That Witch Life – A Podcast on Living as a Witch in Today ...

Episode 69: Magick in Art With Amy CesariWed, 1/20 10:07PM ? 1:12:19SUMMARY KEYWORDSmagick, art, witch, people, laughing, courtney, buy, amy, pandemic, witchcraft, moon, drawing, spell, january, gave, wolf, called, friends, adorn, powerfulSPEAKERSKanani, Helium Voice 1 Star Review, Intro music, Courtney , Hilary, Helium Voice- Courtney&Kanani, All Three, Courtney and Hilary, Amy CesariIntro music 00:2920 years ago, three young friends realized they were witches. They scattered to different parts of the world following Magick and Spirit. Now, they're back in their hometown to share what they've learned. Welcome to That Witch Life Podcast. Your home for living as a Witch in today's world.Hilary 00:48Well, hello, everyone, and welcome to That Witch Life Podcast. I'm your host, Hilary, and I am joined by my co host, Kanani. Kanani 00:56Hello, Hilary 00:57and Courtney, Courtney 00:58Hey!Hilary 01:00and we are super excited, because we have Amy Cesari joining us to discuss her wonderful magickal planning coloring book, which I'm super excited to hear more about ahh and Courtney has given us plans for the next full moon. Courtney 01:13That's right. Hilary 01:14So, yeah. which hopefully doesn't involve a Beaver's or Quincunx So,Courtney 01:19because especially since this is our 69th episode.Hilary 01:22Uh oh that would be, like...were you nervous...were you nervous? Were you like Oh Fuck no!! please....Courtney 01:28I was scared I was pulling my notes together I'm like, Oh, god, I'm not gonna actually this one...Kanani 01:31Were you gonna talk a lot about Uranus(laughing)Hilary 01:35Sometimes we're children.Courtney 01:42I might anyway, I might just do it anyway.Kanani 01:44wouldn't be the first time.Hilary 01:46Oh, my God. So how has everyone been doing? Courtney? You taught a class recently?Courtney 01:54Uh, yeah. My voice is a little hoarse because I literally just finished teaching my Morrigan class about five minutes ago. And I actually finished finished the edits of my Hekate book over the weekend.Hilary 02:07Fuck yes!!! You did it! Courtney 02:10Oh my god, you guys. I got another one star review on, on, on The MorriganHilary 02:15Oh my God, please read it.Courtney 02:16It's so good. Hold on. (Laughing)Hilary 02:18Please read it. But like, see if you can pretend to be someone else's voice.Helium Voice 1 Star Review 02:22Okay. I gave up on this! I read, like, 50 pages and I JUST DON'T CAREHilary 02:34That's literally?? that all it says??Kanani 02:38Did I write that review?Courtney 02:40I don't know I mean I looked at it. But the use of the extra commas. I read comma, like comma 50 pages and I JUST. DON'T. CARE. I'm like (laughing)Hilary 02:54Oh, my God. Someone...someone was like can weKanani 02:59Can I get that put on a pillow? Cuz that's my life story.Hilary 03:02Someone felt compelledCourtney 03:04You never would have read 50 pages, Kanani!Hilary 03:07Maybe 50 words that's how we know it's not KananiCourtney 03:12yup! that's how we know it's not Kanani, because this person read like, 50 pages. And I JUST DON'T CARE!(LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY)03:20Oh my god!! That's pretty...that's pretty fuckin' hilarious!Kanani 03:25I need that stitched on a pillow. Seriously, I want that stitched on a pillow.Hilary 03:30We need to start a whole so like, I don't know if you've ever watched is it Jimmy Kimmel? I think it's Jimmy Kimmel, where they have like celebrities reading reading mean tweetsCourtney 03:38mean tweets? Oh! those are so good!Hilary 03:39So fucking funny and it's like, that's what that reminds me of. Because it's like, and I just don't care!!! (laughing)Courtney 03:45Just don't care!! I'm like, Okay, well, and here's the thing. When I would actually tweet, my bad reviews, people thought that I was complaining and would be like, Don't feel bad. Don't read the reviews. I'm like, No, I'm actually laughing. They're like, are you laughing? Because you're actually crying. I'm like, Yes, but that's a lot of those are about regrets and paths untaken. I'm not doing that over my reviews, my reviews. I literally laugh at likeHelium Voice 1 Star Review 04:09I read like 50 pages, and I just don't care.Kanani 04:14God dammit! That's so good!! I seriously want to just like troll book the internet and just copy and paste that. (laughing)Courtney 04:22Well, some, some authors don't... Some authors don't take it as well as I do. But, like, (laughing)Kanani 04:32I don't actually want to hurt anyone's feelings. Oh, they're asinine. It's like how could that hurt your feelings? Because it's just so ridiculous.Courtney 04:40Well, I think for me, it comes from having a theatre background where you're so used to being told your absolute shit. Like when Hillary and I used to do theater together. We heard that every day, Hilary 04:51Oh, my god like every day!Courtney 04:52 And so now thatKanani 04:53Was it me that said that? Courtney 04:55actually no!Hilary 04:55you would have been nicer. Kanani 04:56That's true.Courtney 04:57You were actually, you were very nice. You came to all of our shows and you always Kanani 05:01Whether Hilary knows that or not. Yeah, I actually went toHilary 05:03Ya, I do know, I know that I do Kanani 05:04I went to all of them. Hilary 05:06And you were like, very supportive. You were like, nice. You didn't tell us. First of all, you didn't give us "feedback" in which you just said, I don't know. It's just fucking terrible Like, cool! like, likeKanani 05:21I watched like 50 minutes. And then like, I just don't care.Hilary 05:27You're like, you're like, I watched the first act and then was like, I JUST. DON'T. CARE!!Courtney 05:34I walked into the theater, I sat down. I realized there's popcorn in the theater. And so I realized I JUST. DON'T. CARE!! (laughing) I'm gonna start doing that all the time. Like, like with when I get our power bill, and be like, have you not paid this yet? I'll be like, I gave up on it. I read like two sentences of the bill. And and I just... Courtney and Hilary 05:42I JUST. DON'T. CARE!!Kanani 06:03So good. Hilary 06:04Oh, my God. Wow. Wow.Courtney 06:08That made me so happy. I'm like, Okay, second best review ever. That first one was from what I read last week, this one was like, Okay, this one is so....good! Hilary 06:18So good. So fuckin funny.Courtney 06:20That's how I'm doing. In addition, my husband and I got terrible news over the weekend, which I'm not going to explain. No, I'm not dying. No, no one around us is dying. But it was still very disappointing. I will eventually explain it. But most of most of the weekend was spent drinking too much wine and eating foods that were bad for me, which makes me sound like Kanani. ButKanani 06:39and then there's us discussing burying my husband in your backyard. Courtney 06:43Oh, that did come up!Hilary 06:43That is true. We almost buried your husband in the backyard. Courtney 06:46And then my husband got nervous because he's afraid that one of these times we're actually going to mean it because to me he goes, you cannot she cannot Kanani cannot bury a body here. And I'm like, honey, she's not really serious... Hilary 06:56You're like it was a joke.Kanani 06:59If he's uncomfortable with the backyard and he insists on the front yard. Then, that's okay.Hilary 07:04Front yard. Kanani 07:04There we go. Hilary 07:05We could just put it in it in Brian's trunk of his car.Kanani 07:08But what was what was really funny is I almost texted you today because it was like two days ago, where I was just I was so over my husband. We've been doing so many projects around the house. We kicked the kids out, they went to the grandparents for the weekend so that they wouldn't be underfoot while we were trying to accomplish like these 8 million tasks. And so the whole time, he and I were just at each other's throats. And we were super tired. And we got it all done. And eventually, you know, we kind of found our rhythm and it was fine. But the first like, first day, I wasn't sure our marriage was gonna survive. And then we were doing some laundry and there's one sock. Courtney 07:44(laughing) Ohhhh no!Kanani 07:45Thank you. Exactly. So I was gonna text you today that every time my husband walked by and saw this single sock that we still haven't found the other one for, I was fairly certain he was gonna bury himself in your backyard. Hilary 07:57(laughing) Oh, my god!Kanani 07:57Because he was just he's still pissed every time he sees it. He has to say out loud. I fucking hate that sock. Where's the other sock? Where's the other sock?! He is losing his mind!! Because we never lose socks or laundry. He's super anal retentive about like, making sure there's pairs for everything that goes in. And and I just like fucking dumped the whole hamper into the laundryHilary 08:24You're like, I don't give a shit.Kanani 08:25I'm just like, yeah,Courtney 08:26You JUST. DON'T. CARE!! Yeah,Kanani 08:30I was gonna text you to say my husband, my husband might be burying himself in your backyard if we don't find this other sock again soon.Courtney 08:38Ichabod will help him make Ichabod has already dug a hole big enough to bury a body anyway if you fold it up.Kanani 08:42Oh, there you go!Hilary 08:43So he's like, he's like, done the work already, which