Professional Positions

DR. Jacob S. SollOctober, 2018_____________________________________________________________________ Department of Philosophy 3450 Vista Haven RoadUniversity of Southern California Sherman Oaks, CA Los Angeles, CA 90089-0034 91403 USA (213) 740-4084 (267) 496-1005 email: soll@usc.eduProfessional PositionsUniversity Professor (February, 2018), University of Southern CaliforniaProfessor (July, 2012), Departments of Philosophy, History, and AccountingUniversity of Southern California, Dornsife College and Leventhal School of AccountingProfessor (July, 2010), Department of History, Rutgers University, Camden, from September, 1999. The Graduate Faculty, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 2006.Fernand Braudel Visiting Professor, European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy, 2007Lecturer, Department of History, Princeton University, 1997-99EducationPh.D. Cambridge University, Early Modern European History, October, 1998D.?.A. ?cole des Hautes ?tudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, October, 1993B.A. History, French minor, Honors and Distinction, University of Iowa, 1991Books The Reckoning: Financial Accountability and the Rise and Fall of Nations (Basic Books, 2014). More than 60,000 copies sold worldwide. Reviewed around the world by the major press, WSJ, Financial Times, Prospect, The Literary Review, The Chronicle of Higher Education, etc. plus positive reviews in papers in the UK, China, India, New Zealand, Australia, Holland, Italy; NPR, BBC, and other radio interviews and related articles in the NYT, Boston Globe, Slate, Bloomberg, Barons, Fortune etc. Foreign editions: Penguin, UK (Hardcover and 2nd paperback edition); Lua de Papel, Portugal; Leya, Brazil; CITIC, China; Korea; Taiwan; Greece, Diplographica. The Japanese translation, published by Bungei Shunju, has sold more than 40,000 copies since April 2015, and was positively reviewed by every major Japanese, Tiawanese and Korean daily. The Taiwanese edition is also a bestseller, while the Greek edition has received significant coverage. The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s Secret State Intelligence System (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2009; paperback 2nd edition, 2011).Publishing The Prince: History, Reading, and the Birth of Political Criticism 1513-1789 (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2005; ; paperback 2nd edition 2009). Winner of the American Philosophical Society Jacques Barzun Prize in Cultural History.Books in Progress Free Market: The History of a Dream (Under contract, Basic Books, in progress) The Enlightenment Library and the Quest for Universal Knowledge (Under Contract, Yale University Press, in progress). Jean-Baptiste Colbert: Economic Writings (Commissioned Contract, Anthem Press, in progress)Edited Works Paula Findlen, Jacob Soll and Corey Tazzara, eds., Florence After the Medici: Tuscan Enlightenment, 1737-1790 (New York: Routledge, 2019)The Republic of Letters between Renaissance and Enlightenment, Editor, special issue of e-journal, Republics of Letters, published by Stanford University: The Uses of Historical Evidence in Early Modern Europe, Special Issue of the Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (2003), editor.Refereed Articles ? “To the History of the Book and Back Again: Bibliography, Sociology and the Historiography of Knowledge,” forthcoming, Journal of Interdiscplinary History ? “Jean Baptiste Colbert: Accounting and the Genesis of a State Archive in Early Modern France,” Proceedings of the British Society 212 (2018). ? “From Virtue to Surplus: Jacques Necker’s Compte Rendu (1781) and the Origins of Modern Political Discourse,” Representations 134 (2016), pp. 29-63. ? “The Reception of The Prince, Or Why We Understand Machiavelli the Way we Do,”Social Research. An International Quarterly, 1 (2014), pp. 31-60. ? “From Note-Taking to Data Banks: Personal and Institutional Information Management in Early Modern Europe,” 20: 3 (2010), Intellectual History Review, pp. 355-75. ? “Accounting for Government: Holland and the Rise of Political Economy in Seventeenth Century Europe,” The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XL: 2 (Autumn, 2009), pp. 215-238. ? “The Cultural Origins of the Think Tank in Early Modern France: From