A Collection of Multiple-Choice Cumulative Questions In no ...

[Pages:11]A Collection of Multiple-Choice Cumulative Questions

In no Particular Order Answers are in Red

1. US Air has a flight to New York for $160 and United Airlines has a flight to New York for $200. Which statement is true?

(A) The cost of the United flight is 25% more than US Air. (B) The cost of the US Air flight is 80% less than the United flight. (C) The cost of the United flight is 120% more than the US Air flight. (D) The cost of the US Air flight is 25% less than United. (E) The cost of the United flight is 20% more than US Air.



2. Which histogram below most closely depicts a normal distribution?



Histogram A

Histogram B

Histogram C

Histogram D

Histogram E

3. Suppose you could take all samples of size 64 from a population with a mean of 12 and a standard deviation

of 3.2. What would be the standard deviation of the sample means?



(A) 3.2

(B) 0.2

(C) 0.4

(D) 0.3

(E) 1.6

4. In a normally distributed variable, a value x is considered unusually large if

(A) P (x x) < 0.05. (B) P (x x) < 0.05. (C) P (x x) > 0.05. (D) P (x x) > 0.05. (E) P (x = x) > 0.05.



5. A hypothesis test is conducted and the P -value of the test statistic is 0.02. Four of the following statements are valid. Which statement is not valid.

(A) It is not very likely that the extremeness of the test statistic is due to chance. (B) Assuming the null hypothesis is true, there is a 2% chance of getting a more

extreme test statistic. (C) There is a 2% chance that the null hypothesis is false. (D) At the 0.05 significance level, you would reject the null hypothesis. (E) At the 0.01 significance level, you would fail to reject the null hypothesis.



6. Which of the following is NOT required of a binomial distribution

(A) Each trial has exactly two outcomes. (B) There is a fixed number of trials. (C) The probability of success remains fixed for all trials. (D) There are more than 30 trials. 7. The mean = np and the standard deviation = n p q for



(A) all probability distributions. (B) normal distributions. (C) binomial distributions. (D) none of the above



8. The t distribution should be used to build confidence interval estimates of a population mean when the population standard deviation is

(A) small. (B) 30 or more. (C) too large to fit the normal distribution. (D) unknown.



9. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the sampling distribution of sample means (the means of all possible samples of a given size)?

(A) It is normally distributed.



(B) It is centered on the population mean.

(C) It has a standard deviation (x?) which is larger than the population standard deviation ().

(D) It has a standard deviation (x?) which is smaller than the population standard deviation ().

10. Which of the following is a possible alternative hypothesis H1 for a two-tailed test.

(A) ? < 30

(B) ? = 30

(C) ? = 30

(D) ? > 30



11. Suppose that at the 95% confidence level we calculate a confidence interval described by 43.8 < ? < 46.2. Which of the following statements can not be made about this result.

(A) The sample mean is 45. (B) The population mean is 45. (C) The margin of error is 1.2. (D) We are 95% confident that the population mean lies between 43.8 and 46.2.



12. Inferential statistics is so named because it allows us to examine a sample and make inferences about

(A) another sample. (B) an element of the sample. (C) the population from which the sample was taken. (D) none of the above.



13. If the P-value of a given test statistic is 0.03 then,

(A) It is unlikely that the extremeness of the test statistic is due to chance.



(B) Assuming the null hypothesis is true, there is a 3% chance of getting a more extreme test statistic.

(C) At the 0.05 significance level, you would reject the null hypothesis.

(D) All of the above are viable conclusions.

14. The most frequently occurring value in a data set is called the

(A) mean.

(B) median.

(C) mode.

(D) range.



15. The median of a data set is also denoted by

(A) Q1

(B) Q3

(C) P2

(D) P50



16. A box of 8 marbles has 4 red, 2 green, and 2 blue marbles. If you select one marble, what is the probability that it is a red or blue marble.

(A) 0.60

(B) 0.75

(C) 6.00

(D) 0.80



17. A box of 8 marbles has 4 red, 2 green, and 2 blue marbles. If you select two marbles, without replacement, what is the probability that you select a red marble followed by a green marble.

