Thrilling Surprise

You View: LessonInstructions for the Day: (same as Week 1, Day 1)Tutorial Video: Login to Edmentum and complete the tutorial on Planning a Sequence of Ideas Tutorial 1. Complete the Planning a Sequence of Ideas 1 Edmentum Tutorial Notes below as you watch the tutorial video. *Directions for accessing Edmentum are on VUE under At Home Learning or Teams under the tab How to Access Edmentum Student Dashboard. Planning a Sequence of Ideas Tutorial 1: Edmentum Tutorial NotesComplete these notes as you watch the tutorial on Edmentum.1. Whether you use boxes and arrows or other techniques, it’s a good idea to ______________ your writing before you start.2. The main idea about the first essay example is about how dogs need attention and exercise. However, the writer included two details that do not belong. Select ALL of the following that do not belong in the essay.Parent’s old dogNeighbor’s dog and exerciseSad eyes of the neighbor’s dog3. Some paragraphs in the first essay example include more than one topic. Based on the writer’s outline, what was wrong with paragraph 2?It included information about exercise and nutrition instead of just exercise.It included information about 3 different dogs instead of sticking to just one dog.It flipped back and forth between attention and exercise.4. On Slide 7, note some changes that helped to organize the ideas so that the examples build up to a conclusion.5. In the new version of the essay, the outline shows better organization because each example focuses on EITHER the writer’s dog or the neighbor’s dog and on EITHER attention or exercise. Thanks to this better organized outline, the writer is able to add more _________________ about the neighbor’s dog to strengthen his argument.6. Read the essay about Early Medical Techniques on slide 9. Then fill in the outline below:Structure: Early Medical TechniquesIntroduction comparing health care today and in previous centuries________________________________________________________Example of old technique: bleedingExample 2: blistering_________________________________________________________Conclusion: comparing then, now7. In a well-organized essay like the one on medical techniques, the beginning and the end form a ______________ around the rest of the essay. This helps to keep the essay focused on the main idea.8. Summary: One strategy to use to help you organize writing is to arrange ideas into _______________________ to help order them to best effect. This can be done for an entire essay or for an expository paragraph. You Do: PracticeRead the Newsela article below and then write one expository paragraph (a paragraph that explains) to summarize the main idea of the article. The pandemic canceled their wedding, so they held it in "Animal Crossing"By Washington Post, adapted by Newsela staff on 04.14.20Word Count 700Level 830LNintendo’s new game, "Animal Crossing: New Horizons," released on March 20, has become wildly popular. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and social distancing, many people have turned to "Animal Crossing" as a substitute for social events and outings. Photo: NintendoSharmin Asha and Nazmul Ahmed were supposed to get married. Then, the coronavirus hit. With the illness sweeping the world, they realized it was not safe to bring their family and friends together. They would have to cancel their wedding. The event is now pushed back until next year. "We were basically 99-percent ready to get married, which unfortunately did not happen," Asha said.Thrilling SurpriseThe 28-year-old New Jersey couple tried to move past their disappointment. They took up the new Nintendo game, "Animal Crossing: New Horizons." The couple enjoyed their time with the life simulator, harvesting resources and using them to build their own islands with new buildings and items. Then Asha experienced a thrilling surprise."Nazmul invited me over to collect resources (on his island) since he had been playing longer than me," Asha said. "As soon as I got there, he was at the airport and there were arrows on the ground. He told me there was some special in-game event, so we followed them."The arrows led Asha through the town, where she picked up flowers. She found their friends waiting on a beach with their own "Animal Crossing" characters. Ahmed had planned a surprise beach wedding within the game. He got everything ready and had their friends in a video chat on mute until the big reveal.Asha and Ahmed's story is becoming more common as people across the world use "Animal Crossing" to stand in for canceled events.The outbreak of the new coronavirus has closed borders, pushed back planned events and forced people to stay home. Staying away from others slows the spread of the illness. It also protects people at risk. Popular Replacement For Real WorldThe "Animal Crossing" wedding ceremony will not replace their actual wedding, Asha and Ahmed said. For now, though, the game has served as a popular replacement for the real world."New Horizons" is the fifth game in the Nintendo series. The most recent edition was released on March 20. The first version of the game came out in 2012. The game is so popular that "Animal Crossing" jokes, videos and memes have flooded the internet.Dang Ton is a senior in college. He said the game is the closest many can have to a normal life right now. Ton tweeted a video showing his "Animal Crossing" character accepting a diploma after his school shut down. Ton made the video as a joke. However, an actual graduation ceremony for him and other graduates may not happen.Many "Animal Crossing"-imitating-life posts are about people like Asha, Ton or Evan Latt. Latt held his 31st birthday party inside the game in late March. He would have hung out with friends in town. They are all following social distancing rules, though. They are staying at their homes and not visiting each other. So instead, Latt traveled through his friends' "Animal Crossing" villages. His friends brought him gifts he can use in the game. They all hung out in the game and talked through a video chat."New Horizons" came out at the perfect time. Fans are using the game to take the place of events that can no longer happen in person. "Most of us were planning on getting it but not playing it as hard as we did," said Latt's friendAaron Traylor. He lives in Providence, Rhode Island. "''Animal Crossing' hit at the right time."Traylor is a commentator for Pokémon tournaments. After a tournament was canceled, Traylor used "Animal Crossing" to re-create the venue. He got the other announcers to join him. Since the rest of the tournaments are postponed, "Animal Crossing" is the best way to fill the void."I'm honestly really sad," said Traylor.Both longtime fans and new players agreed that "New Horizons" came at the perfect time. The game gives them a deeper connection with their faraway loved ones."Even though it wasn't in real life, in times like this it's important to be connected with those that are close to you," said Asha. "For us to have to go through the cancellation of our wedding, seeing all the people we care about come together meant a lot to me."Write your paragraph on the next page in the box provided.Use the graphic organizer below to help you plan your expository paragraph. Remember this paragraph should explain the main idea about the article you just read. This is basically a summary paragraph. Make sure your detail sentences support your topic sentence. Your topic sentence should answer the question: What is the main idea of this article? Use only the most important details, and be sure those details are in a sequence (order) that make sense. When you finish, read your paragraph aloud from start to finish to make sure the sequence of your details makes ic sentence:Supporting detail 1:Supporting detail 2:Supporting detail 3:Concluding sentence:Here is an example of an expository paragraph:In "School is Bad for Children," John Holt argues that education systems ruin children's intellectual development, and he suggests improvements. He points out that pre-school children are already skilled learners, since they ask questions about everything. However, schools isolate children from the real world, and children become passive. He thinks that the situation could be improved by introducing more freedom and flexibility. Attendance would be voluntary, and learning would take place outside the classroom. In addition, he suggests interactive group learning. This would help students develop their natural curiosity and improve their intelligence.Adapted from My Final ParagraphNeed Help: Remediation ActivitiesThis is optional and meant to be extra practice if you need it. Email, text, or Teams chat if you need help or have questions. Click the links in blue to get extra practice. Keys are there for you to check your work.Watch this short video to review main ideas and detailsAdditional practice with main idea and details in writingPractice on this Quia quizTaking It Further: Acceleration ActivitiesThis is optional and meant to accelerate your learning if you want to take it beyond the original activity. Email, text, or Teams chat if you need help or have questions. Click the links in blue to get extra practice. Keys are there for you to check your work.Summarizing the Author’s Main IdeaComplete this TSI practice test on main idea. Answers appear at the end of the practice test. ................

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