“How to Worship, When You’re Wounded”, Worship from A to Z, Part 2 of 4 – July 15, 2012 at SBC

Job 36:16 & 13:15

We’re continuing, in the series, that we started last week, on . . . “Worship from A to Z.” We’re actually, going through, the 26 letters of the alphabet, . . . looking at 26 different words, . . . that, describe worship. The goal of this series, . . is for you to understand, that worship, is far more than just, singing songs. Worship is, a lifestyle. Everything you do in life, could be an act of worship, . . . if you understand, the motivation behind it.

“How to Worship, When You’re Wounded.” We all, go through wounds, in life. We’ve all been wounded, not just physically – but, emotionally, and spiritually, and, relationally. In fact, they’re, . . . the deeper wounds.

When you were a kid, . . . you were taught this little phrase, “Sticks and stones, may break my bones, . . but, names, will never hurt me.” That’s, just, not true. Actually, names hurt more, . . . than, sticks and stones.

You don’t remember, the physical bumps, and bruises, and scars, you got growing up, but you sure remember, . . . the put downs, you had. You remember, what people said to you, . . . on the playground, or teachers, or enemies, or friends, . . . or, even, your parents. Those things, stick with you, . . . and, they are wounds.

What do you do, . . . when you’re wounded? Again, just as worship, is the antidote to worry, . . . worship is the antidote, . . . to when you are wounded – emotionally, or relationally, or any other way. By a person, . . . or, by a circumstance. So, today, we’re going to look, at five other aspects. G, H, I, J, K, . . . in the A to Z, of Worship. Grieving, . . it’s, Honoring, . . it’s, Invoking, . . it’s, Joining, . . and, it’s Keeping on.

We’re going to use, the life of Job, as an example. Job, was an extremely, wealthy man. He was a wise man, . . and, he was a good man. One day, in 24-hours, he lost everything. He lost, all of his wealth. He lost, all of his family, . . . and, then, he even lost, his health. He came down, with a terrible, painful, incurable disease.

In one day, he goes from, hero to zero. He is deeply wounded, physically, emotionally, & relationally, in many different areas. Yet, in the book of Job, . . . it tells the story, . . . of how he worshipped God, . . . instead, of becoming bitter. Then, later, in the end, . . . God restored, and even doubled, . . . what he had, at the start.

Job 36:16 – “Hard times, and trouble, are God’s way, . . . of getting our attention. At that, very moment, God deeply desires, to lead you, from trouble, and to spread your table, with your favorite food.” The point is this, . . . whenever you are wounded, by somebody else, or by a circumstance, . . . God is waiting, to turn the situation around, and, help you through it, . . . and, to help you grow, and to provide a blessing, in your life.

What He’s saying, is that, . . . the most important time, for you to worship, . . is when your heart, . . is breaking. When you feel crushed, or confused, . . . when you feel, life is out of control, when you’re in your darkest hour,

. . . that’s when, you most need, . . . to turn, to God. Not, turn away from Him, . . . but, in that very moment, . . . is when you need, to turn to God, . . . and, let Him help you.

How do you, do that? Some of you, are carrying wounds, you’ve carried your entire life, . . . and, you’ve never been able, to get over them. If you will do, what we’re going to talk about, today, . . . you will find relief, you will find freedom, you will find a new healing, in your heart, . . . from the wounds, that have hurt you.

***** So, what do you do? The first way, you worship, . . . when you’re wounded, . . . is: G – Grieve

That’s the G, . . . from the A to Z, of worship. Grieve. That means, tell God exactly, how you feel. Whenever, you go through a crisis, whenever you’ve been hurt, somebody said something bad about you, you’ve been unfairly criticized, . . . you tell God exactly, . . . how you feel.

You unload, . . . all your feelings. When you share your feelings, with God, . . . you trust, your feelings, to God, you’re actually, . . . worshipping. Even when, . . . those feelings, are negative. This is what, Job did. Job 1:20 – “Job stood up, he tore his robe, in grief, shaved his head, and he fell to the ground, . . . and worshipped.”

** When we’re wounded, we always feel, . . . four emotions: First, we feel anger. “Why is this, happening to me? I don’t, like this!” We feel angry, at the person, who hurt us. Second, we feel shock. We feel, disbelief. “I can’t believe this, is happening to me.” Third, we feel grief. “What, have I lost? Have I lost, a relationship? Have I lost, a friendship? Have I lost, credibility? Have I lost, my confidence? What am, I losing?” Fourth, we feel, fear. “What’s going to, happen next? What’s going to, happen now? When will, the other shoe, drop.”

