Round 1 – Pop Quiz Questions

Pizza Trivia Game

Round 1 ? Pop Quiz Questions

Q: Which ingredient in pizza is 94% water? A: Tomato

Q: When is national pizza month? A: October

Q: How many pizzas will the average consumer eat per year?

a) 5

b) 10

c) 15

A: c, 15

Q: Where did the world's first pizzeria open in 1830?

a) Naples, Italy b) Rome, Italy c) Venice, Italy A:

a, In 1830, pizza began with the opening of the world's first pizzeria, named Port'Alba in Naples, Italy. The pizzas were cooked in an oven lined with lava from Mount Vesuvius, a volcano located on the Bay of Naples.

Q: What is America's favorite pizza topping?

a) Pepperoni b) Sausage c) Mushrooms A:

a, Pepperoni

Q: Name the five key ingredients for pizza dough. A: Pizza dough is generally made of flour, water, yeast, sugar, and oil.

Q: Name one type of cheese found in Annie's Organic Rising Crust Pizza A: Mozzarella, Provolone, Parmesan, Romano

Q: Where was the tomato discovered before it was brought back to Europe and added to pizza? a) N. America b) S. America c) Africa A: b, S. America -- Native to Peru and Ecuador, the original "tomato" was a plant which produced yellow or red fruit (later called tomatoes) and was introduced to Europe in the early 1500s. Brought back by Conquistadors to Spain, the tomato was thought to be poisonous and was viewed with suspicion. It wasn't until the late 1600s that Europeans began to eat the tomato.

Round 2 ? True or False Questions

Q: Cheese is the most popular flavor of frozen pizza in the United States. B: False, Pepperoni is the most popular flavor of frozen pizza with 28% of pizza $ spent on pepperoni pizza versus 25% on Supreme and 20% on Cheese.

Q: Approximately 1 billion pizzas are consumed each year in the United States. A: False, approximately 3 billion pizzas are consumed in the US each year.

Q: Most Americans consume pizza once a month. A: True, 93% of American's consumer pizza at least once a month. 33% of Americans eat frozen pizza once every two weeks.

Q: The average American eats 23 slices of pizza a year. A: False, The average American eats twice as much, 46 slices a year. That averages around 23 pounds of pizza!

Q: There are approximately 70,000 pizzerias in the United States. A: True, 70,000

Q: The first pizzeria opened in the United States in 1890.

A: False. In 1905, Gennaro Lombardi opened the first licensed American pizzeria, Lombardi's Pizzeria Napoletana, at 53--1/2 Spring Street in New York City.

Q: The Superbowl is the most popular time of year to eat pizza. A: True. The number one day for U.S. pizza consumption is Super Bowl Sunday, and second is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

Q: Anchovies are America's least favorite pizza topping. A: True, of common toppings tested in surveys, anchovies are the least favorite.

Round 3 ? Organic Trivia Questions

Q: Can you name one yummy vegetable that is best to eat organic (as they are consistently most contaminated with pesticides)? A: Bell peppers, Celery, Potatoes, Spinach. All vegetables in Annie's Organic Rising Crust Pizza are organic!

Q: Organic wheat flour is used in Annie's pizza crust. Does wheat grow... a) in the ground b) in a tree c) on a vine A: a, in the ground

Q: True or false:

Organic farming is a new brand of farming. A: False. The truth is, organic farming is the oldest form of agriculture. These days farmers are switching to organic agriculture once again but now with an ecologically based, systematic approach that includes long term planning, detailed record keeping and major investment in equipment and supplies.

Q: US National Organic Standards require that land used for growing organic foods must have been free of prohibited substances for how many years prior to certification? A: Three

Q: Organic wheat flour is used in Annie's pizza crust.

Which country is the number one producer of wheat?

a) U.S.

b) China c) France A: c, China is the largest by far, producing twice as much wheat as the second largest wheat producer, India. The U.S. is the 3rd largest.

Q: Organic wheat flour is used in Annie's pizza crust. Is the wheat plant an annual or perennial? A: Wheat plants are annuals, meaning that they only survive for one growing season and must be replanted each year.

Q: What is the first company to create an organic line of rising crust pizza? A: Annie's of course!

Q: Organic wheat flour is used in Annie's pizza crust. True or False: Montana leads the country in wheat production.

A: False, Kansas leads in wheat production, accounting for 20% of domestic production and employing 63,000 farmers.

Q: All organic foods can also be considered natural but not all organic foods are organic. A: True. Only foods that are grown and processed according to USDA standards can be labeled organic.

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