REAL ESTATE Door Knocking Scripts - The Close


Door Knocking Scripts

There's just something about door knocking for real estate that strikes fear into the hearts of agents. "What if they slam the door in my face?" "I don't want to bother anybody..." "What if they DON'T LIKE ME??!!"

Waking up early on a Saturday and hitting the streets to go knock on people's doors is kind of like bungee jumping. It looks absolutely terrifying, but once you do it a few times you start to realize it's actually pretty safe, and can even be fun.

That's why we wrote these fool-proof scripts that will help you generate some fresh new leads in your farm area.

Check out the scripts below.

Just Listed Script

Hi! I'm Chris Linsell with Chris Linsell Realty. I just put your neighbor John Doe's house over at 123 Main Street up for sale, and am going around the neighborhood letting folks know they're probably going to see some increased traffic for the next couple of days.

(Wait for response)

Absolutely. When my team and I did our research on the correct pricing strategy for John's home, we found out really quickly how much demand there is for homes in this neighborhood, so we wanted to give everybody a head's up.

(Wait for response)

For sure! It is amazing, inventory is so low right now, homes in this neighborhood are going fast. The typical days on market for homes around here is XX days, so anyone who's looking to sell right now can do so pretty darn fast and for a great price. Have you thought about selling? Right now is a great time to consider it.

(Wait for a response)

My team and I have already done all the hard work for your neighborhood, are you interested in hearing what we think your home could get on the market? No pressure, no obligation, we'd be happy to work up a comparative market analysis for you if you want.

(Wait for response)

Awesome. We can get that together today. When can we get together to review it? I could come by tomorrow if you wanted? How about around 2pm?

(Wait for response)

(If yes) Great! Do you have a phone number I can call you on in case I have any questions about your property?

(If no) Totally no problem, the offer stands if you change your mind!

Also, this is a rare chance where you can help pick your new neighbor! If you know anyone who's considering a purchase right now, let them know about 123 Main Street. Here's my card if you've got any questions, and here's another one to give to a friend.

Have a great day!

For Sale by Owner Script

Hi! I'm Chris Linsell with Chris Linsell Realty. I saw that you've got your home listed for sale, and stopped by to ask if I brought you a qualified buyer, would you be willing to pay a buyer's side commission?

(Wait for response)

(If yes) Great. I've been buying and selling in this neighborhood for X years, I definitely know the area, you've got a great spot that I would love to tell my buyers about. Just so you know, I require all my buyers to go through a pre-approval process before we even look at homes together, so anyone I bring your way could write an offer the day of the showing if they like your home.

(If no) I understand, no worries. I am one of the top producers for this community, I try to stay on top of all the real estate activity happening here. Would it be ok if I checked in with you periodically to see how things are going?

(Wait for response)

Awesome. I promise not to bug you, and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have too. What's a good phone number for you? I can call or text, either is fine for me.

(Wait for response)

Thanks! If you've got an email address, I can send you a link to a blog I wrote not too long ago with some listing tips for FSBO sellers. These are the sorts of things that I do for my sellers when I am listing a property for sale. I'm working full time to go above and beyond for my sellers, the blog helps you at least get started.

(Wait for a response)

OK, sounds like a plan. Good luck with the listing, I'll follow up with an email soon, and check in next week to see how things are going!

Expired Listing Script

Hello! I'm Chris Linsell with Chris Linsell Realty. I was in the neighborhood and noticed your for sale sign was down, did the property sell?

(Wait for response)

Wow, I am honestly shocked by that. Typically homes in this neighborhood are only on the market for X days, I can't believe it didn't sell! Do you mind if I ask why you think you didn't get any offers?

(Wait for a response)

That makes total sense. Listing a property for sale is tricky, it's easy to get off track. Let me ask you this: If I held an open house, got you X showings, and X offers (fill in these numbers with an impressive recent listing you've had), would you be interested in re-listing the property?

(Wait for response)

That's the activity I got in just X weeks over at 123 Main Street. My team and I did a thorough comparative market analysis, priced the home right, marketed it aggressively, and were under contract in just X days. We know what it takes to sell a home in this neighborhood. How about we work up a comparative market analysis for you, just so you can see where we'd suggest pricing the home, and I can also send over our marketing strategy for you to review. Are you open to that?

(Wait for a response)

Awesome. What's a good email address I can use to send over that marketing strategy?

(Wait for response)

Great. And, in case I've got questions about your property, is there a phone number I can get? I can call or text you, whichever you prefer.

(Wait for a response)


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