is like, perfect.Courtney 08:47He's just gonna go You know what? I tried to find the other sock and then I realized I JUST. DON'T. CARE and then he digs himself in a hole. (laughing)Kanani 08:56Exactly.Hilary 08:57Oh, my god!Courtney 08:58Is this actually funny, or is this funny only to us?Kanani 09:00I don't know. Probably just to us! I'm just so over I'm so overly exhausted. Like, because I'm just doing everything I can to put that moving mojo out there; selling this place, buying a place with a yard, all that stuff. Wow. I am so exhausted that I can.Courtney 09:19Yeah, you're actually really gonna like my full moon spell this month, because I think it wasHilary 09:23I was gonna say what I really want to know is what magick are you doing to make that happen?Courtney 09:28Whatever magick she... I tell her to do because she's not going to do it on her own.Hilary 09:31That's true. That's true. So like, Courtney, if you could explain maybe,Kanani 09:35actually, one of the things I have is I actually have a..umm I wrote all the things down I want in the new house. Nice and the things that kind of I want to come to fruition and I actually have a candle that I've been burning on top.Hilary 09:48Yes!!Courtney 09:50All right. All right. Are you like me? Are you like using printouts from Redfin and Zillow, like, please bring me this house spirits. I'd like a house that looks like this.Kanani 09:58I should actually that's not a bad idea, but the most I've done is like, what is just like, these are the things that I want. Like I want this many bedrooms I want you know, this kind of yard I want. Courtney 10:09I want I want to I want a rose quartz bathtub, but I want Jason momoa to fill it up for meHilary 10:14Oh, my god I want a fucking Rose Quartz bathtub please.Courtney 10:17I like how Hilary's like, Rose Quartz bathtub fuck Jason momoa but I just want the Rose Quartz bathtub Hilary 10:22Ya, whatever. But like, he's okay. But yeah, I mean, I'm also so like, I am also in the upcoming lead of bringing homes into fruition process and have been working some magick there and it's... shit is moving fast. Like suddenly it was like, Oh, wait. I did. I did work some magick on the solstice. That was like one of the things that I that I worked on. And I was like, Oh, wait, oh my god. I'm already ready. I'm like, approved to buy like, holy shit. What happened? How did this happen?Courtney 10:58Yeah, and you know it maybe it's kind of ironic that that just seemed to happen around the time that I did a spell to say Hilary move into my town and hang out with me more oftenHilary 11:07Oh, my god and then I found a house that I liked down there. You little bitch. I know what you were doing.(laughing) You know what's really funny? So when I was telling Courtney, I think our listeners will appreciate this when I was telling Courtney that I like I mostly am looking at the Portland area but like I just you know, I've peeked at areas outside of there. And just for funsies I was like, well I wonder what's near Courtney because she's always giving me shit about moving to McMinnville. And I was like God damn it. There's a fucking cute property.Courtney 11:31It is CUUUTE! You can ask Kanani It's so cute.Hilary 11:36But what's really funny...what's really funny is that Courtney is like, "Okay, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go over there. And I'm like, dress in like witch garb and I'm gonna act like I'm doing some sort of weird spell. And when people ask what I'm doing, I'm going to tell them that there's a poltergeist in the house and I'm trying to do an exorcism.Courtney 11:53I think ya that's gonna happen. Yeah.Hilary 11:55And so then no one will want to buy it, and then they'll have to lower the price. And then you can buy it by like 100 grand and then you can buy it." And I was like, I was like, Yeah, I approve of this plan. I mean, when I said when I said that I was gonna use magick to help you know, bring a house into fruition. I didn't quite picture it that way. But I'm in! You know?! like, whatever Kanani 12:14Ya, do whatever works, man.Courtney 12:16I'm gonna do like some Blair Witch Project shit. Like I'm gonna have my husband drive me over there in the middle of the night and be like, I just love this house it's full of... Oh my God!! and then like smash the camera and then like, share it with the property address like this happened at this house. And nobody will want that house and Hillary will buy that house. And then you're gonna be you're gonna be the crazy witch lady who bought the haunted house.Hilary 12:39Yeah, because then when people are like, Oh my god, I can't believe you bought a haunted house. I'd be like I'm a witch. It's fine. And no one will be my friend also (laughing)Courtney 12:46you're like, if I'm in the house. If I'm in the house then it's haunted. Okay, I just need to show up. It's fine. (laughing)Hilary 12:52That's funny!Kanani 12:55That's awesome.Hilary 12:57No, I mean like realistically though, I'm mostly focusing on areas near my house right now.Courtney 13:02For now you are but I haven't finished my spellHilary 13:05I haven't finished my spell?! I love that you're like I'm going to cast a spell to draw you towards meCourtney 13:10I got some double toiling and troubling to finish. Ha HaHilary 13:13Oh, my GodKanani 13:16I'm gonna laugh so hard if you end up in McMinnville!Hilary 13:18So, CourtneyCourtney 13:21segue, god we are so clunky about our seguesHilary 13:24Tell us about uranus's and quincunx's, and beaver's Oh my! (laughing)Courtney 13:32Oh, god!Kanani 13:34what about Uranus? (laughing) Okay.Hilary 13:39Oh boy. Here we are. Okay. Tell us about this January Full Moon magick, Courtney.Courtney 13:44Alright, so this full moon in January according to the Farmer's Almanac is known as the wolf moon and this moon was named as such by the almanac after drawing from indigenous American, colonial American and European sources. It's thought that January's Full Moon came to be known as the wolf moon, because wolves were often heard to be howling more at this time. So it was traditionally believed that how the wolves howl due to hunger during the winter. But we know today that wolves howl for lots of reasons. So howling and other wolf vocalizations are often used to define territory, locate pack members reinforce social bounds and coordinate hunting. So actually, this is a good Full Moon for house hunting because it is about defining your territory. So both of you can use this magic to figure out where Yes, where is your den going to be for your specific little wolf packs?Hilary 14:38Nice.Courtney 14:40Yeah, so other traditional names for the January moon, emphasize the harsh coldness of the season, particularly if you go further north in North America. So the cold moon or the frost exploding moon both of which are Cree terms; the Freeze Up Moon, called as such by the Algonquin and the Severe Moon and Harsh Moon, which are called such by the Dakota. So if you're using wolf moon as inspiration, maybe you're not necessarily looking for a new place to live, but I do think this would be a good moon for that. But thinking of wolves and their community oriented mind, this is a really great time to do magic to strengthen community, or bonds with those you are close to, so particularly as this pandemic has done a tough number on relationships, like you know, spending too much time together with the people you live with, and not seeing the people you love, who you don't live with. This is a great time to really work on strengthening these bonds. So one way to do this is to carve is to get umm get a candle, or a series of candles, if you're just using one candle, carve your name into it, or your initials, along with the initials or the names of other people that you want to be and strengthen your bonds to, or what I like to do, if this is feasible for you, is to get several candles, one for each person whose bonds you want to strengthen and improve, carve those names or initials into them, tie the candles together and burn them so the candles meld together. Okay, so they all kind of melt down into Yeah, melts down into a big, you know, a big thing, like a big plate of wax, ya a big thing of wax is exactly what I was gonna say. The moon is actually conjunct Saturn. So it's a really good time to fix things into place. So again, coming back to the magick you two are doing with trying to get your house it's about like fixing the things you really want to make happen. Like I want this house, I wanted to have this much space, or this, these these kind of amenities, or it's in this kind of location, this is what I need. It's also a really great time friends, if you did make new year's resolutions, and they've fallen away from you; now you can bring them back and commit to them during this moon, you're more likely to stick with them, because Saturn is all about restrictions. So this is a really good time to do that. So So yeah, really a really excellent moon for, you know, finding, finding your place, connecting with your community, we had somebody who asked recently about ways that they could find community, this is also a good moon for that. So really drawing on that wolf energy. And what I would also recommend is send some of that wolf energy to actual wolves, many of them in