Lay Leadership Report for 2011 - Clover Sites

The Staff of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church

|The Rev. Ricky James Senior Pastor |

|The Rev. Dr. Steve McDonald Pastor of Congregational Care |

|The Rev. Grady Bailey Pastor Emeritus |

|Ms. Helen Bowen Director of Music |

|Ms. Cathy Sumrall Director of ECLC |

|Ms. Leah Batson Children’s Director |

|Ms. Sarah Courter Youth Director |

|Ms. Barbara O’Neil Administrative Assistant |

|Ms. Fran McEwen Office Assistant |

|Ms. Cathy Tramel Bookkeeper |

|Mr. Victor Hernandez Building Superintendent |

|Church Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Fri. 8:00 a.m. – Noon |

St. Luke’s 2015 Church Officers

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall provide for the planning, implementing, oversight, and maintenance of the mission, ministries, resources, and facilities of St. Luke’s UMC. This committee shall be amenable to and function as the administrative agency of the Charge Conference. It shall meet monthly.

Executive Chair: Caroline Upchurch Lay Leader: Ken Walley

SPRC Chair: Sarah McMahen Trustee Chair: Jim Emfinger

Finance Chair: Robert Sumrall Finance Vice-Chair: Paul Howell

Treasurer: Bob Shearer Financial Secretary: Susan Burrow

At Large: Jordan Mason At Large: Suzy Wheeler

Members of Annual Conference: Babs Stauss and Emily Lynch

Pastor: Ricky James

Quarterly Conference

The Quarterly Conference shall provide for the mutual sharing and celebration of the mission and ministry of St. Luke’s UMC. The QC will be a place for various organizations within the church to collaborate and consult with one another. It will also be a forum for all members to learn about and engage with the ministries of the church. It shall meet quarterly, convened by the Executive Committee Chair, with at least one of its meetings serving as the called Charge Conference.

All Executive Committee Members (see above)

Sunday School Superintendent James Laseter

Assistant SS Superintendent Julie Naef

Recording Secretary Debbie Christie

UMW President Kathy Hilton

UMM President Tony Carlisle

Missions Coordinator Hunter Upchurch

Congregational Care Coords. Linda Purviance, Rosanna Hickman

Prayer Shawl Coordinator Dot Jaubert

Youth Coordinators Nancy Luke, Jane Howell

Children’s Coordinators Leah Batson, India Torrey

Fellowship Coordinators Leigh Humphries, Suzanne Webster,

Nancy Luke, Elizabeth Koestler, Vicki Emfinger

Church Historian Mary Jane Oglesby,

Usher Coordinators Frank Miller, John Lynch

Communion Stewards Julie Naef, Barbara Baine, Vicki Emfinger

Church Librarians Michelle Hudson, Kathy Hilton

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall provide for the oversight of the financial resources of St. Luke’s UMC. The committee shall compile annually a complete budget for the local church, develop and implement plans to raise sufficient income to meet the budget, and administer any funds received in accordance with established policies.

Finance Chair Robert Sumrall

Finance Vice-Chair Paul Howell

Exec Comm. Chair Caroline Upchurch

Lay Leader Ken Walley

SPRC Chair Sarah McMahen

Trustee Chair Jim Emfinger

Treasurer Bob Shearer

Financial Secretary Susan Burrow

Lay Members of AC Babs Stauss, Emily Lynch

Pastor Ricky James

Class of 2015 Mark Hamlin, Judd Mason

Class of 2016 Ross Henley, John Lynch, Jeff Wheeler

Endowment Rep. Jerry Fuller

Permanent Endowment Committee

The Permanent Endowment Committee monitors the funds and investments of the Permanent Endowment of St. Luke’s UMC. They are amenable to the Finance Committee and shall provide reports as needed.

Class of 2015 Bill Bowlus, Paul Howell

Class of 2016 Mark Hamlin, Ross Henley, Alan Torrey

Class of 2017 Bob Shearer, Jerry Fuller, Clifford Thompson

Staff Parish Relations Committee

The SPRC committee shall reflect biblically and theologically on the role and work of the clergy and professional staff of St. Luke’s UMC as they carry out their leadership responsibilities. The committee shall assist the clergy and staff in assessing their gifts and setting priorities for leadership and service. In addition SPRC serves as the personnel committee to conduct evaluations and recommend compensation.

SPRC Chair Sarah McMahen

Lay Leader Ken Walley

Lay Member of AC Babs Stauss

Class of 2015 Hunter Upchurch, Sarah McMahen

Class of 2016 Peggy Carlisle, Emily Lynch

Class of 2017 Marcia Williams, Melzana Fuller

Pastor Ricky James

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees shall provide for the oversight, maintenance, purchase, or discharge of any real or personal property owned by St. Luke’s UMC. They are also responsible to monitor the expenses related to the facility and make related recommendations to the Finance Committee.

Trustee Chair Jim Emfinger

Class of 2015 Fran Jones, Doug McKibben, Jim Emfinger, Mike Gaby

Class of 2016 Sherri Mancil, Rick Hickman, Laird McMahen, Jon Batson

Class of 2017 Eames Henley, David Neal, Jeff Fatheree, Walton Webster

Pastor Ricky James

Decorating Committee

The Decorating Committee is responsible for all interior spaces of St. Luke’s UMC to provide a welcoming environment for our members and visitors. Additionally, they are responsible for decorating the church seasonally. They are amenable to the Board of Trustees and Pastor for resourcing their work.

Chair Fran Jones

Members Nancy Luke, Cathy Sumrall, India Torrey

Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development

The Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development is responsible for the identification, development, deployment, evaluation, and monitoring of lay leadership for St. Luke’s UMC. It shall reflect on the leadership needs of the church and offer nominations to the Charge Conference for the fulfillment of those needs.

Chair Ricky James

Lay Leader Ken Walley

Class of 2015 Cliff Duncan, Mary Pritchard, Emily Lynch

Class of 2016 Sarah McMahen, Lou Ann McKibben, Alan Bowen

Class of 2017 Gwen Combs, Nancy Luke, Rosanna Hickman

Congregational Care Committee

The Congregational Care Committee shall provide for and give attention to the emotional, spiritual, and physical needs of the congregation of St. Luke’s UMC. Its work may include, but not be limited to, providing for Home Communion, visitation to shut-ins and assisted living facilities, transportation assistance, and providing food. This lay committee will work in consultation with the Pastor of Congregational Care.

Coordinators Steve McDonald, Linda Purviance, Rosanna Hickman

Home Communion: Gus and Linda Purviance, Ken Walley,

Pat Gillespie, Nancy Smith


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