the Dupuy Academy to Colbert’s Policy Library,” in German, “Die kulturellen Ursprünge des Think Tanks im Frankreich der Frühen Neuzeit: Von der Akademie der Brüder Dupuy zu Colberts staatspolitischer Bibliothek,” Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte, 3 (2009), pp. 44-60. ? “Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s Republic of Letters,” Republics of Letters, on-line e-Journal, Stanford University, 1(2009), colbert%E2%80%99s-republic-letters-by-jacob-soll ? “How to Manage an Information State: Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s Letters to His Son,” in Ann Blair and Jennifer Milligan, eds, “Toward a Cultural History of Archives, special issue of Archival Science, vol. 7, 4 (2007), pp. 331-342. ? “J. G. A. Pocock and the Republic of History: Tacitus, Machiavelli and John Adams in the Atlantic Tradition,” Shiso (Special Issue in Honor of J. G. A Pocock in Japanese, February, 2008), pp. 82-107. Revised English version in Republics of Letters 2,1 (2010): URL: ? “The Antiquary and the Information State: Colbert’s Archives, Secret Histories and the Affaire of the Régale 1663-1682,” French Historical Studies 31 (2008), pp. 3-28. ? “The Uses of Historical Evidence in Early Modern Europe” Journal of the History of Ideas, 64 (2003), pp. 149-57. ? “Empirical History and the Transformation of Political Criticism in France from Bodin to Bayle”Journal of the History of Ideas, 64 (2003), pp. 297-316. ? “Healing the Body Politic: French Royal Doctors, History and the Birth of a Nation 1560-1634” Renaissance Quarterly 55 (2002), pp. 1259-1286. ? “Amelot de La Houssaye (1634-1706) Annotates Tacitus”Journal of the History of Ideas 2 (2000) pp. 167-187.(Winner of the Forkosch Prize)? “Amelot de La Houssaye and the Tacitean Tradition in France” Translation and Literature 6 (1997) pp. 186-202.? “The Hand-Annotated Copy of the Histoire du gouvernement de Venise, or HowAmelot de La Houssaye Wrote his History,” Bulletin du Bibliophile 2 (1995) pp. 279-293.Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings ? “Accounting, Information and Politics in Early Modern Europe,” forthcoming in Blair, Goering and Grafton, eds. A History of Information in Early Modern Europe ? “The Encyclopedic Prince: Grand Duke Peter Leopold (1747-1792) and the Meaning of Tuscan Enlightenment,” in Findlen, Soll, and Tazzara, 2019 ? “The Grafton Method, or the Science of Tradition,” in Ann Blair and Anja-Silvia Goeing, eds., For the Sake of Learning: Essays in Honor of Anthony Grafton, 2 vols. (Leiden: Brill, 2016), 2, pp. 1019-1032. ? “Intellectual History and the History of the Book,” in Richard Whatmore and Brian Young, eds. A Companion to Intellectual History, (Chichester: John Wiley And Sons/Blackwell, 2016), pp. 72-82. ? “Accounting and Accountability in Dutch Civic Life,” in Margaret Jacob and Catherine Secretan, eds., In Praise of Ordinary People: Early Modern Britain And the Dutch Republic (London: Palgrave, 2014) ? “Introduction: Translating The Prince by Many Hands,” to Roberto Del Pol, ed., The First Translations of The Prince (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010), pp. 9-14. ? “A Lipsian Legacy? Neo-Absolutism, Natural Law and the Decline of Reason of State in France 1660-1760,” in Erik de Bom, Marijke Janssens, Jan Papy, and Toon Van Houdt, eds., Unmasking the Realities of Power: Justus Lipsius and the Dynamics of Political Writing in Early Modern Europe (Leiden: Brill, 2010), pp. 307-23. ? “Louis XIV and the Golden Notebooks: Reason of State, Political Economy, and the Rise of Royal Information Culture, forthcoming, in Jean-Pau Rubiès and Filippo di Vivo, eds., Exploring Cultural History: Essays in Honour of Peter Burke (London: Ashgate, 2010), pp. 151-68. ? “Machiavelli, Justus Lipsius, and the Idea of Civic Prudence: Tracing the European Fortunes of The Prince 1513-1700,” in Artemio Enzo Baldini, ed., Machiavellismo e machiavellismi nella tradizione politica eurpea (secoli XVI XIX). Una prima ricognizione. Atti del Convegno internazionale di Torino, 8-9 settembre 2005 (Florence: Olschki, 2011).? “Jean-Baptiste Colberts geheimes Staatsinformationssystem und die Krise der bürgerlichen Gelehrsamkeit in Frankreich 1600-1750,” in Arndt Brendecke, Markus Friedrich and Susanne Friedrich, eds., “Information in der Frühen