different parts of the country have lost their endangered species protection. And so then they are now under threat again, and their numbers are really not high enough for them to successfully rebound without protection. So they still need our protection. So I will I think that since we're using the energies of the wolf moon, let's give some of that back. If you're in the United States, especially if you live in a country where there's wolves and wolves have faced threats all over the world. And if you don't have wolves, where you are thinking about a different animal that's under pressure from from, you know, human, human interference or human, you know, encroaching on territory,Hilary 17:59Human impact...Courtney 18:00 and thank you human impact, and then see what you can give to them. So I like the January Full Moon, I actually hate the month of January. I didn'tHilary 18:07Oh, my god, me too it's my least favorite month.Courtney 18:10I hate it so much. But the wolf Full Moon is one of my very favorites for the reasons I mentioned. It's really great to work on those things. SoHilary 18:18Fantastic. Well, I mean, that at least makes January mildly tolerable.Kanani 18:25I actually think I like January, but that's because my December is such a cluster that it's just over. (laughing) The holidays are over. I my daughter's birthday is over like all of these different events that all my other family members whose birthdays are in December like all of these events, that all happened in December and make December insane. It's like all of a sudden January is like this kind of big like, there's nothing to do. Yeah. This is wonderful! There's nothing to do.Hilary 18:57You're you're like, Oh my god, I don't have to do anything. And I'm like, Oh my god, all the excitement is over. What can I even do with my life?Courtney 19:04I know it's like I have no excuseHilary 19:06I have no purpose!Courtney 19:08No excuse to just party. I mean, like, I probably should just create one. But I think especially with this pandemic, I'm really feeling the January blahs in a major way and you know, getting some I think that's why I laughed so hard at that really stupid at that really ridiculous review because it has been such a hard couple of weeks for me and my husband that my sense of humor was in a really warped place where I'm like ha ha ha ha! good! Hilary 19:35You know what I laughed so hard at? I like re-listened to our blooper reel, our advertising blooper reel for our Patreon our Patreon subscribers will know what we're talking about. We so Courtney put together for those of you that don't and they're like what the fuck is Hilary talking about? Courtney put together a blooper reel of that when we're recording the advertising for our sponsors and we are terrible. Like we are not good. We are not good.Courtney 20:06I've actually gotten a lot better like the last two times, but oh my god the first like,Hilary 20:11so bad and so like it's really funny. And I cry every time laughing I was like, in the kitchen making dinner and I was in a really bad mood and I put that on it and I was like, okay, everything is so funny right now I don't even care. So thank you for putting that together. And if you want like, you can find that on our Patreon and it's well worth the laugh for sure.Courtney 20:35It's well worth the $1 a month to point and laugh at us. Hilary 20:38I mean, literally, it's like shouting to the extreme like it's watching us just fall apart in front of your eyes. Alright, so we actually have some shout outs, which is pretty cool. So Arcane Botanica, a brand new business specializing in interior plant decor. Proprietor Amanda offers tailored interior plantscaping for your home or business, including individual plant sales, terrariums, and custom gifts for all price points. Based out of North East Massachusetts, Arcane Botanica works with clients to customize kid and pet safe plants for homes, promoting desired energies with specific plant combinations. Follow @arcanebotanica at Instagram or Facebook or email them at amanda@. So definitely go check them out because we all love plants, or at least I do.Courtney 21:35I was watching Harley Quinn and I'm kind of disturbed by how much I relate to her. And I think most you know women do... that or it's or ya know, femme people do at some point you go Yeah, I've had I've I've experienced that. But it's just like when she would smash the computer because she wasn't getting enough attention by the media. I have done that. too. (laughing) Like, how many times have I called you guys in a rage because nobody put me on their list of best authors. But when they do put me on their list that I like, can't handle it. And I'm like, ahhhh!! but then I realize, Hilary is Poison Ivy! You're totally Poison Ivy because you're like the grounded one. You're like, Okay, I'm not sure that's that guys mistake or Yeah, most men are trash, including that one right there. And then the obsession with plants. I haven't found a DC villain that is Kanani but I'm thinking Kanani is her own DC villain Hilary 22:28Not yet. Yeah. Should we just say that means they need to create one. Yeah, they need to create one about her. Yeah. Kanani 22:34I agree. (Courtney laughing)Hilary 22:36She definitely is the most villainous of all.Kanani 22:38Exactly! They just aren't willing to go there yet. They're like, there's too much to inflict upon the world.Hilary 22:45They're like that's too dark. We can't do that(laughing)Kanani 22:47EXACTLY! We're already in a pandemic, we can't go there. Courtney 22:50No, well, it her, her, her.. like you know, Harley Quinn has her rage and her mallet and, and Poison Ivy is her power over plants and Kanani is her literal ability to just not care into oblivion, like she can just. She will sit there with her arms crossed and go. I really really just don't care and then the world just freezes and falls apart. That's, that's what's gonna happen with Kanani's...Kanani as a DC supervillain- who JUST. DOESN'T. CARE!Hilary 23:18I was gonna be like, sheCourtney and Hilary 23:19JUST. DOESN'T. CARE!. Hilary 23:23So, (laughing) man, Courtney, you have a couple of cool things coming up. You have something happening at Catland Books, is that right?Courtney 23:33Yes. So the day we released this, just saying January 25. If you get this in the morning, this evening, January 25. I am teaching my online class on Hekate at 7pm. Eastern time it is going to be recorded and sent around so if you can't join us for the time, go ahead and register and you will get the recording afterwards. So you can register by going to our website or go to Catland Books at and you can sign up. Also my five week series on Tarot 101, which is hosted by pathways is open for enrollment. There are some spaces left that is filling up very quickly. So after five weeks with me, you will be reading Tarot like a motherfucking Pro!! So Hilary 24:18BOOM! Courtney 24:19yes, definitely sign up for that. Same thing. The classes are on Tuesday nights, but if you can't make it, they all will be recorded and emailed to everybody afterward. So definitely check those out with love, love, love, love, love, I'd love to have some That Witch Life listeners there. So you can Heckle me because these two won't do it. So yeah. Kanani 24:36It's true!Hilary 24:36Amazing.Kanani 24:38It's true.Hilary 24:39I love that. So Kanani also has some cool stuff to talk about. Tell us about what's going on with our spell kits.Kanani 24:45So, I gave a little teaser last week.Hilary 24:47I know you did.Kanani 24:49And..Hilary 24:50She couldn't handle it. She was likeKanani 24:51I couldn't!Hilary 24:52She can't keep it together.Kanani 24:55I think it was obvious what the new spell kit would be, but just in case it wasn't, we will be releasing today on the 25th, our LOVE spell kits, which I am super excited about, and I think people are really gonna love. We have, I think at this point sold out of our Imbolc kits or almost sold out of Hilary 25:20We're almost Yeah. Kanani 25:22And so, uhh, we still have, you know, our other Full Moon, New Moon, uhh...the new Love Spell as well as the Ancestor kits, I'm excited to see that people are still doing the Ancestor kits, because I think that's one of those that is just like can be really helpful, all year longHilary 25:40Oh, so useful.Kanani 25:41And so definitely check out the Love Spell kits, I think people are going to absolutely like that. Absolutely love them. So definitely check out the Love Spell kits. And I have to let everyone know, I so appreciate the amazing reviews that we get on Etsy and all the kind words from people, we we spend so much time, you know, creating these and thinking of them and whatnot. It's so fun to kind of get the reviews and get the emails from people that they love them and they're enjoying them. And also I've gotten more people are ordering the spell cards that come with our sticker. I'm going to give another teaser, everybody, all of our listeners you want a sticker. So either go online and order a sticker or order spell card that comes with a sticker if you haven't previously gotten a sticker from us before. And we've got some fun stuff coming up. And yeah, I'm just, I'm I'm really excited. I'm happy everyone's enjoying this and I'm having a wonderful time kind of