When you feel, those four things – anger, grief, shock, and fear – you know, what you do? You tell, . . . God. That’s called, worship. That’s one of the ways, you worship God. Telling God, . . . exactly, how you feel.

So, what do you do, when you have, all these emotions? You’ve just lost a loved one, and you’re overwhelmed, with loneliness, and fear, and depression, and anger. You’ve just, lost your job. Or, you’ve discovered, that someone, . . . has been unfaithful, to you. Whatever. What, . . . do you do?

You don’t, repress it. That’s like, taking a coke bottle, . . and, shaking it up, . . with a lid on it. It doesn’t work. Instead, you confess, . . your emotions. You tell, God. You tell Him, “God! I don’t, like this. Life, stinks. I don’t like, what I’m going through, right now.” God can, . . . handle that.

The reason, you have emotions, . . . is God gave them, to you. He made you, . . in His image. You’re different, from animals. The reason, you have emotions, is because, . . God has emotions. The Bible says, God loves. The Bible says, God gets angry. The Bible says, God gets jealous. The Bible says, God grieves, and weeps.

God doesn’t get afraid, . . . because, He’s not afraid, of anybody. But, He has all, these other emotions. You’re made, in His image, and God can handle it, when you tell Him. You say, “God, this is the way, I feel.” He can handle your doubt, and your fear, and your anger, and your questions, and your grief, and your complaints.

The thing, God liked about Job, is that he was completely, honest. This guy, was completely, authentic. What you see, is what you get. He told God, exactly, how he felt. Job 7:11 – “I can’t, be quiet. I’m angry, and I’m bitter, and I have to speak.” All these bad things, that happen, he says I’m angry, I’m bitter. He’s just, honest.

He starts complaining, . . . to God. And, accusing God, and he says, this is not, right. This is, . . . not fair. He’s accusing God. And, . . . God, handled it. Why? Because, in all of Job’s complaining, . . . he never stopped, . . . trusting God. He questioned, God. He doubted, God. He got mad, at God. But, he kept on, . . . trusting God.

When you are wounded, . . the correct response, . . . is not, to just grin and bear it. What God wants, more than anything else, is He wants you, to be honest. He wants you, to honestly share, what you’re struggling with.

Those of you, who are parents. Sometimes, our children, . . . question, our judgment. I know, that’s surprising. But, they sometimes, question our judgment. They never doubt, they never question, . . . that, we love them. And, they never question, that we’ve been around, on this planet, longer than they have, . . . and, have more experience, than they do. But, sometimes, they question, our wisdom, or our judgment. I would rather have, an honest conversation with them, . . . than, have them, stuff it. And, so would, . . . God.

He’d rather, have you say, “God, I’ve got doubts, about this. I don’t, . . . understand it.” Lamentations 2:19 – “Cry out in the night, pour out your heart, like water, in prayer, to the Lord.” In other words, just, admit it.

Even, at the end, of the book of Job, when things turn around, . . . God in front of Job’s friends, praises Job, and says “You know, what I like, about Job? He’s honest. He’s authentic.” He told the truth, and God loved it.

When you read the Bible, there are many, many examples of good people, godly people, righteous people, who complained, to God. Who got frustrated, with God. Who doubted, God. One of them, . . was Jeremiah. One time, Jeremiah said, “God, You deceived me. I think, You tricked me, into doing this.” Naomi, one time, said, . . . “Call me bitter, because God, has made my life, bitter.” She was just, . . . being honest.

A guy named David – King David, said this, . . . “God, I’ve taken the worst, You can hand out, and I’ve had it.”

Although, Job questioned God, . . . he never stopped, trusting Him. So, the first step, . . when you get wounded, by a circumstance, or by a person – something they say, or something they did to you – is to stop, and, you just, go to God. You don’t gossip, . . to others. You go to God, . . . and, you tell God, . . . exactly, how you feel.

***** The second word, on when you’re wounded, and you want to worship, . . . is the word, . . . H – Honor

You honor God, in the middle, of your pain. What’s, that mean? It means, you praise God, . . . in spite of, your circumstances. That’s the second way, to get over a hurt, to get your wound, healed. First, you admit to God: life stinks. Then, you honor God, and you say, God I’m going to praise You, . . . in spite of the circumstances. We don’t thank God, . . . for, our problems. But, we do thank God, . . . in the middle, of our problems.

