The True meaning behind Hearth's Warming Eve

The True meaning behind Hearth's Warming Eve.

At first it just felt pretty awkward for the changeling to lay on his now super stuffed belly with a little filly sleeping next to him, but pretty soon even he started to feel pretty sleepy and it didn't take long until he too was resting his head down next to the small pony kid keeping her warm.

It wasn't until a loud "OH MY GOD, WHAT IS THAT?!" could be heard that got both them waking up, and seeing that it was from the parents finding them. (And looking really terrified by what they saw!)

"Huh?...Oh! Hi Mom and Dad!" Twinkle Bell said as she woke up happily to see that her parents had found her.

"Twinkle Bell! Get away from that thing!" Her mother shouted as her dad started doing some weird waving gestures towards the changeling.

"Quick! I distract this stupid animal while you quickly run to you mother!" Her dad shouted, to which the changeling finally felt that he had been hearing enough and said "I'm not some kind of beast!"

This throw Twinkle Bell's both parents back a little bit as they both said "It can talk?!" in shock.

"Can I talk?! Of course I can! Haven't any of you ever heard about changelings before?" He asked furiously, and the two parents ponies just looked like they where staring at an alien.

"They actually exist?" The mother asked.

"I thought they where just old pony tales!" The father added.

"So just because one hasn't made any notice of oneself for some time, does that meant that one can't exist anymore?!" The changeling shouted back, and as the conflict seemed to grow stronger the little filly decided to get up and get in-between.

"Stop fighting all of you!" She said.

"Twinkle Bell! You have to come with us, now!" Her mum said.

"We have to escape so that we can leave this horrible thing behind!" Her dad added.

"But mom and dad, why are you acting so mean to him?" Twinkle Bell asked as she rushed over to give the changeling a supporting hug, to which he seemed to act like it was the most disgusting thing someone could do to him! (Or maybe he was just afraid that the hug would result into 20 portions of love at once!)

"Get away from it!" The mother said.

"It will hurt you!" The Father added.

"No he wont!" Twinkle Bell shouted back, making both of her parents silent.

"When I went all the way up here and the storm started to get really bad he was here to take care of me. He kept me company, and his really soft body helped me stay warm!" Twinkle Bell said as she once again hugged into the Changeling's fatted up body, all while the creature itself wondered why she was wanting to defend him so much, and show such...Care for him.

Looking at how their daughter was fully embracing and carrying for this scary monster like being started to make the parents go a little softer on her. They knew that their daughter always was the one seeing the good in everyone, and if the creature would have wanted to hurt her it could have done it a long time ago. (Not knowing that that was the intended reason the changeling had been having, until Twinkle Bell's love literally made it impossible for it to fulfil it's goal.)


"Well..." Her father finally said after a few moments of silence, "Maybe we should go back home now, and let it...I mean! him go back to live in his cave?"

Twinkle Bell's mother agreed that it would be the smartest thing to do, but when they where about to go get their little daughter they heard her say "Can't he stay with us for the night?"

Everyone else in the cave that wasn't Twinkle Bell couldn't believe what she just had said!

"What in the hay are you talking about?!" Her father asked worried.

"Why would you want to let an unknown creature called a "changeling" into our home?" Her mother added.

"Cause it is cold and snowy, and I don't want to leave him to freeze in a cave." Twinkle Bell said, and once again snuggled up in the changeling's new found fat rolls.

"Hearth's Warming Eve is about Ponies everywhere opening up their hearts and homes to those in need." Twinkle Bell said, and just when her mother was about to say "Yes but..." she added "And he here is more in need then anypony I have ever seen!"

The parents really had to admire the passion and care for helping others that their daughter was showing, but they had to wonder if she really knew what she was doing this time. Looking over once again at the changeling she was cuddling they could see how he silently was showing them by shrugging his shoulders that he didn't know either what to say about this situation.

"I guess..." The Father said as his wife looked on him with glare of sheer disbelief, "If he isn't that dangerous then maybe we could have him join us for the night."

This made Twinkle Bell let go of hugging the changeling, and instead rush over and give her father a big hug!

As she was hugging him her mother leaned over and whispered to the dad "Are you really sure this is a good idea?", to which he replied "Honestly no, but our daughter has never been known to let go of something she it really carrying about, so we better roll with it."

"Plus..." He said, while hinting to the huge changeling trying to get himself up (And failing.) "If that thing tries to do anything to our sweet angel then we will be there to defend her."

"Defend our baby girl." The mother said, and a small tear could be seen coming from her eye, as she joined the other two in the family hug. (All while the changeling just sat next to it and waited for the family moment to end before asking for help to get up.)


