Why does President Trump want to end "chain …

Name_______________________________________AP HG 3.2Date______________POPULATION & MIGRATIONWhat are Ravenstein’s Laws of Migration?914400427990DO NOW: Explain the meaning of the White House Tweet below in your own words. what is chain migration?BY BLAIR GUILDUPDATED ON: JANUARY 29, 2018 / 10:34 PM?/ CBS NEWS"Chain migration" -- officially known as "family reunification" under federal law -- is the process by which green card holders or legal U.S. residents may sponsor a family member for immigration to the United States.It is the most common legal form of immigration to the United States. According to the Department of Homeland Security, 238,087 immigrants were categorized as a "family-sponsored preference"?in 2016, and 566,706 came as "immediate relatives of U.S. citizens" (spouses, children, or parents).Between 60 and 70 percent of all lawful permanent immigration to the United States in the past decade has family-based roots.The application process for the permanent residency of certain family members?varies?depending on the petitioners' status of green card holder vs. citizen.Citizenship is not automatically granted to those who are sponsored by their family members in the United States, and the waiting period with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services can last anywhere from a few months to decades.Why does President Trump want to end "chain migration"?The White House's most recent immigration proposal aims to limit chain migration to only spouses and minor children while excluding sponsorship of extended family.Mr. Trump claims that immigrants entering the country through chain migration take jobs away from U.S. citizens and pose a threat to national security. The Trump administration has expressed its goal to move away from chain migration and toward a "merit-based" means of immigration, or a system that prioritizes highly educated, english speaking immigrants.3429000416560The Trump administration?re-upped?its call to end the chain migration system when suspect?Akayed Ullahattempted to?bomb?the passageway under 42nd Street connecting the subway stations at Times Square and the Port Authority Bus Terminal in December. CBS News confirmed that Ullah entered the country from Bangladesh in February 2011 through chain migration sponsorship, although he became a legal permanent resident of the United States.The White House's website provides this infographic on chain migration that does not cite any specific numbers:?They claim that as a result of chain migration, "The large influx of predominantly low-skilled migrants has had substantial fiscal and national security consequences."?So, is it "chain migration" or "family reunification"?While "chain migration" and "family reunification" refer to the same process, both have partisan implications. When chain migration first started appearing in academic texts in the 1960s, it was not a pejorative term. Roughly ten years later, the term family reunification entered the immigration lexicon.Democrats and progressives says that "chain migration" has become a loaded term and have thus adopted the term family reunification, while their Republican counterparts typically stick with chain migration. The Trump administration has favored chain migration over family reunification. In fact, a Google Trends search yields a large uptick in the popularity of chain migration vs. family reunification during the first year of the Trump presidency. 00RAVENSTEIN’S LAWS OF MIGRATIONMost migrants only go a ________________________________.Migration occurs in _______________.Long range migrants usually move to ___________________________. Each migration produces a movement in the ___________________________________.____________ dwellers are more migratory than _____________ dwellers.Within their own country, ________________ are more migratory than _____________, but males are more migratory over ________________________________.Most migrants are __________________.Large towns grow more by migration than by ________________________________. Migration increases with __________________________________________.Migration is mostly due to _____________________________________.GEOGRAPHICALLY THINKINGDistance Decay: intensity of human activity, process, or function declines as distance from its source increases Migrants have more complete perceptions of ___________________________ and feel _________________________________________________________. Gravity Model: predicts movement of people, information and commodities between cities and even continents 3886200344170_____________________________ & ___________________________ attract more migrants, just as larger planets have more gravitational pull Takes into account size of city and distance: bigger cities & closer cities have stronger pull 1143000160655Further Explanation of Migration Patterns – Migration Transition Geographer Wilber Zelinsky identified a migration transition, which consists of changes in a society comparable to those in the demographic transition. The migration transition is a change in the migration pattern in a society that results from the social and economic changes that also produce the demographic transition.According to the migration transition, international migration is primarily a phenomenon of countries in Stage 2 of the demographic transition, whereas internal migration is more important in Stages 3 and 4. A society in Stage 1 of the demographic transition – characterized by high birth rates and high death rates and low natural increase rate – is unlikely to migrate permanently to a new location, although it does have high daily or seasonal mobility in search of food. In Stage 2 of the demographic transition – when the NIR goes up rapidly as a result of a sharp decline in the CDR – international migration becomes important, as does interregional migration from rural areas of a country to its cities. Like the sudden decline in the CDR, migration patterns in Stage 2 societies are a consequence of technological change. Improvement in agricultural practices reduces the number of people needed in rural areas, whereas jobs in factories attract migrants to the cities in another region of the same country or in another country. Experiencing such high rates of natural increase that overtaxing of resources and limited opportunities push people to migrate to MDCs.CBRs begin to decline in Stages 3 & 4 of the demographic transition as a result of social changes – people deciding to have fewer children. According to migration transition theory, societies in Stages 3 & 4 are the destinations of the international migrants leaving the Stage 2 countries in search of economic opportunities. The principal form of internal migration within countries in Stages 3 & 4 of the demographic transition is intraregional, from cities to surrounding suburbs. Use the information above to complete the chart on the following page:STAGE REVIEW! What is happening in this stage (CBR, CDR, NIR)Migration Patterns according to Zelinsky 12348153405919600 ................

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