Have a look at these great ideas of things to try during lockdown. Thanks to Calleigh, Eilidh, Chloe, Amelie and Kubilai for their suggestions (I would definitely recommend trying Calleigh’s banana bread!).-25518115750900-19138611695800center-145856500center1079500center40683600right1063300-38277221265100Fun things to do in quarantine!Set yourself a goal to achieve and keep trying everyday until you achieve it.Try and find something new about yourself like a hidden talent.I recommend an app called Roblox I love it there are a variety of games to play and it is so much fun.Go on a walk/run/bike ride it feels really good you feel so relaxed and get some fresh air. Find a new movie that you like.Go on Facetime with your friends if you have a phone or a Ipad or anything really if not ask your mum to borrow her phone. Facetime a family member to see what they have been getting up to. You can also type up on Youtube how to draw whatever you want and it will go through it step by step for you.You could see how long it takes you to do something for example how long does it take you to go up and down your stairs 3 times but it could be anything.If you get really bored you could also do some extra school work like if your teacher has set you a task on Sumdog for example try do some bonus questions. -160469231214300 ................

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