
Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 1

New Words to read:

|fail |day |may |

|wait |wit |tail |

|way |say |sail |

|maid |mad |stay |

|pain |pail |play |

|hay |jail |aid |

Challenge Words:

|raindrop |mailbox | |

|midday |railway | |

|payday | | |

Sight Words:

|were |you | |

|of |said | |

|have |after | |

|from |my | |

|to |they | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 2

New Words to read:

|ray |mail |gain |

|Jay |paint |pant |

|trail |rail |train |

|brain |play |lay |

|tray |braid |gray |

|clay |faint |fin |

Challenge Words:

|paintbrush |waitress | |

|pigtail |crayon | |

|maintain | | |

Sight Words:

|were |said | |

|you |to | |

|of |are | |

|look |was | |

|my |have | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 3

New Words to read:

|bay |main |man |

|Gail |bat |bait |

|bit |pray |pay |

|stay |plan |plain |

|drain |grain |raid |

|Ray |spray |raise |

Challenge Words:

|explain |paycheck | |

|mainland |subway | |

|waistband | | |

Sight Words:

|they |were | |

|said |you | |

|after |my | |

|have |put | |

|saw |of | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 4

New Words to read:

|beef |eat |sea |

|say |week |tea |

|meat |beach |need |

|see |lead |feed |

|each |deep |trail |

|beat |bait |beets |

Challenge Words:

|seashell |peanut | |

|seaweed |payment | |

|sunbeam | | |

Sight Words:

|there |were | |

|things |have | |

|some |people | |

|you |little | |

|of |water | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 5

New Words to read:

|deep |keep |team |

|fail |feel |read |

|raid |jeep |weed |

|peel |pail |seal |

|clean |meet |treat |

|trait |hail |cream |

Challenge Words:

|freeway |indeed | |

|seasick |reason | |

|freedom | | |

Sight Words:

|there |things | |

|they |were | |

|some |water | |

|into |you | |

|from |people | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 6

New Words to read:

|reach |three |sheep |

|tree |tray |leak |

|heel |hail |wheel |

|sleep |green |grain |

|speak |steal |teeth |

|dream |scream |spray |

Challenge Words:

|teapot |steamship | |

|sleepless |treetop | |

|speedway | | |

Sight Words:

|said |were | |

|there |saw | |

|down |have | |

|you |was | |

|to |little | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 7

New Words to read:

|own |float |toad |

|road |read |flow |

|bail |bowl |grow |

|soap |leaf |loaf |

|bait |boat |show |

|soak |low |moan |

Challenge Words:

|window |roadbed | |

|elbow |oatmeal | |

|yellow | | |

Sight Words:

|all |there | |

|water |they | |

|work |you | |

|put |said | |

|were |from | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 8

New Words to read:

|tow |goat |loan |

|lean |glow |rail |

|roast |bay |bow |

|blown |mean |float |

|tea |toast |coach |

|coast |fleet |throw |

Challenge Words:

|pillow |boatload | |

|snowman |rainbow | |

|fellow | | |

Sight Words:

|all |they | |

|there |are | |

|water |were | |

|said |little | |

|you |saw | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 9

New Words to read:

|coal |slow |flown |

|may |mow |goal |

|throw |Gail |foam |

|groan |shown |green |

|growth |soak |gray |

|cloak |boast |beast |

Challenge Words:

|snowdrift |shadow | |

|sailboat |follow | |

|coatrack |seacoast | |

Sight Words:

|there |to | |

|work |all | |

|after |was | |

|you |little | |

|said |were | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 10

New Words to read:

|high |night |fight |

|flow |sight |saint |

|blown |bright |teeth |

|cheat |coast |right |

|sigh |see |say |

|hay |bleach |blow |

Challenge Words:

|highway |gaslight | |

|upright |insight | |

|railroad |speedboat | |

Sight Words:

|do |after | |

|all |saw | |

|of |were | |

|water |you | |

|was |there | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 11

New Words to read:

|light |slight |high |

|trail |right |screen |

|snail |sight |street |

|throat |sheet |thigh |

|flight |tray |spray |

|bright |speech |might |

Challenge Words:

|sightless |stoplight | |

|nightfall |handrail | |

|daydream |trainload | |

Sight Words:

|do |what | |

|all |where | |

|said |there | |

|have |were | |

|they |you | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 15

New Words to read:

|state |ate |brave |

|fate |at |plane |

|brake |fat |plan |

|glad |whale |shape |

|clap |lame |grape |

|snake |slap |wave |

Challenge Words:

|shipment |statement | |

|upgrade |exhale | |

|whaleboat |demonstrate | |

Sight Words:

|he |me |she |

|we |be |where |

|they |do |what |

|water |there |down |

|look |all |were |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 16

New Words to read:

|case |flat |shame |

|ham |rate |trade |

|flake |date |lack |

|plate |van |slave |

|sale |plant |vane |

|fame |skate |crate |

Challenge Words:

|lateness |wasteland | |

|landscape |shapeless | |

|escape |contemplate | |

Sight Words:

|my |by |why |

|cry |dry |where |

|some |do |what |

|work |there |after |

|all |have |down |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 17

New Words to read:

|line |ride |nine |

|dim |dime |time |

|hide |hid |white |

|Tim |kite |kit |

|ripe |rip |fine |

|fin |smile |five |

Challenge Words:

|dislike |nineteen | |

|bathrobe |reptile | |

|sideways |intimidate | |

Sight Words:

|my |why |cry |

|try |dry |what |

|school |after |where |

|some |do |were |

|there |of |all |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 18

New Words to read:

|robe |joke |bone |

|rode |vote |rod |

|hope |rod |note |

|rose |not |hole |

|hope |woke |poke |

|cone |nose |code |

Challenge Words:

|sunstroke |backbone | |

|hopeless |explode | |

|mealtime |nightingale | |

Sight Words:

|by |try |why |

|dry |cry |where |

|what |after |were |

|put |there |of |

|do |you |all |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 19

New Words to read:

|pave |pill |pile |

|fine |fin |shade |

|ram |those |frame |

|smoke |rope |smock |

|pine |pin |side |

|Sid |spoke |drive |

Challenge Words:

|daytime |tightrope | |

|teammate |maypole | |

|mealtime |holiday | |

Sight Words:

|my |dry |why |

|cry |by |what |

|school |where |from |

|are |all |you |

|saw |do |there |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 20

New Words to read:

|bike |brat |save |

|blame |glob |globe |

|lick |vase |like |

|mill |mile |shape |

|cave |whip |wide |

|slid |broke |slide |

Challenge Words:

|lifebelt |capsize | |

|pipeline |drainpipe | |

|trade wind |candidate | |

Sight Words:

|my |by |what |

|cry |dry |what |

|after |were |where |

|you |all |said |

|there |do |she |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 21

New Words to read:

|car |bark |far |

|farm |foam |Barb |

|star |part |stay |

|park |peek |fight |

|march |barn |paint |

|start |steam |smart |

Challenge Words:

|artist |carpet | |

|marlin |garden | |

|harvest |artistic | |

Sight Words:

|would |should |could |

|been |what |some |

|by |where |you |

|all |do |of |

|said | | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 22

New Words to read:

|jar |arm |hard |

|scar |Jay |speed |

|aim |spark |art |

|eat |mark |card |

|marsh |meek |might |

|yard |oats |scarf |

Challenge Words:

|harmless |market | |

|arctic |garlic | |

|Martin |garnishment | |

Sight Words:

|could |should |would |

|been |there |what |

|work |where |all |

|you |of |after |

|they | | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 23

New Words to read:

|dart |yarn |tar |

|tow |Mars |hark |

|shark |bar |bow |

|charm |cheat |chart |

|harp |cart |coat |

|day |sharp |sheet |

Challenge Words:

|marshland |tarnish |discard |

|barnyard |sharpen |inartistic |

| | | |

Sight Words:

|should |could |would |

|where |been |after |

|what |saw |were |

|from |you |there |

|water |said | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 24

New Words to read:

|her |fern |farm |

|hay |term |train |

|verb |herd |hard |

|own |tart |Herb |

|clerk |cloak |cheek |

|germ |smart |perk |

Challenge Words:

|perfect |sherbet |modern |

|verdict |lantern |enter |

|gardener |yesterday |September |

Sight Words:

|my |why |by |

|cry |dry |come |

|who |been |where |

|there |said |were |

|what |you |school |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 25

New Words to read:

|Bert |jerk |jeep |

|harp |term |Herb |

|Bart |team |perch |

|serve |sight |peach |

|part |night |nerve |

|swerve |yard |card |

Challenge Words:

|mermaid |member |checkers |

|permit |pattern |hamster |

|winter |carpenter |grasshopper |

Sight Words:

|she |he |me |

|be |we |come |

|who |been |would |

|where |school |what |

|are |work |after |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 26

New Words to read:

|her |berg |bright |

|verse |bark |verb |

|clay |perk |park |

|clerk |Clark |herb |

|start |stern |stain |

|dark |serve |harm |

Challenge Words:

|better |whisper | |

|rocker |sister | |

|gather |never | |

|number |perhaps | |

|kindergarten | | |

Sight Words:

|could |should |would |

|come |who |been |

|where |very |they |

|you |what |work |

|said | | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 27

New Words to read:

|for |corn |fort |

|fern |worn |cart |

|sport |spark |storm |

|north |speed |star |

|coach |horse |tore |

|shore |need |wore |

Challenge Words:

|corner |order |border |

|popcorn |morning |horseback |

|dinner |shelter |performer |

Sight Words:

|my |cry |by |

|dry |why |your |

|come |down |who |

|where |little |she |

|been |what |could |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 28

New Words to read:

|nor |born |barn |

|clerk |more |coat |

|port |part |cord |

|fleet |fork |torch |

|torn |short |lord |

|team |thorn |term |

Challenge Words:

|effort |corrupt |forget |

|forest |correct |thunder |

|river |important |harvester |

Sight Words:

|should |would |could |

|your |who |come |

|saw |where |been |

|you |why |what |

|said | | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 29

New Words to read:

|pork |horn |sort |

|herd |park |sport |

|stork |lard |street |

|pray |snore |store |

|chore |sneak |form |

|fern |core | |

Challenge Words:

|absorb |northwest |support |

|hornet |partner |monster |

|instructor |peppermint |different |

Sight Words:

|she |he |be |

|me |we |your |

|where |who |been |

|come |should |what |

|could |school |have |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 30

New Words to read:

|fir |turn |term |

|burn |fur |for |

|dirt |dart |girl |

|hurt |stir |star |

|thud |first |spurt |

|sport |fort |churn |

Challenge Words:

|doctor |further |birthday |

|surprise |thirteen |occur |

|confirm |hamburger |frankfurter |

Sight Words:

|use |your |could |

|come |have |little |

|said |been |there |

|you | | |

| | | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 31

New Words to read:

|sir |bird |bead |

|shirt |curb |sheet |

|thirst |skirt |sharp |

|purr |chain |churn |

|start |blur |purse |

|hurl |cheap |chirp |

Challenge Words:

|Thursday |whirlwind |sharpen |

|disturb |burden |stirrup |

|farther |cheeseburger |hurricane |

Sight Words:

|would |use | |

|after |your | |

|who |been | |

|come |you | |

|they |what | |

Name: _______________________________ Lesson: 32

New Words to read:

|firm |burp |farm |

|curl |Barb |Carl |

|cure |blurt |bleed |

|nurse |birth |nerve |

|birch |Kirk |whirl |

|curve |twirl |carve |

Challenge Words:

|surplus |burlap |monarch |

|turnip |arcade |murmur |

|northern |underbrush |misinterpret |

Sight Words:

|use |they | |

|your |should | |

|were |who | |

|work |come | |

|are |been | |


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