVIEWIn the past years, there are research work is done on mathematics question solvers for students, In the following section, focus on the ordinary level students to help their geometric knowledge. There are a few different things needed to do to solve the question, first, we need to extract all the valuable information from the text of the question. By using that extracted information there are few types of ontologies that will be created. From those different ontologies, we need to graphically view the answer to the given geometric question. The research paper on “ArgoTriCS – Automated Triangle Construction Solver” ArgoTrics (Automated Reasoning Group Triangle Construction Solver) is a tool, which solves automatically a construction problem. Here the automated generation of the informal description of construction in natural language form. Inhere, a strategy for naturally illuminating a class of straightedge-and- compass development issues is proposed. These are where the objective is to develop a triangle given three located points [5]. ArgoTrics is a device that, given some foundation geometrical learning, takes care of naturally a development issue [6]. Solving of a development issue incorporates: Converting the informal narration to natural language [6].Using the GCLC tool for automated the informal description [6]. (GCLC tool uses for geometry to be teaching and visualizing and product illustrations of mathematics which is based on describing figures.)Solve the constructions correctly using automated proving tools [6].The system ArgoTrics is implemented in PROLOG. Sometimes after the construction, some irrelevant construction steps are generated. So, all irrelevant steps must eliminate from the outcome of the answer [6]. To extract the information from the given geometric question, the concept of Natural Language Processing (NLP) will be used. First, need to extract question which uploaded by the student for that need to use Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP is known as computational linguistics, is a blend of language, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI). NLP is used in different applications like machine translation, text classification [7] and categorization, speech recognition, spell checking and information extraction, etc. From the above techniques to view the geometric answer to the uploaded by the student, we need to use information extraction. In information extraction, there are several steps to follow. Sentence segmentation, word tokenization, POS tagging, chinking, and parsing are the steps in information extraction. The research paper on “Text - mining and information retrieval services for molecular biology” includes text mining in molecular biology. Its automatic extract the genes, proteins and their functional relationships from the text documents. In this, they use Natural Language Processing to computers to process language, and it includes techniques developed to provide the basic methodology required for automatically extracting relevant functional information from unstructured data, such as scientific publications. Also, it handles textual data is the extraction of relevant documents from a large collection. Through this can get how to extract data from the document and to use NLP [8] in a proper way. And after extracting has to identify what are the geometric shapes in the question. Then after that those identified geometric shapes have to send to the ontology along with their information in the question. For that has to design an algorithm. [6] An ontology characterizes a typical vocabulary for analysts who need to share data in an area. Ontology is helpful to produce to offer the normal justifiable structure of the data for individuals or programming specialists. It very well may be utilized to empower the reuse of area information. What's more, isolating the space learning from the operational information is likewise another utilization of ontology. It very well may be utilized to break down the area learning and to make space presumptions unequivocal. Building up an ontology is much the same as characterizing a lot of information and their structure for different projects to utilize. Ontology advancement is not quite the same as planning classes and relations in article situated programming. There is some procedure to build up an ontology [6]. Mainly this web-based application divided into the main component into subcomponents in order to make the development process easier and more manageable. In the first stage of the project research team mainly focus on O/L students. As well as research team got information from the few government schoolteachers and private class teachers who teach mathematics for O/L students, hence we need to identify their processes and currently existing issues, in order to develop a solution for that. Furthermore, through our survey we able to identify that, most of the students said they have issues with constructing the geometric shapes in O/L mathematics paper.METHODOLOGYWith an ultimate objective to finish this examination venture, the waterfall Model utilized as approach all through the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The waterfall show is a prompt model that is convincing to build up the application thinking about the truth, which the necessities of the application are clear and don't change with time. Undertaking bundle people have picked the waterfall system following to isolating the necessities of the task. Some reasons have been seen after there is clear compartmentalization of work and control. The model is basic, direct. It is more straightforward to set the timetable for the assignments to be done inside the time apportioning. The stages are not covering in this methodology. Thusly, the structure can continue through the change approach and hypothetically, be taken a break. The progress procedure moves from need assembling, arranging, execution, testing, and the association of the system in end upkeep. The proposed solution can be divided into the following main parts. a) Provide an interface for the student to type the questions and pass the geometric shapes in the question along with their information to the ontology. b)Analyze and create the ontology model and create a suitable details list of shapes for the given question. c) Creation of lines, angles, circles and other geometric shapes. Adding redundant constraints of distance and angles.Generate the final output step by step to the user.Provide an interface for the student to type the questions and pass the geometric shapes in the question along with their information to the ontology.right687070Using a straight edge with mm/cm scale and a pair of compasses only, and showing the construction lines clearly, construct the triangle ABC such that AB=7cm, BAC=60 and AC=5.5cm Construct a straight line through C parallel to AB00Using a straight edge with mm/cm scale and a pair of compasses only, and showing the construction lines clearly, construct the triangle ABC such that AB=7cm, BAC=60 and AC=5.5cm Construct a straight line through C parallel to ABWhen a student provides the question as input in text format it will view the answer in a graphical way through the application.Figure 2. Sample questionAfter the student uploads the question it will identify the geometric shapes in the question using NLP and Python. And then it has to categorize those shapes along with their information by creating an algorithm and has to pass them to the ontology. The above-mentioned algorithm is a unique algorithm that can use for this proposed system. After getting categorized information, that information is sent to the .txt file and then ontology