Neuzeit. Status, Best?nde, Strategien,” Pluralisierung & Autorit?t (Münster: LIT Verlag, 2008), pp. 359-74. ? “Entre bibliothèquaire et agent d’information: Baluze au service de Jean Baptiste Colbert,” in Jean Boutier, ed., ?tienne Baluze (1630-1718):?rudition et politique dans l’Europe classique (Limoges: Presses Universitaires de Limoges, 2008), pp. 79-91. Journalism ? “Crashed” (Review), The New Republic, 2018 ? “How Islam Shaped the Enlightenment” (Review), The New Republic, 2018? “The Zookeeper’s Wife” (Review), The New Republic, 2017? “The Long and Brutal History of Fake News,” Politico, 2016? “Accountants Must Rebrand Themselves,” Leading editorial for Economia, 2016 the UK’s most important accounting publication? Five articles for Politico, Summer and Fall 2015? “Germany’s Destructive Anger,”New York Times Op-Ed, July 15, 2015? “Greece’s Accounting Problem,”New York Times Op-Ed, Jan 20, 2015? “The Culture of Criticism: What We Owe the Enlightenment,” The New Republic, May 24, 2015 (more than 2,000 social media shares)? “Trees in a Forest of Knoweldge: From Page to Pixel in Manuel Lima’s The Book of Trees,” Perspectives, October, 2014? “The Vanished Grandeur of Accounting: Once, Bookkepers Were Valorized in Art. Sound Funny? The Joke Might Be On Us,”Boston Globe, Op-Ed, June 8, 2014? “No Accounting Skills, No Moral Reckoning,” New York Times Op-Ed April 27, 2014 ? “The Economic Logic of the Humanities,” Chronicle of Higher Education Feb. 24, 2014? “For The Love of Old Paper,” Chronicle of Higher Education, September 23, 2013? “Why the World Should Learn to Love Good Accountants,”Think Magazine (The Qatar Foundation), July 18, 2013 ? “Colbertism Failed in France: Will it Succed in China?”The Boston Globe, July 14, 2013 ? “Someone Tell the Vatican: Monarchy and Banks Don’t Mix”The Boston Globe, June 9, 2013 ? “I Would Prefer Not To: What Paperwork Means to Modern Life,”The New Republic, January 10, 2013 ? “Accounted For: The Origins of Modern Finance,” The New Republic, Oct 17, 2012 ? “History as Fantasy,” The New Republic, March 29, 2012 ? “Note This,” The New Republic, August 25, 2011 ? “Hawking History,” Book Forum, Dec. 2009 ? “Avoidance by the Numbers,” New York Times Sunday Op-Ed Page, Nov 21, 2009Other Essays and Review Articles? “Bibliotheques et lecteurs dans l’Euope moderne,”(review) Journal of Modern History, 90 (2018), pp. 671-673. ? “Status Interaction During the Reign of Louis XIV,”(review), Journal of Modern History, 88, 4 (2017), pp. 35-6.? “Invisible Hands,”(review), Journal of Interdisciplinary History 2 (2016), pp, 28-30.? “Brokers of Public Trust: Notaries in Early Modern Rome,” (Review), 2010 American Historical Review, (2011), pp. 237-8.? “Dissimulation and the Culture of Secrecy in Early Modern Europe,” (Review), H-France 10 (2010), pp. pp. 616-19. ? “Rethinking the Foundations of Modern Political Thought,” (Review), 2009Journal of Modern History 81 (2009), pp. 639-40.? “Une histoire de l’identité,” (Review) H-France, January, 2009: ? “Cultural Translation in Early Modern Europe,” (Review) American Historical Review, 113 (2008), pp. 893-4.? “Juan de Mariana and Early Modern Spanish Political Thought,” (Review) Renaissance Quarterly, 61 (2008), p. 172. ? “Le parlement de Paris ou la voix de la raison (1559-1589),” (Review) American Historical Review, 3 (2006), pp. 909-10. ? “Justus Lipsius (1547-1606)”Dictionary of Early Modern History (New York: Scribners, 2003), pp. 513-514. ? “Historians and Ideologues: Essays in Honor of Donald Kelley” (Review)Journal of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, 8 (2003), pp. 692-3. ? “A Culture of Fact” (Review)Eighteenth-Century Thought, 1 (2003), pp. 379-82. ? “Tortured Subjects” (Review)Renaissance Quarterly 55 (2003), pp. 1417-18. ? “The Social History of Skepticism” (Review)Journal of Interdisciplinary History 2 (2000) pp. 280-1. ? “The Dutch Revolt and the French Wars of Religion” (Review)Sixteenth Century Journal (2000). ? “The Nature of the Book” (Review)The Library Quarterly 69 (1999), pp. 367-9.? "The First Princeton Conference on the History of the Book" Bulletin du Bibliophile 2 (1997) pp. 222-226.? "The Making of the Wren Library" (Review)Bulletin du Bibliophile 2 (1996) pp. 410-412.Awards and Honors ?Visiting Fellow, John Carter Brown Library, Brown University, Invited. ?Visiting