coming up with these.Hilary 26:40Yeah, I love it. So we want to thank all of our Patreon supporters for as little as $1 a month you can get access to bonus witchy content. Higher levels, get you access to our private Facebook page, quarterly special events and boxes of goodies including your very own screaming goat. Our next quarterly event is a LIVE Imbolc ritual on Sunday, January 31 at 10am pacific time, which we will be holding via zoom. So if you join us at the $5 level or above, you can join us for that which is awesome. You can join us at the 20 if you join us at the $25 level or above Courtney pulls a card for you. Today, she is pulling for CamillaCourtney 27:22Yes. Oh, this is a good one. Okay, so Camilla, you got the lovers. So um, you know, this is a sign that it is time to...I feel weird saying this because we're in a pandemic with saying open yourself to love. So love is out there for you love wants to reach you and it can come in a lot of forms. I know it's a weird time to be dating right now. But it is a good time to either be deepening relationships with people that you are already in a relationship with or be open to love of someone else. It's also a really great time to delve into the things that you love. If you have a passion that's been neglected. Give it some space at this time to make sure that you can you can dig into it and it's also a time to say love yourself and take care of yourself so the lovers is a good card. And I'm glad that you're getting it as we are moving into the season of love.Hilary 28:14Well, I love that. What a great card. Other ways to support the show. If you can't do a monthly donation you can buy us a coffee or buy That Witch Life merchandise on Etsy. Also, consider becoming an episode sponsor. It's a great way to promote your business to thousands of witches. You can also purchase a shout out; let people know about your virtual event, or just send love to your favorite witch! Find out more on our website at Are we ready for a word from our sponsors?Kanani 28:40Hell Yeah! If you've listened to us at all, you know that all three of us are completely obsessed with Shiny Pretty Things, especially me.Courtney 28:49Shiny Pretty Things include tattoos and piercings as well as jewelry.Hilary 28:542020 was a total drag so 2021 is the perfect time to be the best sparkliest version of yourself with some custom tattoo work, killer jewelry, or a new piercing. Kanani 29:04Adorn Body Art has unique jewelry designs from vendors all over the world. So we were super excited to partner with Adorn as an episode sponsor! Hilary 29:12Established in 2000, Adorn is a woman-owned Tattoo-Piercing jewelry studio dedicated to offering the best service to their clients and local community with three thriving locations in Southeast Portland, Beaverton, and Vancouver, Washington. Courtney 29:26Adorn selection is not only the largest in the Pacific Northwest, but they also carry the highest quality of ornate, ethically sourced natural adornments which is a big deal for me. From Amethyst to Rutilated Quartz, to Tiger's Eye and Citrine. They have jewelry options with stones for every chakra and you can order online. Kanani 29:45The thing that separates Adorn from other studios is that they are focused on art and not attitude. Their mission is to help their clients feel like the truest version of themselves and achieve body autonomy. Hilary 29:56If you're looking to get pierced Adorn can also assist with custom creating the piece of jewelry of your dreams to be as unique as you so the possibilities are endless with ongoing education for each piercer who is also certified through the Association of Professional piercers and state of the art sterilization and sanitation you are always safe and get the very best when you come to Adorn. Courtney 30:16Adorn operates by appointment only, so go to where you can also see a sneak peek of the gorgeous jewelry that they carry. Hilary 30:25Adorn and is just amazing, so make sure you check out their incredible jewelry selection or book an appointment today. Thank you to Adorn Body Art for being an episode sponsor. Well, we are so excited to welcome Amy Cesari to the show. Amy is an author and illustrator who enjoys animated musicals Not only does she own every Nintendo game console ever made, she's she's earned several fancy diplomas and enjoys continued studies and various magical practices. Amy is the kind of witch who jumps out of bed early to greet the sun and follows her Spirit on all sorts of wild adventures. Her typical workday begins with a powerful ritual reciting along with the film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, which I love. She has independently published a series of popular color, coloring books on modern witchcraft: Coloring Book of Shadows, which you can discover at . Welcome to the show, Amy, we're so excited to have you on Amy Cesari 31:22Aww, thank you. I'm super excited to be here too.Hilary 31:26When Courtney first mentioned you as a guest, I was like, Oh my gosh, this is so cool. Because first of all, I love coloring books. Like I really, really love them. And I was like, wait, witchcraft and coloring books together?! This is fantastic!Courtney 31:43They're very meditative. It's like with with what's Morrigan in Mists of Avalon used to weave and then she'd go into trance, I'm sure that same thing happens to people who are going into doing coloring and stuff like that.Amy Cesari 31:56Exactly.Hilary 31:57I mean, it's like, it's, I feel like when I color I'm just like, it's kind of this, my mind can kind of just calm down and I can just focus on both the repetitive movement, but also just seeing something visually pretty. And it's like my brains like, this is great.Kanani 32:11I think it's really meditative. Hilary 32:13Yeah, absolutely.Amy Cesari 32:16It's Magick, yeah, it's totally magick.Hilary 32:19It's totally, it totally is. So the first thing that we ask everyone that comes on the show, is when did you first know you were a witch or a magickal person? Amy Cesari 32:30Well, you know, I didn't know what it was, until I kind of decided to be a little rebellious at the Public Library and go look at witchcraft books. And so I looked them up. And I was like, you know, looking for devils or something, you know, really hardcore. And I, what I found was like, kind of what I always felt and thought. So I was raised Catholic. And while I enjoyed some of the ritual, I really saw a lot of things I didn't like about it at a very young age. And so I kind of made it my own stuff in my head, you know, when I was at church, and my own little spells and stuff like that, I didn't know what it was, I just, you know, did my spirit or whatever. And then I kind of started looking into witchcraft books when I was a teenager, and it matched up. So it was kind of around that age that I realized that it was actually let me say, reaffirming that there was a different choice. And there was something else that I was connected to that was real. And that was okay. And that was actually a really positive voice. And, and, you know, guidance in my life going on. So it was cool.Hilary 33:47That's really awesome. I think that those moments are so powerful, because they are so affirming, especially those of us who grew up in like, kind of standardized or standard religions, right? It's like all you knew, right? You didn't, you don't know that there's you kind of you do kind of, but you don't really understand what it is right? And you know that this doesn't feel right to you. But you don't really know what the thing is. That does feel right. So I think that's so cool.Courtney 34:13I think modern, modern witchcraft, like or it oughta write a big note to Catholicism and say: Thank you, because you turn out more of us. You know, it's funny. A number of years ago, I was at, I was at an anti fracking rally in Long Island, New York. And I was there with all my Pentacles and stuff like that, and there was a Priest that was there. And he was actually at two of them. And I asked him, I said, Hey, we should get a picture together. I had been in a lot of interfaith circles, and I've forgotten how, like, stuffy some people can be so, I was like, Oh, we should get a picture together. How awesome is it that a Priest and this witch are both at this rally together? And he goes, No, I don't think that's a good idea. Amy Cesari 34:54Ohhh....Courtney 34:55yeah, he wouldn't take a picture with me and I was really embarrassed. And I was like, I gotta write something for the Huffington Post about that, but then I stopped, and went- You know what? I'm going to be too busy re-habbing all the young people that come streaming out of his church to my witchcraft circles.Hilary 35:11Yeah!Courtney 35:12I you know what, I'm just gonna get back to Hilary 35:14exactly!Courtney 35:14work a bit and just gonna witch it up. So yeah, true story that happened.Hilary 35:18That's so funny. He's like, Yeah, no, I don't think we can do that. And you're like, seriously? Man,Courtney 35:25it was really embarrassing. I was like, okay, but then like, you know what? Fine.Hilary 35:29It would be a miracle. Cuz you'd be shocked. You'd be like, Oh, IAmy Cesari 35:32yeah. But on him, like looking back, it's embarrassing on him! Not on youHilary 35:36yeah, it is! Yeah, his