(SONG: “I Will Praise You in This Storm”)

The whole story of Job, is in the Bible, for this one question. Will I worship God, . . if everything, goes wrong, . . . in my life? Would you? It’s easy to worship God, . . . when everything’s, going your way. As long as, everything, is going your way, “I trust God, . . . as long as, He gives me everything, . . . I want.”

But, what happens, when everything, goes bad, in your life? Would you still, trust God? What if things, don’t go the way, you want them to? What if your plans, don’t work out, the way you planned? What would happen, if you lost everything? Would you still, trust God? Would you praise God, . . . in spite of your circumstances?

That, is the ultimate test, of faith. And, let me warn you: you’re going to be tested. At some point, in your life. Everything, . . . is going to fall apart. It may, have already. At some point, everything’s going to fall apart, and you’re going to go, . . . “What just, hit me?” This is, a test. Will I trust God, . . . when everything, goes wrong?

You’ve probably figured out by now, that not everything you pray for, . . . gets answered, the way you want it answered. Can you imagine, what a spoiled brat, we would all be, . . . if God answered, every prayer, “God, I need, ten cadillacs, today! God, I need, a hundred bars of gold.

God is not a genie, where you rub the vase, and you get, whatever you wish. A genie, serves you. You, . . serve God. God is not, your genie. He’s not, . . . a vending machine. He doesn’t owe you, . . everything, you ask for.

No loving parent, would ever give a child, . . everything, they ask for. It would, spoil them. In fact, sometimes kids ask for things, and as a parent, you have to say, . . . “No, I’m not, going to give you that.” They don’t understand it, and they complain, and cry, and you just say, “You’re just, going to have to trust me, on this.”

If we as human parents, know how to do that, . . . certainly, a perfect God, knows what’s best, for us. So, not everything gets answered, . . . the way we want. We’re not, going to get, . . . an explanation, for it.

He just wants you, . . . to trust Him. One day, in heaven, . . you’re going to understand it. You’re going to look back, and say, “I now see, . . . what He was doing.” But, you’re not, going to see it, . . . right now.

How do you praise God, when you don’t understand, . . . what’s going on, in your life? How do you thank God, when your heart, is breaking? How do you keep your eyes on God, when they’re full of tears? You do, . . . what Job did. Job 1:21-22 – “I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I shall have nothing when I die, the Lord gave me everything I had, and they were His, to take away. Blessed be, the name of the Lord.’ In all of this, Job did not sin, by blaming God.”

What’s he doing? He’s saying, “It’s all from God anyway, and I only get it, for a little while. He gives it, and if He took it away, . . . or, allowed it to be taken away, by the devil, or whatever, . . . I’m still going to say, . . . “Blessed be, . . . the name, . . . of the Lord.” The point, is this. God says, . . . I want you, to trust Me.

@ On your sermon notes, are some verses, from the book of Job. Job said, I can thank God, even though, I lost it all. He’s a good, and loving God. He’s all-powerful. He’s in, control. He has a plan, for my life. He’ll, protect me. And, I can praise God, for these things, even when, the circumstances, are bad.

* My question to you, is this: If you were to lose everything, . . . would you still trust God, when things don’t go right, in your life? Will you be like Job, and say, “The Lord gives, the Lord takes away. Blessed be, the name of the Lord.” I don’t, understand it. But, I’m going to choose. to trust Him, . . . even though, I can’t understand it. And, I’m going to say, . . . Blessed be, the name, of the Lord.

***** The next way, you could worship, when you’re wounded, is to, . . . I – Invoke. Invoke means, . . . to ask God, for strength, and wisdom. It means, to appeal to somebody, . . . or, someone, greater than yourself. When they have graduations, or they have inaugurations, they’ll have, at the start, . . . an invocation, at the start. What that means is, . . . we’re asking God, . . . for blessing, on this event. That’s, . . . an invocation.

After I grieve, and I tell God what, I’m hurt about. After, I have honored, and said, God, I want to praise you, in spite, of the circumstance. Then, I invoke, and I ask God, . . . for two things – strength, and wisdom.

Job had, three friends. These friends, were pretty good friends, at the start, until, they started talking, and giving advice. When Job lost everything, all in a single day, three friends showed up in his life, and Job sitting on the ground, in painful agony, grieving, hurting, and suffering, from the illness, that he has. His three friends came, and just sat down beside him, and sat with him, for three days, without saying a word. That’s, friendship. Friends walk in, . . . when everybody else, walks out. Friends, are there, for you.