Fellow, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, 2018 ? National Endowment for the Humanities, Public Scholar Grant, 2017 (accepted for 2018-2019) ? MacArthur Foundation Fellow, 2011-2016 ? Visiting Scholar, Trinity College, Cambridge University, 2009 ? John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow, 2009-10 ? Fernand Braudel Visiting Professor, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, 2007 ? Jacques Barzun Prize in Cultural History, American Philosophical Society, 2005 ? Fellow, National Endowment for the Humanities, 2005-2006 ? Franklin Grant, American Philosophical Society, 2004 ? Selma V. Forkosch Prize for the Best Article Published in the Journal of the History of Ideas in the Year 2000? Rutgers University Research Council Grant, 2000-1 ? Fellow, Rutgers University Center for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Culture, 2000-1? Luso-American Foundation Research Fellowship, Summer, 1998 ? Magdalene College Research Scholarship, Summer, 1998? Magdalene College Leslie Wilson Research Scholarship, Summer, 1997? Magdalene College Research Award, Easter Term, 1997? Cambridge Historical Society Research Grant, Easter Term, 1997? Royal Historical Society Research Grant, Lent Term, 1996? Prince Consort and Thirlwall Fund Grant, Easter Term, 1996? Bibliographical Society Research Grant, Easter Term, 1996? Overseas Research Scholarship, 1995 (3-year tuition fellowship)? Cambridge Overseas Trust Bursary, 1995 (3-year tuition fellowship)? Rotary Club Study Abroad Fellowship, 1991? Phi Beta Kappa University of Iowa, 1991Professional Activities? Member of the Leo Gershoy Book Prize Committee, AHA, 2018-?Advised for State Visit to California and to USC of Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez?Boardmember, Kazarian Foundation for Public Financial Management? Co-organizer with Bob Shrum, “Migration and the Modern State,” a conference at USC with speakers including former British Prime Minister,…. Gordon Brown and the European Commission High Commissioner for Refugees,…..Dimitris Avramopoulos, March, 2018 ?Organizer, Visit and Speech of Dr. Pedro Sánchez, Secretary General of the Spanish Socialist Party, January, 2018? Advisor to the Prime Minister of Greece and Greek government on financial reform and debt relief, 2017? Participant in two events decicated to Greek edition of my book by the Greek government involving senior representatives of all the Greek political parties and USC President Max Nikias? Advised Portuguese Government on economic reform? Organizer, international conference at the USC Martens Economic History Forum/EMSI, Jan de Vries’ First Modern Economy Thesis Revisited, 2017 ? Book manuscript reviewer Harvard University Press; University of Chicago Press 2016, 2017 ? 2016 Organizer of the“USC Global Leadership Summit: Government Financial Transparency and Accountability, & the European Economic Crisis: Paths to Prosperity” Invited ministerial representatives of all the major stakeholders (IMF, ECB, EU, German Government, and Greek Politial Parties in the Greek Debt Crisis with more the $700,000 of outside funding to USC from the Kazarian Foundation and unprecedetned cross disciplinary support between Dornsife College, the Martens Economic Forum/EMSI and the Leventhal School of Accounting, 2016 ? 2015 Co-Organizer of Florence after the Medici, EMSI Conference, 2015 ? 2015 Organizer as Director of Martens Economic Forum, Accounting and Accountability in Early Modern Britain ? 2015 Helped obtain $500,000 endowment to found the USC Dornsife/EMSI Martens Economic Forum, of which I am the director ? 2012 Program Committee Chair, American Historical Association ? Editorial Board, French Historical Studies ? Grant Committee, National Endowment for the Humanities, 2008 ? Referee, European Research Council 2008-2013. ? Program Committee Member, Society for French Historical Studies, Annual Meeting, Rutgers University, March, 2008 ? Co-Founder and Associate Editor, Republic of Letters, a journal founded at Stanford University in Collaboration with Professor Dan Edelstein, 2007. ? Co-Organizer, “The Republic of Letters: Between Renaissance and Enlightenment,” Conference at Stanford University, Nov 30-Dec 1, 2007 ? Co-Organizer, “Machiavellismo e Machiavellismi nella tradizione politica occidentale (secoli XVI-XX): Progetto