behavior is embarrassing, that's ridiculous!Courtney 35:40Yeah, and then it was like I was with someone and I was with him that day, he was just like, this person that was fixed that well, then I guess we need to go find another priest. And so he ran over and tried to get me to take a picture with this, this monk who was in his robes, and when I am not putting myself on the line with any old man in Catholic garb today. And he's like, but I thought that's what we're doing now. I'm like, you're gonna need to switch gears. Okay, we're just gonna stand here and hold these anti fracking signs, and wait for the little witches to come out of church and circle with them under the full moon.Amy Cesari 36:09That's right!Hilary 36:13(laughing)That's so good. Um, so Amy, where do you think for you that art or creativity and magick intersect?Amy Cesari 36:23art and creativity and magick? Oh, gosh, I mean, I really feel like they're to me, they're all interwoven. You can use art and creativity, any kind of art or creativity as a form of magick. You know, like with your weaving, or as you do with a garden or any kind of spell work, you can, you can use your art with that, instead. It's a good mind, body and spirit is all coming together. You know, it sounds a little cheesy, but it's really not. It's, it's what people used to do like Kraftwerk and stitching and, and things to pass the time before we had TV and all that, you know, so art and creativity and folk craft, and all that stuff is, like, powerful. So for, for, I think for in many different ways. I mean, it could be writing or, you know, it doesn't have to be art art. But for me, these days, most of my magick really is centered around the art art. I used to do like more garden and stuff like that, but no, like the art muses, and they're so powerful and so strong, that I just really am trying to focus mostly on that as my form of magick.Kanani 37:33I think one of the reasons why there's such a close connection between art and magick cuz, I think, when people are kind of whatever their their art medium is, like you described, there's all kinds of things there's sewing, there's knitting, there's drawing, there's painting, there's you know, gardening, whatever cooking, whatever your medium for art is, I think one thing that most people would probably agree with is one of the reasons they love it is you kind of you get in this special zone, where just your normal kind of daily troubles kind of seem to fade away. And you kind of find this different focus, and your mind kind of finds a calm and and you find kind of a peace with with you know, yourself and kind of all the noise outside kind of seems to disappear. And I think you know, that that's part of, I think, why they're so close together is there is sort of sort of a meditative and kind of peaceful, grounding aspect. When you're practicing whatever your chosen, you know, art or craft is that just kind of, I don't know, just brings you to this elevated place where your mind can just be a little bit more free.Amy Cesari 38:56Totally, it totally does. And it also puts you like in that it's that place where you can create, like, it's the same space where you're doing ritual or whatever, where you're just open to possibility and new energy and you can like, forget all that shit, you know, forget like all the earthly shit and really just like channel, you're creating something and even if it's a piece of art that will translate and correspond to bigger things, and life, I believe and I have really seen you know, with myself and people that I've also seen take their own artistic journeys with magick.Hilary 39:32Was was art always part of your practice? Or was that something that did was coloring, you know, visual art or always part of your practice, or was that something that developed later?Amy Cesari 39:42It was always a part of my life. And I had a lot of shadowy art shadows of not good enoughs and, you know, I really want to do it professionally, but it was always hiding there. And it wasn't in my magick practice until later. Yeah.Hilary 40:01And how did you I mean, like, how did you discover that? Was it just like an 'aha' moment? Or was it something that kind of slowly integrated in?Amy Cesari 40:08It was a really long process with a lot of twists and turns. But if I were like to sum it up, and like some of the biggest things like, I kind of wrote a spell to myself when I was a small child, it said, I wanted to be an author and an illustrator. And I hid it in my, my little secret area, and my friend found it and she laughed, and like, totally made fun of me. And so like, you know, shadows really started to build and then art followed me and I wanted to pursue itCourtney 40:36Gee... getting made fun of by your best friends... I have no idea what that is like,(laughing) although Kanani did actually take my journal out of my hands. Okay and go: Does your mom know you write this much profanity in your diary?Kanani 40:53And the answer of course was no.Courtney 40:57The answer was yes. But she pretends No.Amy Cesari 41:00That's so cool that you guys have been friends for that long. Kanani 41:03Cool. sad. Strange. there's a lot of words that come to mindHilary 41:08Sad. You're such a jerk. Sad?! Oh, man.Kanani 41:12Dysfunctional. That's another good one. Amy Cesari 41:16It's a blessing, you guys.Courtney 41:19anyway, Amy. I apologize.Hilary 41:21No, no, no, but totally. I mean, I think Amy, your point is so true. I mean, I think sometimes we build. I mean, those moments when we're young, are I think we underestimate how much they impact us later. Oh, yeah, I had something very, very similar. When I was young, I like played the flute I wanted to sing. But I was really shy when I was younger. And when I like, you know, I so I barely sang because I was shy. And I didn't do any audition for any, like, solos or whatever. And the teacher was like, you know, I think you should stick to playing the flute. And I'm like, I'm, like, 10 years old, like really? Like, like, maybe just encouraged children, you know? And I'm an opera singer now. So like, you know, it's like, it's so it's, but it stuck with me that really sticks with you.Courtney 42:11It's just too bad you didn't have Lizzo back then? Because you would have been like, I can sing and play the flute. Excuse me? Do you not see Lizzo?Hilary 42:18Yeah, exactly. I needed. I mean, all we ever need is lizzo. Right? I thinkCourtney 42:23We all needed Lizzo Hilary 42:24Oh, how different life would have been. So Amy, what inspired you to make a coloring book? Like where did that idea come up? Amy Cesari 42:33You know, that was part of the weird shit when my like magick and art sort of got incorporated. I was like trying to, I went to grad school to try to fit into corporate life. And it was like a big failure.Hilary 42:44Mmmhmm! I definitely didn't, I definitely didn't, I didn't really Courtney 42:48Hey, it's okay. You didn't know.Amy Cesari 42:52What happened though, is I had kind of a spiritual experience in grad school. And I, that's when I really came fully out of the broom closet and kind of decided to do like, magic, like, as not as hiding behind fiction or not like as a like Halloween, but like, fully out of the closet, like spirituality, which is another big shadow. And so I just kept, I was trying to get out of my corporate job and like, do it as a business, but like, it wasn't working and just blah, blah, blah. But I was in a strategic thinking class, basically. And it was really all about intuition. And it really started to all come together and just finding all the missing pieces, like art and drawing was everywhere, on all my notes and everything, but I wasn't doing an art business or focusing on art. So that was a big clue. You know, and some of the shadowy stuff in my life about spirituality, and art was all really coming together. Like, this is what I want. But I'm like, afraid of those things. You know, so I, when I put them together, it was like, Oh, shit, like this really makes sense. And, and then, yeah, so I started working on that I was still working the corporate life, full on business travel, it was kind of really soul crushing.Hilary 44:13That's a lot at once.Courtney 44:14Amy, have you ever have you seen the new Pixar movie called soul? Oh, yeah,Amy Cesari 44:19a couple times.Courtney 44:20So okay, so basically, that movie was do you saw yourself in that movie? I'm sure. Right?! Amy Cesari 44:25I see myself in most Disney films or Pixar films. Yes, that movie was amazing. But yeah, so that's how it really came together. And I mean, I was the core i was the poster boy for corporate soul crush or poster girl or whatever, whoever I am poster person for corporate soul crushing career and when I finally found, you know, the courage for it, it all really came together. And it was like, it was definitely the big, the biggest magick I've ever seen. I was scared shitless you know,Courtney 44:54were you like the guy that like all of a sudden realized was like the hedge fund manager. And then he just like pulled all the computers out of the wall and started dancing on the desks was that what happened?Amy Cesari 45:04There was a little bit of that there was a thing where I was trying to steal my rollie chair from the corporate office. All