When your friends, lose a loved one, . . . or, they hear that dreaded word, “cancer”, . . . all you have to do, is just show up. You don’t have to, say anything. They don’t need, advice. It wasn’t smart, for Job’s friends, to come set down, next to Job, . . . and say, “Look on, the bright side.” There was, . . . no bright side! They didn’t try, to say, . . . Cheer up, Job. No. They just, sat there, . . . in silence.

That’s the best thing, . . . you can do, for a friend. When you sit, in that hospital room, and just, be there. When you with them, after a death, after the funeral. When you sit with them, and you just hold their hand, or put your arm around them. You don’t have to say, anything profound. They don’t, need that. What they need,

. . . is the ministry, . . . of your presence. Just, show up.

Do you have anybody, who would show up, like that, in your life? Would you show up, in a friend’s life, like that? If they had an emergency, you would drop everything, and you’d go, and just set with them, for three days. That’s friendship. 25% of Americans say, . . . I have no close friends, that, I can depend on.

Job’s friends, gave a lot, . . . of bad advice. But, at the right time, they did say, some good things. One of Job’s friends, was a guy named Eliphaz, and he said this, in Job 5:8 – “If I were you,. . . I would call on God, and bring my problem, before Him.” That’s, good advice. What’s he saying? He’s saying, when your heart is breaking, when you’re confused, when you’re angry, and you’re full of doubt, . . . and, you don’t know why, this is happening in your life, . . . you turn to God. You don’t, . . . turn away, from Him.

Some people, they get in a crisis, they lose a loved one, . . they turn away, from God. Who’s going to help you? Who has the power, to comfort you? Nobody. You’re turning away, . . . from the only comfort, you’ve got.

One time, Jesus was talking to a crowd, . . . and, He was saying to them, “If you want to follow Me, you’ve got to do this, and this, and this.” They said, I just want this, . . . comfortable religion. I don’t want anything, . . that makes, any demands, on me. They start, . . . walking away.

So, Jesus turns around, with the guys, who were with Him, and says, “Are you, going to leave, too?” Peter says, “Where would we go, Lord. You have, the words of life.” That’s, a good question. If you turn from God, in your point of pain, . . . who are you going to turn to?

Nobody else, can help you, like He can. Nobody else, can give you the comfort, the strength, the power, you need, . . . like He can. So, what you do, is you ask God, . . . for strength, and wisdom.

Why do you need, . . wisdom and strength? Because, those are the two things, . . . you need most, when you’re wounded. You need to know, what to do, . . . and, you need, the power, to do it. You see, when you get wounded, you don’t think straight. When you’ve been hurt, you start thinking, ways of retaliating, getting revenge. You’re not thinking clearly, . . . when you’re hurt, . . . and, you need wisdom. Job 12:13 – “True wisdom, and real power, belong to God. From Him, we learn how to live, and also, what to live for.”

You need wisdom, when you’ve been wounded. James 1:5 – “If anybody lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously, and does not criticize.” Then you need, to ask, for strength. That’s the power, to do the right thing. Psalm 37:39 – “The Lord saves good people, and He is their strength, in times of trouble.” Psalm 3:5 – “I can lie down and go to sleep, and I can wake up again, because the Lord gives me strength.”

1 Chron. 16:11 –“Go to the Lord for help, and worship Him.” When we say Hallelujah, . . . that’s Hebrew for, praise the Lord.” When you say Hallelujah, that means “Praise the Lord”, in Hebrew, and, that, . . . is worship.

***** The fourth way, to worship, when you’re wounded, is, . . . J – Join, gather with others, for support

The Join, of worship, means, God, doesn’t want you, to worship, by yourself. You were never meant, to handle all your pain, in life, by yourself. You were never meant, to handle all the grief, . . all the wounds, by yourself. In fact, until you learn, how to share your pain, and your wounds, . . with others, . . . you’re never, getting well.

You’re going to hurt, the rest of your life, . . . as long as you hold it in. We need, each other. God never meant, for you, to go through life, carrying your wounds, in silence. You’re never going, to get well, . . . until, you learn to share them, . . . with other people.

When we’re wounded, . . . it is human nature, . . . to withdraw. When we get hurt, . . . we put up barriers, and boundaries. We pull back, into a shell, and lock ourselves, into a self-imposed prison, and we say things like, “I’m never going to let, another person, hurt me, like that, . . I’m never going to let, anyone else, . . . get that close, any more.” . . . and, you keep everybody, at a big distance, . . . and, that, my friend, . . . is not smart.

