Spiritual Energy

20-0503 The True BaptismNotes of Atori Alo Yansaministry of reconciliation is not about intercession, neither redemption but respecting one another in love. no judgment, exclusion but inclusive. -Edwin ArominThe message folks didn't catch new thoughts of WMB about Rapture from the last 5 messages where he shifted his thoughts on The Rapture before he cross over. 1. On The Wing of Snow White Dove, 2. Modern Events Made Clear by Prophecy, 3. Things that are to be, 4. The Rapture and 5. Leadership.Two others that I thought tied into the rapture were 6. “Who is This Melchisedec, 7. Invisible Union of the Bride. -Edwin ArominProphet, Priest and Kings are our cycles, the person in all of us. If you will look closely at the ages and testaments you will see these through attributes displayed time and time again. In the Old Testament we were working through the experience of prophet and kept manifesting prophets through a 4000 year cycle. Then Jesus came and for 33 years the Spirit was working through the experiences of priest. Then he came back to sit in the throne with his wife through the ages as King and the three were finished at the close of the church ages. We are now prophet, priest and king in the land of love divine. ~AAY~Humanity baptizing the Theophany. It is the human body that engulfed the theophany. Remember, all the attributes come from within our Spirit and manifest. Humanity was an attribute within the Theophany as the Theophany held it within for a long period through different changes. The humanity came from within the Theophany and poured out into the earth. Humanity was a baptism of the Theophany bringing the earth to a different nature. ~AAY~When we are talking about baptism I want to always present a true baptism to the people. We know that after the seals opened the true revelation of Serpent’s Seed, Baptism, communion, foot washing and all these things came out. ~AAY~It was a mystery before but not now, we have been changed. This flesh and blood inherited or possessed all of the Father. The Twain are now one. ~Alan~After the Mosaic Law was set up by Moses flesh and blood could not be a part of the rituals and traditions set up in the Tabernacle of Moses or the Temple worship. Flesh and blood couldn’t inherit the blessings. After the ultimate sacrifice Paul shows us a secret of the mystery that we can now put on Christ, the new man and enter into the inheritance of the Kingdom. ~AAY~Rapture is a clear understanding and understanding is evolving and we are catching up with it. That is our catching away ~AAY~We are all raptured multiple times and come up with the present understanding and enjoy the fellowship in Love Divine. Love Bless us all. ~Daniel~Resurrection, body change, rapture, Armageddon, Millennium, White Throne, Gog and Magog,, New heaven and Earth are not events, but it is cycles happening inside of us. When we realize this we can see how it all fits in cycles. Armageddon wipes off all the old rules regulations and dogmas after the rapture. Then we rest with our newfound understanding for a season and the white throne begins in our mind. We begin to think about what needs to be removed from our thinking and the true burning happens; Gog and Magog. Armageddon is a burning baptism but it is not the true baptism that leaves neither root nor branch. Then the true baptism strikes and moves you into new heaven and earth. Nothing can sway or take away that true baptism revelation. ~AAYVery clear statement, it's not the word makes you awake, it's the vibration, a resonant behind the words makes us awake. Amen. ~Jamie~Resurrection, awakening, began from the time we came here by natural birth. Very clear statements. ~Alan~Don't think second or third person. Just think first person. All thing are happening in us. We are the very interpretation of the rapture, look inside. ~Puri Grajo~This message we heard is supernatural, we have to be sensitive in listening to catch the supernatural things. Yet we are all supernatural to break thick veils. We could say now that the church ages are ashes under soles of our feet ~Allan~20-0503 The True BaptismNotes of Atori Alo Yansa ................

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