(A) 0.0625

(B) 0.1250

(C) 0.1429

(D) 0.6000



18. Suppose a normally distributed random variable x has a mean of 100 and P (x < 90) = 0.40. What is the probability that x is between 90 and 110? Ie. What is P (90 < x < 110)?

(A) 0.60

(B) 0.20

(C) 0.40

(D) 0.30



19. Suppose you are calculating the minimum sample size required for a confidence interval about a population mean and you know . Which of the following does not influence the minimum sample size?

(A) the size of the population (N ) (B) confidence level () (C) the acceptable margin of error (E) (D) the size of the population standard deviation ()



A Collection of Past Questions Organized by Chapter

Chapter 1: Sampling, Levels of Measurement, Percentages

1. A random sample is one with which characteristic?

(A) Its members are chosen haphazardly. (B) Every member of the population has an equal chance of being chosen for the sample. (C) The population is divided into classes, and some members are chosen from each class. (D) Every kth member of the population is chosen for the sample.


2. In a survey of 200 randomly selected Burlington residents, only 8% of them used public transportation. Which of the following describes the population for this survey?

(A) The 200 Burlington residents selected for the survey. (B) All Burlington residents. (C) All Burlington residents who use public transportation. (D) All Burlington residents who do not use public transportation.


3. US Air has a flight to New York for $160 and United Airlines has a flight to New York for $200. Three of the following statements are true. Which statement is FALSE?

(A) The US Air flight costs 20% less than United. (B) The United flight costs 25% more than US Air. (C) The US Air flight costs 80% of the United flight. (D) The United flight costs 80% more than the cost of US Air.


4. In a high-school with 200 males and 300 females, 50 students are needed for a study. The researchers decide to randomly select 20 males and 30 females.

? This is an example which type of sampling method?

(a) systematic

(b) stratified

(c) cluster

(d) None of these


? This sampling method is (a) random but not simple random.

(b) simple random.

(c) neither


5. Your social security number is an example of what level of measurement?

(A) Nominal (B) Ordinal (C) Interval (D) Ratio


6. In an effort to determine the amount of debt for Champlain College students, I surveyed 100 students from each class (Freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior). What method of sampling did I use?

(A) Stratified (B) Systematic (C) Cluster


(D) Convenience

Chapter 2: Descriptive Statistics

7. Which of the following is not a measure of center?

(a) standard deviation

(b) mean

(c) median

8. The median of a data set is also denoted by

(a) Q1

(b) Q3

(c) P2

(d) P50

(d) mode

9. Consider the data {10, 15, 20, 25, 30}. Which of the following measures would not change if the 20 was replaced by a 25?

(A) The mean (B) The median (C) The mode (D) The range

answer: answer:


10. For the data {10, 15, 20, 25, 30}, which of the following measures not change if the 30 was replaced by a 40?

(A) The mean (B) The median (C) The standard deviation (D) The range


11. Which of the following is not a measure of variation?

(A) The median (B) The range (C) The variance (D) The standard deviation


12. In a normally distributed variable, those values more than 2 standard deviations away from the mean are considered

(A) discrete. (B) normal. (C) impossible. (D) unusual.


13. The symbol x represents

(A) the population mean (B) the population standard deviation


(C) the sample mean (D) the sample standard deviation

14. The most frequently occurring value in a data set is called the

(A) mean. (B) median. (C) mode. (D) range.

Chapter 3: Tables and Graphics

15. Given the histograms below, Histogram A

Histogram B

Histogram C

answer: Histogram D

? which histogram most closely depicts a uniform distribution?

A) Histogram A

B) Histogram B

C) Histogram C

D) Histogram D


? which histogram most closely depicts a normal distribution?

A) Histogram A

B) Histogram B

C) Histogram C

D) Histogram D


? which histogram most closely depicts a skewed distribution?

