
4425710800842003168491988375 Longoria Schools Donald Trump In Powerfully Personal DNC SpeechUpdated?Jul 26, 2016Since the moment he launched his campaign, Donald Trump has taken aim at Mexican immigrants,?infamously calling them “rapists” and “criminals.”?And his anti-immigrant remarks often come?with a promise to build a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border.So when Eva Longoria took the stage Monday evening at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, she dedicated her time to explain how, as a Mexican-American from Texas, she’s been personally insulted by the GOP presidential nominee.?“Like many of you, this election is very personal to me,” Longoria said during the first night of the DNC. “I’m from a small town in South Texas and if you know your history, Texas used to be part of Mexico. Now, I’m ninth generation American. My family never crossed a border, the border crossed us.”Then she turned her words explicitly at Trump, calling him out for comments he’s said not only about Mexicans but about women and a disabled reporter.So when Donald Trump calls us criminals and rapists, he’s insulting American families.?My father is not a criminal or rapist, in fact, he’s a United States veteran. When Trump cruelly mocked a disabled reporter, he was also mocking my special-needs sister Lisa and many like her.?When he said that a wife who works is a very dangerous thing, he not only insulted me, he insulted my mother who worked as a special-education teacher for 40 years and raised four children while being a wife.Longoria concluded her speech by explaining why she’s supporting Hillary Clinton and pointing out the diversity of speakers at the convention. In fact, when looking at the DNC speaker rosters on the first night of the convention,?11 out the 24 speakers were people of color.?That’s more than the entire 2016 Republican National convention.00Eva Longoria Schools Donald Trump In Powerfully Personal DNC SpeechUpdated?Jul 26, 2016Since the moment he launched his campaign, Donald Trump has taken aim at Mexican immigrants,?infamously calling them “rapists” and “criminals.”?And his anti-immigrant remarks often come?with a promise to build a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border.So when Eva Longoria took the stage Monday evening at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, she dedicated her time to explain how, as a Mexican-American from Texas, she’s been personally insulted by the GOP presidential nominee.?“Like many of you, this election is very personal to me,” Longoria said during the first night of the DNC. “I’m from a small town in South Texas and if you know your history, Texas used to be part of Mexico. Now, I’m ninth generation American. My family never crossed a border, the border crossed us.”Then she turned her words explicitly at Trump, calling him out for comments he’s said not only about Mexicans but about women and a disabled reporter.So when Donald Trump calls us criminals and rapists, he’s insulting American families.?My father is not a criminal or rapist, in fact, he’s a United States veteran. When Trump cruelly mocked a disabled reporter, he was also mocking my special-needs sister Lisa and many like her.?When he said that a wife who works is a very dangerous thing, he not only insulted me, he insulted my mother who worked as a special-education teacher for 40 years and raised four children while being a wife.Longoria concluded her speech by explaining why she’s supporting Hillary Clinton and pointing out the diversity of speakers at the convention. In fact, when looking at the DNC speaker rosters on the first night of the convention,?11 out the 24 speakers were people of color.?That’s more than the entire 2016 Republican National convention. ................

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