di una Rete di ricerca et di dibattito in presenza e su Internet (2007-2013), Fondazione Luigi Firpo, Turin, Italy. ? Co-Editor and Founder, Book Series: “Cultures of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe,” University of Michigan Press ? Associate Member, Groupe Interdisciplinaire de l’Histoire du Littéraire, EHESS, Paris ? Member, Research Group on Reason of State, Università degli studi di Napoli Federic II ? Referee, MacArthur Foundation, 2002 ? Article Referee, American Historical Review, Journal of the History of Ideas; Book History, French Historical Studies, Renaissance Quarterly. Bulletin du Bibliophile, William and Mary Quarterly? Book Referee, Harvard University Press, University of Chicago Press, University of Michigan Press, University of Pennsylvania PressUniversity Administrative, Departmental and Campus Service USC ? Organized President’s Distinguished Lecture by Pedro Sánchez, Prime Minister of Spain ? USC Tenure and Promotions Committee, 2018-19 ? USC New Student Commencement Faculty Speaker, 2018 ? Leventhal School of Accounting, Trustee Meeting Keynote, November 3, 2017 ? Faculty Speaker for the official opening of University Village, with President Nikias and LA Mayor Eric Garcetti October 3, 2017 ? Helped host and led public discussion with Prime Minister David Camermon of the UK, USC President’s Distinguished Lecture Series, Feb. 2, 2017 ? USC Student Commencement Faculty Speaker, 2017 ? USC Department of History, Van Hunnick Chair in Modern European History Search Chair, 2017 ? USC New Student Commencement Faculty Speaker, 2016 ? USC Department of History, Graduate Studies Committee Member, 2015- ? USC Department of History Graduate Studies Committee ? USC Dornsife College Dean Search Committee, 2015-16 ? USC Provost Search Committee, 2014-15 ? Founding Director of USC Martens Economic Forum ($500,000 Donation)2015 ? Department of History, Hubbard Chair Search Committee Member, 2014-15 ? Department of History, Executive CommitteeFull Professor Representative, 2014-15 ? USC New Student Commencement Faculty Speaker, 2014 (twice) ? University Tenure and Promotions Committee, 2014-15 ? USC Visions and Voices Speaker, 2014 ? USC Trustee Retreat Speaker, 2014 ? USC Trojan League Speaker, 2014 ? USC Trojan Family Day Speaker, October, 2013 ? USC Provostial Libraries Review Committee Member, 2013 ? General Education Revision Committee, Sub-Committee Member (QuantitaveReasoning), 2013 ? Chair, Executive Committee, History Department, 2013-14 ? Chair, Reading, Search Committee, History Department, 2012-13 ? Member, Graduate Committee, 2012-13 ? Member, Reading, Search Committee, History Department, 2012 RUTGERS ? Faculty Senate, Academic Standing Committee, Academic PolicyCommittee, Full Professor Promotions Committee, Served on Four Job Search Committees, Promotion Committee Member, Tenure CommitteeGeneral Academic ServiceTenure and Promotion Referee: UCLA, 2012 UC Berkeley, 2013, UC Irvine, 2013, Michigan State, 2014, Yashiva University, 2015; Princeton University, 2015; Harvard University, 2015; UC Santa Barbara, 2015; Berkeley, 2015; UCLA, 2016; Berkeley, 2016; University of Michigan, 2016; MIT, 2018; Yale, 2018.Languages:French: native proficiency; Italian: speaking and reading; Portuguese: speaking and reading; Spanish: basic comprehension, can speak with a bad Portuguese accent, and read; German: basic reading; Latin: basic reading with dictionary.Papers/Talks ?Address to the Hellenic Parliament, Athens, July, 2018 ?Invited Speaker, Conference in Honor of Margaret Jacob, Clark Library, April, 2018 ? Keynote Speech, Internal Audit Service Conference led by Vice President Frans Timmermans, The European Commission, Brussels, October, 2017 ? Keynote Speaker, National Public Library of Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 2017 ? Invited Seminar Speaker, School of Accounting, National University of Taiwan, Sept, 2017 ? Keynote Speaker, Conference on Public Financial Management, Lisbon, June, 2017 ? Keynote Speaker, University of Thessaloniki/NATO, May, 2017 ? Keynote Speaker, University of Pireaus/Foreign Ministry of Greece, May, 2017 ? Keynote Speaker, National Kapidostrian University of Athens, May, 2017 ? Invited Speaker, Stanford University Conference on Jansenism and Economic Thought, April, 2017 ? Keynote