Three 45:12OH YES!! (laughing)Amy Cesari 45:13And I'm sitting in it right now, too. It's a very niceCourtney 45:17(laughing and clapping)Well done, Amy. Well done. Amy Cesari 45:20Yeah. I mean, like, it didn't fit in my hatchback very well. So I was like,Hilary 45:25Oh, my God, that's so funny. Courtney 45:33I just see Amy like, givin them all the finger and, like blessed be motherfuckers, I'm peacing out.Amy Cesari 45:42It happened. This was like, I was 36. This is a hype, you know, 13 years into my corporate career, I was, you know, making a lot of money. And, you know, my parents thought my parents are awesome. And they loved it. My corporate job, you know, and this was like quitting that saying, I'm starting a witch art business, you know?Hilary 46:04And everyone's like, I'm sorry, you're doing what?Amy Cesari 46:07Yeah. But it felt so good. And then like, it wasn't instant, like I had to put, you know, my skills to work to get off the ground. But of all the things I've ever done, I felt that alignment and the universe like, supporting, saying, Yes, like, this is your time, you've, you've waited in line, and you've tried and you've failed, and you've made a big fuckin mess of shit, but here you go. Like you it was worth it. Because time circles back, you know, you always have another chance.Hilary 46:36Yeah, and I think it's like, when you when you're in that place where you're like, this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. I'm so aligned in that way. When you, I mean, it's a lot of work. But that work feels totally different. Because it's not like sacrificing it for something that doesn't feel right at all, like, in corporate, you're like, I'm going to sacrifice my whole life. And I'm going to get feel shitty the whole time it's happening, you know. And then in a scenario like this, it's like, I'm going to it takes a ton of work and a ton of sacrifice, but it's in a way that I am, like, happy being here and feel amazing at where I'm at. The shift is incredible.Amy Cesari 47:17Oh, yeah, it's like, and, and like, it's amazing. And I just want to say, like, anyone, if you're in that struggling phase, you will, and you can get to something totally better. I really didn't think it was possible for a lot of that. I mean, that was really deep into it. You know, and I turned it around. So like, I just want to say, it's not just me, it could be you too, just keep at it, you know, keep on that keep soul searching.Hilary 47:41It's It's such good advice. It's such good advice. We have a lot of listeners that are kind of developing their magical practice, and how do you like, what's a good way to get, you know, to start if the people are wanting to pull art in whether it be you know, like, drawing painting, you know, photography, visual art, if they want to draw that in, what's a good way to like, just kind of get started and get rolling into to kind of adding that into your practice?Amy Cesari 48:09Yeah, and it's exactly like no matter what level you're at, like, what's what I'm doing now, or if you're just starting, like, I really think, and I had a, I was taking art class in the teacher recently reminded me of this. And so I went back to it, but like, dedicate if you can't do a half hour a day, like 15 minutes a day, for one specific thing. So like, right now I'm doing 15 for this week, for only seven days, I'm doing drawing hands for 30 minutes a day, because that's like a weak spot. So like, if you're just learning, like, do sketching for just 30 minutes for seven days, and you'll see, like a lot of progress there. You know, and, or you'll start to see some progress or do 15 minutes, if you're a mom, if you're really busy. If you can't do a ton, really just start small and simple. And I think get lost in the feeling, and the release and like the weight, you know, the pencils feel, or the paper or whatever you're doing actually feels instead of the outcome at first, because it can take a little bit of time. You know, I'm learning watercolor now, which is very different. And for me, and not really that natural. And so it's back to basics. You know, it's exercises and watching YouTube videos and practicing over and over just consistently little bits at a time and just enjoying those little bits.Hilary 49:33Amazing. Yeah, it's always good to you know, start slow and I mean, just kind of one step at a time. It really I teach voice and I say the same thing. I'm like, if you can't get a full hour in if you can get like 30 minutes in or 20 minutes and it's that consistency it builds practice, you know and then same with magickal practice too right? like if you're trying toCourtney 49:51what I was about to sayHilary 49:52it's like this absolute same if you're trying to learn how to integrate more magick into your life like you don't have you know, you don't have to be like, okay, my morning ritual is 2.5 hours long, and I'm gonna be outside. So, you know, it's like, start with five minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the mornings, but consistency.Amy Cesari 50:09I know it sounds like ridiculously practical. And when I was like younger, I hated that kind of advice. And I still sort of do this. I'm like, oh God, simplicity and focus, like I crave it. And like, I'm asking, like, you know, been asking all my Capricorn friends like, how they do it and like, trying to, because that's so powerful, like I think you were talking about in when you did your last episode, but like, less, really is. Simplicity is sometimes more complicated, but it's actually more simple. I don't know. It's crazy. I'm still trying to figure it out.Hilary 50:42Yeah, like simple, simple, doesn't mean less powerful. In fact, sometimes it's I mean, that I have found sometimes, in total simplicity, so much power, so much more power, because there wasn't other things in the way I just, it wasn't like, I let go, I had to let go of kind of all of the preconceptions I had going into a ritual or a practice or whatever. And in that moment of just kind of letting go of what I kind of what I thought it should be like, and kind of easing into it being simple. Yeah, it was like, wow, this is not only not I mean, this is not just, like, as powerful. This is more powerful for me in that instance, you know?Amy Cesari 51:25Yeah, I think so. I like complicated fancy things, too, sometimes. But like, when you're learning, it's like, yeah, like with the painting, and now like, I want to paint really fancy things. But if you find yourself getting frustrated, take it down into something even simpler, like I'm just drawing little mushrooms and or painting little mushrooms and like real simple, you know, do it. Do find something that feels fun and good to you that you like, even if it's easy or not fancy and you just keep building slowly. You know, that's, I don't know, might sound simple, but that'sKanani 51:57You mentioned, you just are starting watercolor? Do you have like a favorite kind of creative medium?Amy Cesari 52:06Oh, God, Ah, that's really hard to say that Hilary 52:10Good question. Amy Cesari 52:10Oh, I don't know, man, that's tough. I have like a bucket list of like, I want to dedicate there's 80 to like 100 plus to the yarn arts and like needlecraft and stuff like that, because I love crochet. And I want to do like embroidery and more stuff like that. I just don't have the time for all of it. Like I could.. there's a lot of different crafts and arts, I could lose myself in. But like, at this point, I'm trying to like work on my drawing skills, like things that will help me to express different magics and emotions and things. So I try to work on figure drawing things I've been stuck on to like figure drawing.Kanani 52:48Do you do a lot of like, kind of pencil? art? Is that kind of your sketch, sketch medium? Amy Cesari 52:54Yeah, yes. Just so I can sketch people and expression and bodies and faces and things like practicing that a lot. So just a lot of Yeah, I think anything that anything that like just I don't know, I like any art that's fun and expressive, and, like, allows me to kind of get lost in it, I guess.Courtney 53:12Well, I'm curious about how you use art. Well, you mentioned you know, your watercolors and pencils, how you use the work of works of art in making magick, say for manifestation or for banishing? And how does how does the the artwork itself, influence or shape the kind of magick that you do?Amy Cesari 53:36Well, I think some of it is just kind of getting into that, that headspace and the flow of it. Like you can, that like shifts your mind. It's like the mechanism of energy raising sort of. So I think if you're like, really feeling if you're really feeling good, and like enjoying your art, and like, it's almost like sometimes, like old dreams come back to me when I'm really in the flow of art. Okay, and it, it puts you in that space of like, you can you can like get intuitive hits and like just sort of shift your reality a little bit. So like banishing, I'd have to think about it. Like, I don't think I've ever done an art. Well, yeah, yeah, like a simple one. You know, like, if you draw, if you destroy something you draw, that's actually a really powerful thing to do. I don't really use that one too much in my personal life. But to me, it's like being connected to a