You’re never, going to get well – healthy, happy, and whole again, until you learn, to open up again. Building walls, and keeping people at a distance, is a nice way, to live, . . . a miserable life. Love means, . . . being willing, to get hurt. Unless, you have that willingness, . . . to get hurt, . . . you can’t love, and without love, . . . you can’t live. The problem is, when we get wounded, . . . the natural reaction, . . . is to pull away.

Another of Job’s friends, named Elihu, gave, this advice: Job 36:18-24 – “Don’t let your anger, and the pain you endured, make you sneer, at God. Your reputation, and your riches, cannot protect you, from distress.”

In other words, you can be Joe Blow, or you can be Bill Gates, . . . but, you’re still, going to look funny, . . . in a hospital gown. When you go to a hospital, . . . pain is a great equalizer. All the reputation in the world, . . . can’t keep you, from getting sick. And, all the money in the world, . . can’t keep you, from having pain. When you’re hurting, . . . it doesn’t matter, who you are.

What’s he saying, here is, when you are in pain, you’re going to be tempted, to escape, . . . in a lot of ways, that are not good. I’m in pain, I’m lonely – I’ll go, have an affair. I’m in pain – I’ll go take drugs, or get drunk. There’s a ton of evil ways, to try to escape, from your pain. He says, don’t do that. It doesn’t work.

Job 36:18-24 – Don’t turn to evil, as a way, of escape. God’s power, is unlimited. He needs no teachers, to guide, or correct Him. Others, have praised God, for what He has done, so join with them.”

When you’re hurting, you’re in pain, . . . that’s the time, you need to get with your church family, and worship. When you’ve had a bad week, . . . that’s when you need, to make the extra effort, . . . to get with people, and worship. Join with those, who are praising God, . . . and, work with them, and pray with them. Worship!

Psalm 63:2 – “So here I am, in the place of worship, eyes open, drinking in, Your strength, and glory.” We’re in a place of worship, right now, together. Let’s worship, the presence, of Almighty God, . . . right now!

One last thing, you do, when you’re wounded. The final way, to worship, when you’re wounded. K – Keep on

Did you know, that keeping on, is actually, an act of worship? That persistence, . . is a form, of a prayer. That diligence, and determination, is a devotion, to God. Sometimes, when you’re wounded, you get the wrong advice. That’s why, you need to get it, . . . from good people, from godly people, from righteous people

Sometimes, you get it, from people, close to you, and they’re wrong. Job got some bad advice, and he got it, . . from, . . . his wife. Job 2:9-10 – “Job’s wife, said to him, ‘Are you still trying, to maintain, your integrity. Curse God, and die!’ Job replied, ‘You talk like, a godless woman. Should we accept, only good things, from the hand of God, and never, anything bad.’ In all of this, Job said nothing wrong.”

Job’s wife, may be getting, a bum rap, here. She may be trying, . . . to be sympathetic. She may be saying, “I see you, in so much pain. Why don’t you, just end it all? I’m sympathizing, with you.” It could, be that. No!

I don’t get this. God allows Satan, to take away everything, in Job’s life, his health, his wealth, and his family, but, he leaves one thing – a nagging wife. Come on! A nagging wife, is all You leave? Thank You, Lord!

Notice, Job’s response. The next verse, is the single greatest statement of faith, in the entire Bible, Job 13:15 – “Though, He slay me, . . . yet, will I trust Him.”

He says, “Things, may not, work out. God, may allow me, to die. I’m still, going to, trust Him. I don’t know. I can’t see, the future. I don’t know, what’s going on, behind the scenes, . . some spiritual battle, in my life.

I don’t know, what’s happening. But, I do know, that even if, God kills me, . . . I’m still going, to trust Him.

Would you, . . . do that? That, is the ultimate, statement of faith. When, “It all looks bad, . . . but, I know, God, that, You love me, . . . and, You have a plan, for my life. It doesn’t look like it, right now. So, even though, I don’t see it, . . . even, if You allow me to die, . . . I’m still, going to trust You.” ‘

That, is the ultimate, . . . statement of faith. That is, . . . maturity!!

What gave Job, that kind of depth? What gave Job, that kind of commitment, that kind of hope, that kind of faith? Job 19:25 – “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end, He will stand, upon the earth.”