can refer and get information which needed for the further process.Analyze and create the ontology model and create the suitable details list of shape for the given question4108450120142000996950120142000This function is responsible for creating the ontology model for all the ways of drawing shapes like triangle, circle, square, etc. and extract the details of the shape for the given question. So, basically through this component, the details of the shape will be extracted for the given question using the ontology [10].Figure 3. Classes, object properties of the ontologyFirstly, identify there is any uncertain word and get the meaning of it and identify the shape described in the given question whether it is about the shape of the triangle or circle or square from the given question. After identified the shape described in the question, it identified the way of drawing80645067945000that relevant shape. After that, identify what kind of shape and what are the features of that shape has been described in the question.Figure 4. Flow chart of identifying the way of drawing the shape of triangleI have been created the ontology with all possible ways of drawing the relevant shapes using the protégé [1] and OWL which is an ontology language that defines the concepts [9]. The purpose of the create ontology is to share and reuse the knowledge that we extract from the domain.Creation of lines, angles, circles and other geometric shapes. Adding redundant constraints of distance and angles.This application based on under G.C.E Ordinary Level mathematics students to get the best understanding of geometric shapes and how to construct them according to the question. After getting data from ontology, which received through .csv file then needs to make coordinates for the final output. Always the first point starts on the (0,0) point. If it is a line always the second point will be on the x-axis. (0+x,0). To get output for the triangle system need to identify three types of triangles[18],Figure 6. Flow chart of selecting the triangleFigure 5. Structure of the ontologyThen querying the ontology will be done. Jena reasoned [11] and SPARQL queries [12] have been used to query the ontology. At last, using the queried outputs and get the point of Triangle shape. To identify that coordinates, equations be like this, Triangle with all lengths [15][17],alpha = anticos((pow(x,2) + pow(y,2) - pow(z,2)) / (2 * x * y)) height = (sin(alpha)) * y width = (cos(alpha)) * y xc = xb- widthyc = yb+heightTriangle with two lengths and one angle [16][17], xc= xb + y * cos(pi() * (180-z) / 180)yc = yb + y * sin(pi() * (180 - z)/ 180)Triangle with one length and two angles [16][17],xc = ((x*(tan(pi()*z/ 180)-tan(pi() * y/ 180))/(tan(pi() * y/ 180)+tan(pi() * z/ 180)))+xa+xb)/2 yc = (x*tan(pi()* y/ 180)*tan(pi()*z/ 180))/(tan(pi()*y/ 180)+tan(pi()*z/180))Generate the final output step by step to user.Geometric Solver is the most suitable for the O/L students in India who are interested to learn step by step. We are introducing our product as a web-based application that is fulfilled with user-friendliness and attractiveness. We built it with PHP, JavaScript, CSS. The final section is showing the output to the user. After identifying the basic shapes and angles of the final output, we need to send the coordinates for drawing the final shape on a canvas. It is sending as a CSV file format. It is shown below as an example. According to the below table, it mentioned all the shapes, perpendiculars, parallel lines. Uploaded questions may have to draw those shapes. We planned to send this kind of file by assigning values given from the question.TriangleA00B5.5651C4circleC44R2circleC44R2lineA23B32triangleA00B51C4Table 1. Sample data setThen we used canvas for the drawn section as a Cartesian plane [13]. For drawing tasks, using the coordinates that we received we must point out the absolute positions correctly. Theweb application has done it automatically because the coordinates are given. The application draws the final answer step by step by mentioning the part of the question above to the drawing area. When drawing on the Cartesian plain we use y = mx+c equation for drawing through the x and y-axis, slopes, an interception for positioning the coordinates correctly. By using the data set which should match the drawing function by analyzing them. Then substitute y = mx+c equation, finding the other points to draw the middle of the coordinators among received coordinates.Moreover, we mostly used PHP language to build backend of the application. To draw and to animate shapes also using JavaScript [14]. Additionally, the user can maintain own profile and he can view the history of uploaded questions and its answers.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION"Geometric Solver" is fundamentally centered to construct the geometric constructions through ontology- based answering system and neural language processing system and then using supervised learning to train the dataset. The most significant finding of this research project is nobody has an implanted system to construct a geometric construction step by step.164711821780500 Figure 7. Sample output 19874251897570Figure 8. Sample output 2164020524130000Figure 9. Sample output 3CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKThe proposed new ‘Geometric Solver’ web application is used to solve geometrical construction questions in which users can upload the question of who is willing to study geometric construction areas. The targeted users of this application are G.C.E Ordinary Level Examination students and people who are learning/doing quantity surveys also can use this new application. Users can learn easily by using the newly proposed applications because it teaches gradually how to solve mathematical geometric construction questions by viewing a graphical understandable interface. Here, first, extract data and identify what are the relevant geometric shapes which are in the question and then pass each geometric shapes’ information along with their information to the ontology. By creating a data model, ontology can identify the other information which is needed to solve the question and generating the final answer by positioning each geometric shape correctly are the challenges that we faced in this research. Also, after finding the final output incorrect coordinates, it should be drawn on the Cartesian plane. And we reach the final goal of the research by animating the result. By animating it can be easy to understand to the user and he/she can edit the drawing speed of the shape is an added advantage for the users. Since this is a real-time application users can immediately view the answer at any time and since this is an online website users can access it from anywhere and can receive their answers at the same time. Those type of real- time e-learning websites for geometric construction is very few. So, this type of application is valuable to the students and as well as anyone who is willing to learn geometrically construction questions.For the dimension of the future work, we planned to solve complex geometric questions too. And we planned to enhance this application for the graphs too. Furthermore, we can train our algorithms to draw angle intersection, Circumcircle, and other features. Also, we decided to develop a mobile application for Android and iOS regarding this proposed web application.ACKNOWLEDGMENTOur genuine gratefulness goes to the authority of the India Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT) who helped us from multiple points of view in giving us fair circumstances and offices to complete this errand. 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