Speaker, Global Histories of State Taxation Since the Late 19th Century, Institution for European Global Studies, University of Basel, Switzerland, December, 2016 ? Keynote Speaker, ICAEW Fall Gala, Singapore, November, 2016 ? Invited Speaker, Conference on Public Financial Management Challenges for Portugal, ISCTE-IUL Business School, Lisbon, Organized by the Portuguese Minister of Finance, his Cabinet and the Parliamentary Commission on the Budget and Finance, October, 2016 ? Keynote Speaker, Orin Ethics Symposium, University of Missouri Business School, October, 2016 ? Invited Speaker, University of Amsterdam, “Colbert’s Republic of Letters,” June, 2016 ? Keynote Speaker, Princes and Paperwork Conference, University of Groeningen, June 2016 ? Invited Speaker and Masterclass Teacher, Princeton University History Department, April, 2016 ? Washington and Lee, Cincinattus Speaker, March, 2016 ? Plenary Speaker, Geneva Group International, Boston, October, 2015 ? Plenary Speaker, American Accounting Association, Chicago, August, 2015 ? Plenary Speaker, ICAEW Summer Reception, Brussels, June 2015 ? Invited Speaker, La Marchandisation de l’Humain, Conference, the Sorbonne, Paris, June , 2015 ? Invited Speaker, University Federico II, Naples, May 2015 ? Invited Speaker, UCLA Modern European History Seminar, 2015 ? Invited Speaker, Harvard Kennedy School Seminar on History and Policy, March, 2015 ? Rava Lecture in Italian Studies, Washington University, St Louis, Feb, 2015 ? American Society of Eighteenth Century Studies, March, 2015 ? Address to the Faculty of Accounting, USC Leventhal School, October, 2014 ? Invited Speaker, University of Lisbon, 2014 ? Invited Speaker, ?cole des Hautes ?tudes en Sciences Sociales OctoberParis, 2014 ? Invited Speaker, UC Berkeley, Department of Geography, October, 2014 ? Invited Speaker, Harvard Business School, September, 2014 ? Invited Speaker, Stanford Humanities Center, May, 2014 ? Keynote Speaker, American Library Association, Chicago, June, 2014 ? Keynote Speaker, University of Amsterdam “Inventing the News”June, 2014 ? Invited Speaker, Cambridge University, Economic History SeminarJune, 2014 ? Invited Speaker, London School of Economics, June, 2014 ? Invited Speaker, British Academy Conference on Record KeepingLondon, April, 2014 ? Invited Speaker, Harvard Business School, October, 2013 ? Huygens-Descartes Annual Lecture to the City of Amsterdam, October, 2013 ? Invited Speaker, University of Utrecht, October, 2013 ? Invited Speaker, USC Center for Law History and Culture, September, 2013 ? Invited Speaker, Università Federico II, Naples, Italy, June, 2013 ? Invited Speaker, Fondazione Luigi Firpo, Turin, Italy June, 2013 ? Keynote Speaker, Library History, American Library Association, Chicago, June 2013 ? Invited Speaker, University of Cambridge/EMSI Conference, May, 2013 ? Invited Speaker, University of Pennsylvania Seminar on Economic History,October, 2012 ? Invited Speaker, Borchard Foundation, France, June, 2012 ? Invited Speaker, Maison Fran?aise, Columbia University, Feb, 2012 ? Invited Speaker, TEDx New Wall Street, Mountain View, CA, Jan, 2012 ? Invited Speaker, “Enlightenment 2.0,” UC Berkeley, October, 2011 ? Invited Speaker, Columbia University, Eighteenth-Century Seminar, March, 2011 ? Invited Speaker, University of Buffalo, Early Modern Seminar, March, 2011 ? Invited Speaker, University of Florida Humanities Center, October, 2010 ? Invited Speaker, “Pact With the Devil: Anti-Machiavellism” Conference,” University of Sussex, June 2010 ? Invited Speaker, Bodleian Library, Oxford University UK, June 2010 ? Invited Participant, Liberty Fund Seminar on Guicciardini, February, 2010 ? Invited Speaker, The Politics of Antiquity in Enlightenment France, University of Chicago, February, 2010 ? Invited Speaker, Economic History Seminar, Cambridge University, October 29, 2009 ? Keynote Speaker, Society for Interdisciplinary Seventeenth-Century French Studies, Annual Conference, October 22nd, 2009 ? Invited Speaker, Erfurt University, Germany, October 1, 2009 ? Invited Speaker, Fondazione Luigi Firpo, Turin, Italy, Machiavellism and Neo Platonism, September 26-7, 2009 ? Keynote Speaker, The Other Canon Foundation, Oslo, Norway, June, 2009 ? Invited Speaker, Princeton Renaissance Colloquium, April 30th, 2009 ? Invited Speaker, Clark