Letter to Attorneys General

Attorney General of (STATE), (Mr./Mrs.) (NAME),We applaud your effort to support and secure free and fair elections by joining 16 other states in Missouri’s Brief as AMICI CURIAE IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF’S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE BILL OF COMPLAINT in Texas Attorney General Paxton’s filing of a complaint in the Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction.However, when we first reviewed that Complaint, we noticed Texas was asking the Court to do something beyond its jurisdiction—that being, to enjoin the presidential electors from each of the Defendant states (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the States of: Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin) from participating in the Electoral College or voting for a presidential candidate. In essence, the Court was asked to bar the respective states from their constitutionally secured right to cast electoral votes; which the Supreme Court cannot do. Thus, the Supreme Court’s dismissal of the case for that cause was expected.However, the Court did recognize the right to bring said case and its duty to consider the bill of complaint under its original jurisdiction. Thus, though the original premise of the Complaint was in error, we appreciated the effort put forth to expose the election fraud that took place in the 2020 election. Obviously, many other States’ Attorneys General agreed with the underlying cause of the Complaint because they (like you) added their support by joining in Missouri’s Amici Curiae Brief.However, because the Complaint was denied by the Supreme Court, at least, for the error noted above, it needs to be either amended or new Complaints need to be filed by the States. Eliminate the errant premise and focus more on the election fraud that was made apparent by the recent forensic audits on the computer controlled Dominion Voting Machines and the use of any such systems in the election. No administrator should be allowed to change a ballot once it has been cast—which such computer controlled machines allow in their adjudication function. The Supreme Court can stop that because it violates the Constitution’s equal protection of the law clauses.If that were to be done, the scope of the complaint could even be extended to enjoin any State that used such computer controlled voting systems that allowed for election fraud to take place so easily.Our point is, the case needs to be about asking the Supreme Court to step in to secure equal protection of the law for all of the voters from each State.Though the Court does not have the Constitutional authority to tell any State how to conduct their elections or to prevent them from appointing electors or casting electoral votes, it does have the authority to secure equal protection of the law to the voters and when the election system any State uses fails to do that, the Supreme Court has latitude for mandating a reasonable remedy—like ordering a new popular election that secures the voters’ right of equal protection under the law; as guaranteed by the Constitution.Considering that 28 states used Dominion voting machines during the 2020 election, it’s quite clear that any election system (machines, etc.) that allow administrators the power to change or taint votes in any way they choose without supervision of the people completely eliminates any possibility of the people being assured the election was lawful; which certainly violates the voters’ right to equal protection under the law.The complaint nailed how such violations, in other states, negate the effect of (STATE) being able to assure its voters of that equal protection and security in the election.We hope this letter helps the case; and, that to continue your effort to support and secure free and fair elections in your State and throughout the United States, you will consider either contacting Texas’ Attorney General Paxton to inspire him to so amend their Complaint or that you file a proper complaint as needed with the United States Supreme Court.The bottom line: the evidence indicates that President Trump actually won the popular vote election; yet, if our State Attorneys General don’t do their part to hold all states accountable to lawful elections that secure our right to equal protection of the law, the Electoral College vote will be stolen due to election fraud and the Global Elite controlled media spin supporting said fraud. That cannot be allowed!Time is of the essence for you to act. The people are counting on you.Sincerely,(YOUR NAME). ................

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