Contact info:

Caribbean Fisheries, Training and Development Institute:

#1 Avenue South, Chaguaramas

Tel/Fax: 634-1635/1865

Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI)

Headquarters Address

University of the West Indies, St. Augustine

Tel: 662-7161/2 Fax: 662-7177

E-mail: mail@ Website:

Eastern Caribbean Institute of Agriculture and Forestry


Caroni North Bank Road , Centeno

Tel: 646-2650 Fax 646-3964

Email: ecaif@.tt

Inter-American Institute for Co-operation on Agriculture (IICA)

#10 Austin Street, St. Augustine

Tel: 645-4555/645-5020 Fax: 662-8253

Email: iica.tt@iica.int

Website: iica.int/en/countries/trinidad-and-tobago

Institute of Marine Affairs

P.O Box 3160, Carenage

Tel: 634-4291-4 Fax: 634-4433

Email: director@.tt Website: .tt

Farmers¡¯ Training Center

Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries

Caroni North Bank, Centeno

Tel: 642-0167/ 646-1966

University of Trinidad and Tobago

Main Campus

Lot #74-98 O¡¯meara Industrial Park, Arima

Tel: 642- 8888/ 643-0004 Fax: 643-1617

Website: utt.edu.tt

University of the West Indies

St. Agustine Campus, St. Agustine

Tel: 662-2002 Fax: 663-9684

Visit any of our conveniently located

Customer Service Centers today


87 Henry Street

Tel: 623-6261/5


7 Cipero Street

Tel: 652- 3084/ 652-1130


29 Ramsarsan Street

Tel: 665-5861/ 672- 2326


L.P #917

Eastern Main Road

Tel: 691- 3718/ 3959/ 3961


#13 Young Street

Scarborough 901018

Tel: 639-2888/ 635- 0457


What Career Options Exist?

Whether you want a hands-on job in the field, a position that

allows you to travel across the country, or even an analytical job

in a lab, agriculture has a career path that¡¯s right for you.

On the Farm

Agriculture, or rather ¡°new agriculture¡±, (as experts in

the field now know it), is a field worth looking into. New

agriculture aims to kick the old ideas about agriculture

off the farm and onto the entrepreneurial expressway. It

is knowledge based, technology driven and environment

friendly. New agriculture endorses the concept of agri-business,

the broad term used to describe the various enterprises involved

in modern-day food production such as:







Primary Products (crops, livestock, fish)

Agri-Services (input supplies-seedlings/seeds, agro chemicals,

mechanical services)

Marketing (wholesale and retail sales and distribution)

Advisory Services



So what¡¯s cool about Agri-Business?

It takes more than farmers to feed a country.

This is the thinking behind agri-business, so career options in this

field go beyond farming. They are more diverse than you might

think; supporting our nation¡¯s thrust towards developing a modern,

sustainable, and competitive agriculture sector.

In agri-business, there are incredible opportunities that go beyond

traditional farming and livestock rearing. They allow you to be

creative, to explore new challenges, and to sometimes even,

boldly go where no man has gone before! Agri-business gives

you the challenge to pursue niche job markets and fill the

gap in areas starved for young, inventive talent. It gives you

the chance to grow as a professional and have a rewarding


By being part of the system that delivers food to the

nation on a daily basis, you help reduce poverty and

eradicate hunger. You contribute in a real way to the

lives of your fellowman and to the development

of your country. In fact, you are a champion for

National Food and Nutrition Security!


- Specializes in food crop, livestock and fish production.

Farm /Estate Manager

- Oversees large-scale operations and keeps records on all

operation and marketing processes.

Hatchery Manager

- Responsible for ensuring that the operation is run efficiently

and that a high percentage of the eggs hatch.

Nursery Operator

- Plans, organizes, and directs the activities of nursery and

seedling operations.

On the Sea Boat

Boat Captain

- Head of fishing vessel, responsible

for navigation and overall fishing

operations at sea.

Fisher Folk

- Catches fish for a living or sport.

Fish Marketer

- Stores and sells fish, wholesale or


Marine Biologist

- Studies and researches marine

plants, animals or other organisms

and their interaction with the


In the Field

Extension Officer

- Makes field visits to farms in various agricultural sub-sectors;

collect statistics on current activities; advises farmers on latest

technologies and trends, provides project support for farmers

with problems.


- Practices forestry and may engage in activities like timber

harvesting, ecological restoration and management of protected



- A doctor who specializes in animal health.

Bovine Embryo Implant Technician

- Collects immature eggs from cow ovaries to be matured and

fertilized artificially.

Quality Assurance Specialist

- Advises, trains and monitors adherence to standards for

food security in farm and agri-business operations. Facilitates

certification and development of food safety standards for the entire

food value chain.

Agricultural Engineer

- Practices engineering specific to agri-business projects.

On the Road

Market Research Assistant

- Collects prices and other agricultural data for a select group

of commodities; data may be used for pricing commodities on

wholesale and retail markets or for making organizational decisions.


- Responsible for the sale of fresh or processed agricultural products

and by-products to wholesale and retail markets.

Input Supplier

- Provides essential supplies to farming operations like seeds,

chemicals and equipment e.g. Agricultural Input Supply Co-owner/


In The Lab

Geneticist (Plant/ Animal Breeder)

- Applies a range of techniques to produce

new and improved varieties of plants or

animals important for food production.

Pathologist (Plant/ Animal/ Fish)

- Studies, interprets, and diagnoses diseases

and abnormalities of plants/ animals/ fish.

Soil Scientist

- Studies the distribution, fertility, chemical

and organic composition of soil to assist

farmers to maximize productivity and

profitability. Also advises on irrigation.

In The Office

Agriculture Teacher/ Lecturer

- Instructs students in the basics of the science of agriculture at

school and at university levels.

Marketing Manager

- Oversees the domestic and international marketing of products

and services produced and/or distributed by an agri-enterprise.

Plans policies and strategies for the growth and development of the

overall agricultural sector.

Programme Planner

- May plan short and long-term agricultural programmes, especially

those in education and production.

Policy Planner

- Plans policies and strategies for the growth and development of the

overall agricultural sector.

Credit Officer

- Assesses agri-business projects for technical feasibility and financial

viability and monitors projects for appropriate implementation.


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