After having a small family bonding moment (And the parents helped the over feed Changeling up on his legs again.) the group made their way down the mountain and back towards the home.

And while the ponies biggest issue was to avoid slipping on some icy spot, for the changeling just trying to balance his big hanging belly was a challenge all on it's own! (Given that this was a whole new type of body for him to have.)

With every waddling step he took his swaying stomach would make him travel a couple of extra inches from either the left or the right, and it made him slightly scared that it was going to send him falling off the road and plummet down the side of the mountain!

Twinkle Bell could see the fear in the changeling's eyes and she decided to try helping him by standing close to the right side of his belly, and take the hit of it every time it came flying in that direction as to help making at least one side of him more stabile.

Looking down at her the changeling once again couldn't understand why this stranger of a filly was trying so hard to help him, but at this moment he was trying to focus on staying on the road so having her there to make it a little bit easier for him was welcoming.


As they finally got down the mountain and entered the house the changeling felt like he was in a whole new world!

During all of his life his only home had been empty uninhabited caves and holes (And before that it was a very crowed hive with hundreds of very rude changeling brothers and sisters), so being in a place that was not only warm but also very well decorated and pretty looking made him feel like he had entered a palace or something!

And while Twinkle Bell's parents still couldn't fully believe that changelings still existed (Let alone that they now had one in their own home.), they tried their best to hold a good face about it for their daughter's sake.

Twinkle Bell herself really felt that this year's Heart's Warming Eve was going to be something extra special, as this year she and her family was going to get the chance to share their wonderful day with someone who had otherwise been so lonely as one could be.

Even if the hadn't been having the place covered with decoration the changeling would be pretty amazed that one pony family could have so much stuff in one home! Given how empty on stuff his cave had been (besides maybe on rocks) he couldn't really imagine needing for a home to have anything more then what was necessary to survive. (But he was only in there as a guest, so he thought it would be best to not start complaining about anything.)


Before going out to get their daughter home the parents biggest worry had been if the food left on the stove would have become burnt when they came back (Which it hadn't, luckily.), but now their biggest worry was how to act most politely to a creature who's history with ponies was that of "Harvesting their love" for dinner!

Still for their super kind daughter's sake they tried to keep a good face as they put all the food on the table, and everyone sat down.

What followed then was a pretty awkward dinner section, with Twinkle Bell eating like this was like any other Hearth's Warming Eve, the parents sitting very stiff and only eating very little food at the time, and the changeling that was just sitting still, eating nothing, and staring right at the two scared grown ups!

There was very little (If any) talk being said at the table, and in attempt of trying to break the silence the mother asked "So...what is your favourite thing to eat for the holiday?" to the Changeling.

The bug like creature first blinked with his big blue eyes a few times (As to trying to comprehend what had just been said to him.), before saying very monotone and emptied on any emotions "Regular food has no effects on me, and henceforth gives me no reason to eat any. All I need to survive myself is love, and after what your daughter gave me earlier this day I don't think I will be needing to eat anything for almost a year."

"Thank Celestia for that." The father said quietly to himself. (But his wife heard him say it, so she gave him a slight nudge with her elbow.)

One reason to why the changeling focused so much on staring at the parents was because he tried to avoid looking at their daughter. (And while it seemed as a very rude thing for him to do, he was actually doing it cause he was very scared of her! He was scared cause he was already so big, and he feared that just sharing eye contact with her would be enough to have him gain 10 or 20 more pounds of pure love in his belly!)


After the dinning the parents took and started cleaning the dishes, and the changeling decided to head to place he had seen where he would feel very comfortable being next to.

The fire place.

To just lay down on his love filled midsection and feel the warm flames on a safe distance was probably all that this simple minded changeling could ask for.

"A full belly and a warm place to rest in. What more could a Changeling ask/need?" He asked himself, and right at that moment he could feel something familiar snug up with him.

Looking down he saw that it was Twinkle Bell that had once again laid down to rest and bury her face into the softness of the changeling's belly.

At first the changeling simply wanted to tell the girl to leave him alone, but he found himself somehow not able to do so when seeing just how peacefully she was laying there resting next to him. Not saying a word or moving a muscle.

So he found himself very quietly just let her stay there for a long time, as he himself tried to just focusing on the flames.

But finally he felt he needed to say something to her, so he carefully asked "Little one?"

"Yes?" Twinkle Bell could be heard saying from under the fat rolls of the changeling.

"Are you freezing right now?" The changeling asked, and confused by this strange question Twinkle Bell pulled her face out of her "pillow" and said "No. With a belly full of food and a fire right next to me I feel pretty warm. Why do you ask?"