What gave Job, the power to persist, throughout his pain, and not, just give up? What gave him, the power to keep on, keeping on? Job is looking forward, to a coming Savior. A redeemer. I know, I have a redeemer, and I know, that one day, on earth, He’s going to stand. He has a hope, in a coming redeemer, and he says, because of that, . . . I know, I can make it, . . . through, this pain. God is sending, a redeemer, a savior.

That same expectation, is all through scripture. Here’s just, one example. Isaiah 59:20 – “Then, a Savior, a redeemer will come, to Jerusalem, and to the people of Jacob, who have turned from sin, says the Lord.”

Then what is it, that the redeemer, going to do? Isaiah 56:3 – “All of us have strayed away, like sheep. We’ve left God’s path, . . . to follow our own. Yet, the Lord laid on Him, the guilt, and sins, of us all.”

Does that sound vaguely, . . . like anybody, you know? That’s what Jesus Christ, . . . came to do.

Why could Job worship, . . when he was wounded? He held on to the promise, of the coming Savior. One day, some day, there’s coming a redeemer, who’s going to forgive everything, we’ve ever done wrong, . . . so, that our past, will be forgiven, we have a purpose for living, . . . and, we have a home, in heaven.

Even if, we end up living in pain, the rest of our life, . . . it’s relatively short, compared to eternity. One day, because, we’ve put our trust in God, and in His redeemer, . . . then, one day, we will go, and be with Him. And, there will be no more pain there, and no more suffering, and no more sorrow. So, I’m hanging on, . . . because, I’m not just looking, at here and now. I’m looking at, what God has planned, for me, for eternity.

I don’t know where, . . you’ve been wounded, in life. I’m sorry, . . that, you’ve been hurt. But, I do know this. No matter, where you’ve been hurt, . . . the solution, to overcoming it, . . . is what you, put your trust in.

You put your trust, in other people, . . . they’re going, to let you down. You put your trust, in yourself, . . you’re going to, disappoint yourself. You put your trust, in the redeemer, in a Savior that God sent to earth – Jesus Christ – He’ll make all, the difference in the world.

HOW TO WORSHIP, WHEN YOU’RE WOUNDED, Worship From A to Z, Part 2 of 4




Job 1:20 – “Job stood up, tore his robe in grief, and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground and worshipped.” Job 7:11 – “I can't be quiet! I’m angry and bitter. I have to speak!”

Lamentations 2:19 – “Cry out in the night...Pour out your heart like water in prayer to the Lord.”

Jeremiah (Jer. 20:67) Naomi (Ruth 1:20) David (Ps. 88:15)


Job 1:21-22 – “Job said, ‘I came naked from my mother's womb and I shall have nothing when I die. The Lord gave me everything I had, and they were His to take away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!’ In all of this Job did not sin by blaming God.”

What you can praise God for:

That He is a good & loving God, Job 10:12; That He is all-powerful, Job 36:22, 37:5,23;

That He notices every detail of my life, Job 23:10, 31:4; That He is in control, Job 34:13;

That He has a plan for my life, Job 23:14; That He will protect me, Job 5:11


(Eliphaz) Job 5:8 – “If I were you, I would call on God and bring my problem before Him.”

Job 12:13 – “True wisdom and real power belong to God; from him we learn how to live, and also what to live for.”

Psalm 37:39 – “The Lord saves good people; He is their strength in times of trouble.”

Psalm 3:5 – “I can lie down and go to sleep, and I’ll wake up again, because the Lord gives me strength.”

1 Chronicles 16:11 – “Go to the Lord for help, and worship Him.”


(Elihu) Job 36:18-24 – “Don't let your anger and the pain you endured make you sneer at God. Your reputation and riches cannot protect you from distress, nor can you find safety in the dark world below. Be on guard! Don't turn to evil as a way of escape. God's power is unlimited. He needs no teachers to guide or correct Him. Others have praised God for what He has done, so join with them.”

Psalm 63:2 – “So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open, drinking in Your strength and glory.”


Job 2:9-10 – “Job’s wife said to him, ‘Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse God and die.’ But Job replied, ‘You talk like a godless woman. Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?’ So in all this, Job said nothing wrong.”

Job 13:15 – “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.”

Job 19:25 – “I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth.”

Isaiah 59:20 – “‘Then a Savior-Redeemer will come to Jerusalem and to the people of Jacob who have turned from sin,’ says the Lord.”

Isaiah 53:6 – “All of us have strayed away like sheep. We have left God's paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on Him the guilt and sins of us all.”


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