A) Histogram A

B) Histogram B

C) Histogram C

D) Histogram D

16. A normal destribution can best be described as what?

(A) skewed (B) flat (C) symmetric and bell-shaped (D) uniform


Chapter 4: Introduction to Probability

17. A box of 8 marbles has 4 red, 2 green, and 2 blue marbles. If you select one marble, what is the probability that it is a red or blue marble.

(A) 0.60

(B) 0.75

(C) 6.00

(D) 0.80


18. A box of 8 marbles has 4 red, 2 green, and 2 blue marbles. If you select two marbles, without replacement, what is the probability that you select a red marble followed by a green marble.

(A) 0.0625

(B) 0.1250

(C) 0.1429

(D) 0.6000


Chapter 5: Binomial Probability Distribution

19. A fair coin is tossed 10 times. What is the probability that of getting exactly 5 heads?

(a) 0.10

(b) 0.50

(c) 0.125

(d) 0.246


20. A fair coin is tossed 10 times. What is the probability that of getting less than 3 heads?

(a) 0.172

(b) 0.055

(c) 0.117

(d) 0.044


21. A binomial distribution consists of 150 trials. If the probability of success on each trial is 0.4, what is the standard deviation of the distribution.

(a) 36

(b) 16

(c) 4

(d) 6


22. Which of the following is NOT required of a binomial distribution

(A) Each trial has exactly two outcomes. (B) There is a fixed number of trials. (C) The probability of success remains fixed for all trials. (D) There are more than 30 trials. 23. The mean = np and the standard deviation = n p q for

(A) all probability distributions. (B) normal distributions. (C) binomial distributions. (D) none of the above

answer: answer:

Chapter 6: Normal Distributions

24. If you got a 79 on a test in a class with a mean score of 85 and a standard deviation of 4.8, the z-score of your test score would be

(a) 1.25

(b) -2.50

(c) -1.25

(d) 2.50


25. If the heights of women are normally distributed with a mean of 64 inches and a standard deviation of 1 inch, the probability of randomly selecting a woman taller than 62.5 inches is

(a) 0.0668

(b) 0.9332

(c) 0.6195

(d) 0.9938


26. Suppose a normally distributed random variable x has a mean of 100 and P (x < 90) = 0.40. What is the probability that x is between 90 and 110? Ie. What is P (90 < x < 110)?

(a) 0.60

(b) 0.20

(c) 0.40

(d) 0.30


27. Suppose you were to take samples of size 64 from a population with a mean of 12 and a standard deviation of 3.2. What would be the standard deviation of the sample means?

(a) 0.60

(b) 0.20

(c) 0.40

(d) 0.30


28. In a normally distributed variable, a value x is considered an unusually large if

(A) P (x x) < 0.05. (B) P (x x) < 0.05. (C) P (x x) > 0.05. (D) P (x x) > 0.05.


29. If the heights of women are normally distributed with a mean of 64 inches, which of the following is the highest? The probability of randomly choosing

(A) one woman and finding her height is between 63 and 65 inches. (B) 15 women and finding that their mean height is between 63 and 65 inches. (C) 100 women and finding that their mean height is between 63 and 65 inches. (D) all of the above have the same probability.


30. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the sampling distribution of sample means (the means of all possible samples of a given size)?

(A) It is approximately normally distributed.


(B) It is centered on the population mean.

(C) It has a standard deviation (x?) which is larger than the population standard deviation ().

(D) It has a standard deviation (x?) which is smaller than the population standard deviation ().

31. Suppose a normally distributed random variable x has a mean of 100 and P (x < 90) = 0.20. What is the probability that x is between 90 and 110? Ie. What is P (90 < x < 110)?

(a) 0.60

(b) 0.20

(c) 0.40

(d) 0.30


Chapter 7: Confidence Intervals

32. Suppose that at the 95% confidence level we calculate a confidence interval described by 43.8 < ? < 46.2.

Which of the following statements can not be made about this result.


(A) The sample mean was 45. (B) The population mean is 45. (C) The margin of error is 1.2.


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