source of magick or creativity. And if you can do it on the paper, you can do it with anything you're trying to manifest. Courtney 54:44Well, there's I have a friend of a friend who's who's an artist, and she would not identify as a witch, but I would I could say pretty safely that she would consider herself very spiritual. And she told me the story about a painting that she made, I think was probably 10 years ago was just a vision she had of an animal that she had lost like the animal been euthanized because it was sick, and that it was playing in this beautiful field through a window. And so she painted the window and she painted the field and she painted the animals out there. And then many, many years later, she moved to a farm with her husband. And then she looked at her kitchen window one day. And that was the painting. Like she had a vision of her kitchen, like her kitchen window and the pasture. And in her dream, the spirit of her of her I think it was her dog was out there in the pasture. And, of course, she just was like, I wonder, you know, there was a lot for her to process had the animal brought her the, the message, but the message or something like that, or what that meant, but that she had a vision of the place that she would ultimately live. And she actually uses this land to rehabilitate injured animals. So Hilary 55:50that's amazing. Courtney 55:51Yeah, so there was a lot of really beautiful pieces there. So I think that I mean, to me, it feels like art is the voice of the gods, how they express themselves through music. Oh, yeah, painting through the written word. I mean, my God, we're recording this on the inauguration. And hearing Amanda Gorman, that's, that was a prophet right there. That was Hilary 56:11Incredible!! Amy Cesari 56:13Yeah. Really cool. Yeah, totally, totally, totally the divine coming through human hands and, or voice or whatever. And, you know, they, I think, I think the spirits want to come through, you know, and it helps you just to kind of, I don't know, like, express, fuel, fuel yourself, fuel your emotions, fuel your spirit, you know, and that's like, some powerful magick right there. It helps you get into that space, I think. And then from there, you can like you can do whatever.Hilary 56:44Absolutely. And, you know, to what you said about drawing something and destroying it being so powerful, I find that like, creating or drawing or oftentimes if I'm trying to manifest something, I'll collage something I'll like, get imagery, or words or texts altogether. Because sometimes that like that focus on, for me, at least, like a, like, visually, like a vision board, so to speak, or like an item that I've drawn or created that focus on it really helps me kind of bring in I mean, kind of bring in the energy of what I'm looking for to manifest in a way that's a little stronger than just me trying to imagine it in my head, if that makes sense.Amy Cesari 57:25For sure. Yeah, no visualization and symbols are like so powerful for that kind of stuff. And it can help you just like feel it like on a visceral level.Hilary 57:34And there's something too about creating it too. It's like the the kind of ritual of creating it made all the energy of what I was creating to manifest like it was physically a creation of it, and then a visual reminder of it.Amy Cesari 57:49Yes, yeah. powerful stuff. I love. I love craft spells like anything where you're like doing a little Crafty Crafty.Hilary 57:57Absolutely same. So we have a listener question actually, that I want to dig into. The listener says, I just want to know how to find a "witch store" can I buy tarot cards off of Amazon? Are they still as good? Do do they need to come from a better place? Thank you for your time.Amy Cesari 58:19Awesome questions? Well, here's what I think maybe you guys think something different? We'll find out. So the first to find a witch store just Google metaphysical store that's (meta) M-E-T-A (physical) P- H-Y-S-I-C-A-L So, Google metaphysical store and then your town or area, and you will probably find one. Even if you live somewhere remote. That's the best way that's a witch usually it's a witch shop. And you will you will find out shortly. Do you guys agree with that?Courtney 58:52I mean, I certainly do. Like when I was in Florida visiting a friend, she kept saying I can't find any magick shops. I can't find any magick shops and I'm like, Oh, come on now. And I opened up I opened up a web search I'm like metaphysical store there are five in a 10 mile radius. And this is because also I think it's especially where you are in the country. Like if you're in New York City there are literally stores that say this is a witchcraft store come in Yeah. But they also might be called about botanicas in in different different places. Like when we were growing up the everybody just called it a new age shop. Like we knew. Yeah, that's it. That's what it called. Now people are a little more bold with calling it a witchcraft store. But yeah, it's or spirits. Anything that says Spiritual supplies? Yep, Yeah, yep. Yeah, the spiritual bookstore. Yeah, that's it. Those are kinds of some some ways to look at that. And then also, sometimes health food stores are actually secretly witchcraft stores depending on where you are. I think if you're in Alabama, look at the health food stores. That's where you will find your witchcraft friends.Kanani 1:00:03I actually have a funny story. One of our friends was it was for SunFest, one of our friends went to a little witchy store in Salem, and said, Hey, could we post this flyer for SunFest on your bulletin board or whatnot? And, or maybe it was Pagan Pride Day? I don't I don't recall which one it was. I think it was. I think it was that for SunFest. And the lady looked at her and said, Oh, we don't promote witchcraft here.Amy Cesari 1:00:38Ahh Kanani 1:00:38And my friend looked at her and she laughed and she's like, REALLY!?! Umm...because this is where I buy all my witchcraft supplies. And it was so it's kind of funny you know, cuz like Courtney said, they don't always kind of advertise Hey, we're a witch store sometimes they don't even want to acknowledge publicly that they're a witch store. Hilary 1:00:56Right. Yeah? Kanani 1:00:56Even though Yep, you're a witch store. So people ya, I mean, I think even stores can sometimes be funny about that. Like they can like literally that's where all the witches go and get their stuff and they're like, Oh, well, we're just we're just spiritual here.Amy Cesari 1:01:11Oh, yeah. I've heard that one, but it's fine whatever I think it's changing but at the same time, yeah. So look up metaphysical shop or spiritual shop or, Botanica and all that you'll find one, I think you'll find it almost anywhere.Courtney 1:01:26Then the other question that the person had was about if you can buy tarot cards off of Amazon and, yes, you absolutely can. Yeah, you can I mean, I I do not think there are any rules as to how you can obtain tarot cards don't steal them. That's just not very nice. But yeah, but if you getting a secondhand deck, they're just they're actually I love secondhand decks. They're awesome. You could get one from Amazon that is fine. I recommend though people try to support the smaller booksellers because Amazon agree that treats its workers badly so we want to if that is the only place you can get your tarot cards, don't feel bad about it, but if you can, order from a shop and a lot of shops deliver so ummHilary 1:02:10yeah, and sometimes too, like if you're looking for Tarot, sometimes you can find it at a book store, Kanani 1:02:15I was just gonna say that. Hilary 1:02:16Oh, yeah and like Powell's too, like they ship all over the place. So in a pinch too, you could look online at bookstores, because a many of them have. I mean, they definitely have metaphysical books in many of the bookstores, but they also often sell Tarot. It's not just it's not just Powell's. I've seen it other other places, too. I think I've even seen a deck at Barnes and Nobles before. Like no joke. Amy Cesari 1:02:42Totally. Hilary 1:02:43So like, you know, so I, you know, I think that like, if you have a bookstore, especially one that is a little bit bigger, that has some cool stuff, they might be a good place to look at too where you could get that without having to like drive far away if you don't have a metaphysical shop near you.Kanani 1:02:58Well, and I've heard too, the the I don't know what what you would call it's not really an urban legend, but like whatever the when people say you're not supposed to buy your own Tarot decks, you're supposed to it's like they're supposed to be Gifted to you, or whatever, Hilary 1:03:11Garbage!Amy Cesari 1:03:12Supposed to be gifted, ya Kanani 1:03:13and I'm just like, you know what, no one buys shit for me better than me. So I'm gonna buy my own goddamn Tarot decks, and everyone else is just gonna have to deal with that you wanna give them to me fine Courtney 1:03:22Kanani, I have given you some of your favorite Tarot decks. So no, no. Kanani 1:03:27You've?! Courtney 1:03:28The Faery Tarot.... Kanani 1:03:30That's my first one.Courtney 1:03:32That's what I gave you. Kanani 1:03:33Okay. I had forgotten that you gave me that.... Courtney 1:03:36Yes. IHilary 1:03:37Oh my god. You're such a