"It's just...why else would you be doing this same thing with me now? Last time the reason was because you needed someway to keep warm in my cold cave. What is the reason behind it this time?" The changeling asked.

"I don't actually have any reason for it this time. I just like the feeling of resting myself against it, and feel how I am slowly sinking into it." She said and fell back into resting her head against him again.

As she did so the changeling just accepted that for some strange reason this little filly really seems to like having him as her personal pillow.

He was just about to fall asleep while in front of the fireplace when he heard Twinkle Bell say "I really like having you as my friend." to him, and that completely throw him off!

He looked down and was about to ask why she just called him that, but he saw that she had just fallen asleep. (Just like last time she did this to him.)

He decided to not wake her up and instead talk more about it the next day, but for most of the remaining night all he was doing was wondering about that one word she had used to describe him with.


"Me? A friend? What did I do to suddenly become her friend?!" The changeling thought to himself as he too finally felt his eyes grow heavy, and pretty soon joined Twinkle Bell to the world of dreams.


The next morning the changeling was the first one to wake up, and as he looked down he saw how Twinkle Bell was still sleeping.

This was pretty good as it now gave him some time to think more about what she had called him earlier.

Not that he hadn't been thinking about it last night (Heck, he had been sleepless for several hours thanks to it!), but when he thought that time it was more out of "Fear of the unknown", and him wondering what this would mean to him and his whole life.

Now after having a good night's sleep he was able to think a lot more rationally about it, and what to do with it.

If he said no and then went back to his cave (Or moved to a whole other place to avoid her.), what was he going to have waiting for him? The answer was pretty much nothing, nothing at all.

He had been living next to his whole life by himself in isolation and hunting on weaker creatures to keep himself alive, but when he tried thinking about "Good Times" all that came to him was this place and the pony child he had meet.

A whole day in this home (And in her company) had managed to leave a bigger impact then anything else he had ever done during his time living in this world!

"How could that be possible?" he asked himself. "How come I can't remember anything of what I have been doing when it was only me? Was all of those years pointless? Is it so that I wasn't "Happy" with them? That I wasn't happy with...myself?!"

Looking down at the still sleeping filly something truly rare happen. The changeling started to cry, and a single tear managed to fall off his eyes and land on the side of Twinkle Bell's head.

This made the small filly finally wake up, and as she open her eyes she saw how her friend was crying.

Getting very worried for his sake she asked why he was crying, and after judging for a small time about what to tell her the changeling answered "Because I have you. Because I finally have a friend!" before bending down to rub his cheek to her cheek.

"But why does that make you cry?" Twinkle Bell asked, as she wasn't so familiar that ponies (and changelings) could cry both for sadness and happiness.

"Cause I have never in my entire life had anyone that cared for me, or even wanted to dare talking to me. But then you came into my life and just acted so nice to me, without even knowing who I am. (Or being scared for what I was.) Why would you spend your time giving someone like me a chance to show kindness to in the first place?" The changeling asked as he continued to hug and cry next to Twinkle Bell.

"I did it cause that's what Heart's Warming Eve is all about. It is about Ponies of different kinds to meet and live together as friends. To have our differences helps us instead of seeing them as "weird" or "strange". When I first saw you I thought that you where a starving pony, but even when you showed yourself to be a changeling I saw that you where a lonely and hungry being. All I could think about was to help you, as nopony should be alone during this wonderful holiday. (Or any day for that matter.)" Twinkle Bell said as she too started to get a little teary-eyed over how touched she had made her friend.

The two of them then just shared a silent moment of holding each other tight, and feeling their combined warmth as the sun was rising up.



After finishing the hug the changeling told Twinkle Bell that he needed to talk to her parents next about what he should be doing, and after telling them about how much meeting their daughter and henceforth them and their home he really felt that it would be pretty hard to go back living in the cave up by the mountain.

Seeing how great of a friendship he had made with their daughter and that he himself no longer wanted to go back to the life he once had the parents decided a good plan for what to do with him.

The dragged the changeling with them to a small guestroom that nobody was using, and told him that if he wanted he could stay here and live with them on their farm.

The changeling once again got very sentimental over how nicely he got treated by the family, and gave the two parents a big surprise hug to show how happy he was! (He also promised them that he was going to show that he really deserved his place on the farm by doing as much farm work as his wide frame would allowed.)

Peeking from around a corner Twinkle Bell smiled over seeing that her new friend was going to stay, and she thought to herself that while having seen many great Heart's Warming Eve's in her life this was without any doubt the best one of all time!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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