Library, UCLA, “The Limits of the Atlantic Republican Tradition,” April 17-18, 2009. ? Invited Speaker, Clark Library, UCLA, “In and Out of the Archives, Jan. 23-4, 2009 ? Invited Speaker, Fondazione Luigi Firpo, Le guerre di religione, Sept. 26-7, 2008, Turin, Italy. ? Invited Speaker, Center for Economic History, Cambridge University, June, 2008 ? Society for French Historical Studies, Panel Organizer, paper presented, March, 2008 ? Invited Speaker, The Johns Hopkins University History Department Seminar,February, 2008. ? “Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s Republic of Letters, at The Republic of Letters: Between Renaissance and Enlightenment, Conference at Stanford University, Nov 30-Dec 1, 2007 ? Invited Speaker, Conference on Late Humanism, Cambridge University, July, 2007 ? Invited Speaker, Conference on Political Counsel, University of Liverpool, July, 2007 ? RSA Paper presented, March 2007 ? Invited Speaker, Grotius, Tacitus and the Annales et Historiae de rebus Belgicus (1612). The Imitation of Language and Style, Nijmegen University, January, 2007 ? Invited Speaker, Institut für Europ?osche Kulturgeschichte, Universit?t Augsburg, June, 2006 ? RSA Panel Organizer 2006: Public and Secret Political Informatio ? Invited Speaker, “Opening The Archives,” Conference at the Radcliff Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, April 2006 ? Invited Speaker, Instituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, “Lo Stato fra passato e futuro,” February, 2006 ? Invited Speaker, “Information in der Fruehen Neuzeit,” Historisches Seminar der Ludwig Maximilians-Universitaet, München, February, 22-4, 2006 ? Invited Speaker, French Culture Workshop, Stanford University Humanities Center, October 11, 2005: ? Invited speaker, Fondazione Luigi Firpo, Turin, Italy, September 8-9, 2005 ? “Monsieur Colbert’s Notebooks”RSA Panel Organizer and Paper-Presenter, “Humanist Note-Taking”Cambridge, UK, April, 200 ? “Publishing The Prince: A Book History of Machiavelli”Intellectual History and the History of the Book, conference co-organized with Professor Robert Darnton at Princeton University, December, 3-5, 2004 ? ‘Of Princes and Paperwork: Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s Secret State InformationSystem’ Bard College Graduate Center, Seminar in Cultural History, October, 2004 ? “Du Prince à la Paperasse”Ecole des Hautes ?tudes en Sciences Sociales, Séminaire du GRIHL, June, 2004 ? “Machiavellian Reformation: Radical Reading and the Origins of Secular Political Culture” Renaissance Society of America, April, 2004 ? “Les Outils du pouvoir: observation et gouvernement en France 1560-1700”EHESS, Paris, June, 2003 ? “Publishing The Prince: Enlightened Readers and the Renaissance Books they Read,” Library of Congress, December, 2002 ? “Guérir le corps politique: médecins royaux, histoire et la naissance de l’état moderne,” ?cole de Hautes ?tudes en Sciences Sociales, May, 2002 ? “Amelot de La Houssaye et la transformation de la critique historique”American Society for the Study of Seventeenth-Century French LiteratureUniversity of Virginia, March, 2002 ? “The Transformation of Political Criticism in France from Bodin to Bayle”Princeton/Rutgers Early Modern Colloquium, October, 2002 ? “Amelot de La Houssaye et la transformation de la critique historique”Collège de France, Paris. Séminaire de Marc Fumaroli, May, 2001? “Healing the Body Politic: French Doctors, History and the Birth of a Nation 1560-1643”The Renaissance Society of America, Chicago, March, 2001? Panel Organizer, AHA Convention, Boston, January, 2001: “The Uses of Historical Evidence in Early Modern Europe”Paper: “Evidence of Liberty: Politics and Historical Documents in Early Modern France? “Textual Subversion: The Print Practices of Criticism in France 1670-1700” University of Pennsylvania Material Culture Colloquium, September 2000? “For a Book History of Ideas: The Case of Amelot de La Houssaye” Drew University Conference, History of the Book: The Next Generation,September 2000? “Amelot de La Houssaye Annotates Tacitus”University of Edinburgh Conference on Material Culture, July 2000? “ Garcia d’Orta and Matthioli’s Dialogue on Authoritative Sources”Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Conference on Discovery and Science, July, 2000? “La publication de la