
Samira PerezSection D2The importance for funding abortion.-17653021082000In many cases where access to contraceptives may not be readily available, having an abortion is the only safe alternative a woman can have before welcoming an unwanted baby into the world. If given access to contraceptives, situations may arise such as rape, prevention of allowing a fetus with an extreme genetic condition to live a health threatening life and being economically incapable of hosting a child, abortion may become the only alternative for a woman to have. In many countries where abortions are considered illegal like Chile, contraceptives are issued to women as a safe alternative but many women are not educated on the tremendous impact in can have on their health, long term, if taken on a regular basis. Education on safer and more natural alternative to contraceptives should be taught to women to prevent them from risking their health. In the case where contraceptives were not readily accessible to a woman, and a pregnancy unexpectedly comes into her life, having an abortion may be the only way to help the woman. Contraceptives and natural methods for preventing pregnancy should be readily available to a woman if abortion is not accepted by the country she resides in. According to the Washington Post, in 2017, President Trump defunded the Planned Parenthood organization which essentially works on providing funding for abortion providers, providing cancer screenings, contraception and testing for sexually transmitted diseases (Bazelon, 2017). President Trump signed legislation on Thursday allowing states to withhold federal family planning dollars from clinics that provide abortion services, a move that could deprive Planned Parenthood and several other family groups of tens of millions in funding (Eilperin, 2017). Defunding planned parenthood severely could affect pregnant woman who need to have an abortion but can’t because of restriction by state government. This can cause illegal abortions to prevail as well as illegal and unsafe methods of obtaining contraceptives. President Trump’s proposal in working with the Planned Parenthood organization is to have the organization remove funding and support for abortions and to leave abortions in the hands of others. According to New York Times reporter Bazelon (2017), Medicaid will no longer work with hospitals who choose to provide abortions. Not only would this effect the business of hospitals, but it will heavily impact women seeking to get an abortion and cannot locate a clinic that yields to her needs. In countries like Chile, where abortion is illegal under any circumstance many women are left with no option other than to conduct illegal abortions. According to the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), 70,000 women risk their lives each year to have an abortion in Chile…The United Nations estimates that up to 40% of maternal deaths in Chile are caused by complications due to unsafe abortions (Ivanescu, 2014). Criminalizing abortions tremendously affects a woman’s right to privacy and her freedom. As a step in the move for equality, in 2001 Chile’s former President Michelle Bachelet introduced free morning-after contraception pills (Brooks, 2006). Rather than decriminalizing abortion, President Bachelet claimed that issuance of the morning-after pill will give women a choice and not interfere with their own personal beliefs. Countries like Chile show the diversity in how accessibility to contraceptives and abortion is lacking and null and how if priority of importance is not drawn attention to this topic, the health system of American can turn into the system in Chile.Abortion is a serious topic concerning a woman’s health that needs to have a more thoughtful and educated audience when choosing what steps to take for properly funding it and not making it seem like a crime when comparing it to killing a human being. If abortion clinics continue to close down because of lack of funding and hate towards clinics who provide it, illegal methods of aborting a fetus may arise which can severely impact a woman’s health. These unsafe methods of aborting a fetus can cause disease to spread as well as gradual death. Emergency contraceptives such as the morning-after pill and regular birth control pills may be viewed as safe and cheaper methods to having unprotected sex but if used long term, it can seriously impact a woman’s health. More natural ways of preventing pregnancies should be taught to both women and men across the world. I also plan on including more information such as the first case of abortion being an issue, Roe v. Wade and issues in more recent times.Citations:1) Eilperin Juliet (April 13, 2017) “Behind closed doors, Trump signs bill allowing states to strip federal family planning funds from abortion providers” The Washington Post.2) Bazelon Emily (March 10, 2017) “Trump’s Abortion Strategy” The New York Times. 3) Ivanescu Yvonne (June 16, 2014) “Abortion in Chile: An Overview” International Planned Parenthood Federation. 4) Brooks Bradley (September 21, 2016) “Chile Defends Free Morning-After Pills” The Washington Post. ................

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