dick! (laughing) Like you forgot that kinda gift??Kanani 1:03:42I have two Tarot decks that are faery. Was it the first one or the green one? you gave me the green one. Okay, okay, not my first one. Okay, yeah, you gave me Okay, now I know what you're talking about I was just like, wait. Wha?!Courtney 1:03:56No, I'm good at figuring out what Kanani will use and what she won't.Kanani 1:03:59Yes, because I remember if I remember correctly, I bought the first one back when for people who were local to Portland when Saturday market was like a total dive. And I had the buildingHilary 1:04:11before it was fancy?Kanani 1:04:12buildings like were part of the market there were I remember was the witch store. Yes. I remember. Used to be a little a little witch store in the market. Courtney 1:04:22And they didn't even call it a witch store. It was like called Celtic mysticism.Hilary 1:04:31Yeah, it really was. It totally was something like that...Kanani 1:04:33and that's where I bought I'm almost positive. That's where I bought my very first deck, which was a faery deck. And I remember that Courtney 1:04:41I think I was with you that day. Kanani 1:04:42Yeah, I'm sure you were Yeah, I'm sure you were with me Courtney 1:04:44because you wouldn't you wouldn't dare go to those places without me for like the first five years of your witchcraft journey. Kanani 1:04:48no, because I'm, that's where I relate to a lot of our new listeners was I, I wanted to, "be doing it right". And so I was constantly kind of seeking that kind of reassurance that I was doing it correctly. Until eventually, I, I, it became very clear that Courtney also had no idea what the fuck she was doing. So I'm like, No, I don't mean that in a bad way. I mean, like you're learning, like you were learning all kinds of stuff. "I don't mean that in a bad way"Courtney 1:05:10"I don't mean you were a total fuck up in a bad way". Kanani 1:05:23I didn't say you were fucked up, I didn't think you were fucked up, I said you didn't know what you were doing.Courtney 1:05:26I'm not gonna cry, My heart. My heart is hardened.Kanani 1:05:31Well, you can join me. Hilary 1:05:32Oh, my God, but don't make me turn this van around. Alright?Kanani 1:05:36you know, then. And when I when I realized that, and and a lot of times I go to request and she's like, I have no idea. You know? And I just kind of realized, like, maybe this isn't like, a yes or no answer. You know, maybe there isn't an answer, like, and that's when I think that's when my own practice really kind of took off when I was able to stop, you know, seeking reassurance seeking validation. And it was more about well, does this work for me? Because if I feel like this works for me, then this works. And and then luckily, other people I met along the way, who I would kind of go to really, I was lucky, they really encouraged that in me, instead of you know, trying to indoctrinate me or telling me No, this is the way you need to do it. They were like, Well, does that work for you? You know, are you getting answers to doing it that way? Because if if you're doing that and getting the answers you need, then clearly that works. So for sure. I think that's where like i said i when we get these questions, and I think sometimes these for people who've been practicing a long time, some of these questions might seem, you know, simple or kind of silly or whatever. Like, I remember that. I remember feeling that way. I remember like, Am I allowed to buy a tarot deck on Amazon? Like, I don't know, you know, you hear things and you're like, Well, you know, does it have to be gifted to me? Can I buy my you know, there's all these things. And so I just, you know, I still remember that place where you're constantly just kind of unsure. And I that's one of my favorite things I think about our podcast is we're constantly trying to kind of reassure people that it's like, they really do have the power within themselves. And there isn't this one specific thing that they need to do or know. And, and so I think that's one of the reasons hopefully, that, you know, we get a lot of positive feedback is, I think that, especially like Courtney said, a lot of people come from other mainstream religions, where there is a very set doctrine, there is a very set, you know, set of guidelines. And so they're wanting to make sure that they're following those guidelines. And we're kind of here to just blow that shit up and be like, sorry, there's no right answer.Courtney 1:07:52If there's just super practical tarot cards, there's really just a couple of rules get it where you can, preferably from a small independent bookstore. Number two, do you do need to keep them in a bag? Not because it holds their power but it keeps you from losing them because the little boxes they come in will not prevent them from getting lost.Kanani 1:08:10So true.Hilary 1:08:11That is correct, they will fall out of the side Amy Cesari 1:08:14you have to tape it up mine's all taped up.Hilary 1:08:16Yeah. Besides, it'll just...yeah,Amy Cesari 1:08:18it's definitely way more fun. I think the experience of buying at a little witch shop. It's really exciting. And sometimes they Yeah, totally. And sometimes they have you know, different curated section if they have a really good owner or buyer. And you can find really different cool things and ask questions and like get some incense also or whatever. But it's different in a pandemic, you know, so if you have to get them on Amazon, then that's the way you have to get it. It's totally cool just start reading TarotHilary 1:08:47The other thing is, a lot of small shops, especially because of the pandemic have, do have stuff you can order online, so it's also worth looking at shops that are in your area, even if they're, you know, a few cities over, or a state over, or whatever? A country, because we don't know where you live. You can always look and see if there's anyone with you know, within and not too far area or anywhere in the US really that has a shop that you could order online and have it shipped. I've definitely gotten stuff from small stores before shipped since the pandemic.Amy Cesari 1:09:17Mm hmm. For sure. Oh, yeah. And then also like, sometimes you can buy tarot deck straight from the creators depending on if it's a newer deck or whatever. OnlineHilary 1:09:25That's totally a good point.Kanani 1:09:27yeah, that's true. If you find one you like you can actually usually buy it from whoever created the deck.Amy Cesari 1:09:33Yeah. Yeah, it depends or whatever, but if you can buy from a creator that's awesome. It's a really good way to go.Hilary 1:09:42Well, Amy, we just have had such a great time having you on the show and it's I'm so I spent some time looking online at the coloring books and I'm super gonna order them because one, I love coloring books, and two, they're beautiful, okay, I mean, I was like, this is so nice. You know, it's like I want to color that and then frame it and then have some Art in my house, you know, so I love it. Amy, we just wanted to check in. See what is the best way for people to find you.Amy Cesari 1:10:07Oh, you can just go to is the website and then the fun. The funnest thing, Instagram, same handle. And then I repost a lot of cool people's coloring there. And then we have a Facebook group, The Coloring Coven, where we just share coloring. It's really a good group. I moderate it, and it's like really chill and fun. So join us there too.Hilary 1:10:31That's fantastic.Kanani 1:10:32A Coloring Coven? You have no idead how much I just love the concept of that like that is likeHilary 1:10:39Kanani is like adding her stylesKanani 1:10:41YES! that is the funnest thing I've ever heard- a Coloring Coven, I love thatCourtney 1:10:45Kanani's like I finally found a coven that I think I want to joinKanani 1:10:49RIGHT?! I could color and that's all I have to do. Like I'm down. I'm there. I can do that.Hilary 1:10:54Oh, Kanani's literally on Facebook right now we all know how she is she's already there. She's already adding herself. Yay. Well, well. Fantastic. So yeah, everyone go check out Amy's coloring book and the Facebook group, and all of her amazing pages. We just want to thank all of our listeners so much for listening. If you want to support the show, the best way is to subscribe and spread the word. Please also consider leaving us a review on Apple podcasts. You can also buy us a coffee or check out merch on our Etsy store. For bonus content, become a supporter on Patreon. We are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For shownotes, audio transcripts, or to ask us a question to answer on a future episode, go to Until then, keep moting that shit and we'll talk to you next week!All Three 1:11:41Bye.Amy Cesari 1:11:43Bye.All Three 1:11:46So Mote It Be!Helium Voice- Courtney&Kanani 1:11:53Kanani, Kanani dares to like deny, you know gets upset that we want to like when we said no you can't bury your husband here because so many times I have called her and said I'm bringing you an extra husband. I'm going to leave him on your front door. Yeah, and I've already told you half the time, I don't even want the one I have, let alone another like, I'm good! I'm GOOD! (laughing) I mean, that's horrible ................

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