raison d’état en France 1670-1715”Ecole des Hautes ?tudes en Sciences Sociales, Séminaire du GRIHL, June2000 ? “The Documents of French Politics: 1580-1725” Society for French Historical Studies, Washington DC, March, 1999? “Historical Documentation in Early Modern France”Princeton Renaissance Colloquium, April, 1999? “Ciceroniansim, Tacitism and the Birth of Critical History in France”Cambridge Neo-Latin Society Conference on Literary Quarrels,Cambridge University, September, 1998? “The Battle of Historiographical Ars Rhetorica: Eloquence vs. Prudence in France (1400-1750)”Princeton Renaissance Colloquium, March, 1998? “Amelot de La Houssaye and the Tacitean Tradition in France”Society for the History of Authroship, Reading and Printing,Cambridge University, July, 1997? “The Battle of Historiographical Ars Rhetorica: Eloquence vs. Prudence in France (1400-1750)”Cambridge Graduate Seminar in Early Modern European Cultural,Intellectual and Social History, May, 1997? "How Amelot de La Houssaye (1634-1706) Wrote His History"Conference on the Social Contexts of Cultural Production, Gabinete deSociologia Histórica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, November, 1994? "Exegèse politique dans un exemplaire des ?uvres de Tacite, XVII siècle"Professor Roger Chartier's Séminaire de Doctorat,?cole des Hautes ?tudes en Sociales, Paris, February, 1994? "Amelot de La Houssaye: stratégie d'auteur et pensée politique"Professor Roger Chartier's Séminaire de Doctorat,?cole des Hautes ?tudes en Sociales, Paris, April, 1993InstructionUSC Courses Taught and Various InstructionHistory 610: USC/UCLA Joint Graduate Seminar on the History of Political Opposition inEarly Modern Europe taught with Professor Margaret JacobHistory 103gFIRST EVER SUCH COURSE AT USC, offered between Dornsife and the Business School:History 499/ACC 442—co-offered in Dornsife and the Leventhal School of Accounting Independent Reading Course with Lauren Dodds, Ph.D. candidate in Art History, 2014PHD Committee Member, Department of History, Karin AmundsenPHD Supervisor, Department of History, Harrison DiskinRutgersPresident, PHD Committee, Department of History, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, Jennifer Ingles-Wilson, first year.PHD Committee Member, Department of History, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, Elizabeth Churchich, Protestant Educational Reform and State Building under Louis XIV Rutgers University, New Brunswick, Graduate PDR on the History of Culture, Politics and Information in Early Modern Europe, Fall, 2008.European University Institute, Florence, 2007: Graduate Thesis Supervision and Method SeminarsRutgers University, Camden:? Selection of courses 1999-2006: Renaissance Humanism and the Cultures of Reformation; Western Civilization: The Citizen and the State; Western Civ II: The Quest for Modernity; Authority and Science in Early Modern Europe; Honors Seminar: Statecraft in Early Modern France 1500-1715; Readings from the Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance; Perspectives History Paper and Research Seminar; Senior Seminar; Absolutist Culture in Early Modern Europe; The Enlightenment and French Revolution; Medieval Society; Undergraduate Independent Study; Graduate Course: Craft of History—Socio-Cultural History and the History of Knowledge.Princeton University Visiting Lectureship: ? Undergraduate Thesis Advisor, Princeton, Spring Semester, 1999 ? History 347 The Origins of the Modern State (T. Rabb)Princeton, Spring Semester, 1999 ? History 361 Culture and Society in Imperial and Soviet Russia (L. Engelstein)Princeton, Spring Semester, 1999 ? History 350 History of France, 1685-1800 (R. Darnton)Princeton, Fall Semester, 1998Two supplementary sections conducted in French? History 211 The Emergence of Europe, Antiquity to 1700 (M. Mahoney)Princeton, Fall Semester, 1998? History 341 Mysticism, Heresy and Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe (T. Ruiz)Princeton, Spring Semester, 1998 Cambridge University Supervisions:? European Cultural History, 1450-1760, Lent Term, 1997? English Economic and Social History, 1400-1800, Easter Term, 1997? The History of Political Thought from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, Lent Term, 1997 ................

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